I Am the President of the University

Chapter 774: endorsement from country

[CCTV News: Recently, Guanghua University announced the establishment of Lushu Group, and cooperated with domestic Anta...]

You Ping forwarded the news link to the Wangzhe Pesticide Game Group, which he usually chats with, and immediately exploded a lot of diving parties.

Not going to work today: "Hold the grass, Guanghua University is making a big move again?!"

Beihui: "Niu Niu Niu, the most successful industry-university-research transformation in China has to belong to Guanghua University. This is another unicorn company that is about to appear."

I am the red sandalwood: "Wait, Guanghua University is holding a smart thermostat, why should it cooperate with these domestic clothing brands? Just eat alone, any industry is the most profitable only if it is a monopoly."

The doubt of [I am the red sandalwood] is also Yu Ping's idea, and he can't figure out what Guanghua University's move means.

Quickly tap your finger on the screen, and a piece of text takes shape in ten seconds.

West out of Yumen: "I don't know, let's see if there are any big guys in the group who know the inside story. (Funny face

In this king pesticide group, there are thousands of messages every day, just not talking about games, and there are not even an unlicensed team who play games every day.

Either lsp is engaged in hs, or is talking about current affairs hotspots, such as Edinburgh, coffee city, Xiaoyangren and so on a while ago.

In the past two days, it was rare to talk about the game content - Guan Yu's new skin.

This skin is too shocking, and it's a bit too grounded.

Even if Guan Yu didn't ride a horse, he even switched to riding a motorcycle, and was finally reported by the player.

Reasons: driving with one hand, not wearing a helmet, dangerous driving, hitting people.

It has to be said that this collection skin is even more stretched than Zhuge Liang's.

At this time, a local tyrant from Ludao in Hu Province appeared.

mytxxm: "Cough, I have a relative who is a senior executive of Lilang Company. Guess what the cooperation between Guanghua and these brands is? (dog head

Beihui: "Don't sell the secret, let's talk about it!"

myrxxm: "Then I will simply say two points. 1. All smart thermostatic clothing series of brands that cooperate with Guanghua shall not be sold in China; 2. Smart thermostatic clothing is purchased from Guanghua, and the style, color and design are customized by the brand. Attention! Purchased Price: 3899 yuan/set!"

"Hey, the purchase price is 3899 yuan for a set???" You Ping was dumbfounded.

Isn't this the official price?

We have never heard of any product whose official price and follow-up price are the same...

Incredibly big!

not going to work today:"……"

Beihui: "..."

I am the red sandalwood: "..."

West out of Yumen: "..."

The group brushed up an ellipsis, completely unable to believe this revelation.

But mytxxm is a native of Ludao, nicknamed M Hao in the group, and his family is also in business. Although he is not very rich, his assets are probably around tens of millions, but relatives are also in business, and the news is definitely more ordinary than most of the group. Well-informed.

I am the red sandalwood: "The two news of M Hao are too hot, right? If the smart thermostat series cannot be sold in China, wouldn't it be going abroad?? And what is the purchase price?"

mytxxm: "Hey, haven't you understood yet? Let me remind you again that there is no foreign brand in the list of this collaboration, do you understand? (squint smile

You Ping was stunned for a moment, then reacted instantly.

His eyes widened and he couldn't believe it: "Isn't it, Guanghua is so courageous?"

Obviously, there is no foreign brand, plus the previous mhao said that it cannot be sold in China, the answer is about to come out.

That is, Guanghua University is going to release all these partners to **** the international market. Anyway, it is enough to hold the supply.

In this case, can Anta and Hailan Home still make money?

It is not easy to open up overseas markets, store rents, expensive labor costs, logistics and transportation, tariffs, etc., and their purchase prices are not cheap.

You Ping couldn't help asking a question in the group, and then got a reply from xx.

"Don't look at the fact that the purchase price is not cheap, but ah, the sales price of smart thermostats in foreign countries is not as high as that in China. My relatives didn't tell me this in detail. They are also waiting for Guanghua's instructions. It is said that it will not be less than 5,000 yuan. (converted)."

You Ping swiped "666666", and then the group followed suit.

Every time, foreign products sold to China are much more expensive than their local counterparts, while domestic products sold abroad will be a little more expensive, but if they are rare, they will be much more expensive.

