I Am the President of the University

Chapter 711: The mission of the first secretary

"Principal Chen?"

Feeling the two eyes on his body, Chen Hao came back to his senses in an instant, and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, I lost my mind."

Secretary Xu Yonglin waved his hand, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "It's fine, but now I want to go find it again with Principal Mosh. Do you want to go with Principal Chen too?"

In fact, he wanted Chen Hao to join in as well. After all, there are many people with many strengths, but the identity of the other party is too precious. Before leaving, Director Yang gave thousands of instructions, and he must entertain Principal Chen well. Safety is the most important issue. heavy.

"Yes." Chen Hao nodded in agreement.

Mosh Yehei seemed a little surprised, but he didn't say much, just looked at Chen Hao secretly from the corner of his eye.

Chen Hao went out with Xu Yonglin and Mosh, and Xu Guangtai didn't know where he came from and joined the team.

"Two tigers!"

"Two tigers!"

Erhu is Azi Rijie's nickname.

While shouting, the four of them searched for A Zi Rijie everywhere in the village. They also asked a lot of old people in the village at the homes of their close friends, or in places they frequented, but they still couldn't find them.

The bright moon hangs high, and the moonlight pours on the earth like a silver brilliance, and the chirping of insects beside my ears is unaware.

Chen Hao glanced at his watch, it was almost 9 o'clock in the evening.

Secretary Xu Yonglin also added a trace of sadness between his eyebrows. He stopped: "It's not too early. Let's go to Erhu's house again, maybe we will come back."

"Then what if he didn't come back?" Chen Hao didn't say these words, just sighed and followed Secretary Xu Yonglin to the southeast of the village.

This task only took 48 hours. I thought it would be okay, but now it's better. Two or three hours have passed, and I haven't even seen the shadow of anyone.


The altitude of Daluo Village is high, so the houses are scattered everywhere, and some even have to climb over a mountain to reach it.

Azirijie's house is still a little far from the village committee, about 20 minutes' walk.

But when he arrived at his destination, Chen Hao was stunned when he looked at the strange structure of the half-earth and half-brick house in front of him.

Chen Hao's reaction did not surprise Secretary Xu Yonglin. He reluctantly recounted: "In recent years, in order to help Daluo Village get rid of poverty and become rich, the state has allocated a lot of money, and the village's collective industry has also improved, and basically all bricks have been built. Fang, except for Erhu's house..."

"This... why?" Chen Hao looked confused.

"Alas," Xu Yonglin said with a hatred of iron, "the main problem is Erhu's father."

"Erhu's father worked in Rongcheng, but he was addicted to gambling. Not only did he never send the money back, he even cheated the old man's coffin away."

"The two old people left a few years ago, and the coffin was bought by the villagers with money, and now only one grandma is left.

In the history of the Yi people, there was cremation. Until the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the Yi people in Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangxi basically changed to coffin burial.

In addition, the Yi people have tree burials, pottery burials, rock burials, water burials, and sky burials. (It is recorded in "Guizhou General Chronicle" and "Xichang County Chronicle and Yi Nationality Chronicle")

Chen Hao was silent.

Yellow gambling du, as long as one of them is stained, it is almost difficult for the family to be happy.

Gamblers, let alone.

"Dong dong."

After a few knocks on the door, the historic broken wooden door slowly opened.

An old woman with dark skin and a wrinkled face appeared in front of everyone.

When the grandmother saw that it was Secretary Xu Yonglin, her folds trembled and her eyes narrowed so much that she could barely see.

He said enthusiastically, "Secretary Xu, come in for a drink."

"Grandma, I won't go in," Secretary Xu Yonglin probed into the door and asked, "Is Erhu back? We've been looking for him all night."

"I haven't come back yet. If he comes back, I'll let him find you when the time comes."

"Well, it's getting late, grandma, go to bed early, we're leaving."

The whole conversation was in Yi language. Anyway, Chen Hao couldn't understand it. Until Xu Yonglin was about to turn around, he probably knew that he had failed.

