I am the Creator of Mythology

Chapter 176: Flying knife, see flying knife again!

Innate innocence turned into fire.

The disciples of the Virgin's Palace were instantly burned by fire, and they all fought desperately to fight back with true yuan and flew backwards.


"My skirt!"

"Clothes ... clothes burned out!"

Disciples of the Virgin Palace screamed.

And Qian Shanxue turned his eyes at this time, looking again at the direction of the peach wood cage trapped by Yanning. When the flames rose in both eyes, there was another anxiety.

Because no one knows the true situation of Yanning better than her.

From a certain perspective, Yanning now does possess some kind of mysterious power, but this power does not seem to change Yanning's physique.

Simply put, Yanning is a ball of paper wrapped in fire.

May break at any time!

And the air sword that a peach blossom attacked just now is definitely not low.

"How is the husband?" Qianshan Xue was anxious. When she looked at Yanning's direction, she just saw thirty Guoshifu disciples in front of the Taomu cage.


Qianshanxue's foot kicked, rushing towards Yanning quickly.

However, the disciples of the Virgin's Palace once again quickly formed a sword formation and stopped in front of her. Obviously, there was no intention of retreating.

Fifty disciples, plus a later congenital ...

Even if Qianshanxue is the pinnacle of congenital realm, he must stay!


Disciples of the Virgin Palace danced with swords.

And in the distance.

Disciples of Guoshifu also raised various weapons in their hands.


Thirty disciples from Guoshifu rushed up.



One blue and one white light flew out of the gap of the peach wood cage.



Two swords flashed.

Two disciples of Guoshifu fell seriously injured.

Baisusu and Xiaoqing lay directly in front of the peach wood cage, with fierce lights flashing in their eyes, and blood was dripping from the two swords.

"A snake demon?"

"Is there another maid?"

"Kill them!"

The disciples of Guoshifu froze, and immediately rushed up.

At the same time, at the location where Dongshan came down, the disciples of the war temples such as Zhanbei and Zhannan were also stopped by Han Meimei.

"Give up, I want to save people!" Zhanbei shouted, and the long sword behind him flashed a thunder directly. There was no meaning of delay. He shot directly.


Han Meimei jumped from the black horse.

At the same time, when two palms touched the body, four flying knives of different shapes and sizes were found, and then the two hands shook forward.

"Shoot swoosh!"

Four sounds of breaking the sky sounded.

This is not an ordinary flying knife technique, but it is played according to the different shapes and sizes of flying knife. In this way, four different sounds of breaking the sky are naturally produced.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the speed and power of these four flying knives after shooting are also completely different, there are fast and slow, strong and weak, making it extremely difficult to defend.

"Abei be careful!" Zhannan shouted immediately.


"Ding Ding!"

Three soft beeps.

The three flying knives were blocked by the three war swords.

However, the fourth flying knife stabbed him on the thigh, causing his body to lose its balance instantly and fell to the ground.

"I have no intention to be against you, I am only under the orders of the family teacher, I will not let you pass!" Han Meimei's body fell back to the black horse, and four different flying knives appeared in his hand.

"Nonsense, Yanning is the man of my big country!" Zhannan pulled his sword up, and the lightning flashed on the blade, as if slashing lightning in the air.



Four flying knives shot again.

However, Han Meimei's body did not sit on the black horse anymore, but at the same time as the flying knife shot, he already jumped desperately back.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding!"

Four beeps.

The long sword in Zhanan's hands cut continuously, and instantly cut off four hidden weapons. At the same time, a beam of thunder was cut on the black horse like a crescent moon.

"His !!"

The black horse raised his two front feet and made a long hissing sound. Then, with two eyes and a black "puddle", he knelt in front of Zhannan and spit white foam in his mouth.

"Xiaohei, what's the matter with Xiaohei ?!" Han Meimei's eyes flashed unbearably. She wanted to rush up, but she understood that she didn't dominate in close combat.

"Let's go together, but be careful, this woman is very good at flying knives!" Zhan Nanke no matter what little black is not little black, he knows the importance of time now.


Twenty disciples in the Temple of War immediately rushed up.

Han Meimei didn't hesitate, he turned and ran, but, after running for about ten steps, suddenly he flicked his hands and six flying knives shot.


"Whoosh swish swish!"

"Oh, my grass ... my ass!"


Two screams immediately sounded.

Then, there were four soft sounds. Obviously, these six flying knives directly let the two disciples of the Temple of War lie on the ground.

