I Am the Fifth of the Four Demon Kings

v4 Chapter 83: Saint's message

"This is impossible! How could it be you who hired us at the time!"

After listening to what Lu Ming said, 01 on the ground immediately roared out angrily. He didn't want to believe that the employer who hired them to assassinate the brave of the wind was the brave of the wind himself.

If this is the case, wouldn't it be that their dark blade fell into the enemy's calculations and led to the destruction of the organization, and the culprit was him.

01 Unwilling to believe it, Aitasha and Eureka, both of them, believed this after thinking slightly.

After all, on the current mainland, there are really not many people who can invite all the unit members of the Black Blade to dispatch, even if it is a deposit, it is a number that ordinary people can't imagine.

But Lu Ming has this financial power. After all, he is now the lord of the empire, and the treasury of the first six countries belongs to him. He doesn't want to spend as much as he wants.

01 Although he didn't want to believe it, but in his heart, he was certain of this matter.

After all, people want money and money, strength and strength, and if they are idle and bored, there is nothing impossible to ask them to come and play.

Thinking of this, 01's eyes showed a touch of grief.

The black blade is really finished in his hands...

Lu Ming waved his hands to the few people who were desperate, and motioned to some half-corpse soldiers to take them down and deal with them, not to do anything in front of his eyes.

Today is the day of his wedding, it’s not good to see too many dead people.

The next Lu Ming went straight to the scene of the wedding palace.

And Aitasha behind him, wondering if the play was over, smiled and took two steps back, and disappeared directly behind Lu Ming. Lu Ming did not stop her either.

However, Eureka and Lu Ming didn't let go. Lu Ming ignored her, and she took the initiative to help Lu Ming do something to serve tea and water. Seeing her hard work at the ceremony, Lu Ming didn't push him.

Then, the wedding ceremony began.

In short, he and the princesses of the five countries had a grand wedding with Queen Aitasha. Among them, the fourth demon king mentioned by Anta did not participate, just as a spectator with a few demons. The general came to the ceremony.

After all, there is still a big gap between the two clans at present, and Lu Ming doesn't expect to unify the two clans so soon, pushing his marriage with the Fourth Demon King to the back.

However, the marriage contract between the Brave of the Wind and the Fourth Demon King had long been spread between the two clans.

That night, after the wedding, An Leiya and the others did not leave, but moved into the palace with Lu Ming.

When he got up the next day, Lu Ming realized that the sky was almost noon.

"Did I overworked yesterday?"

Lu Ming couldn't help rubbing his head. He always felt that he had married six people at once. After a whole night, when he got up the next day, his head hurt a little.

Glancing at An Leiya, who was sleeping next to her, her snow-white arms were exposed and half of her shoulders exposed. It seemed that she fell asleep before putting on clothes last night.

The same is true for Kerlia on the other side, but she is asleep at the moment, frowning slightly, she seems to be in poor health, and she slept with Lu Ming all night, which really suffered.

Olibel and Naiyin didn't wake up unexpectedly. They seemed to be too tired last night, so Lu Ming didn't bother them, put on their clothes, and walked out of the palace slowly.

Outside the palace, Lu Ming moved his body for a while, breathing in the fresh air, and couldn't help but sigh for the beauty of life.

I always feel that the level of improvement is still pretty good, at least it is physically enhanced, isn't it?

Enhancement in various senses, eh.

Lu Ming nodded, and before he crossed, he felt that, let alone seven in one night, I'm afraid he would be given two or three, and he would not be able to get up the next day.

After taking a few breaths of relief, Lu Ming couldn't help but tilt his head. At this moment, he suddenly saw a sneaky figure flashing by near the palace.

He was absent-minded and didn't pay attention just now, and now he passed by his side, of course he caught the shadow.

This made him frown. After all, here in his palace is where he and An Leiya rest together, let alone being peeped, even if the voice is heard, it makes him feel very divided. Should be.

So he couldn't help but walked over to the figure. When he saw the other person's back, Lu Ming's frowning brows relaxed and he couldn't help but smile:

"What's the matter, Lord Saint, come to my sleeping place, what are you eavesdropping on?"

Lu Ming happened to be speaking behind the saint now, and such a close voice directly surprised the saint hiding in front of him.


The saint screamed strangely. After turning around to see that it was Lu Ming, she patted the bulging Oppai on her chest, as if she was relieved:

"Brave, I found you."

It was not easy for her to come over this time. Although the guards at the door wouldn't stop her, after all, today is the brave man's first day after marriage. If she approaches the palace, she might hear something that makes her blush and heartbeat.

So that she was a little worried about it. She didn't know if she really encountered this situation, whether she was leaving or waiting here.

If she leaves, she will come to Lu Ming, but it is a very important thing. God knows when the other party will be free, and next time she comes, will she encounter another wave.

If you stand and wait for him to finish, it will be a great torment for the saint. She doesn't know if she can stick to it.

Fortunately, the brave unexpectedly appeared behind her, which made her breathe a sigh of relief. UU reading www.uukanshu.com thought that after all, she would not encounter some embarrassing scenes.

"what happened?"

Seeing the saint's face was very serious, as if there was something important to tell him, Lu Ming couldn't help but narrowed his smile and asked her gently.

Who knows, the saint opened her mouth and said:

"My hero, Yulina is gone!"


Lu Ming was taken aback, and couldn't help but think of the elf slave that he had bought a long time ago.

Although she was a slave, she later became a companion of the brave.

"She's gone?"

Lu Ming couldn't help but reminisce about it, thinking to himself that at yesterday's wedding, she did not see her presence. At the time, she thought that something hadn't happened to her, but she didn't expect to see her today.

After all, Yurina looked like she wasn't someone who would run away because of jealousy.

Lu Ming thought about it carefully. When he left the border town, he had seen Youlina. At that time, there was nothing unusual about Youlina.

So he couldn't help asking the saint:

"Don't worry, you tell me first, when did she disappear?"

Regarding Lu Ming’s question, the saint quickly answered:

"Yesterday morning, Yulina had already gone out very early. I thought she was just going out and wandering around. I didn't expect that she hadn't come back until this morning."

Didn't you come back all day and night?

Lu Ming touched his chin and thought to himself that this is indeed the category of missing, and he couldn't help but feel a little worried.

While Lu Ming was thinking about where she had gone, the saint hesitated for a moment, and suddenly told him:

"Also, Yurina, she seems to go out a bit frequently in the past two days..." WeChat search for the public account: wmdy66, you are lonely, Miss Sister warms you with movies