I Am the Sister of the School Grass

Chapter 148

"Full score? I think it's still a little off."

The teachers of Hongzhi Class have brought out many champions, they have seen many high-scoring students, and their mentality is more peaceful.

She said, "Of course, I do not deny that the students in our school have the ability to get full marks. But in the environment and state of the college entrance examination, it is really not easy to get full marks."

Even if they have brought so many students, teachers are always under psychological pressure when their students take the college entrance examination.

Not to mention the students sitting in the exam room.

Twelve years of hard work and sweat, it depends on how the pen moves and what you write in the past two days.

After submission, everyone's life is separated by an invisible wall.

The grades are high and you can enter a good university.

Let's not talk about the network of tutors, just look at the resources provided by the school to students, such as overseas exchanges with fundg, academic discussion conferences across the country, school promotions of well-known companies, etc. Differently.

Of course, the students in the exam room don't know this yet.

They will just be instilled by the teacher with the idea of ​​"must take the exam well and try your best to take the exam. If you don't know how to write, you can also put it up, in case it's right".

But they are people who have studied hard for twelve years, and they all know that this exam may decide their fate in the next ten years.

It's really rare to have a peaceful mind.

But looking at the line graph of Yunyan and Yu Nan's grades from one to nine at the top of the screen, some teachers couldn't help but say.

"I still feel a little hopeful. Last year's highest score was 739 points. This year's test is more than 740 points, even full marks. It doesn't seem to be particularly difficult."

The dean who stood at the front and discussed with everyone sighed in his heart.

He called out the line chart of the scores of the students who performed well in the college entrance examination last year, from one model to the thirteenth model.

Seeing that the front t has changed, the teachers stopped discussing and looked up at the big screen.

Last year's No. 1 in Science in the province still came from No. 1 Middle School, but the teachers of that class are now starting to teach students from High School 1.

However, the dean will occasionally arrange for teachers who brought graduating students this year to discuss teaching experience with the teachers of the previous graduating class.

Not only that, the director himself also summarizes the students' achievements for analysis.

The director of teaching said: "In the last college entrance examination, our school accounted for seven of the top ten in the province. This is the seven children I counted from the first model to the thirteenth model. A line graph of changes in grades.”

Speaking, he clicked the mouse. The line graph of the achievements of last year's provincial champions turned red.

"This is the change icon of last year's champion. He is similar to Yu Nan and Fang Yunyan. From the beginning, his performance can be significantly ahead of others."

In addition, she performed well in the college entrance examination, and she deserved it.

The dean said: "Don't mention full marks in the future, especially not in front of the students. On the one hand, it will put a lot of pressure on the children; Since the implementation of the college entrance examination policy, there has not been a full score."

After a pause, the dean added, "The top scorers in science from 2005 to 2016 are basically between 700-720 points. In recent years, with the increasing research on college entrance examination questions The more adequate, the student's grades will enter the 730 to 740 range."

What he didn't say is that this is only for the province.

The score of the top scorer in the college entrance examination in many provinces is still around 720. Of course, this is already the highest score in the province.

The teacher of Hongzhi class answered, "The director is right, the college entrance examination questions will definitely be innovated all the time. Our school's mock exams are all given by the teachers of our school, and Yu Nan and Yunyan must be used to it. Our style of questioning, we know where we like to dig when we see the question. This is one of the reasons for their high grades.”

Otherwise, even if you know this knowledge very well. But if the place where the teacher digs the pit is different, it still takes a lot of effort to do everything right.

Speaking of this, everyone will no longer worry about the college entrance examination results for the time being.

Now I have to follow the test papers sent by the Ministry of Education to figure out the style of the New Year's college entrance examination.

So that students can familiarize themselves with the question types in advance, and they can have more confidence in the examination room.

When the meeting was about to end, the dean reminded me again and again.

"Teachers, full marks are a good expectation, but more pressure, please don't put pressure on these two students with grades. Every time I pass by Hongzhi Class and Class Seven , I saw that Yu Nan and Fang Yunyan are basically learning. The two of them no longer need pressure and can make progress on their own."

