I am the Creator of Mythology

Chapter 179: Fairy sky fairy, 1 sword cut peach bloss

Yanning only made a sword!

Beheaded more than 20 high-end masters!

Because no disciple of Guoshifu can block his sword, then they can only die.

The rain is getting heavier.

"Di Da!"

"Di Da!"

But the spring mood is getting stronger and stronger.

At this moment, the whole world seemed to have become a lot warmer. The grass under the ground vigorously burrowed out of the ground, and the rain hit the blades of grass.

Of course, this warm spring is limited to Yan Ning.

And in the hearts of the demon kings and Beiliang iron armor, there is only cold at this moment, and the bitter cold, like the most winter wind in winter, has hit.

A sword spring comes to all sentient beings!

Blood rain drops everything!

"Rain, why can't it rain on me?" Yan Ning's body was wearing a small white dragon's scale armor, and was born to isolate the rain.

He stood in place.

Rain, but one after another, so that his body is not stained.


"True fairy!"


Everyone's eyes are looking at Yanning.

And Yan Ning's eyes looked at a branch of peach blossom in the sky with a barefoot stepping on the peach wood sword.

Of course, a peach blossom is also watching him.

The eyes of the two met, and Yan Ning's eyes did not have too much chill, and there was no panic in the eyes of a peach blossom.

Meets on all sides, like two passers-by.

The reason for this is actually very simple, because, in Yanning's heart, a peach blossom is already a dead person. Since he is a dead person, why should he have too much hatred?

"I don't know how to use my life for a year, to replace your life ... Is it worth it?" Yan Ning's mouth slowly raised his lips, smiling at a peach blossom.

"One year's life, change my life?" The eyes of a peach flower gradually became brighter, and I don't know if I understood Yan Ning's words.

However, it can be seen that a peach blossom is laughing.

She smiled and looked at Yan Ning, then, with one hand, she plucked a branch of peach wood in the air.

Peachwood branches naturally have no flowers.

This gave her a trace of regret, and then she looked at Yan Ning again: "Qian Shanxue desperately saved you, you are also called Yan Ning. Could it be that you are the little grandpa in Zhenbei Houfu ? "

"Well." Yanning nodded.

But Bi Xiao and the disciples of the Virgin Palace shuddered.

The little Houye in Beihoufu? !

In a flash, Bi Xiao and others thought of the previous "Qian Shanxue" self-talking words.

"The two of them really have a marriage contract!" At this moment, Bi Xiao finally understood how stupid he was, no wonder Qian Shanxue would be willing to promise to owe his love.

Qianshan Xue didn't care about them at all!

What she asked for was just not wanting to waste time on them.

"Hahaha, Dagan actually gave a fairy?" A peach flower smiled again, and then she looked at Qian Shanxue again: "Sadly, the suspicious monarch of Dagan didn't know it, OK. , I ’m not talking nonsense, I will just ask you, would you wish to teach me the dead wood and spring? If you can teach me, then the Mengshan Lingbao will belong to you. "

"Cut you, this Mengshan Lingbao belongs to me as well." Yan Ning said back, and at the same time, he looked at the monsters and Beiliang iron armor in all directions.

All sentient beings are silent.

Everyone you look at me, I look at you.

If Yan Ning really cut a peach blossom, who would dare to **** it? !

The tiger king and the crocodile were trapped in the middle by the five demon kings. They had intended to struggle a bit. Now that they see Yanning waking up, they naturally dare not move.

And Niu Doudou and Tiehanhan are happy faces.

As for Qianshanxue, Jinchanzi and Xiaoqian who have reached Yanning, naturally no one will **** any spiritual treasure with Yanning.

The last thing left is the forces of Zhannan and Bixiao. Both forces now have their own difficulties. No one has any opinion on Yanning's words.

The whole Mengshan is as quiet as nothing.

Only the rain is getting bigger and bigger, making a ticking noise.

"Don't be so impulsive. If the spirit treasure of Mengshan can't impress you, I can think of another way. As long as you can tell, I can satisfy you." 'S hair, a pair of Danfeng eyes blinked gently towards Yanning.

"Well, I'm ready." Yanning finally nodded when he heard this, and slowly raised the white dragon sword in his hand, pointing to a peach blossom.

"?????" A peach blossom.

This is really a bit inexplicable.

Moreover, it does not comply with the ‘rules of negotiation’ at all. After all, Yan Ning has always shown relative patience.

A peach blossom just wanted to ask.

But the white dragon sword in Yanning's hand was already lit up.


White Dragon Sword uttered a long chant, the silver light on it was bright, as if there were thousands of strands of mist-like thread wrapped around it.

This sword has not really shot yet, but a peach blossom has already felt the sharp edge of the sword.


Very sharp sword!

Lingbao level!

