I Am the Fifth of the Four Demon Kings

v6 Chapter 76: Vesta appears

Chapter 76 Wistar Appears (page 1/1)

In the Observation Stone, the magical confrontation between Krila and RayAi continued.

When the two magically touched each other, a deep gully had formed on the ground, which stretched endlessly until the edge was out of sight.

Their magic power contains the power of top-level space. The continental cracks created by this collision traverse at least half of the central continent.

Just when the magic of the two of them was at a stalemate, a loud shout suddenly sounded from the top of the sky:

"Stop! Do you want to destroy the entire Central Continent?!"

The next moment, a dazzling golden light gradually pressed down from the sky, and even overwhelmed the huge magic power of the two.

At the same time, a figure of golden armor appeared at the place where Krila collided with RayAi magic.

There was endless golden magic power on his head, one hand was against Krila's cyan magic power, and the other hand pressed against the dark red magic power of RayAi.

With his exertion, he actually separated the two huge magical powers that shook the mainland, and they were all crushed under his golden magical power.

Judging from the exposed hand alone, his magic power can stabilize the two of RayAi and Krila.

"Uncle Vista..."

Seeing this scene from the observation stone, Phil Xilu couldn't help but murmured.

Later, under the golden light, Lu Ming saw a middle-aged uncle with a sharp beard and a sharp face.

With a bit of fortitude on his face, he looked like a very tough man, and his strength naturally couldn't be underestimated.

Seeing Wistar's sudden appearance, Lu Ming was slightly surprised.

Unexpectedly, this Vesta appeared so quickly, according to his thoughts, regardless of the person's ability, LeAy and Krila should be allowed to fight for a while.

Playing now will only make his next battle more difficult.

"Should I say that I am the holy clan of the first clan? It is so self-confident and has no other intentions. It appeared at the first time the battle began..."

Lu Ming said softly, Vesta's move showed the saints' behavior style to the fullest, conceited that he would use his own strength to fight against the world-class powerhouses of the Celestial Clan and the Third Clan.

In this regard, Lu Ming felt a little interesting.

In that case, the strength of this Vesta definitely surpassed his guess. Even if it is conceited, it must be backed by strength.

That is, while he was guessing the strength of Wistar, the entire ground was in a more violent shaking than before.

And this shock was not temporary. With the release of Wistar's magic power, the earthquake intensified, and even the ground showed signs of cracking.

On the other side, Kriles, who was in the frontline camp, felt the magic from Wistar, and couldn't help being a little surprised:

"Has Vesta's power reached this level? In this case, I am afraid Krila and the others are a little dangerous..."

It was only now that Kriles' face showed a little worry for his younger brother.

Only a moment later, this worry was suppressed by him, and then he murmured:

"It doesn't matter at all. Mr. Lu Ming should be coming to our clan soon. By that time, it will be enough to use the holder of the sacred flag of the war world to deal with Wistar."

"What I worry about the most is the person from the third clan..."

Having said this, Kriels couldn't help sighing, and slowly raised his gaze, looking towards the place where the third clan camp is located to the north.

In the third clan, in the central camp, the only thing placed here is the wooden coffin.

At this moment, this wooden coffin is constantly shaking with the vibration of the ground,

It's a pity that no matter how violent the fluctuation of the external magic power is, the inside of this wooden coffin is still silent, it seems that this level of magic power still can't move it.

And on the frontline battlefield, with Wistar's power, the entire central continent has almost been enveloped by wind pressure.

The magical power of these three world-class abilities broke out, centered on the battlefield, and there were no idea how many innocent people from the clan were caught in the storm and lost their lives.

At the moment when Wistar forcibly suppressed the magic power of the two of them, Krila's face flickered, and he put away his magic power almost in the blink of an eye.

The same is true for RayAi on the other side. He waved his hand expressionlessly to dissipate the magic power. The two seemed to have agreed in advance. After Vesta appeared, don't pull back too fast.

This point fully confirmed Lu Ming's previous statement, I am afraid that the two of them came this time really to deal with Wistar together.

After Krila and Lei Ai put away their magical powers at the same time, the gold on Wistar's head also disappeared, the wind pressure on the central continent instantly dissipated, and the sky returned to its original clearness, as if nothing had happened just now.

The only thing that has changed significantly is that the endless mountains under the feet of a few people have turned into rubble ruins at this moment.

Wistar landed slowly from the high air, standing on the gravel below, with a proud face, as if he had just won.

Of course, from the perspective of the situation, facing the two space world abilities, it is indeed his advantage in the end.

At the same time, Krila and Reda also chased him and landed on the ground. Facing this unshaven uncle, Krila could not help but speak:

"You saints, can't help but do it? Last time, someone was sent to bully an unknown western clan, and now I dare to run into the battlefield between our Celestial Clan and the third clan!"

For the people of the saints ~lightnovelpub.net~Krila has always had no good feelings, this clan has always been arrogant, and earlier, even their main opponent of the Celestial Clan.

It is a pity that a third clan appeared later, and the people of the third clan were particularly unfriendly to their Tianjing clan. Therefore, the enemies of the Tianjing clan gradually moved to the third clan, and now they even went to war directly.

In short, for the saints who were sent to pick up the leaks, Krila had a good face and didn't want to give them to the other party.


Regarding Krila's words, Vesta seemed to understand something, and looked up at Krila and RayAi who were on the opposite side.

Then he suddenly realized:

"That's the case, I said that in the battle between the two of you, why didn't you start the world, but conducted a magical contest. Was it to elicit me?"

"Unexpectedly, the Celestial Crystal clan has joined forces with the third clan..."

Wistar shook his head and said that he was not a fool. Looking at the attitude of the two at the moment, they stood facing him together, obviously intending to join hands.

Coupled with the series of things that just happened, Wistar thought for a moment and could understand that this was a trap of the Celestial Clan and the Third Clan against him.

"But you are all wrong!"

Soon, Vesta suddenly yelled, staring at the two people with scorching eyes, and said with arrogance:

"I originally planned to deal with the full power of the two of you with my own strength, and I don't need your seduction at all!"

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