"Damn!" Zhanbei climbed from the ground at this time, it was really humiliating. From this trip, to the unknown Montenegro, he has been bearing the weight of humiliation.

Now I see the opportunity ...

Yes, he was the first to hide?

I can't bear it!

"Anan, this woman wants to delay the time, you lead the team to save people, I will deal with her!" Zhan Bei gritted his teeth and pulled out the flying knife on his thigh.

"Abei, you can't deal with her alone!" Zhannan replied immediately.

"Relax, I can't die!"

"Okay!" Zhan Nan nodded, and then looked at him: "The five of you stay, and the others will go with me to save Yanning!"


Five disciples remained, and the other dozen disciples rushed in the direction of Yanning together with Zhan Nan.

"Come back to the past!" Han Meimei immediately turned around, and he once again deducted six flying knives in his hand. When he was about to take the shot, he felt a sound of breaking air on the left.

As a master of flying knives.

She is very familiar with this kind of sound, almost instinctively, she rolls sideways, avoiding a cold mountain flying over.


There was a cold light nail on the tree.

Is the one Han Meimei used to fight on the thigh of Zhanbei.

"Don't think it's you who will play the flying knife alone!" Zhan Bei gritted his teeth, and then made a glance at the five disciples of the Temple of War behind him.



The five disciples immediately dispersed.

Attacked Han Meimei from different directions.

"It seems that the disciples of the Temple of War are still not stupid." Han Meimei's eyes narrowed. In this case, she has fallen into a siege, and naturally cannot stop Zhannan and others.


Zhanbei ordered.

The five disciples of the Temple of War immediately killed them.

"Master save me, Mei Mei is going to die !!!" Han Meimei shouted immediately.

This shout is really quite ‘sophisticated’.

And the effect is really good. I suddenly surprised the five disciples of the Temple of War. After all, this master is a peach blossom of the Great Master of the Liangliang Kingdom.

Therefore, the five people almost instinctively looked at the position of a peach blossom.

Then, they saw that a peach blossom was flying under the siege of the five demon kings, flying around in the air, flying around, just like in the game world.

As for the help for Han Meimei ...

As if not heard at all.


"No, I'm fooled!"


Five disciples of the Temple of War immediately responded.

But it was too late, because a few cold lights had broken into the air and attacked them separately.


"Sinister villain!"

"My grass!"

Several screams.

Three disciples of the Temple of War fell to the ground.

And the remaining two people stayed for a while. When they were about to go around again, they suddenly found that Han Meimei had touched them.


Perhaps, melee combat is not Han Meimei's strength, but when the realm becomes a congenital to two top grades, this weakness will naturally have no effect.

Han Meimei tiger rushed forward.

But when he was about to succeed, he was blocked by the war north.

"I see where are you going ?!" Zhanbei cut off with a sword, and then cut a crack on the ground, directly slashing Han Meimei and hit the tree.


The trees were all broken.

"Master saved me, I am really going to die this time !!!" Han Meimei called again.

"Come back? Do you think I will believe ..." Zhanbei Gang was about to bully himself to kill Mei Mei, but suddenly he saw a peach branch growing on the tree that Han Meimei had broken.

Then, he felt something caught on his feet ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ looked down.

Also has a peach blossom branch under his feet, tying his two feet to the ground, strictly.



Four cold lights hit him.

"Anan, save me, I'm dying !!!" Zhanbei was in a hurry, and immediately leaned back, directly avoiding the four flying knives in a lying position.

After all, his sentence was really just a shout. Zhanbei ran to the peach wood cage where Yanning was. Where else would he have time to save him?

However, his call seemed to really startle Han Meimei.

"Wow, there's another rescuer coming, I want to run quickly!" Between the words, Han Meimei ran away in a leg, just a moment, he ran to the distance.

Leave Zhanbei lying in place.

"?????" Zhanbei.

what's the situation?

Hadn't had much time to think, he saw a fiery flame exploding at Xipo's location, and then, more than a dozen figures were blown apart.

Those figures, each carrying Mars.

The original Dou Li was already blown away, and even the long white dress on his body was burnt black, so shabby that he could not cover his body.

Dropped the long sword to the ground. .

And Bi Xiao, led by the Notre Dame Palace this time, looked dullly at the center of the flame, the figure bathed in flames and blood.

"Thousands of graceful Ganges, the lone mountain is flying ... Flying snow !!!" Bi Xiao shook his hand inexplicably, almost unable to grasp the hilt.