I Am the Fifth of the Four Demon Kings

v6 Chapter 72: The news of the saints that came suddenl

Chapter 72 Suddenly Coming News of the Holy Family (Page 1/1)

"I don't know which ancestor is in the carriage?"

While everyone was still surprised by the appearance of Kriels, the lord of the Celestial Crystal clan took an early step and approached the black carriage.

Since the opponent can manipulate the wolf-yue ancestor, a guy who has been over thousands of years old, it means that the opponent is also a monster thousands or even tens of thousands of years ago.

Although he didn't know how the opponent survived, if he didn't have the qualifications, he would definitely not be able to collect the corpse of the Wolf Moon ancestor that should have rotted away a long time ago, and then resurrect the opponent.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with Kriels calling him ancestors.

Counting the tens of thousands of years of human powers in the mainland, although there are not many powers who have reached the level of Kriels, there are still some. For this reason, Kriels has questioned the identity of the other party.

Whether it is the Saint Clan or their Tianjing Clan, there is no shortage of strong people of this degree in history, and even the other clans that have been destroyed or excluded from the name of the seven clans, their ancestors are not weak.

However, in response to Kriles' temptation, the carriage was silent for a long time.

It wasn't until a long while later that a rotten sound came out of the carriage:

"The younger generation of the Celestial Crystal clan... there is really no shortage of talented and amazing people..."

"Seeing you, I can't help but remind me of the lord of the Celestial Crystal clan back then..."

The voice came to an abrupt end, and the other party seemed unwilling to speak more.

But through this sentence, Kriles lowered his head and seemed to understand a lot.

At least listening to the other party's opinion, it seemed that they had a deep relationship with their Celestial Crystal clan, and even had a close acquaintance with a former lord of their Celestial Crystal clan.

Hearing this, Kriels' expression showed a trace of struggle, and he murmured:

"The strong man with this experience...I hope it's not the one I imagined..."

In just a moment, many strong figures were filtered out of his head, and one was finally determined, but it was the opponent he didn't want to encounter the last time.

Regarding this, he could only smile bitterly, and glanced at the carriage again, as if he wanted to see through the carriage to see who was inside the carriage.

During the conversation between Kriels and the lord of the third clan in the carriage, Lu Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, tilted his head and said to his side:

"Filsheru, do you know who they are talking about?"

The strongest person who is familiar with a certain lord of the Tianjing clan, such people shouldn't be many in history.

However, Phil Sheru shook his head regretfully:

"Sorry, Lord Lord, this involves news from within the Celestial Crystal clan, I don't know..."

After all, Phil Xilu is a member of the Saint Clan, and it is difficult to know people who are familiar with the lords of the Celestial Clan.

Upon seeing this, Lu Ming nodded silently, and continued to watch the situation in the Observation Stone.

After he looked over, in the carriage opposite Kriels, finally heard a voice again:

"This time is not the time for me to wait for a decisive battle with you. At the same time you attacked my third clan camp, the saint clan already has new moves."

"If there is anything, let's wait until you solve the lingering clan!"

After the lord of the third clan finished speaking, his carriage slowly started again, bringing his news in sight.

As the carriage left, the powerful men of the third clan also stiffened slightly. They received orders from the lord, and they also left behind the people of the Tianjing clan and chased them up.

Only Kriels was left, and he still didn't react to the words of the third clan lord before he left.

"The holy race has a new move?"

He muttered softly in his mouth. It was obvious that the recent Kriels had been busy with the sneak attack and had not paid attention to the news from the saints.

He only remembered that before he went to the front line, the saints were entangled with a small clan that was rising rapidly in the west.

"My brother..."

Kriles was still thinking about what happened to the saints, but Krila had already greeted him.

He looked at the third clan camp that had become empty around him, and couldn't help but say:

"Let's leave too."

At this point, Kriels came back to his senses, looked at his brother and nodded gently:

"It's time to go back."

The people of the third clan are gone, what are they still doing here, and for the words left by the lord of the third clan before leaving, Kriels still wants to investigate after returning.

Afterwards, the figures of the Tianjing clan also disappeared among the observation stones.

Upon seeing this, Phil Sheru hadn't been relieved a bit:

"Is this... over?"

She didn't expect that the lords of the two clans would get along so harmoniously when they met each other. Without a spark, they left with each other.

Because the two clans are still at war.

In response, Lu Ming could only shook his head and told her:

"As expected, if Kriels’ guess is good, if the third clan is really an old monster in the mainland who has lived for thousands of years, the physical condition must be terrifying. World War I is difficult."

Speaking of this~lightnovelpub.net~ Lu Ming couldn't help but sighed:

"After all, the limit of lifespan is not so easy to break. Remember LeAy said before that their lord had been sleeping before..."

"In this case, when I wake up, the magic power is definitely not at the peak. If I didn't leave such an inexplicable word just now, it would make Kriles not dare to go to war, then the third clan will definitely suffer."

Lu Ming could see thoroughly about the behavior of the lord of the third clan.

But even so, he still doesn't understand one thing:

"The only thing I'm more curious about is what new actions he said about the saints, and what exactly are they referring to."

Having said that, Lu Ming squinted his eyes.

Saint Clan, judging from the previous description of the seven clans by Phil Xilu, this clan is the one they need to be careful about the most.

Moreover, Lu Ming once observed the Saint Clan from a distance. At that time, he concluded that the Saint Clan, the head of the seven clans, absolutely possessed the strength beyond the Celestial Crystal Clan and the Third Clan.

That being the case, their new actions make people have to pay attention.

It was nothing more than that Kriels allowed the people of the third clan to leave after hearing the news from the saints, because for them, the threat of the saints was obviously greater.

"The movement on the side of the saint...I don't know what happened..."

Hearing Lu Ming's question, Phil Xilu's eyes flickered, her expression a little strange.

Whenever she mentioned the clan who gave birth to her, she always showed such an ignorant appearance.

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