I Am the Fifth of the Four Demon Kings

v6 Chapter 2: Destroyed area

"That's it, Lord Demon, in fact, the situation in the west is not as simple as it seems."

"Previously, this unknown little clan developed from the extreme west, and within half a month, it already occupied the entire west head. Its rising speed attracted the attention of a large nearby clan."

"It's this piece. There is a force named Qingluan clan here."

While talking, Heiluo drew a circle on the west side of the map. The territory of the Qingluan clan looked quite large.

The former unnamed clan, originally a small clan that was inconspicuous and almost had only one point on the map, became a large clan occupying the head of the west. This kind of development speed has already been rapid.

They became one of the few large clans in the west in almost half a month.

However, if they occupies the head in the west, compared with the Qingluan clan, the Qingluan clan occupies the entire west body part.

This is supposed to be the largest clan in the west. Its sphere of influence occupies almost half of the west, and it is about to catch up with the forces of the seven clans.

"What is the origin of this Qingluan clan?"

Seeing this scene, Lu Ming couldn't help but ask slowly. It is true that the clan shown on the map is too unusual. Lu Ming has never seen a large clan with such a large sphere of influence.

In this regard, Heilo has already answered:

"This Qingluan clan is a large clan second only to the seven clans in the entire continent. As for its origin..."

After a pause, Heiluo recalled the information he had collected before saying:

"Thousands of years ago, the Qingluan clan was originally one of the seven clans, but unfortunately, a terrifying guy like the ancestor of Wolfyue appeared. Their entire clan had a war with the Wolfyue clan, and almost one of the strongest clan was killed. clean."

"Even the status of the seven clans was taken away, but they never gave up the idea of ​​returning to the seven clans. The clans moved to the west and have been developing silently in the west for thousands of years."

"Although the loss of the names of the seven major clans has made the Qingluan clan an irresistible decline in strength, at least there are still more than a thousand fighter-level powerhouses in the current legion."

After hearing Hei Luo's account, Lu Ming nodded slightly, closing his eyes and thinking:

"A thousand or so fighters? It's almost the same as the Wolfyue clan..."

If I remember correctly, when they were fighting with the Wolfyue clan, the mercenaries were removed, and Lord Wolfyue brought these people over.

"Later, did this Qingluan clan sent out an army to that nameless little clan?"

Lu Ming didn't say anything about the power of the Qingluan clan. What he cared more about was the outcome of the war between the Qingluan clan and the small clan.

In response, Heilo nodded and told him:

"Yes, not long ago, the Qingluan clan was afraid of the development speed of that clan, and feared that they would affect their status in the west, and hoped that the other party could rely on them."

"After negotiating to no avail, the Qingluan clan finally decided to go to the army, and the lord Qingluan personally led the army of thousands of warriors and thousands of mercenaries towards the territory of the unknown clan."

Hearing Hei Luo's words, Lu Ming couldn't help but his eyes brightened, and he asked:

"The results of it?"

He also didn't doubt why the Qingluan clan sent such a big battle. After all, the nameless clan has risen so quickly, and it is already a large clan, and it is no different from the Qingluan clan in terms of name alone.

For this reason, the Qingluan clan should also know that if they don't go all out, unimaginable problems are likely to occur.

"The results are……"

Unexpectedly, for Lu Ming's question, Heiluo smiled bitterly before answering:

"The army of the Qingluan clan, before stepping into the territory of the nameless clan, was suddenly attacked by a piece of holy light. In an instant, the whole army was wiped out..."

When mentioning this matter, Hei Luo's expression also showed a stunned expression. It seemed that when he was inquiring about these things, he couldn't think of it for a long time.

Later, he continued to add:

"Our people have personally gone there to see it. The area that was attacked by the Holy Light is quite a few cities large, and everything there has been moved to the ground, and there is no grass."

"As for the people of the Qingluan clan in the middle of the region... it is estimated that there are no more scum left."

As for the fate of those from the Qingluan clan, Heiluo was quite sure, and said to Lu Ming:

"People say that the people of the Qingluan clan were punished by heaven because they caused the war, but our people felt the strong magical fluctuations over there, and that was definitely man-made."

After listening to all the reports from Heiluo, Lu Ming squinted and leaned on the seat in silence.

Regarding the matter of that clan, he had already had a conclusion in his heart.

The Holy Sword, the power of the Holy Sword that caused the sanctions of the Holy Light in that area is definitely the power of the Holy Sword.

Apart from this, he couldn't imagine anything else that could have such a powerful destructive power.

At the same time, Heilo next to him continued to tell him about the follow-up of the incident:

"After the army of the Qingluan clan died, the unknown clan quickly occupied their territory, and even the lord was lost. The Qingluan clan hardly resisted."

"Now, that nameless clan has almost occupied the entire west."

After Heiluo finished ~lightnovelpub.net~, Lu Ming nodded, leaned on the seat and did not comment any more, just waved his hand:

"Okay, I see, you go down first and pay attention to the things over there."

Afterwards, Hei Luo's body exploded with a bang and disappeared behind Lu Ming.

And Lu Ming was still thinking about the emergence of the first brave with his eyes closed, but he did not expect that they happened to appear at this time.

You must know that there are still three clans that have not been resolved, and none of the remaining three clans is a simple character. Plus the first brave, if they unite, Lu Ming will feel a little troublesome.

Afterwards, he couldn't help but opened his eyes again and muttered slowly:

"Let's wait and see, at least wait for the outcome of the war between the second clan and the third clan."

Since the situation was so unstable, Lu Ming didn't plan to take the initiative.

However, just when he was a bit annoyed by the sudden appearance of the first brave man, suddenly a hand fell on his shoulder behind him, kneading him with the right strength.

"Master Demon... are you tired?"

It was Anjieer who had been sitting on the sofa just now. Seeing Lu Ming's tired look, he walked over to give him a massage.

Upon seeing this, Lu Ming couldn't help but turned around, grabbed Anjieer's pair of white wings, fell on it while rubbing it, and said:

"Hey, Angel, it's been a long time since I saw you, I miss you... this pair of wings."

The thick wings are soft and smooth to the touch, and they are warm when lying on the inside. Lu Ming feels more comfortable than Ou Pai.

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