Even a certain conscience x brand is cheaper in the United States than in China, and those who don't know it think it is an American company, huh, huh.

You Ping couldn't help but sighed:

"What is a national enterprise? Guanghua is this!"


"What is a national enterprise? This is it!"

In an indescribable place in the capital, a man in a Chinese tunic suit sat on a few sofa seats in the room, and there were meeting recorders behind him.

The Great Elder looked around the crowd and said, "Which company has the courage to donate 20% of its net profit?"



"Or word dance?"

"That's why I said, Guanghua is the real national enterprise!" The elder said directly and definitively.

The rest of the people looked at each other in dismay, and the Great Elder was very happy, so he made a direct statement.

But it's not a small matter, so be careful.

"Chief, this... is this really suitable? Will it bring a bad atmosphere?" One person worried.

The two proposals that Guanghua submitted this time are really frightening.

One is to hope that the [Lushu] brand can be endorsed by the country;

The other is that [Lu Shu] will launch a series of smart thermostatic clothing for civil servants, hoping to get permission.

Neither of these are simple questions.

For example, for the first one, you can refer to Maotai. Maotai was brought up by political and business elites. If Maotai did not have the endorsement of the state, would it have the current market value of 2.31 trillion yuan?

Here's a real example: a friend went back to his hometown for the New Year and wanted to buy Armani for his father-in-law. The old man didn't want it.

Brands at the level of Lilang can only be endorsed by the county magistrates, but luxury brands such as Chanel and Hermès must be endorsed by senior officials and business leaders at or above the provincial level. (Actually, mother P also endorsed domestic high-end women's clothing brands)

The second, the target group for the introduction of the civil servant series is naturally within the system.

But a set of smart thermostats is not cheap, and 3899 yuan is not a small number.

But there is no need to underestimate the purchasing power of the system.

According to the statistics of Montblanc stores, the proportion of "gift-giving consumption" is as high as 50% to 60%. Until the government introduced the restrictive policy in October 2012, the performance of the Montblanc flagship store in Shanghai dropped by as much as 74% at the end of the year!

What does this mean?

It shows that before the introduction of relevant policies, the main force of consumption is within the system.

"Yeah, wouldn't that be great?"

"I think it still needs careful consideration."

Hearing these dissenting voices, the Great Elder laughed without saying a word.

He stood up and said hello.

"In this way, Guanghua sent a batch of test products, and we went out to experiment for ourselves before making a decision."

The group changed into the Lushu smart thermostat and walked outside.

The sun hangs high outside.

The capital at the end of August was still very hot under the sun.

However, several elders were shocked, and even one or two people even made a soft "Huh" sound.

Under the sun, not only do you not feel the heat, but you feel extra comfortable all over your body.

[Lu Shu] After all, the smart thermostat is only a new technology that was released a few days ago. Even if everyone knows it, many people still do not understand how amazing the performance is.

At this moment, the Great Elder spoke again.

"The army has already placed an order with Guanghua, and it is expected that the entire army will be replaced within two years."

"Everyone has experienced the magic of smart thermostats for themselves, right? The price is not cheap, but it's worth it."

"And with smart thermostats, it's a great tool for some public officials in harsh climates."

"We can't look at him as an ordinary piece of clothing, it's a smart product to be precise."

Several people were silent.

Comparing the smart thermostat with everyday clothes, it is too expensive.

But if compared with mobile phones and computers, the price is acceptable.

Finally, someone's attitude changed.

"Well...Actually, I think it is feasible. After all, the government has to develop with the times, and its thinking cannot stay in place, otherwise it will be derailed."

"That's the truth~lightnovelpub.net~ but I think it is necessary to add some restrictions, such as..."

After some discussion, the final decision is passed.

However, there are also requirements. Public officials are only allowed to purchase designated civil servant series smart thermostatic clothing, and the quantity is also required, with a maximum of two sets.

More than two sets are disciplinary violations.

When this provision was promulgated, it caused an uproar.

How many public officials are there in the country?

Add in the family population of public officials, and that's a huge group.

It can even be said to be a trend, indicating that the country has endorsed and supported this [Lushu] smart thermostat.

What else can stop the rise of smart thermostats?
