I Am the Fifth of the Four Demon Kings

v5 Chapter 110: The result of the battle

On the battlefield under the city, it was obviously going very fiercely, but it had no effect on Wolfyue City.

Or it should be said that the magic flying all over the sky disappeared when it touched the vicinity of Wolf Moon City.

Naturally, this was not Lu Ming's action, but the other party's spiritual magic enveloped, only limited to the outside of the city, and a spiritual space was constructed outside the city.

How can it affect reality just because of the fighting in the spiritual world?

So Lu Ming didn't worry at all that the flying magic would suddenly hit him. He just watched it quietly, even standing tired, and wanted to sit down and watch it.

But when he looked back, he found that he was empty behind him. There was still time to take his throne on this expedition, and he couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

On the contrary, the sharp-eyed Anta understood the meaning of Lord Demon. He immediately knelt behind Lu Ming and asked:

"Master Devil, are you tired? If that's the case, just sit on your subordinates."

After that, he bowed and wanted to get down.

"No, no, no!"

Lu Ming hurriedly stopped Anta's movements, he couldn't help but feel a little hairy, he thought, sitting on top of a gay, no matter how strange it was.

After Lu Ming's thoughts were spoken by Anta, he immediately received the attention of his subordinates.

Seeing that Anta was rejected by Lord Demon, Nagul stepped up on the huge soles of his feet immediately, laughing and saying:

"Master Anta, your body is too small, Lord Demon is uncomfortable sitting, come on, Lord Demon, Nagul, my back is very broad!"

After Nagur finished speaking, he crawled on the ground.

Lu Ming glanced at the dirty green skin pad with a little bit of decay, even braving the smell, and kicked him off the city.

After a loud sound of the ground being smashed through, Lu Ming looked at the sky and sighed:

"Why did the protagonist Long Aotian from someone else's family take the initiative to be a seat for him after passing through, but I can only sit on these weird things?"

Think about other people's subordinates, who are both vampires, why there is such a big gap between their own and other people's.

She seemed to have understood the crazy suggestion of Lord Demon, and Avilia on one side immediately knelt at his feet:

"Since the Demon Lord is tired, please sit on Evelia's body!"

With that said, Avelia was about to learn from Anta and Nagul before, and lay down on the ground.

Just before she could move, Lu Ming immediately looked at her body, this dark armor full of thorns, and said:

"No, I mean, I want to take a break, not for excitement..."

He felt that if he sat on Evelia's armor, the iron thorn on it was not going to pierce his ass.

Maybe Anta would like this feeling, but he felt that he would forget it.

Hearing Lu Ming's words, Avelia immediately stood up again a little tangled.

Although the expression was a bit distressing, the action did not slow down to remove the joints on the armor:

"Then, the subordinates will remove the armor."

"No, no, you don't have anything in it!"

Hearing Evilia say so, Lu Ming immediately grabbed the opponent's hand.

From under her dark armor, you can clearly see the white skin inside, at least from the exposed parts, there is no cover inside.

But judging from Lu Ming's several accidents long ago, after Evilia took off the armor, the inside was really bare.

After being stopped by her own demon lord, Avilia couldn't help showing a look of embarrassment. For the first time, she regretted it a bit, regretting that she had such a habit of playing in a vacuum.

But this is no wonder she, this pair of battle armor is a collection of Lord Demon Lord personally gifted to her, the high level is even comparable to the set of Demon Lord armor worn by Lord Demon himself.

For the convenience of fighting, she would normally not wear other things inside. After all, if such a high-level armor could be broken by someone, then whatever she wore inside would have already turned into dust.

Seeing that several of Lu Ming's subordinates all had trouble with this issue, Phil Xilu on one side finally spoke with a blushing face:

"Then, that... Lord Lord, or let Phil Xi reveal me..."

Before she finished speaking, she was suddenly interrupted by Lu Ming:

"Well, I'm all joking with you. There is obviously a chair over there for me to sit on, so why don't you notice it?"

As Lu Ming said, he pointed to the corner of the city. There were indeed a few old chairs placed there.

It seems that the guards of the Wolfyue clan used to sit when they changed shifts at the head of the city.

After that, Lu Ming stretched out his hand and pulled one out of the air to sit down. His action caused Phil Xilu beside him to grunt and swagger away.

But at this moment, Lu Ming no longer pays attention to the question of what seat, but turns his attention to the battlefield under the city.

"It should be almost over."

He just murmured something like that, and immediately attracted Phil Xilu and their eyes.

Outside Wolfyue City at this moment, the scene of the previous yellow sand has become bleak and chaotic, and the original scenery outside the city can be vaguely seen through the vague yellow sand.

This is the opponent's spiritual magic user, a manifestation of lack of mental power, and can hardly afford the consumption of this spiritual world.

In the final analysis, the only thing that is detrimental to Shang Shayina that the spirit user of the Hundred Wars clan is that his spirit still needs to support the outside world.

Shayina doesn't use it. She is a challenger, and she only needs to make a big fuss in the other side's world.

At this moment, there are no more projection fighters in the city. Obviously, whether it is Shayina or the other party, there is no extra energy to create other fighters.

The figure of Shayina in the sky is crumbling, her mental power has also reached the edge, it seems that she will fall down at any time~lightnovelpub.net~ But in the end, Shayina still smiled indifferently, and she waved her white arms, down the city. The last bronze warrior in the battlefield was directly rushed by Shayina's projection, bursting with magic power, and disappearing instantly.

At the same time, among the clouds on the other side of the sky, a sound of vomiting blood suddenly sounded:


I saw a figure flying upside down over there, spouting a long blood chain, and fell straight towards the direction outside the city.

Following his whereabouts, the entire battlefield wrapped in yellow sand finally floated for a while, and vanished in a flash.

After this ruined and messy spiritual battlefield disappeared, the scenery of the plains that had been trampled on by the coalition forces once again returned outside Wolfyue City.

It's just that this time on the flat ground, a large number of bronze armored warriors have once again poured into them. These warriors have a huge killing aura. Lu Ming can determine that these guys are truly living humans.

It seemed that the army of the Hundred Wars clan had all arrived at this time.