I Am the Fifth of the Four Demon Kings

v5 Chapter 144: The big event that shocked the mainland

After all, Lu Ming was still the person who frightened Afar the most. After he stopped drinking, the hostile color in Afar's eyes gradually disappeared.

Afterwards, the huge silver dragon slowly landed towards the ground, and finally turned into a human form and fell to the ground.

After falling to the ground, Afar looked at Lu Ming, smiled and scratched his head:

"Devil, Lord Demon..."

He seems to remember what he did just now, he just fell into a frenzy before, not unconscious.

For this, after Lu Ming took Rina and landed from the air, he didn't blame him for anything. He just nodded slightly, and then said:

"Didn't your evil dragon's talents be used very skillfully? In a short period of time, you have increased your strength by a hundred levels. I have never seen such a powerful talent."

Earlier, I heard the meaning of the black-clothed man from the Fulong clan. The so-called Devouring Dragon Qi is the cultivation talent possessed by the evil dragons, which is what Afar did before.

Obviously before Afar, he kept saying that he didn't know how the evil dragon cultivated.

However, Afar grinned in embarrassment and told him:

"This... the method of devouring dragon energy is the first time I did it. I just couldn't help but ate his dragon energy. I didn't expect this to be the method for evil dragons to improve their strength."

Regarding this, Lu Ming also nodded in understanding.

After all, such things as Dragon Qi are so rare that only purebred dragons have them, but at the end of ancient times, purebred dragons have been difficult to encounter.

Even if Afar knew the evil dragon's cultivation methods, he probably wouldn't have the opportunity to absorb the dragon energy, because he could not find the prey at all, and it was understandable that he absorbed the dragon energy for the first time.


Halfway through, Afar couldn't help but added:

"The talents of your subordinates are actually not as powerful as you think. The talents of the evil dragon are limited. Even the evil dragon king can feel the subordinates. The ability to upgrade to the Chaos level is the most."

"There is still a gap between the starry sky dragon, which is very powerful in the Chaos level."

Having said this, Afar couldn't help showing a trace of envy on his face.

The talent of the star dragon is really something they can only look up to for their dragon species. After all, the opponent is the origin of their dragon species, and currently no dragon species can touch the opponent's tail.

Seeing him say this, Lu Ming couldn't help but shook his head, and said indifferently:

"That's not necessarily true. If you try to swallow the dragon energy of the starry sky dragon, you might be able to evolve into a dragon species that is even more powerful than it."

Afar couldn't help smiling bitterly when he heard his Lord Demon say this.

I thought to myself that their evil dragon has the characteristics of devouring dragon energy, but the dragon energy of the starry sky dragon is much stronger than their dragon energy.

He doubted that with the dragon aura of the evil dragon king, he would explode and die after swallowing the dragon aura of the starry sky dragon.

However, he did not refute this, after all, everything is possible. Before trying, no one knew whether the dragon energy of the star dragon could be swallowed.

Seeing that Afar stopped speaking, Lu Ming didn't stay on this issue for too long. He turned his head and glanced at the nearby messy mountain stream that was almost affected by the fighting in the sky, and couldn't help saying:

"But this battle is really short, the enemy has been solved by you, and no more reinforcements are called."

"In the end, I couldn't see the dragon in the starry sky that you have been talking about."

Lu Ming had some regrets about this. It was obvious that the Phantom of the Star Dragon was just a one-time item, and those of the Fulong clan would be gone, otherwise it would not be so simple for Afar to win this time.

Hearing what he said, Afar also nodded, guessing:

"That Fulong clan, these people should be sent this time, otherwise, we won't fight for so long here, and no one has come to support."

Of course Lu Ming had guessed this too, he couldn't help rubbing his brows feeling a little distressed:

"That said, if they don't come next, we have to chase them and fight..."

For this conclusion, Lu Ming couldn't help feeling a little troublesome, and they didn't even know the location of the Fulong clan.

But they have to chase after them. After all, those people have already started war against them. If they don't completely eradicate them, it's not Lu Ming's style.

"Forget it, go back and find out the specific location of the Fulong clan. If you are lucky, what if their lord brings the remaining people over tomorrow?"

With that, Lu Ming stopped staying here with Afar and left the mountain stream.

But because it was a short distance from Wolfyue City, not to mention that they had been fighting for so long, and the sky had already darkened unknowingly, so they first went to a nearby village and stayed overnight.

When they returned to Wolf Moon City, it was already the next day.

But as soon as he entered the gate of Wolf Moon City, Lu Ming saw Phil Xilu hurriedly rushing towards him again.

He felt that as long as he saw Phil Xilu recently, the other party looked anxious, and every time there was an important report, he really doubted where so many things came from.

So Lu Ming shrugged helplessly, looked at Phil Xilu, who was getting closer and closer to him, and asked first:

"What's wrong? What happened recently?"

He felt that Phil Xilu must have something to report to him this time.

Sure enough, as soon as he asked this sentence, Phil Xilu over there replied with a bit of complaint:

"Lord Lord...Where did you go yesterday..."

After a pause, she answered the ‘big event’ mentioned by Lu Ming:

"Speaking of major events, a very major event has indeed happened recently, but it has nothing to do with our clan for the time being."

Phil Xilu nodded and said, making Lu Ming more curious:

"A major event that has nothing to do with us?"

He looked stunned and couldn't help thinking, could it be...the first brave appeared?

The holy sword lost by the saints reappears on the mainland, is this a major event that shocked the mainland, right?

Unexpectedly, what Phil Shilu said ~lightnovelpub.net~ is somewhat different from what he thought:

"That's it, didn't the people of the second clan leave us a few days ago?"

"On their way back, they were attacked by the third clan led by Lei Ai."

"Because of the sudden incident at the time, the third clan was fully prepared and completely caught the second clan by surprise. For this reason, their guards were completely destroyed and Krila was seriously injured."

Phil Xilu told Lu Ming the result of the sneak attack word by word, and then told Lu Ming very seriously:

"Just yesterday, after Krisa fled back to the second clan with Krila, the Celestial Lord was furious and declared war on the third clan yesterday afternoon."

"War is on?"

Hearing what Phil Xilu said, Lu Ming was also dumbfounded.

He never thought that the Second Clan and the Third Clan, the two giants of the Chaos Age, would actually go to war...

Think about it carefully, on the side of the Celestial Crystal clan, a warrior of the guard regiment and many warriors were damaged, and even the younger brother of the lord was seriously injured. This hatred is indeed to the point where it needs to go to war.

But on the side of the third clan, Lu Ming didn't understand.

Faced with such a top clan like the Celestial Clan, who would lose half of their heads when they come across, how could this third clan really dare to do such a big thing?

Was it really ready for endless dying, or did it accidentally start heavy?

I am afraid that not only did he not think of this matter, but the entire continent did not think of it. The two super clans, who have been dreading each other for tens of thousands of years, went to war for the first time just yesterday.

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