I Am the Fifth of the Four Demon Kings

v5 Chapter 1: Dreamland

After Anta left, Lu Ming walked to the ninth floor of the Demon King's Castle alone.

This is only his site, no one can come up.

After entering the ninth floor, a heat wave hit, the sky suddenly became dim, and a black sun hung above his head, emitting scorching black magic power.

Here is the world of the Demon King, which is independent of the world space. It used to be a place opened up with the help of many treasures. When it was built, the style was very in line with his identity as a Demon King, a scene of the end of the world.

But after watching too much, Lu Ming felt very boring. At this moment, he didn't even look at the black sun in the sky, and went straight to the hall in the center of the Demon King Realm, planning to rest.

Maybe it was because he hadn't returned to the Demon King's Castle for too long, maybe because it was too empty, and he was the only one in a huge place. Lu Ming at night had a strange dream.

In his dream, he seemed to have come to a place where there was nothing, all around him was pitch black, as if there was nothing but nothing.

A woman sat quietly in the middle of the void, in a daze, doing nothing, saying nothing.

Lu Ming stood in the darkness of nothingness and glanced around. With his eyes, he couldn't even see what this piece was. It seemed that there was really nothing.

At the same time, a strange feeling rose from his heart, and he now knew that he was dreaming.

This is from the power of self-knowledge of the strong, and he can clearly understand what his current state is, whether it is the spiritual world or the real world, he can clearly distinguish.

Even if he wants to wake up, it is very simple.

But Lu Ming didn't do this. For people like them, it is difficult to do it once. After all, the spirit is firm enough, it is difficult for the spirit to get out of control and automatically constitute a virtual world.

Now he really wants to know what he is dreaming about.

After walking around the void for a long time, Lu Ming didn't find anything, so he finally gave up and walked to the woman who hadn't moved from beginning to end.

By her side, Lu Ming sat down.

What is strange is that he can't see each other's appearance clearly when they are sitting together. He doesn't know whether he dreamed of someone he knew well or a fake person.

The woman in the dream seemed to perceive the existence of Lu Ming. She raised her brows lightly, and a sentence came from all around:

"who is it?"

In response, Lu Ming touched his head, wondering if he should answer her.

In his silence, the woman spoke again:

"I don't know how many years I have been here. This is the first time I have discovered the existence of other people."

She lowered her head. Although she couldn't see her face clearly, Lu Ming could feel the sadness in her tone.

The atmosphere was silent for a while, and the woman suddenly raised her head and asked the surrounding space:

"are you still there?"

Listening to this, Lu Ming frowned.

The woman seemed unable to see his existence, which began to make him wonder if the other party was created by his dreams.

After all, the other party can't see him, it means that the other party's entity is not in his dream.

Did I dream of her unconsciously, and then was perceived by her?

Lu Ming looked at the woman sitting next to him, thinking for a long time, and finally came up with such an answer.

But this answer made him a little bit scared secretly, after all, he didn't know where the woman was, and he could feel his dreams across thousands of time and space.

Moreover, since Lu Ming can dream of a real person, it means that he himself should know this woman.

For this kind of thing, Lu Ming thought about it for a long time, and couldn't tell who she was from the other person's body shape and voice. It seemed that he didn't know such a woman in the impression.

After hesitating, he still spoke:

"My name is Lu Ming, do you recognize me?"

Saying his name is nothing more than a test. Lu Ming wanted to test the true identity of the woman in front of him.

"Lu... Ming..."

Regrettably, the woman shook her head blankly, obviously not knowing him either.

"However, from now on, I have known each other..."

The woman was talking about something they knew from now on.

There seemed to be a smile at the corner of her mouth, as if Lu Ming was the first person she knew.

Lu Ming shook his head and did not continue to talk to the woman.

What the other party showed was too mysterious and too unbelievable, which made him retreat, stood up and patted his clothes, he directly withdrew from this dream.

He didn't want to have contact with such people before his own strength could reach.

After Lu Ming left, the world of ‘nothing’ fell into silence again, and the woman sitting in the darkness seemed to feel his departure and lowered her head deeper.

She seems very lonely.

A dazzling light struck, and when Lu Ming opened his eyes, he found that the sun had completely risen, and he slept for a long time.

He got up from his bed, sighed deeply, and stretched out his hand, feeling that his hand still has an illusory feeling.

He couldn't help but think of the woman sitting in the darkness, who was it? Lu Ming has some unimaginable power ~lightnovelpub.net~ so that I rarely meet such a strong man, but forgot to propose a fight with him.

This made Lu Ming greatly regretted, feeling very unhappy, and immediately lay down on the meeting bed, trying to return to the dream state just now.

But no matter how he slept this time, he didn't feel the same as before.

Lu Ming couldn't help but walked off the bed, squinted his eyes, and said to himself:

"This kind of thing...maybe it's best to go to Shayina and ask."

After all, what I dreamed of this time was too strange. I clearly dreamed of someone who really existed, but I didn't have any impression of her.

Moreover, why did I dream of the world that the woman was in is also a mystery.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that Lu Ming has not encountered any special things recently. The only special thing is that he has received power from the goddess in his body.

It was the group given to him by the first brave before, and he has not tried to use it yet.


Lu Ming kept muttering, is that woman a goddess?

He wasn't sure, after all, the first brave had the magic power of a goddess, but he had never encountered such a thing.

Because the woman said that she didn't know how many years she had spent in the dark, and she was still the first person she saw. It was obvious that she had never seen the first brave.

In that case, maybe the magic power of this group of goddess is not the cause of this dream.

And the first brave said that the goddess does not know where she is staying now. She has been assassinated once, and the world has been created by her. How could she have never seen anyone else?

No matter what, Lu Ming left his palace straight away, planning to go to Shayina to ask. WeChat search public account: wmdy66, you are lonely, my sister warms you with movies