I Am the God of Games

Chapter 197: Luna Guard

"Hum, I'm exhausted ..."

玩家 While the players were still immersed in the impact of the new career, Jessica's sharp gun Serfrim also returned to human form.

As soon as she landed on the ground, she issued a terrible exclaim.

"What the **** is this!"

Those Mori thought she was injured and hurried to look around, only to find that a leather bib appeared on the neck of the girl, and the front of the bib was a crystal looming chain.

At this time, the girl was holding the chain and she was amazed: "When is it ... when you say, the power that just entered Yu's body just now is strange! That is definitely not the power of Luna God!"

看着 Edward looked at the chain frown slightly, then he turned to look at Jessica, and found that the girl herself did not notice that a transparent chain was lingering around her right wrist.

"So it is ..."

Isn't this the "soul binding" that was just prompted in the system message?

Speaking of that, just after the ‘Elf ’s Treasure iii’ mission was completed, there was also a thing called equipment binding soul scroll in the mission reward ...

"What have you done to Serfrim!"

Brom day star immediately nervously pointed at Edward's party with the elven short sword in his hand.

After sharing his findings in the forum, Edward began to have a headache about how to deal with the relationship between Mori Elves.

He thought that Serfrim could only use the last quest item, but he did not expect that it would be directly bound to Jessica's soul, which was a little troublesome.

It is impossible for them to keep Jessica in the Trinity Forest and be placed under house arrest by Mori Elves, and it is impossible for Mori Elves to simply let them take the treasures of Mori Elves.

Wu Qiao looked at his eyebrows and wrinkled tightly. He didn't seem to know how to answer the other side's Edward, and looked at the grim expression of others, and suddenly felt that in such a critical moment, the biggest pectoral muscle should come forward to break the deadlock!

"Oh, your treasure is already in the shape of the God of our games!"

I'm sorry, didn't this directly push us to the opposite side of Mori Elf! Edward's face suddenly turned black.

Due to Joe's rash remarks, the whole situation took a sudden turn, and the hostility of the Mori elves rushed to the surface, and the two sides were about to fight almost the next moment.

"Wait a minute, don't do anything ..." Serfrim returned, trying to dissuade the two sides from fighting.

According to the expression of Brom's day star, it is clear that he does not intend to let Zhibao be abducted by humans.

Edward and his team have been players for so long, and it is impossible to sit and watch others kill themselves because of a little loss. Besides, if it was not for their help, maybe these elves had already died in the line of dragons!

At this moment, a light blue light suddenly appeared between the confronting player and Mori.

Then a figure appeared in the light.

That is a gentleman who looks graceful and luxurious, with Bao Qingtian on his forehead ... No, I mean a crescent-shaped imprint.

"Under the guard of the moon god!" Brom's day star looked surprised when he saw the other party: "You came just right, those **** humans have taken Serfrim ..."

I was actually a helper over there.

Edward hurriedly looked over each other's head.

Guardian of the Moon God, Level 59

Alas, this can't be beat!

Edward just whispered to Jessica and asked, "Can you still get the attack just now?"

The kind of artillery that looked extremely gorgeous, but did not cause an explosion or black and white flashes and Nakamura cubes. Instead, it took the space directly and brought it into the void together with the dragons, which was obviously not simple energy. Attack, but closer to space destruction or law damage.

With that level of destructive power, even level 85 ground line dragons can die, let alone only the level 59 lunar guard.

不 "No, you can't ..." Jessica replied slightly bitterly.

Before using Serfrim, her level was 42. After using Serfrim, she plummeted to level 18. This is still the case where several other people helped share some experience. Edwards almost everyone Down two or three levels.

Fortunately, after the experience of defeating Dixinglong and the task completion experience were settled, Jessica's level rose to level 28 again, and everyone else also rose to level 1. Although it did not return to its original state, it can be considered to make up for it slightly. Some losses.

As a bonder of Serfrim, she knows that the current experience is not enough to use the same attack as before.

After all, the higher the player level, the more experience points you need to upgrade. The experience points from level 1 to level 30 don't add up as much experience from level 30 to level 40.

Coupled with the binding of the soul, now she can make the share of experience value shared by others less, and naturally it is impossible to rely on the experience value of other people to defeat the opponent. In fact, even if it can do so, it is very worthless It ’s better to die here directly, at most 30% of the experience level of the current level ...

"No need to panic, I'm not here to slay you, humans." But the Luna Guard did not take action against Edward, but said cheerfully: "Just now, Her Majesty received the **** from Lord Luna. ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Now she hopes to invite you to visit Trinity, the capital of Mori. "

"What ?!" Brom star looked at Luna's guard in surprise: "Do you want these filthy humans to set foot in Trinia? But that hasn't been an elven holy land for nearly a thousand years!"

"This is Her Majesty's decision. Son of the Sun, you have no right to doubt." Luna Guard did not stand up because he was more than ten levels higher than the other, but said in a very light statement: "And it may be related to the shrine of the goddess Luna, which is obviously beyond your authority to decide. Now, please let the way go, I will take these guests to Trinia."

Although Brom's day star bit his teeth unwillingly, in the end he still obeyed the elf queen's will and made way for Edward.

He put his left hand over his right shoulder and bent down slightly. This was a welcome gift from Mori to the guests.

Edwards were somewhat flattered and headed for the path that the elves gave up, and the Luna Guard went on to pass Brom before saying, "The times have changed. Son of the day, you need to adapt to the tide of the world. Only by letting go of the rotten and obsolete prejudices can our Mori Elves go further in the new era. "