I Am the President of the University

Chapter 818: Support from Guanghua

Time back to 4pm.

Shortly after the Dongchang Mountain Fire was discovered, many media have already started related reports.

Tianfu Observation: [#tianfuliangshan fire again##dongchanglushan forest fire# The fire is approaching the urban area of ​​Dongchang, please avoid the majority of Dongchang citizens and keep the rescue channel open! 】

There is no human voice throughout the video, only the whistling of the wind, but the content is shocking!

The raging fire is burning, the trees are being swallowed up by the sea of ​​fire, the black smoke is pouring into the city along the wind, and the cars on the road are speeding away.

The sky of the whole city has changed color, as if the end of the world.

The whole video was sent to him by Jiahui, otherwise he wouldn't be on Douyin.

This fragmented short video software will affect your concentration after a long time.

"Is the Dongchang fire so serious?" This is the worst natural disaster he has seen since he returned to China. ,

Click on the comments, and the comments of netizens are disturbing.

"It's scary, really praying that our firefighters and everyone else are safe!"

"I don't want you to be full of honor, I just want you all to return safely."

"Stop the disaster, how many children, husbands, fathers, never go home [tears] [tears]."

"How can the years be quiet, it's just that someone is carrying the burden for you, and you must return safely [thank you] [thank you]"

"When dangers and disasters come, it is you who rise up to the challenge. You are the real heroes. I hope that after the fire is extinguished, everyone can return safely."

"Don't ask why [military first], this is the answer! May all return to the team in good condition!"

"Oh my god! I really hope it rains [tears] soon."

"We don't need heroes, we must come back safely!"

"The mountain fires are ruthless and affectionate, waiting for your safe return!"

More than 600,000 comments, more than 90% of which are related to the safe return.

The Chinese nation is a nation that suffers a lot. From ancient times to the present, it is possible to write a book about the natural and man-made disasters it has experienced.

However, the Chinese people have never yielded.

【A difficult one, P Plus support. 】

These eight characters are engraved in the bones.

In times of crisis, there will be unprecedented unity.

I browsed several videos of related reports, some of which were shot by the media and some of Dongchang citizens.

How long does it take to put out a fire like this?

How many firefighters will die?

If the wildfire spreads to the urban area, it will affect another family.

"Something must be done!" Chen Hao gritted his teeth.

Thoughts flashed in his mind, his face changed constantly, and the final face was a little ugly.

He took a deep breath and made a phone call.

"Mr. Xu, how much do we have in stock for the fire-fighting version of the smart thermostat?"

"There are about 6,000 sets left," Xu Wan asked curiously, "Principal, do you want to produce some more?"

Because the consumer group of the fire-fighting version of the smart thermostatic clothing is firefighters from all over the world, even if a friendly price is paid, it is difficult to change all the clothes.

It is estimated that each unit will only purchase some parts. For example, a fire brigade of 200 people may only purchase 20-40 sets in the end.

After all, ordinary fire fighting uniforms are enough most of the time, and this smart thermostatic clothing is only needed when entering the fire scene, so the demand for this is not as good as that of ordinary people.

6,000 sets of smart thermostats were specially added for the production of this batch of donated smart thermostats, just in case.

"Take out 2,000 sets of fire-fighting version of the smart thermostat and immediately transport it to Gaoqi Airport. Later, I will contact Lulu Airlines and the Civil Aviation Administration to take these smart thermostats on a special plane to support Dongchang!"

"Yes, Headmaster!"

No need for Chen Hao to say, Xu Wan also knows the reason why these batches of smart thermostatic clothes were shipped to Dongchang.

After the call, Chen Hao contacted Ludao Airlines and the Civil Aviation Administration.

It is guaranteed that the smart thermostatic clothing delivered by Lushu Group will board the special plane as soon as possible and can take off to Dongchang.

Fortunately, Dongchang has its own airport. Although it is only a 4d-level military-civilian regional airport, it can at least allow planes to land.

Then, Chen Hao contacted Niu Anguo, the captain of the Tianfu Forest Fire Brigade, through the leader of the emergency management department.

The environment on the other side seemed a bit strange, the wind was particularly loud, and it was accompanied by the loud sound of the propeller.