Where did that man go?

Chen Hao didn't know.

Xu Yonglin didn't know either.

The group can only end their search tonight, and wait until the sun rises tomorrow before continuing.

Early the next morning.

Chen Hao first went to Daluo Elementary School. Standing outside the classroom, he saw that the volunteer teaching team members on the stage were doing well. Although he was nervous, he still met the standard.

After meeting with Xu Yonglin, the three continued to look for Aziri.

Why are there three people? Because the summer camp has begun, as the principal, Mosh naturally has to guard the school in black and white.

I searched for a lot of places, and everyone I met on the road also asked again, but there was still no clue.

In the end, Xu Yonglin found a few friends of A Zi Rijie and asked again.

"Stone, do you know which of the two tigers played well?"

The child whose nickname was called Stone sniffled and read out several names, but most of them were found, and only one family named "Jike Quyi" was not found.

"Principal Chen, this place where Ji Kequyi lives may be a bit far..." Xu Yonglin reminded specially.

Chen Hao shook his head and said, "It's okay, find someone first, how can you drop out of school in the second year of junior high."

"Okay, then let's go. If we are lucky, we can come back for lunch." After that, Xu Yonglin strode towards the outside of the village.

This Ji Kequyi's home is not in the center of the village, but on the edge, and the distance is not small.

Along the way, it is completely over the mountains.

Even though Chen Hao's physical strength was not low, he was still shocked.

"Secretary Xu, some people live in remote areas, don't children have to walk for an hour to go to school??"

"One hour?"

Xu Yonglin sighed and said, "It's too few. Daluo Elementary School lives farthest away. In order to catch the first class, we have to leave two hours earlier..."

"Two hours in advance?" Chen Hao opened his mouth wide, not daring to imagine this scene at all.

Xu Yonglin looked into the distance, one mountain was connected to another, and there was no end to it.

"After climbing this slope, it is another slope; after walking this mountain, it is another mountain."

"Ten years ago in Daluo Village, the entire village didn't even have a kindergarten. The children in the village were completely free-range, with no books to read, their clothes were dirty, their faces were sticky with mud, and they were surrounded by a bonfire to keep warm in winter."

"The children want to go to work and study in other places. They go out in the morning and come back in the afternoon. Do you know why?" Xu Yonglin said with a pause.

"Why?" Chen Hao asked.

"Because they didn't know how to buy tickets, and even forgot how to write their names." Xu Yonglin smiled, but that smile seemed so sad.

"This is Daliang Mountain, the Daliang Mountain that cannot be walked out." At the end, Xu Yonglin's eyes softened.

"Fortunately, the presence of Secretary Meng Bin changed Daluo Village, allowing children to read books. Only by reading can they change their fate and let them get out of the mountains."

Secretary Meng Bin?

This was the first time he had heard this name in Darrow Village?

Chen Hao asked curiously, "Who is this Secretary Meng Bin? Where is he now?"

Xu Yonglin suddenly stopped, took a deep breath, pointed to the highest mountain, and said in a low voice, "Secretary Meng Bin is there."


Chen Hao looked at Xu Yonglin's fingers with confidence. At first, he was confused, but he gradually realized that he was shocked.

"Secretary Meng Bin is the first secretary of Daluo Village. That's where Secretary Meng Bin lives. Let me tell you a story."

The protagonist of the story is Meng Bin, a deputy director of a unit directly under Tianfu Province. When the state vigorously selected cadres to go to the countryside to carry out poverty alleviation work, Meng Bin took the initiative to apply to the unit and became a glorious first secretary.

"At that time, Daluo Village was full of ruins. The villagers lived in primitive and simple earth houses for generations. The village was divided into east and west sides. Electricity was supplied to the east in the morning and the west of the afternoon. After 7 o'clock in the evening, the whole village was powered off."

