I am the Creator of Mythology

Chapter 258: Avenue 50, Tianyan 49, and escape 1


"Teaching without class ?!"

More than Jiu Lingzi trembles, including all the demon kings and monsters present, when they heard these four words, their hearts were completely shocked.

Because, these four short words represent extraordinary significance.

Yanning looked at Jiu Lingzi, who was trembling in front of him, and then looked at the demon kings with rounded eyes. Of course, he knew how much sensation these four words would cause.

This is the doctrine of cutting off teaching.

It means that people who have no hair and horns, and those who are wet and spawned can all coexist in the same group. As long as you have the heart and the way, you can teach me. I will teach you wholeheartedly.

"The road is fifty, Tianyan is forty-nine, and Dun goes one." Yan Ning opened his eyes again, glancing at the monsters: "The one that went away is the first line of vitality that I teach to intercept for all beings!"

"Dun Go One, is the first line of life that I taught for all beings to intercept ?!" Although, not all monsters can understand the 'Dadao 50, Tian Yan Forty-nine in Yanning's mouth, and Dun Go One' The meaning of, but, to intercept the first-line vitality for all beings, they can understand clearly.

Because, the meaning of this sentence coincides with the four words ‘teaching without class’.

"Yes, my immortal gate, just to cut off the teaching!" Yanning nodded.

"Teaching?" All the demon are you looking at me, I look at you, and then, they seem to wake up, all cheering one by one.



"Take the first line of life!"

The demon turned from sad to happy.

Yanning's face also showed a smile.

In the story of Fengshen, the cut-off teaching is really the first major teaching, and enjoys the reputation of "the immortal dynasty".

Although, in a sense, the winning side of the War of Gods is regarded as interpretation, but this does not mean that the strength of interpretation is higher than that of interception.

In fact, on the contrary, Yan Ning has always believed that, in terms of combat power alone, cutting off teaching is better than elucidating teaching. After all, the number of cutting off disciples is far superior to that of teaching.

As for other things ...

For example, after the establishment of the cut-off education, will he be ashamed of the "right way" and embark on the tragic path of the cut-off education? This point, he does not care.

To put it bluntly, the myth of this world was created by me, I am afraid of what "right way" you are?

10,000 steps back, said that the establishment of the cut-off is not the ultimate goal of Yan Ning, but the road is a step by step, not too high.

He now needs to build a ‘Xianmen’, to broaden his disciples, and help him through the days of disaster.

As for the future, I will talk about it later.

Of course, Yan Ning chose to cut off teaching for two other important reasons. The first is that he pursued a wide-ranging disciple, not avoiding people and demons. The more disciples, the faster his “golden body” will unite, then, Explain the teachings in teaching, pay attention to following the sky, explain the heavens, divide all things into three, six, nine, etc. The teachings based on talents are not suitable.

In addition to this, the second point is that he is essentially a fan of teaching interception. First of all, regardless of the methods of sneak attack used by the interpreter in killing the disciples of the teaching of interception in the battle of the gods.

Speaking of doctrine alone, Yan Ning is more inclined to teach without class, to intercept the first-line vitality for all beings, but does not like what goes along with the sky, and expounds heaven.

How do you say something?

I only do what I like to do, as for right or evil? Comment on later generations!

At this point, Yanning's thoughts turned to Jiu Lingzi again.

"Nine Lingzi!"


I don't know why, Jiu Lingzi subconsciously answered with a word 'zai'. Although, after speaking, he felt something was wrong.

However, by the time he reacted, Yanning had spoken again.

"Lingtai Fangcunshan, Xingyue Sanxingdong, I intend to open the door here and teach the supreme immortal method, do not avoid people and demon, as long as they are willing to enter my teaching, there are teachings and classes, can you agree?"

"Same ... Agree." Jiu Lingzi gritted his teeth, he was defeated, can't he agree?

"Okay, then I'll ask you again, I teach:" Huang Ting Jing "," Shang Qing Da Dong Zhen Jing "," Ling Bao Infinite High-grade Tranquility "," Ling Bao Dong Yuan Mantra "," Tai Shang Dong " "Xuan Ling Bao Chi Shu Yu Ju Miao Jing", "Dong Xuan Ling Bao Five Senses" "Shang Qing supreme mixed regular sun and menstruation" and other superb magic methods, would you like to learn? "Yan Ning asked again.

"I ..." Jiu Lingzi's eyes were rounded.

So many supreme tricks, it is very powerful when he hears the name. If he does n’t want to learn it, it must be fake, but as a fairy, he also has his own self-esteem.

Although he was defeated by Yanning ...

But it would be difficult for him to knock down Yanning immediately.

However, at this moment, a fire lizard king suddenly rushed to the front of Jiu Lingzi, and then, he flung towards Yanning and knelt on the ground.

