I Am the Fifth of the Four Demon Kings

v6 Chapter 115: Phil Ellu

Chapter 115 Phil Ellu (page 1/1)

"Sister Ellu... why are you..."

When the man in the air landed on the ground, Phil Xilu was stunned.

When Lu Ming heard this, he couldn't help but glanced at the visitor, only to find that it was a woman in a pale red dress and holding a waiting staff.

The woman has the same long golden hair as Phil Shelu, and her face is fair. In terms of appearance, she is no less than Phil Shelu and Krisa.

However, her figure is more plump than Phil Xilu, and Opai alone is a circle bigger than the second princess of the holy clan next to Lu Ming.

She has a gentle face, but she doesn't have the aura that the saint princess should have, and is much simpler than Krisa and the others.


After the woman landed, the first thing she saw was Phil Xilu next to Lu Ming.

Seeing this sister of her own, the eldest princess of the saint cried a little immediately, her eyes bit her lips moistly, if it weren't for Lu Ming and the others, she would have rushed over.

"Fair Ellu, the eldest princess of the holy clan, she is the sister of Phil Xilu."

Seeing Lu Ming looking at the woman, Kriels whispered a word beside Lu Ming to prevent him from not knowing what to call her.

However, after a pause, he suddenly said:

"But, I remember Phil Ellu before, but he doesn't have the power like now, I don't know what happened to her..."

Kriels' reminder made Lu Ming nodded secretly, and wrote it down for the time being.

The whispers of the two of them were naturally heard by Phil Ellu on the opposite side. At this point, the eldest princess of the holy clan finally transferred Lu Ming to Lu Ming.

"Are you the lord who took in Phil Xilu, thank you very much, my sister has caused you trouble."

Seeing Lu Ming's first glance, Phil Elu first bends down deeply, thanking Lu Ming very sincerely, sincerity is at least half as great as Ou Pai, right-

As she bowed, the two hemispheres on her chest naturally ‘poof’ and jumped out of the neckline.

Seeing this, Lu Ming was immediately stunned. This was the first time he saw such an ‘open’ girl.

As for Kriels on one side, as if he could predict the future, he hid behind Lu Ming early, staring at the birds flying in the sky in a daze, and had no intention of communicating with the saints.

But Phil Xilu immediately covered her forehead, as if she couldn't help this stupid sister who was not aware of her body at all and didn't pay attention at all.

"You come here."

She stepped forward immediately, pulled the collar of Phil Ellu's chest up to cover her walk, and then pulled her back two steps.

"Eh eh eh, Phil Sheru????"

Pulled by Phil Xilu, Ellu straightened up subconsciously, and she was a little happy in surprise as she watched her sister take the initiative to find herself.

Phil Xilu's intimate behavior proves that she still recognizes her sister. Seeing this, Ellu immediately rushed up and hugged her sister:

"Filshero, I'm sorry... I wasn't by your side when you left, so I couldn't dissuade my brother..."

"During this time, you have suffered..."

While talking, Ellu stepped back and looked at her sister's face, tears involuntarily shed in her eyes, as if she felt sorry for her sister.

"Wait first..."

Facing Elu who was a little clingy, Phil Xilu immediately pushed her away, and then looked at her tearful sister with a serious face, and asked:

"Tell me first, what did you do during that time? Why when I left, I wanted to say goodbye to you and couldn't find you. Those guys in the clan refused to tell me..."

After a pause, looking at Elle hesitantly, Phil Sheru suddenly asked:

"Also, what is the matter with the power of the Lord's line in your body, if I remember correctly, neither of us can inherit the power of the Lord's line?"

She looked at her sister, when her previous sister used magic power, she really made Phil Xilu feel the same magic power as her brother and father.

That is an exclusive ability belonging to the line of sage lords.

But Phil Xilu clearly remembered that among the five brothers and sisters, her eldest brother was the only one who inherited the power of the lord?

In response, Elu nodded and spoke:

"Are you talking about this ability?"

While talking, Ellu stretched out her staff, and a bright red flame sprang from it.

Lu Ming, who was standing not far away, frowned. He felt that the flame seemed a little unusual.

And Phil Xilu over there also nodded and said:

"Yes, where did you get your lord power?"

She looked at her sister with an unpleasant expression, as if she had already thought of something.

And Ellu hadn't noticed her sister's feelings, and she didn't want to hide the slightest bit from her sister, she said without thinking:

"My ability was taken from the body of my father after his death..."

"Are you crazy?!"

However, before Ellu finished speaking, Phil Xilu grabbed her a little angrily and said:

"Without awakening the lord's ability in advance, do you know how dangerous this approach is to grab the magic power of the previous lord?!"

"Since ancient times, no more than one or two can survive this way~lightnovelpub.net~ You are deliberately looking for death!"

"Eh heh... Didn't I survived..."

Seeing her sister looked a little angry, Ellu immediately grasped the other's hand softly, and gently took off the hands that Phil Xilu held tightly on her shoulders.

Afterwards, Ellu kindly persuades:

"Well, Phil Xilu, don't be angry, am I okay... It's just that it took a little longer to seize his father's ability."

"So you didn't come out to see me?"

Hearing what her sister said, Phil Xilu suddenly understood the reason why she had left the Saint Clan before and could not see her sister.

"Yes, I don't even know about Phil Xilu that you are going to get engaged, if I know, I will definitely stop my brother..."

Ai Lu said in a somewhat discouraged tone, for the sake of her younger sister, she was the only one in the entire Saint Clan who dared to oppose the Saint Clan Lord.

Of course, I don’t know if the objection is effective.

"I only woke up recently."

Regarding the matter of seizing her father's power, Ellu explained further:

"After waking up, I heard that the clan was at war with others, and was sent directly to the front line by the elder brother, without even having the opportunity to find Phil Xilu you..."

Ellu looked at her sister bitterly, her eyes full of apologetics.

But it wasn't the recent series of things, she would definitely not just watch Phil Xilu leave the saints, and even greet her.

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