I Am the Fifth of the Four Demon Kings

v2 Chapter 42: Successfully broke up a couple


   Della called the girl's name softly, but couldn't get any response from the other party.

   On the other side, Lu Ming, who was holding the Holy Sword in one hand, had already walked up to Della.

   In the next second, the holy sword in his hand can be cut on Della's neck.

   Della closed her eyes in despair, as if she had never thought of resisting.

  Thinking about it, Della was able to have such prestige among the civilians before, which shows that he is a kind person and never thought of hurting anyone.

   After gaining the power of the Demon Race, he only did it for Serena. After that, he planned to stop using this power for the rest of his life.

   "My Lord Brave, I'm sorry to trouble you..."

   Della closed her eyes and said softly.

   To his surprise, Lu Ming didn't cut off his head immediately.

   instead patted Della on the shoulder and told him earnestly:

   "Young man, don't blame me. I'm teaching you that since you have chosen to sell your soul, it is useless to regret. Your power will be exposed sooner or later."

   "Sooner or later it will be exposed..."

  Della gave a wry smile, without refuting it.

  Since the black-robed people will do bloodline experiments for them, they will definitely be driven to do something in the future. By then, he will definitely not be as the black-robed people's wishes, and sooner or later he will be exposed.

   It’s just that I didn’t expect this day to come so quickly:

   "Do it, Lord Brave."

   Della closed her eyes again, as if she had already accepted her fate.

   In response, Lu Ming sighed and slowly raised the holy sword in his hand:

   "It's no wonder they hate you. Even you hate this power so much, and you don't want to use it when you die. Perhaps for humans, you are also a person..."

   I believe Della himself knows that if he is willing to use that power, no one in this world can stop him.

   It is a pity that he himself looks down on the power of the demons, and it is only natural that such a person will end up in this situation.

   "But to the demons, you are a total enemy."

   When Lu Ming said this, his eyes condensed, and the holy sword in his hand was chopped towards Della's neck.

  Dela's pupils shrank, he seemed to have heard something special from Lu Ming's words, and he stretched out his hand to resist.

  Mozu, why did the ‘brave man’ in front of me suddenly turn his words to the Mozu?

   Is he actually a demons?

   Otherwise, how could there be a way to reveal yourself?

   Now that I think about it, the reason why I couldn't control the power of the blood burst just now seems to be drawn by the atmosphere of the same race.

  Before he died, Della was finally clever. At this moment, the sky above Selam was obscured by darkness, and the entire sky above the city was covered by Della's magic.

"what is that?"

   Selam, who was still in the church palace at the moment, took the bishops and priests out of the palace one after another, looking at the sky that became gloomy in an instant, they felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

   even her hands were shaking:

   "What level of power is this..."

   Selam looked at the sky fearfully. She knew that this kind of power would never be able to resist.

   The people in the church are like this, not to mention the ordinary civilians in the city. Looking at the magic storm all over Della, they thought they were dead.

   It's a pity that he wanted to kill Lu Ming, the demons here, but before his attack was released, the scenery in his eyes suddenly changed.

   He saw a headless body entangled with black magic power.

   Lu Ming had already chopped his head to the ground.

  His reaction was still too slow. He lost the control of his brain. The magic surrounding the corpse quickly dissipated, and even the sky gradually became clear.

   There was a chuckle, and without magic support, Della's body fell to the ground like this.

  Only the unconscious head still has an angry expression, it seems that he was extremely unwilling to die in the end.

   No matter how unwilling he is, he can only turn into the name of Lu Ming's brave, a stepping stone chanted in this city of Salem.

   "It's Lord Brave, Lord Brave defeated that demons!"

   At this moment, the civilians at the gate of Selam City cheered.

   The scene where Lu Ming cut off Della's head, they saw clearly, and naturally they thought it was the brave who saved them.

   What they didn't know was that it was Della who really wanted to save them.

   Even Serena stood up behind her with a touch of emotion, wiped the tears from her cheeks, and looked at the brave in front of her with admiration.

   I completely forgot that the one who was just beheaded by Lu Ming was his childhood sweetheart.

  The fact that the brave saved the entire city of Selam quickly spread throughout the city.

   After all, the dark scene in the sky is obvious to all civilians. Even the church did not dare to easily deal with the enemy, so it was cut off by the brave. The ordinary people's gratitude to Lu Ming can be imagined.

   When he went back, he was greeted by the civilians nearby. Even Serena had been mixed among the civilians, cheering for him with a blushing face.

   Lu Ming's eyes lightly passed Selina, and he said in a low voice that he could only hear:

   "I successfully separated a couple~lightnovelpub.net~Should I congratulate myself..."

   Then he stopped seeing the group of people, and cast a magic casually, and gradually disappeared into the crowd.

   When Lu Ming returned to the saint’s civilian room, in order to prevent the saint from blaming him for not bringing herself, he went straight into his room.

   Somewhat unexpectedly, Ai Tasha was still waiting for her on the bed, and a pair of big white tui stretched out the window, just like that.

   Seeing him come back, it seems to show a meaningful smile:

   "You are back, Lord Brave."

   The word brave in her mouth seemed to bite quite hard.

   Lu Ming, who was pouring water for himself, paused for a while when he heard Aitasha's words, then he held the cup and sat on the side of the bed as usual.

   "It seems that you have guessed what will happen outside."

   "Let me think about it, you should have investigated Della's character a long time ago, and then used him to test me?"

   Lu Ming took a sip of water, and after breathing, he already understood Ai Tasha's behavior, so he raised his eyebrows:

   "What are you waiting here for sure?"

   Regarding Lu Ming’s question, Ai Tasha was not in a hurry to answer, but put her body over, and a slightly cruel beautiful face came to his side:

   "I want to determine whether your brave identity is true or not."

   She stuck to Lu Ming's ear and said softly.

   "Oh? Then what?"

   Lu Ming asked as usual, and did not seem to blame Ai Tasha for daring to guess the identity of the brave.

   You have to know that for Ai Tasha, who is now under the fence, she angered Lu Ming, and she might lose her head at any time.