I Am the President of the University

Chapter 12: 1st talent discovered

Of these four rows of information, only the first row can be understood by Chen Hao.

The remaining three rows have to be figured out.

"Alignment? Is there some lawful evil in neutrality?" Chen Hao asked the system.

The system explained: "There are three types of camps, namely neutral, evil and friendly."

Without the need for a systematic explanation, Chen Hao knew the meaning of the representatives of these three categories after a little thought.

Friendship is probably a good impression on Chen Hao, while evil is malicious towards Chen Hao. As for neutrality, it is in the middle, neither close nor hateful.

Chen Hao then asked, "What about potential and ability?"

"The potential value indicates the development potential of the character, with a full score of 100. In an abstract interpretation, 60-70 is a third-rate genius, 70-80 is a second-rate genius, 80-90 is a first-rate genius, and 90-100 is an excellent genius."

"The value of ability, the former is the character's current ability attribute, and the latter is the upper limit attribute."

After listening to the explanation of the system, Chen Hao also understood the new function.

"Well, this skill is pretty good."

With this skill in hand, Chen Hao's confidence increased.

As for technical drawings, there are also grades, ranging from C-level, B-level, A-level, and S-level... But opening requires preconditions, and requires the scientific research environment to meet the standards. With the current hardware level of Guanghua University, of course, it is not enough.

Just as Chen Hao was mulling his skills, his destination this time was also reached.

Chen Hao stood at the door of an office with a sign of "Network and Information Center" and sighed silently. Isn't this too simple?

"right here?"

"Uh, yes." Facing Chen Hao's question, Deng Hui was also a little embarrassed, but the school conditions were really bad.

Eighty percent of the tuition fees were swallowed by the foundation, and the remaining 20 percent paid teachers' salaries, and then barely maintained the school's infrastructure. There was no money for construction and development.


Deng Hui stepped forward and knocked, and after she said "please come in", she pushed open the door.

The office is not big, with only a few computer desks and some simple equipment.

At this moment, only a man in a plaid shirt turned his back to Chen Hao and the two, but after the door was opened, he turned to look at the person who came.

"Assistant Deng, what's the matter?"

The man in the plaid shirt was young, about twenty-five or six years old. He wore a pair of rustic glasses, and his beard trembled when he spoke.

A very ordinary person, with a sloppy image even ee.

This is Chen Hao's impression of the man in the plaid shirt, but when he threw out an insight skill, he found that he was a little preconceived.

"Name: Luocheng

Alignment: Neutral

Potential: 75

Abilities: Programming (53/85) Computer Repair (58/69) Woodworking (46/58)…”

This potential value is even higher than Deng Hui? !

Chen Hao took a closer look. Although the programming ability of the man in the plaid shirt is now 53, the upper limit is as high as 85, which is very malleable!

Chen Hao silently remembered this guy in his heart. He is a buildable talent and can be cultivated slowly.

"This is Luocheng. The school recruited him last year and is responsible for the maintenance and update of the school's official website." Deng Hui first explained to Chen Hao before introducing Chen Hao to Luocheng.

"This is Chen Hao Chen Dong, the new chairman of our school foundation."

"The chairman of the school is not Chen Li...Ao, the new chairman!" Luo Cheng was stunned, and then he reacted after saying the wrong thing, and quickly apologized and admitted his mistake: "Chen Dong, I'm really sorry, I'm a stupid person, you Never mind."

"Eh~ a small matter, after all, the school hasn't notified it yet."

Chen Hao held down Luocheng, who wanted to stand up and apologize, and continued to Deng Hui next to him, "Deng Hui, you will send an internal email later~lightnovelpub.net~ to pass the change of the chairman position of the foundation to Deng Hui. All the staff of the school."

Deng Hui immediately replied, "Okay, Director Chen."

"Are you the only one here today?" Chen Hao asked curiously.

"Chen, Chen Dong, it's like this. These days are the time for volunteering to fill in the college entrance examination. In order to prevent problems with the school's official website, we need to stay behind a staff member." Luo Cheng scratched his head and continued, "But today is the last day, tomorrow It didn't work from the beginning."

Chen Hao listened and sighed in his heart.

It's a pity, today is the last day to fill out the college entrance examination volunteer application. Even though the school is now in charge of him, the reform has not yet begun, and the school's image in all sectors of society is still negative.

According to the data, the school's admission scores in recent years have been lower than each year.

Eight years ago, the minimum score for admission was 30 points online.

And last year, the school's minimum admission score has dropped to 10 points for the second batch of online!

It used to be the No. 1 private university in Ludao City, even in the face of more than a dozen public universities in Ludao City, it still ranks third!

And now...it's at the bottom.

"Luocheng, I need you to update the school's bulletin board on the school's official website and post the changes of the foundation on the official website. How long will it take?"

"I'll do it now, it'll be fine in a few minutes!" Luocheng was quite efficient, and started to operate as soon as he finished speaking. Within a few minutes, a new message appeared on the school's official website.

At the same time, Chen Hao refreshed the "World University Rankings" website.

Sure enough, the ranking of Guanghua University has changed!

And there is also an explanation on the dynamic.


ps: Thanks to the book friend "Shi Bao Huang Erguo Xixi" for the recommendation ticket.