I Am The Omnipotent Prince Charming

Chapter 386: Maybe you look too handsome

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"Xiao Lang, what are you doing?"

Luo Yin immediately returned a message angrily.

"I'm just telling the truth. This is our classical musical instrument exchange group. What's the point of playing a piano?" Xiao Lang typed a line again.

"Well, don't say anything to Xiao Lang."

"Music knows no boundaries, what are you doing?"

"That is, as long as you like the classical instruments in our country, you are welcome to come in."



Everyone in the group spoke and accused Xiao Lang, totally unable to understand why he wanted to target Su Chen.

Xiao Lang was originally named Xiao Ming. He learned the national musical instrument Dongxiao from a young age, and the technique was quite good. With this skill, and his external conditions were not bad, he was very easy to find a girlfriend.

From high school to college, there have been several talks.

One of his recent girlfriends is also a schoolgirl at his university.

At the welcome party, he performed a song for the school girl, and successfully caught him.

However, this school girl is very conservative and has only been holding hands for more than a month.

Just when he was going to think of a way to go further, Su Chen became angry, and his girlfriend fell to Su Chen's face and talent, and became more and more indifferent to him.

When she left school before the winter vacation last year, the schoolgirl proposed a breakup to him because she now prefers the piano and she also likes his perfect man like Surin.

As a result, Xiao Ming hated Su Chen.

Suddenly seeing Su Chen into the group today is naturally envious of the enemies meeting.

Although Su Chen didn't understand how much he had such an enemy.

Seeing that everyone in the group was so upholding a newcomer, Xiao Ming felt more suffocated.

"We are a group of classical musical instruments. What does a Chongyang Meiwai come in for?"

When everyone in the group saw the news, they were a little angry, and they did not understand where Xiao Ming's anger came from.

Su Chen didn't intend to have general knowledge, but she couldn't bear seeing it. She frowned slightly, clicked to record the voice, and said, "First of all, if you play the piano is Chongyangmei, then there are countless people in your country who are scolded by you Now, why don't I post your remarks on Weibo? In addition, this younger brother, I don't understand where your hostility comes from. Could you explain it to me before it is too late? "

Luo Yin and everyone in the group were surprised. Su Chen did not expect such a big temper and would not let it go.

Su Chen's voice went out, and Xiao Ming had no news at all, as if he realized that he did say something wrong, for fear that Su Chen would send him a Weibo to the public.

With Su Chen's influence on the Internet, if he did that, then it can be expected that Xiao Ming would be drowned by the saliva of countless netizens.

"Who is this guy, why does it seem to be hostile to me?" Su Chen looked at Luo Yin and asked.

"I only know his name is Xiao Ming, who plays the dongxiao, and it is not clear." Luo Yin shook his head.

"Why don't I retreat?" Su Chen frowned. He didn't really care about the group, but just gave Luo Yin a face.

"You don't have to, you just pull him black. The group often organizes classical musical instrument activities, and you can join in at that time." Luo Yin said quickly.

Su Chen nodded, and directly added that Xiao Ming to the blacklist, and smiled bitterly: "How can I feel that somehow find me stubble."

"Maybe Chen brother you are too handsome?" Lin Yumeng said with a smile.

"Well, it's really possible."

Su Chen froze, then nodded deeply.

When the two women heard the words, they couldn't help but chuckle and laughed.

After sitting for a while, Luo Yin got up and left, and Su Chen refused to keep her for dinner. They could only send her out.

Later, Su Chen went to the kitchen to make dinner together. Su Chen took charge, while Lin Yumeng helped while watching and learning about cooking.

"This yellow beef doesn't need to be fried for too long, otherwise the meat will grow old, and you have to pay attention to the amount of seasoning. This half a spoon of salt is just fine ..."

Su Chen stir-fried the dishes in the pot, not forgetting to explain to Lin Yumeng casually.

Lin Yumeng gave him a back and shoulder massage, carefully listening, and nodded from time to time to promise.

The husband and wife sang with them, and the atmosphere was warm and beautiful.

Soon a delicious dish came out of the pot. Lin Yumeng brought the table and set the dishes. After Su Chen's last soup came to the table, the two sat together and began to enjoy themselves.

After eating and drinking, they packed up the tableware together, and snuggled up in the living room to watch a cartoon that was quite childish to Su Chen.

"Look here, I'm going to practice." Su Chen kissed the hair above her head and said softly.

"Well, you go!" Lin Yumeng nodded cleverly, smiled and beaked his mouth and pecked him, then got up from his arms.

Su Chen petted her smile and pinched her face, and got up.

On the first floor of the house, there is a practice room for Su Chen to practice martial arts. In the past few days, Su Chen has ordered a lot of equipment to fill in it. As long as he has time, he will practice the thirteen Taibao horizontal exercises.

The two killers that appeared before, together with the young master Han Qi, made Su Chen pay more attention to the martial arts world, and also understood the importance of improving his own strength.

Only with sufficient strength can he better ensure that the people around him are not harmed in any way.

The area of ​​this practice room is about 30 to 40 square meters. According to Su Chen's request, Gu Qing made people use the best sound insulation materials.

Su Chen closed the door and kicked off the slippers, walked to the middle of the room and stood, then began to practice inner strength.

After three times of inner strength, it is horizontal practice. Now Su Chen does not specifically practice one, but in addition to the already master-level Tekken and iron cloth shirt, the other eleven types are practiced together, trying to make himself full. Every part becomes a weapon comparable to a sword.

It is easy to forget the time when you concentrate on your cultivation.

Su Chen didn't stop until news of skill level prompts appeared in his mind, and iron palm, iron back, iron arm and other horizontal training skills successively entered the intermediate level.

Feeling the endless strength and soreness all over his body, Su Chen took a sigh of relief, took off the sweat-soaked jacket, exposed the nearly perfect upper body, and put the clothes on his shoulders ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Opened the door and walked out of the practice clothes.

The living room lights were still on, and the television was still playing cartoons. Lin Yumeng was curled up asleep on the sofa, and there was a radian in the corner of her mouth, which seemed to be dreaming.

Su Chen smiled gently, turned off the TV with the remote control, and walked over to hug a princess Lin Yumeng gently.

Lin Yumeng was still awake, wrinkled Qiong nose, and murmured with sleepy eyes: "Well ... Brother Chen, you smell so bad!"

"Sweat, continue to sleep, I hug you up!" Su Chen smiled and kissed her forehead, softly.

Lin Yumeng murmured with a nasal sound, and didn't care about the smell of sweat on his body, his head arched into his arms, and he fell asleep again.

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