I Am the Fifth of the Four Demon Kings

v2 Chapter 56: Exile space

   Fortunately, the weight of the air added to the throne was not too large. The saint who was pressed down did not suffer any harm, but was supported by Lu Ming.

   Finally, Lu Ming put the throne in his own storage space, first put it for her, and then left the hall on the first floor together.

   The whole hall is huge, almost as big as half a village. It is usually used for the Demon King to review his subordinates and so on. Therefore, Lu Ming and the others walked for more than 20 minutes before they found a spiral staircase next to the hall.

   There are two levels of spiral staircase, the upper one and the lower one.

   Of course, Lu Ming chose to go up. Normally, under the Demon King’s castle, there are some messy places. There can be no treasures, and he doesn't bother to look at it.

   However, before he stepped into the upward spiral staircase, the corner of his clothes was suddenly caught by someone.

   "Wait, wait, Lord Brave..."

   Lu Ming couldn't help but look back at the saint, wondering what happened to her.

   It’s just that I didn’t expect that at this look, I could see the chest surrounded by the saint shining brightly.

   "Hill, your oppa is shining."

   Lu Ming called out in surprise.

   "What kind of European..."

   The saint gave Lu Ming an angry look, and her face turned red when he said xi. Then she let go of her hands and told him:

"it is this."

   Then Lu Ming saw a familiar long sword. After thinking about it carefully, he remembered that this was the long sword that the saint brought out from the tomb of the purebred demons last time.

   The master is the descendant of the young purebred demon, and he also asked them to help him find a woman.

   Since that time, the saint has been carrying it behind her back, but she didn't expect the sword to move just now, so the saint had to take it off from behind.

   Then she realized that the sword was actually shining.

   "This thing is shining?"

   Lu Ming touched his chin and thought about it. There is a strong magical power inside this 400-plus-level long sword.

   But it is said that if it is not used by a person with a sufficient level, or if it is used by a person who is particularly compatible with it, it is impossible to stimulate the magic inside and make it appear like this.

   Lu Ming couldn't help but stretched out his hand, wanting to see what was coming out of the sword.

   The moment he touched the cold long sword, he realized that it was not the magic of the sword itself that had changed, but the other magic remaining on it.

   "Is it the magic power left by the previous generation of the long sword?"

   Lu Ming murmured a little, and found that it was trembling towards the downward spiral staircase, as if telling them to go there.

   "Let's go down and take a look."

   Lu Ming said simply, since there is something below, it's better to take a look in the past, anyway, they have enough time to explore this Demon King's castle.


   The saint nodded, and happily hung the long sword back behind her back. It seemed that she felt that this time she might be able to fulfill the young man's dying wish.

  After Lu Ming and the saint walked down the spiral staircase, the first thing they felt was a musty rancid smell.

The saint on the side of    couldn't help but wrinkle her nose and asked:

   "What kind of smell is this?"


   Lu Ming said lightly, then took a torch from the wall and lit it with a ‘swish’.

   Soon, a large prison locked with rotting corpses came into their eyes.

   The saint couldn't help taking a step back. The prison in front of me was too creepy.

   In every cell, there are a large number of carrion corpses. Some of these corpses are pierced through bones and hung from the ceiling, and some are locked in boxes and fixed with iron rods through the body. The method is extremely cruel.

  Moreover, these imprisoned corpses are also large and small, with weird shapes, in short, they are not like human beings.

  How could this situation not surprise the saint, but when she retreated, one hand gently supported her back, and Lu Ming's voice came from behind:

   "This is the prison of the demons. In the ancient times, the enemies of the demons were not limited to humans. Most of the people held here are foreigners."

   After hearing Lu Ming’s voice, the saint gradually calmed down. At the same time, thinking about the long sword, her expression became serious:

   "Let's keep going."

   Through the strange prisons, a door appeared in front of them.

   Along the way, the long sword behind the saint seemed to fall into a deep sleep again, and there was no response, so they could only continue to walk.

   With a ‘crack’, the door was opened, and the saint could not help exclaiming, she almost fell.

   What appeared in front of him was an empty space with no ground or even anything. The space could not be seen to the end, as if it was infinite.

   There are many corpses floating in the space. If the saint stepped in accidentally, she suspected that she would fall into the endless abyss below.

   "The connection here is the exile space."

   This time, without waiting for the saint’s question, Lu Ming explained directly:

   "There is no magic, no air, no food, generally useless prisoners will be thrown here, banished, and die quickly and save space."

   "In this world, no one can step into this place and come out alive."

   Lu Ming stood outside, talking softly, without any intention of going inside.

   Unless he has truly mastered the space's ability, otherwise he can enter inside and cannot get out.

   Even Lu Ming didn't know when it appeared or where it was located in this exile space, but in ancient times, there were still formations connected to it.

   requires a lot of materials, even if the Demon King wants to build it is not easy, he also plundered the resources of many races, and successfully established a connection gate in his Demon King's castle. I didn't expect this Demon King also has it here.

   At this time, the long sword behind the saint shining again, stronger than before, seemed to be eager to enter.

   "What, what to do, Lord Brave..."

   The saint said without tears, UU read www.uukanshu.com because she found that the long sword was actually pushing herself in. Obviously, it wanted to enter here.

   Lu Ming grabbed the saint and told her helplessly:

   "Throw it in, it's impossible for us to accompany it in."

   After hearing this, the saint took off the long sword somewhat innocently, and prayed silently, not because they didn't want to help it, but because their abilities were limited.

   However, when she threw the long sword out with difficulty, she saw that the sword had just entered the space in the door, and the momentum of the dash completely stopped.

   instead, floating quietly in this space, no matter how powerful the long sword itself emits, it cannot touch the steps of the space and move freely in this void.

   The magic power in the long sword seemed extremely unwilling, almost exhausted all the remaining magic power on its body, and the dazzling shining of this piece of void was still unable to move.

   Lu Ming shook his head, pulling the saint to leave. He knew that with the magic power left by a 400-level fighter, it was impossible to break through the shackles of space.

   However, in the next second, what surprised him was that something in the void sensed the existence of the long sword, and it also released a ray of light.

   Lu Ming looked over subconsciously. Above the void, there was a mature woman. The woman's magic power did not seem to be dissipated, but was inspired by the magic power of the long sword.

   Of course, what attracted Lu Ming's attention was not the scene where the woman and the sword met, but the books surrounding the woman, grabbing his gaze firmly.

   "Book of the upper limit breakthrough."

   A few big characters caught Lu Ming's eyes.

   (Thanks for the 100-point coin rewarded by the book friends, Sihuan and the future, thank you for your support!)