After a pause, he said the last sentence, "Now there is not much time before the college entrance examination, giving children confidence is the most important thing."

And the way to give students confidence is to start with ten models, basically giving simple and novel questions.

This will allow students who previously scored more than 500 to get around 600 points.

Of course, the whole grade ranking may not change much, but at least the grades are high, and everyone is happy to watch.

Fang Yunyan and Yu Nan didn't know that there were even teachers who were expecting them to get full marks in the college entrance examination.

The two are still at their own pace.

Review the questions every day, read and read, and learn about current affairs and news, in case it can be used in the composition title at the end.

After the Qingming Festival in April, the weather gradually turned warmer, and the magnolia flowers on the playground bloomed and failed, symbolizing that everyone is one step closer to the college entrance examination.

No.1 Middle School does not give everyone the habit of attending class until a few days before the college entrance examination.

On May 13th, the 13th mode of the whole school is over, and the paper is finished. In the first high school, the students were completely given a vacation, allowing everyone to review freely.

Class 7, Old Liu Gang announced the holiday on the podium, but the students under the stage were not very enthusiastic.

"Are you on vacation?"

Lao Liu said: "This is the practice of our school. The teachers have already explained everything that should be said. You need time to chew this knowledge and integrate it into your own."

After a pause, he picked up the school notice and continued to read: "From the 15th until the day before the college entrance examination, everyone can choose to review at home, in the classroom, or with classmates. Let's go to the study room together."

"Can you not use it for school?"

"Fuck, teacher, you are all stocking us!"

"What if I can't learn at home?"

"Come to the classroom if you can't learn."

"But what if I can't learn if I can't see Yunyan?"

"..." No one dared to answer, didn't you see Brother Zheng's death stare?

Lao Liu waited until everyone had finished discussing before explaining—

"If you study in the classroom, the advantage is that you can go to the teacher's office at any time to ask questions. During this time, every teacher is on call all day, giving you constant lectures.

But if some students like a space for independent thinking, then the home is certainly the best learning environment for him.

Of course, if you have questions that you can’t study at home, you can also choose to go to the classroom to ask the teacher the next day. You all know that in the teacher's office, if the teacher in your class is surrounded by people, you should ask other teachers who are idle. We will answer your questions. "

"Mainly...I feel empty when I don't go to class." Cheng Li said.

Lao Liu said on the stage, "If you want to take a class, come to my office and teach you a class."

Cheng Li: “…”

Cheng Li: "I'm sorry Dad, I didn't say it."

Lao Liu's tone was very serious, "If you want to go to class, come to me directly, anyway, if the teacher is idle, he is idle."


The class suddenly fell silent, and someone said, "Only Lao Cheng wants to go to class."

Cheng Li: “…”

Finally, Fang Zheng broke the deadlock. He was wearing his school uniform upright, and he could not see any nervousness about the college entrance examination between his eyebrows, and said: "Today's the thirteenth, Mr. Liu, we What are you doing on the fourteenth?"

The boys in the whole class basically call Teacher Liu 'Lao Liu' or 'Dad'.

Only Fang Zheng called Teacher Liu in a proper manner.

Lao Liu said on the stage, "No. 14, a group photo of class No. 14, don't you know?"

"???" How do we know if you don't tell me!

Lao Liu said: "Then I will tell everyone now that everyone will wear school uniforms, short-sleeved or autumn clothes tomorrow, and the class photo should be neat."

Speaking, he turned to another page and read, "Our class will gather at the playground for a photo at eleven o'clock in the morning. You can bring your schoolbag, come to the class in the morning, and take a group photo."


Early the next morning, Yunyan was wearing a school uniform with short sleeves. After opening the bedroom window, she felt a little cold again, and finally added a school uniform jacket.

Fang Zheng went out to school with her.

Seeing that Yunyan only took a notebook, Fang Zheng was a little curious: "Aren't you going to write the papers?"

Yunyan glanced at him and said, "The paper is finished."

