I Am the Fifth of the Four Demon Kings

v4 Chapter 55: End of the battle

The stagnation of Quite's whole body space disappeared after Lu Ming's voice fell.

At the same time, several salons roared and rushed towards Quett, bringing up a huge sandstone tornado.

With a "boom", after Novi's Salon slammed into Quiet, the entire ground trembled violently, almost ruining most of the battlefield surrounded by Lu Ming's space barrier.

Afterwards, Novi turned around without looking back.

In his eyes, Quett was dead.

After all, Quett had completely lost the magic power to resist his salon, and there was still life in his body corroding him. His state was not even at the end of a strong crossbow, he was half dead.

Even so, Novi chose to use a powerful salon to get rid of him, which is regarded as respect for the other party.

However, Novi turned around, before turning his gaze to Lu Ming's face, suddenly there was a sharp pain on his shoulder, and the pain made him kneel down.

"What, what..."

Kneeling on the ground, Nuowei glanced down at his left shoulder. Over there, there was a hand wrapped in black magic that passed through his shoulder.

The hand is bloody, that is the blood in his body.

Novi fell down in pain, turned his head with difficulty, and saw Quitt's familiar, expressionless face.


Noway's face was incredibly unbelievable, and he couldn't figure out how Quett got rid of his attack in the kind of desperate situation just now.

And not only that, Quite now stands in front of him almost intact, as if the opponent who fought him before was not him.

He suddenly felt a burst of illusion, and he began to wonder if the battle he had just experienced was true.

In response to this, Quett pulled his right hand straight across Novi’s shoulder and pulled it out. In his painful groan, he told him:

"This is what you have always wanted to defeat, the strength of that lord."

Quett said, with a touch of respect in his face.

Quett admired the strength of Lord Demon from the bottom of his heart, as he had always been like before.

Quite couldn't help but sigh with Lu Ming's method of stagnating space just now. It seems that Lord Demon's strength has been further improved, and now it has become even more unfathomable.

Although Quett didn't specify who the lord was, Novi could understand that no matter how stupid he was, he was referring to the brave of the wind.

He couldn't help turning his gaze to the brave of the wind not far away, vaguely, as if he saw Lu Ming's eyes with a little interest.

As if looking at a toy.

At this moment, Novi seemed to know what he was regarded as, like a fighter used to watch battles in ancient times.

Novi smiled miserably, with blood still in his mouth, but did not give up.

"Even if I fail, I will lose in his hands! Not yours!"

Novi suddenly yelled. As the strongest rookie of the Holy Sword Church, he has his own dignity, and he absolutely does not allow the enemy to send a subordinate to solve himself.

Even if he died, he had to defeat Quett, eventually dragging his broken body and dying at the feet of the enemy.

"Burn it! Eternal flames!"

A flame suddenly burst out of his left arm bracelet, with a dazzling light, quickly turning his left arm into ashes.

The flame rushed to his shoulder in an instant. Just when everyone thought he was going to self-immolate and die, suddenly a salon whizzed past, even with Novi’s left shoulder, biting it down, carrying the flames. The group of flames was buried in the ground and disappeared.

Seeing this, Quett raised his eyebrows, because he knew why the other party made such a move suddenly, but he still couldn't help but have the courage to admire the other party.

"You know that I planted a breath of death from your shoulders, and burned him directly with flame magic. You are the most interesting guy I have ever seen without a level."

Quite's death magic power is not ordinary magic power. If this magic power invades the human body, it will infect people with death, and gradually become a zombie will, and eventually become a living corpse.

Because of this, death magic has always been the unique magic of their half-dead people. After the half-dead people disappeared, no users have appeared again, so they disappeared in the long river of history.

Quite praised him for his good knowledge, but Novi smiled embarrassedly:

"The things that our Holy Sword Church understands are far beyond your imagination."

Although praised their church at this time, Novi's current state can be said to be extremely poor.

His face was sweating cold, and if he hadn't had a good will, he would have passed out in pain.

The loss of an arm and shoulder is already fatal to him, a human who has no rank. Now the magic power of the spear in his hand is supporting the movement of his body, otherwise he has already lost his heartbeat.

Quett looked at Novi who was still struggling, and couldn't help but shook his head, and asked him:

"Even if you burn out my magic power, what can you do? With your current state, how do you plan to deal with me in my full state?"

Quite looked down at his hand, felt the abundant magic power in his body, and couldn't help but admire Lu Ming again.

Although I don't know how Lord Demon King did it, his current magic power has indeed returned to its peak, and even the vitality in the body has been cleared by Lord Demon Lord.

With this kind of him, it is impossible for Novi to win. After all, Novi's current state is the same as Quett, who fell under the aura of life in his body at the beginning.

There are still people to save Quett, but Novi is not.

However, Novi did not care about Quett’s question:

"I just lost one arm. As long as there is this, it is not difficult to regenerate my arm."

As Novi said, he reached out and touched the armor covering his chest and extending to his abdomen.

Before, I used the magic power of this thing to restore the earth that was infected by Quett's death breath. Now the magic power in it should have recovered some, and I can help myself to recover an arm.

Seeing this, Quett looked indifferent.

Before he could open his mouth to say something, he saw the expression of Novi who was touching the armor was taken aback, because he actually felt cracks on the top of his own armor.

Afterwards, with a touch, without warning, this armor was like a bursting cup, with fragments splashing, and several wounds were made on his right hand.

And Novi himself still didn't take his hand back in a daze, because he really didn't know when his armor was broken. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

In response, Quett lowered his eyes, did not look at him, and said:

"Forgot to tell you, my lord, when he just helped me escape the desperate situation, he already smashed your armor."

Novi smiled miserably again, what else could he say, all he knew was that Quett was definitely not the one he lost in this battle.

"Don't think so, just want to kill me easily!"

Novi snarled, holding the thought of the last fight, holding the spear he used at the beginning, and rushed towards Quett again.

The only difference between this time and the first time is that in his spear, the magic power is dim, and the earth magic power on it is almost invisible.

And this time, Novi had already lost a left hand, and he couldn't even pick up the bracelet and equipment on the ground, and he ran all the way to blood.

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