"During the day, the children run around the hillside with snotty noses and herd sheep; when they eat, their mother brings boiled potatoes or boiled wild vegetables; at night, the smelly cattle and sheep sleep in the same room with people."

"It's not that no one sends their children to school, it's just that the Yi dolls in Daluo Village can't speak Mandarin. They go to primary schools in the town. The teachers teach in Mandarin, but they can't understand them. If they don't understand, they can't learn. I was clamoring to drop out of school.”

"Secretary Meng Bin wanted to change all of this, so he went to the door and told the adults, "If you don't study, you're a 'deaf' or a 'blind'. "

"But these villagers don't take it seriously. In their opinion: ancestors are the same from generation to generation. Children are like herding sheep and cattle, and then grow up, and this is the same for their entire lives."

"In order to gain the trust of the villagers, Secretary Meng Bin wakes up early every day to work for the gangster villagers. After a few months, the old man regarded him as his son, and the left-behind children regarded him as his father."


Xu Yonglin couldn't go on, his eyes were so red that tears were swirling.

"It's just that Secretary Meng Bin's mother is ill and has Alzheimer's. Every villager and child in Daluo Village knows Secretary Meng Bin, but when he came to his mother's bed, his mother didn't know him..."

"Secretary Meng Bin was sad, but he still did not leave Daluo Village, because he said that when he first set foot on the land of Daluo Village, he saw the simplicity and simplicity in the eyes of the children, which was the desire for knowledge. , curiosity about the world."

"Every child should enjoy a fair and quality education, and he wants to light a light to illuminate the way these children go to school."

"With the unremitting efforts of Secretary Meng Bin, the kindergarten and primary school in Daluo Village were established one after another, just when everything was moving in a good direction..."

"Secretary Meng Bin was killed by a mudslide on his way back to Daluo Village from Xichang, and his car...is full of students' textbooks and stationery..."

Secretary Xu Yonglin couldn't go on, and wiped his tears with his sleeves.

Chen Hao was also very moved.

Poverty alleviation is the national plan and the mission of the Communist Party.

The first secretary is at the forefront of the battle against poverty.

In the early morning of June 17, 2019, Huang Wenxiu, the first secretary of Guihai Province, was killed in a mountain torrent on the way from Baise to Leye. He was only 30 years old;

At about 6 pm on July 22, 2019, Wen Weihong, the first secretary of Daping Village, Zhongzhai Town, Guizhou Province, was accidentally electrocuted when he went to the Daping Villagers Group to check the flue-cured tobacco industry. age;

On October 16, 2019, Ran Jingqing, the first secretary of Shancheng in Dahekou Village, Cangling Town, suffered a sudden illness at work. After the rescue was invalid, he died in the post of poverty alleviation. He was only 41 years old;

November 2019…

Someone leaves the mountain and never comes back.

Someone came back from the city, but never left.

At an important moment ushered in the centenary of the construction of D, my country has achieved a comprehensive victory in the battle against poverty.

All 98.99 million rural poor people were lifted out of poverty, all 832 poor counties were removed, and all 128,000 poor villages were listed.

The overall regional poverty has been solved, the arduous task of eliminating absolute poverty has been completed, and one miracle after another has been created in the history books!

Behind this ~lightnovelpub.net~ are more than 1,800 first secretaries and grass-roots cadres who have set their lives on the journey of poverty alleviation.

If miracles have color, it must be China Red!

Chen Hao had a question, "Secretary Xu, how do you understand so clearly?"

"Because, I am a colleague of Secretary Meng Bin's original unit."

Secretary Xu Yonglin touched the party emblem on his left chest, which gleamed in the sun.

"The mission that Secretary Meng Bin failed to complete, then I will complete it."

After watching a lot of documentaries in this chapter, I realized how great the first secretary is.

Pay tribute to the 1,800 comrades who died in the battle against poverty!

People's hero, immortal! !

(Writing from 11:00 to almost 4:00, I finally rushed out, and I can finally go to bed...)