Fang Zheng: "…"

So many black papers, are they all finished?

His sister really...six to explode.

According to the truth, after writing a set of papers, most people have to have a review time.

However, Yunyan's rolls have surprisingly high scores. When reviewing, just look at the topics she marked.

So, now Yunyan starts to review the basics and look at the English grammar she has summarized.

By the way, take the red paper to practice the writing of English letters, so as not to give a bad impression to the scorers because of the paper surface.

So, among a group of students who were crazy about writing questions, Yunyan placed a stack of red paper on the table and began to practice calligraphy with a pen.

The main thing is to review the grammar.

But this still seems out of place.

Yesterday, the boy who was howling, "I don't want to learn if I can't see Yunyan" saw this scene when he picked up the water, and felt that he could manually send an emoticon package of "Excuse me, goodbye".

Seeing that Xueba no longer needs to write questions, this makes Cai even more nervous.

Fortunately, after learning for a while, it was time for class 7 to take pictures.

Everyone went downstairs to take pictures, and a ladder for class group photos has been placed next to the playground.

According to the requirements of the cameraman, girls stand in the first two rows and boys stand in the back two rows.

Yunyan was of medium height, and was pulled by Tong Qiu and stood in the middle of the first row.

After the cameraman saw the overall effect, he made a slight adjustment. The principal, vice-principal, dean of education and teachers of various subjects also came over and sat in the front row of chairs.

Everyone shouted 'Long live the seventh class, friendship lasts forever', and the photographer 'Kikaka' took three pictures in a row.

"Okay, disband!"

Everyone spread out, but instead of going back to the classroom directly, they took a group photo with the teachers.

Before Fang Zheng could say "Take a picture of me and Nannan", Tong Qiu quickly put a small camera in Yunyan's hand.

"I want to take a picture with our chemistry teacher! Really, without her, I feel like I'm going to die in chemistry."

Yunyan smiled and agreed: "Okay."

Pause, "How do you use this?"

Tong Qiu finally grabbed a seat beside the chemistry teacher after teaching him a bit. She shouted, "Yunyan, Yunyan, come quickly!"

Yunyan worked hard to choose the angle to ensure that Tong Qiu was beautiful and thin.

After the filming, Yunyan took a photo with the chemistry teacher, and then looked for the next teacher.

Tong Qiu took Yunyan's arm and said, "Ah, did you know that just now when our teacher Feng Chunyan took a photo with me, he took the initiative to hold my hand!"

Said she pinched Yunyan's arm, "I'm so moved."

Yunyan: "...and shook my hand."

Tong Qiu: "Don't talk, I just want to be moved. I really like her, my chemistry grades were bad before."

"Well," Yunyan said, "Qiuqiu has been improving very quickly recently."

"That's not it!" Tong Qiu said, suddenly stunned, "I think I saw the math teacher."

Just after everyone took a group photo, the math teacher left and didn't take a photo with everyone. It seems that there should be an urgent matter.

But now is the last group photo in three years. Everyone doesn't want to let the math teacher off so easily.

Before Tong Qiu could finish speaking, students in Class 7 and even Class 8 found the math teacher.

"Damn it, he's actually riding his little electric donkey to get away!"

"Stop, stop!"

"Don't run, we haven't taken a photo together yet!"

The math teacher wore a helpless smile and was stopped by the classmates on the edge of the school's flower bed.

He said: "Okay, okay, I'll come down, let's take a photo."

The students said: "No, no."

Math teacher: "...?"

Just as he was thinking, he felt that the back seat of his little electric donkey was heavy, and Cheng Li spread his legs and was already sitting on the back seat.

"Come on! Big guy take a picture of me!"

Math teacher: "???"

Cheng Li was very skinny, with a ruffian smile on the corners of his lips, and even put his hands on the math teacher's waist.

"Come on, take a picture of my teacher taking me."

The math teacher who was still stepping on the foot pedal: "???"

Yunyan: "…"

Tong Qiu was stunned: "And this operation?"