"I am willing to learn !!! I am willing to enter the teaching, please immortal long to accept me as a disciple !!!" The fire lizard king knelt quite simply, without any rack.

Because she has been completely stunned by the ‘Tianlei Refiner’ that Yan Ning has just displayed. It is certainly quite powerful to have such an immortal gate.

"I am also willing to learn, and I am willing to enter the teaching!" Snow Leopard King looked down and immediately knelt down.

"I will too!"

"I will too!"

Immediately, more monsters spoke.

For a time, Yanning knelt in front of him.

After all, as a childish chicken king, the twelve demon kings on Fang Cunshan are already kneeling three.

Looking at this scene, the other demon kings are also very irritable. After all, they all know the truth very well. Once they choose to visit the teacher's door, they kneel early, but brothers and sisters, kneeling late, just Become a teacher and sister, the benefits are not a little bit.

"You ... Bodhi, can I ask you another question?" Jiu Lingzi looked at the kneeling around him, and finally couldn't help it.

"Okay, you ask." Yanning nodded.

"What is your status in cutting off teaching? As far as I know, Xianmen's disciples have to check their qualifications, and they will also talk about their background. If they want to teach Taoist magic, they must also ask them to contribute to Xianmen. You said to open the door in Fangcun Mountain, and said that you want to teach Taoist Immortals, but most of us on Fangcun Mountain are monsters, these ... Did the master of the cut-off leader agree? "Jiu Lingzi said in the end, his eyes were also extremely Complicated, there are doubts and expectations.

"Well, this is a good question, then, I will answer you positively. I am talking about it, and I can say one thing, but I can control life and death!" Yan Ning laughed. In fact, it is really no wonder that Jiulingzi doubted. This is the deep-rooted concept in the world, birth is destined to be high and low.

Moreover, people and monsters have always been incompatible.

Take the seven cities in South County, for example, monsters raged in all cities and slaughtered human beings, but how about human beings? Could it be said that a demon teacher sees a monster that doesn't kill humans, then he doesn't die?

Still not killed!

There are even some demons who will deliberately search for some monsters that have just been produced, kill the female demon, take away the young monsters, and sell them at high prices for the children of the family.

One of them is really wrong.

In addition, Jiu Lingzi once had a tragic past, so when Yan Ning Yang Fang wants to open the immortal gate and teach the magic magic, how dare he believe it?

"I can't tell you the difference, but can you live or die?" Jiu Lingzi was shocked.

Not only Jiu Lingzi, including Qiu Xian'er, but also all monsters, Xiao Xiaoxiao and the victory, etc. When he looked at Yanning again, his eyes changed completely.

An immortal gate, say one thing, can palm life and death?

What does this mean?

This is the prerogative of teaching!




The monsters who were still hesitant, all knelt this time.

But Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao are you looking at me, I look at you, both of them have the expression of "sure enough" in their eyes.

Yan Ning was born in Beihou Mansion, Daganguo Town, but he was only 20 years old, but now he says that he has the right to say "one can say one thing, he can control life and death" in Xianmen Intercepts. Fangcun Mountain Fruit ran ten laps.

"Sister II, do you think she can bear it? This is an illegitimate child taught by Xianmen, even if it is posted upside down, will it benefit a lot?" Qiong Xiao looked at Qiu Xian'er's face in the distance The expression looked at Bixiao again, and he was very worried.

"Nonsense, Master is the master of the first house, how can't bear it?" Bi Xiao bit her lip, and then added a sentence in her heart: "You must hold back, not because he is a fairy You are really an illegitimate child who teaches in the palm of your hand. If you really want to post, you can actually change disciples! "

"That's right, my Virgin's Palace has been passed down for thousands of years, and it's not necessarily weaker than Xianmen's cut-off teaching. Second Sister, you said that we can learn Taoism without worshipping cut-off teaching because of our relationship with Bodhisattva Fairy law? "Qiong Xiao asked again.

"I'm afraid this won't work?" Bi Xiao shook his head.

The two discussed.

Yan Ning has spoken again: "I chose to preach and teach in Fang Cunshan, not to compete with disciples for disciples. What I am teaching about is moral virtue, moral virtue, which means to abandon complicated moral concepts. , Everything is treated with the heart in mind, so you do n’t need to break away from the original martial arts when you join me in teaching. "


"When entering teaching, do not need to leave the original school?"

"Abandon the complicated moral concept, treat everything with your heart?"


This is more than just a monster ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ including all the onlookers are boiling.

Among them, there are a lot of people from the rivers and lakes, and many of them have already joined the martial arts. Although they all want to learn the magic spell of intercepting the Xianmen, they will also care about the rules of the martial arts.

Now, Yan Ning said that to cut off the teaching, there is no need to break away from the original school.

"I'm going to cut off teaching!"

"I want to learn magical magic !!"

"Please Xianchang teach me!"

All the onlookers knelt down.



Just a moment, he knelt all over the floor.