I Am the Fifth of the Four Demon Kings

v6 Chapter 160: Sacrifice made by Saint Norre

Chapter One Hundred and Sixty: The Sacrifice of Saint Norre (Page 1/1)

(Seeing that there are weird ways of asking questions, let me answer it. This book is indeed over a week away. If you are interested, you can go to the new book to play it~ The new book is about to be released last two days before the end)

(Want to lie to my voice? Huh, young)

"Stop! Saint Noel, I will settle my affairs by myself, you don't need to do it for me."

Just when the Holy Sword Sword Spirit wanted to start with Lu Ming a little indignantly, Leander's voice rang out inexplicably in the sky.

In response, Lu Ming tilted his head and glanced, only to find a dangling phantom floating in the sky, which was Leander's soul.

"Tsk, aren't you dead yet?"

Lu Ming was very regretful. Normally, after the death of a human being, the soul will quickly drift away, and there is no possibility of surviving.

But Leander's soul seemed unusually powerful, and it had been floating nearby for a long time without disappearing.

Not only that, but being able to communicate with them made Lu Ming wonder what kind of physique Leander was.

Hearing Leander's reprimand, Saint Norr immediately grabbed his fingers and looked a little at a loss.

Although Leander didn't want her to do it, she also didn't want to watch Leander die in vain. For a while, she didn't know what to do.

In response to this, Leander's soul, who had not disappeared, suddenly sighed:

"Forget it, Saint Noel, I have already failed. In that case, let's not force it."

It seems that he has accepted the fact of his failure frankly.

Although there is still a Saint Noel staying, Leander doesn't seem to want to drag her into his own battle.

"Since I'm dead, it doesn't make sense for you to do it again. In short...Thank you for your care during this time, Saint Noel."

Leander is not someone who cannot accept defeat. He also has his own honor. Since he is dead, he has already planned to end this battle.

By now, Leander even said goodbye.

His voice was erratic, and it did seem to be about to dissipate completely.

Regarding Leander's sad farewell, Saint Norre's reaction was somewhat subtle.

The sword spirit of the holy sword, bowed his head, completely ignored Leander's words, but seemed to be caught in his own thinking, not knowing what he was thinking.

Seeing this scene, a long sigh came from the air, and Leander's voice was getting farther and farther away from them, as if he had already left.

But the next moment, Lu Ming saw Sheng Nuoer suddenly lifted his face.

With a full of determination on her delicate face, she moved her red lips, and Lu Ming heard the voice of the holy sword sword spirit for the first time:

"I am the spirit of the holy sword, Saint Nor..."

Her voice was a bit neutral, and her words were a bit old-fashioned, just like the spells in the Middle Ages in Europe. Anyway, Lu Ming didn't know what she wanted to do.

However, he found that as Saint Noel spoke, a faint golden color was emitted from all around her body, and she slowly floated up without knowing what force was being pulled by her feet.

After this scene, the voice of Leander, which Lu Ming thought had completely dissipated, rang again:

"What are you doing?! Sannoor! Stop! I don't need you to do this!"

There was a hint of anxiety in his voice, much more anxious than before, and he seemed to know what Saint Norr was planning to do.

But because of Leander's voice today, the voice is too slight, Saint Norre in the light didn't seem to hear it at all. She closed her eyes and floated into the air, while continuing to speak:

"I am the incarnation of the sacred sword with thousands of abilities, the core of the sacred sword body."

"At this moment, dedicate this body, disperse thousands of magic powers here, and reshape the holy sword."

At the next moment, with the end of her last sentence, Saint Noel's body suddenly became transparent, with countless dazzling magical powers constantly flowing out of her body.

With the appearance of magical brilliance, Saint Noel's body became blurred again and again, and finally lost his human form and turned into a ball of light.

In the surrounding air, Leander seemed to be screaming constantly, trying to stop Saint Norr's behavior, but no one cared about him.

Lu Ming's eyes all fell on the light ball left behind after Saint Noel disappeared.

From the moment the light group appeared, the countless magical powers that had been radiated before, as if they had received some strong attraction, spewed towards it again and returned to their original place.

But this time, as these magical powers were added again, the light group did not recover to the form of Saint Noel, but gradually revealed the shape of a big sword.

"Is it the holy sword?"

Seeing what Sheng Nuoer finally turned into at the expense of himself, Lu Ming squinted his eyes and muttered to himself, not knowing what he was thinking.

Soon, the holy sword in the air was reshaped, and a brilliant golden glow immediately illuminated the entire space world, as if it was announcing its return.

The moment the holy sword appeared, it quickly penetrated into the air on one side, and suddenly stopped.

It's like being held by someone.

Although he couldn't see anything, Lu Ming knew that it was Leander's soul holding it.

Immediately afterwards, he heard Leander's roar that resounded through the world, the loudness of which was far different from when his soul was about to drift away.

With a ‘boom’, and with a violent explosion, a black figure suddenly fell from the air.

After the dust fell, Lu Ming couldn't help but frowned.

This is a monster with a beast face and a beast head, with thick and long limbs, and the beast hair and beast scales all over the body are messy and colorful. It looks quite contradictory, as if it were pieced together.

Of course, Lu Ming also knew that this was pieced together.

Like the giant arm of the monster before, Leander used the fusion ability of the holy sword to temporarily piece together a body of a monster for himself.

"It's so ugly, you don't hesitate to be like this, do you want to come back?"

Looking at what Leander looked like now, Lu Ming couldn't help but shook his head in disgust. The so-called first hero of mankind now doesn't even look like a human being.

Or ~lightnovelpub.net~ He has lost all human functions and turned into a beast, only his brain is still the original.

In this regard, Leander did not care about the change in his appearance:

"What's ugly? It doesn't matter. Since I'm standing here again, let's continue, our previous battle."

After speaking, he once again raised the holy sword and pointed at Lu Ming in front of him.

Now he has changed his body, and Saint Noel no longer exists. The abilities of gluttony and eroticism can no longer affect him.

Leander can be said to have been resurrected in full condition.

On the other hand, Lu Ming, now only has the ability to look at him, it seems that there is no way to take Leander, who has ruled out the existence of Saint Nor.

But he looked at Leander, with a rather interesting smile on his face, calm and abnormal. For this scene, it seemed that he had expected it long ago.

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