Chen Hao guessed that the other party should be in the helicopter.

Is it going to Dongchang?

Chen Hao didn't do much politeness, and went straight to the topic.

"Hello, Niu Corps. I'm Chen Hao, the president of Guanghua University. I read the news that there was a serious fire in Dongchang. I have mobilized 2,000 sets of smart thermostats in the firefighting version and will take a special plane to support Dongchang, about 3 hours. Arrive at Dongchang Qingshan Airport on the left or right."

After a pause, he said solemnly: "Team Niu, this batch of smart thermostats will be accompanied by the staff of Lushu Group, and you can only do it yourself."

"I don't care about the whereabouts of these smart thermostats in the future, but now they must be used in the Dongchang fire, and the lives of all front-line firefighters must be guaranteed!"

I can't blame him for this arrangement. It's just that some things in Jiangcheng and Modu are too heartbreaking. In the end, less than half of the materials donated in the past were actually distributed.

Who dares to donate after doing this a few times?

Niu Anguo, who was on the helicopter, was overjoyed at first. The number of fire-fighting officers and fighters involved in the front-line this time is estimated to be around 1,500-2,000, plus some professional fire-fighting teams participating in the front-line fire-fighting work, which is about a little more than 2,000.

As for other armed police and emergency militiamen, in fact, more of them are guarding, maintaining stability and helping around the fire scene.

In addition to the ones I received just two days ago, 3,000 sets of fire-fighting version of the smart thermostat are completely sufficient, or even more than enough.

He was deeply shocked by the abnormal effect of the fire-fighting version of the smart thermostat produced by Guanghua University.

Although those high-performance fire-proof clothing and heat-insulating clothing claim to be able to enter the high temperature environment of 1000 ℃, they are actually only entering and passing through, and cannot stay for more.

These fire-proof clothing and heat-insulating clothing can only stay for 1 hour at a high temperature of 300 °C, 30 minutes at 500 °C, and less than 10 minutes at 800 °C. As for the real high temperature environment of 1000 °C, it is also Just two or three minutes.

The rescue work used to enter the building is OK, but the fire in Dongchang is not applicable.

Fire fighting alone will not be less than five or six hours.

But after hearing what Chen Hao said, Niu Anguo was stunned for a moment, and then he said solemnly: "Principal Chen, please rest assured. I will personally inquire about the use of each piece of these smart thermostats, and I will never let those who wish to do so. People get involved! I, Niu Anguo, came out of the army, and the bottom line and humanity are still there, and I will never be the kind of leech that eats human blood!"

"Then I can rest assured, Team Niu, if there is anything else Guanghua can help you can feel free to contact me."

"Guanghua is a university in China. In the face of such natural and man-made disasters, it is a force to be able to contribute."

The call was over, but Chen Hao's brows lingered with irritability.

He stood up and wandered back and forth in the office.

In the face of such large-scale natural disasters, human beings are too small to resist even the power of technology.

As for what netizens say about artificial rainfall, it is a manifestation of a lack of scientific common sense.

Students who have gone to college should know that.

The principle of artificial rainfall is to intervene in the formation of clouds by spreading rainfall agents such as salt powder and dry ice into the clouds, but this is also premised. If the sky is cloudless, the conditions for artificial rainfall will not be met.

And forest fires often occur when the weather is relatively sunny and the number of clouds is small, which does not meet the conditions of artificial rainfall.

Not to mention that the temperature of forest fires is very high, even if artificial rainfall can be achieved, it is difficult for raindrops to achieve the ideal extinguishing effect.

In the end ~lightnovelpub.net~ When a forest fire occurs, it can only be put out manually.

"It would be great if there was some kind of black technology that could fight fires." Chen Hao sighed, only to feel a sense of powerlessness sprouting from his heart.

With the current level of technology, there is still no way to solve it.

The fire-fighting version of the smart thermostat is the only high-tech equipment used for fire fighting.

That's all he can do.

After half an hour.

After Chen Hao intervened, the three forces of Lushu Group, Ludao Airlines and the Civil Aviation Administration worked quickly, and a smart thermostat full of 2,000 sets of fire protection versions took off from Gaoqi International Airport.

Destination: Dongchang Qingshan Airport!

ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket!