Moreover, there seems to be sword spirit inside.

Well, this is really a peerless sword that absolutely fits the status of a fairy.


There is no more nonsense in a peach blossom, just turn around and run.

She stepped on the mahogany sword and flew rapidly in the rainy night sky, as fast as a meteor across the sky.

At the same time, Yanning's sword also appeared.

At this moment, Bailongjian flew out.

Go straight to the sky!


There is only one sword shadow in the sky.

All Beiliang iron armor and 80,000 demon soldiers stared at this scene with wide eyes.

"Flying sword !!!"

"This is the real flying sword technique!"

"Peerless sword fairy, he really is that peerless sword fairy!"

"I finally saw Feijian!"

Screamed with exclamation.

North Liang Iron Armor and 80 thousand demon soldiers exclaimed.

Bixiao and the disciples of the Virgin's Palace opened their mouths one by one. Of course, the one with the largest mouth opening was still the North of the Temple of War.

Although Zhanbei has gradually accepted the status of Yanning Fairy Master, when he really saw Yanning use the flying sword, he still could not accept it.

"Flying sword! Grass, Yanning can really fly a sword !!!" Zhanbei's mouth was almost open to put a fist, he was really ignorant.

And in fact, all sentient beings now, whether they are humans or demon, are captured by this sword.

Flying sword through the clouds!

This is a sword of peerless sword fairy!

However, what shocked them even more was that when the sword pierced the cloud, it seemed that there were fairies falling from the sky.

They stand in the clouds.

Also holds a sword in his hand.

Or dance, or thorn, or pick, or hack ...

The sound of fairy music sounded from their mouth, resonating with the white dragon sword.

Everyone looked up at the clouds.

"Sir, this sword is really powerful!" Bai Susu and Xiaoqing looked up.

"The realm of the sword of the son, Xiaoqian may not be able to achieve it even with the three generations and three generations!" Xiaoqian also looked at the sword pierced into the cloud.

"Fortunately, I surrendered and surrendered quickly, otherwise, I would probably be chopped off by Master's sword." Niu Doudou looked fortunate.

"Yeah, fortunately, when you persuaded me to surrender, I surrendered quickly, otherwise there would be no Princess Iron Fan now." Tiehan Han also nodded.

"Anyway, I certainly can't stop this sword!" The King of Fox showed admiration.

"Well, we can't stop it." The other demon kings nodded.

"..." Crocodile King and Tiger King.

"The fairy master doesn't understand the depth of the Dharma, this flying sword technique is even more shocking!" Jin Chanzi stopped because he knew that Yanning no longer needed him to save.

And stopped at a location not far from Jin Chanzi, there was a girl in a white dress stained with blood.

Is Qianshanxue.

Qianshan Xue looked at the sky, there was a kind of confusion in his eyes, and there was also a kind of doubt: "The powerful husband, is it also so charming?"

On the hill in the distance.

A little golden monkey standing on a yo-yo stone.

He looked at the sword in the sky and the nine fairies dancing on the cloud. He didn't understand what spell it was.

However, inexplicably rose a fever in his heart.

"Is he the strongest fairy in the world?" The little monkey thumped down and knelt down on the ground, and knelt down toward the white boy in the distance: "I must worship him as a teacher!"


In the sky, the silver light of the White Dragon Sword crossed the night sky.

A peach blossom flies desperately.

In a sense, the speed of a branch of peach blossoms is actually really fast, but the speed of Bailongjian is obviously faster than that of a branch of peach blossoms. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

In a moment, Bai Longjian caught up with a peach blossom.

A peach blossom suddenly stopped at this time, her eyes did not look at the white dragon sword from the thorn, but stared closely at a short figure not far away.

"Mei Mei, the horse ordered to withdraw troops!"


While the voice fell.

White Dragon Sword had already scratched a chest of peach blossoms.

Pierced in from the front chest, and pierced out from the back, the sword was cut off, and the expression on the face of a peach blossom instantly became dull.

"Yan Ning, I haven't finished the conditions just now. If you want to know how your father Yan Xiaotian died, you are welcome to come to the capital city of Beiliang!"

The voice of a peach blossom sounded again, and then, it seemed a little unwilling: "The old lady was too lost this time. Bai worked hard for a few days and did not know what this Lingshan Lingbao is? ! "


With the voice of a peach blossom falling.

In the distance, under the dead tree, a loud noise suddenly sounded.


The whole dead tree was cut off.

The dead tree rushed into the sky, and then exploded suddenly.

It seemed that something was flying out of the trunk of the dead tree, just like a bird out of the cage, flying towards the clouds of the sky.

And on a big tree in the distance.

A bird with green feathers on his head blinked at the moment.

"Wow, Lingbao was born !!!"

(Wow, ask for monthly ticket!)