I Am the Sister of the School Grass

Chapter 149

Yunyan was a little more reserved and did not straddle the back seat of the math teacher.

She stood on tiptoe, both legs on the same side of the electric motorcycle.

The math teacher, who was pulled by everyone to take pictures, was silent all the time, and he himself did not know what action he was doing now.

Anyway, it's pretty dumb.

Yunyan asked him: "Teacher, are you in a hurry today?"

"There is no urgency, but students will be picked up at the school gate for a while. It is inconvenient for me to ride a bicycle."

These words were heard by several boys in the class again, "It's okay, we'll **** you out in a while."


It seems that if it weren't for the holiday now, the math teacher would definitely punish them for writing a paper.

Dare to arrange the teacher like this, and the courage is too big.

In fact, everyone not only arranged him, but also shouted to Yunyan: "Yunyan, support our teacher and go for a ride!"

Yunyan moved his hand, and finally put it on his leg.

Tong Qiu: "Qiuqiu, shoot!"

"Our school flower is so beautiful, it looks so good in school uniform."

"Yunyan is really beautiful and prosperous, wait, don't go, let's take a photo with the math teacher."

The math teacher who rides a bicycle: "???" Tell the truth for a while if his legs are sore, this little electric donkey will collapse.

The math teacher was a little reluctant to let go at first, but later, he was able to let go.

In the end, they are all his students, so I will relieve everyone before the college entrance examination.

Looking at the enthusiastic smiles of the classmates, although the math teacher felt that he was probably laughing at himself, he couldn't help laughing along.

Graduating soon.

The college entrance examination is coming soon, and I have to say goodbye to the next class of students.

Time flies too fast.

Maybe it was because the college entrance examination was coming soon. The timid boys and girls in the class saw Fang Zheng standing alone, and they dared to ask him if he could take a photo together.

The corners of Fang Zheng's lips were slightly raised, and the slender double eyelids were deeply folded.

The girl who came to ask him in front of him blushed.

She heard Fang Zheng promise, "Okay."

The popularity of school bully and school grass is no less than that of math teachers. Someone started here, and everyone ran over to take him for a photo.

In fact, Brother Zheng is not too fierce, but it is usually a little cold.

But as long as he doesn't bully him in the face, he really doesn't hate people very much.

Fang Zheng was pulled over there and took a group photo for a while. When he saw a circle of people around the flower bed, and some people called 'Yunyan', he also came over.

Seeing the dark green electric donkey appearing here, Fang Zheng slowly tapped a question mark in his heart.

Cheng Li patted his shoulder next to him: "Brother Zheng also enjoys the feeling of being led by the teacher! Yunyan hasn't come down yet."

Fang Zheng took off his school uniform jacket, and he was wearing a black short-sleeved shirt, which matched well with Yun Yan, who also took off his school uniform jacket and wore a white short-sleeved school uniform.

The math teacher saw Fang Zheng coming over and repeated what he had just said three times.

"My little electric donkey can't carry the two of them, and the tire will burst."

Fang Zheng said, "I'll just lean, not sit."

It sounds pretty credible.

Yunyan stood up, left her seat to her brother, stood by herself, and put one hand on her brother's shoulder.

Tong Qiu looked at the two faces in the camera that could attract countless fans when they were released without makeup, and felt that this small camera had a heavy task.

She thought, "I would have asked my mother to buy me a better camera."

Such a high face value allows her to shoot how she wants, such a great opportunity, she really needs to be matched with the top camera.

Otherwise, if you want to take a photo with Brother Zheng next time, I am afraid you will have to wait until the next life.

However, Tong Qiu complained, she still filled her small camera memory today.

If you look at this in a few years, it will be full of memories.

It's their youth.

It's June 7th, the day of the college entrance examination.

The weather in Hai Province is very hot, and it can be hot enough to sweat when you go out for a while.

Although it is not allowed to turn on the air conditioner during the college entrance examination, fortunately, the teachers in the exam room are very humane. Before the exam starts, they will draw the curtains and turn on the air conditioner in the classroom.

When everyone enters the examination room, they will be at a relatively temperature.

Unfortunately, Yunyan and Yu Nan were assigned to the same exam room.

It's just that this time, it's not the front and back desks like in my own school exam. After all, there are students from other schools in the middle.

After Yunyan entered the examination room, she quietly glanced around, except for Yu Nan, there was no familiar face.

Yu Nan was obliquely in front of Yunyan, he turned around and gave Yunyan a smile.

Yunyan made a mouth shape, "Boss, please don't raise your hand, go all out."

Last year, Yunyan discussed with Yu Nan, and the two of them 'raised your hand' at the same time, Yu Nan was slower in language, Yunyan was slower in mathematics and chemistry.

Otherwise it will put too much pressure on the other party.

But after a year of training, Yunyan's speed of brushing Chinese topics has long been raised.

Yu Nan saw Yunyan mentioning this again and said, "You too, boss."

Do your best to win the championship!

The teacher said on the stage: "Don't talk to each other, everyone is quiet and keep a good attitude."

Yunyan lowered her eyebrows and sorted out the pen and eraser on the table.

After glancing at the admission ticket, I recited my own admission ticket number in my heart.

This is a little skill specially taught by the Chinese teacher.

After all, when faced with new things, there is a time limit, and everyone may be a little flustered.

This is human nature, and at this time, bringing something familiar will make everyone feel less nervous.

After all, the questions on the exam room are all novel, and the college entrance examination question maker will definitely avoid these questions after reading thousands of college entrance examination papers on the market.

You need to be a little more innovative in order to test everyone's true talents.

Otherwise, if there are questions of the same type, it would be a little unfair to the students who did not brush these questions.

Yunyan has experienced o, io, and seminars.

But the college entrance examination is also the first time in one's life, and this is a single-plank bridge.

She thought she would definitely be nervous in the exam room, but she didn't, and she couldn't believe it when she was calm.

When she painted her admission ticket number, Yunyan was always calm and her hands did not shake.

At this time, Yunyan didn't think that she should take the test by herself.

I don't think that I want to be neat with my brothers and I have to take the champion.

She was thinking of her grandparents who had raised her for seventeen years.

In those days, I always said that I would show them the top spot in the exam, and if I passed the exam, the village chief would give money to my grandparents, and they could also pull banners in the village, not to mention how lively it was.

She was still in elementary school at that time, and her classmates were anxious about whether to go to Tsinghua University or Peking University.

She feels that as a monitor, as the first place, her goal can't be so small, she has to be a little grander, and take the top spot to make her grandparents happy!

Unfortunately, ten years have passed, and things are different, and grandparents can't see anything.

But she doesn't want to break her promise at all, even if it's just a childish remark when she was young.

She also wants to say to her grandparents ten years later, "I can really pass the test, and our family can be beautiful again."

Thinking like this, Yunyan's eyes became more and more serious, and she began to carefully review and answer the questions.