I Am the Sister of the School Grass

Chapter 163

Yunyan booked the hotel where she stayed before, neither the environment nor the location could be chosen.

Not long after she got off the taxi, she received a call from Yuan Mo.

Yunyan glanced at the time, it was four in the afternoon.

Domestic is... four in the morning.

When Yunyan just got off the plane, it was early in the morning in China. She reported safety among the crowd at home, and sent a message to Mexico alone.

Sure enough, except for the grandparents, no one else slept, waiting for the news of her safe arrival.

Yunyan sent good night to the group again, and my parents said they went to bed.

But still remind Yunyan to pay attention to safety.

Yuan Mo did not reply immediately, but waited for about half an hour before sending a message to Yunyan.

"Go through customs?"

Drawing a large box and looking at the long queue in front, Yunyan felt that Mexico was really predictable.

She put the bag she was carrying on the box, stood there waiting, and sent a message to Yuan Mo.

"Mexico guessed right."

Immediately she added another sentence, "It's almost two o'clock, is Mexico still asleep?"

"I just took a shower after working overtime, didn't I just see the news of my girlfriend?"

Yunyan did not doubt that he was there, and hurriedly said, "Mexico, don't be too tired, go and rest."

"Okay, then I'm going to bed, pay attention to safety on the road."

Now, Yunyan looks at her caller ID.

Who would have thought that the person who said he went to bed at two o'clock would call her at four o'clock.

After showing the 'nfirationnuber', Yunyan received the room card and answered the phone while pushing the suitcase.



"I'm going into the elevator."


The signal in the elevator is not good, and Yunyan can't hear any sound from there.

After about 20 seconds, Yunyan stepped on the corridor again, only to hear Yuanmo's low voice, "...Afraid?"

Yunyan found her house number, locked the door, and said honestly, "I'm afraid."

Yuan Mo paused.

It looks like she really wants to put on a pair of wings and fly across the ocean.

Of course, he could have eight pairs of wings if he could.

The girl's voice was soft, but she had the courage to go forward.

"But I'll get used to it, Mexico."

Yunyan said, "'Fear' is a psychological emotion, which is inevitable and cannot be resisted. I can't conquer this feeling, but I can adjust, adapt, and get used to it."

One day, she will stand beside Yuan Mo and become the same person as him in 'scientific research'.

Listening to the little girl's words, Yuan Mo stood up and saved and closed the half-written program.

There was a helpless but proud smile on the corner of her lips.

"Okay, then please be safe."

"Well, I will."

Yunyan said, connected the Bluetooth of the headset, and put the phone on the table.

Inadvertently, I swept the time above.

After two glances, Yunyan's gentle voice suddenly rose, "What time is it!"

It's almost five o'clock, and I still can't sleep!

Yuan Mo quickly agreed, "I'm going to take a bath and sleep."

"Didn't you just take a shower just after one o'clock?"

"..." is revealing.

In order to wait for the news of Yunyan, he has not stopped his work, and plans to wait for Yunyan to arrive at the hotel safely before going to bed.

What excuse did you find before?

Yuan Mo felt that he programmed too much and stayed up too late, and his head was a little dizzy.

The cool water in the bath made him a little awake, Yuan Mo just calculated it a little, in just over three hours, he had already lied to Fang Yunyan twice.

I don't know if I will lose impression points.

Yuan Mo laughed, he realized his 'prudence'.

In the past, he would never worry about this matter.

"But that's the fun of love."

It makes you feel less and less like yourself in some way, but enjoy it.

art has just published a paper, and many scholars who have been paying attention to this aspect have tried to contact him.

After Yunyan hung up the phone, she told art that she was here and expressed her desire to participate in the discussion tomorrow.

Art quickly replied to the email and said that he would reserve a seat for Yunyan and told her the specific time.

He invited Yunyan to participate in the discussion.

Naturally they will agree to Yunyan's request.

In fact, as a Chinese, Yunyan was not used to expressing her thoughts directly.

After all, the education I have been exposed to from childhood to adulthood is 'moderate', and my words should be subtle and obscure.

But foreigners are not like this. If you are subtle, he may not understand what you mean at all.

Yun Yan thinks, he can be considered a little bit of foreign life and culture.

Before coming, Yunyan had read art's articles, not only the one he published now, but also a few previous ones, but she didn't understand some of the derivations in them.

Yunyan intends to take this evening to see other people's research on material application.

Thinking about it, time is really not enough.

She took a quick shower, then turned on the computer and started searching for literature published by other professors.

Because I am using the hotel's network now, not the campus network, if I want to check the literature, the price of an article is basically between 1999 dollars and 4999 dollars.

According to the exchange rate, a document is worth about 130 to 350 yuan.

Yunyan put on her wet hair and sighed, "It's so expensive."

Then pay with your aster card the next second. For the sake of science, I don't feel bad at all.

The literature she read before was basically sent by Mr. Liao or senior brother, as well as magazines bought by her mother.

Check carefully, Yunyan searched for foreign language documents online, only those of art and those that were consulted today.

However, when Yunyan checked the articles posted by art bosses at home before, there was no charge.

She thinks it may vary by magazine or author.

Yunyan also understands the charges.

The literature and monographs are the knowledge and understanding of others. It is normal to pay for your own learning.

The literature sent to Yunyan by master, brother and nai before is not free.

They or the school buy it for faculty and students to discuss research.

Yunyan thinks, in academia, the awareness of genuine is already very strong. This is a good thing.

Of course, only looking at one article title and abstract may make Yunyan misunderstand the main research direction of the whole article.

So I bought several articles and read them, only to find the literature that I am not interested in temporarily.

However, this is impossible.

Yunyan glanced at it and found that there was no practical content related to material processing, and she didn't even have time to feel that she bought the wrong one, so she had to start reading the next article.

She was actually quite sleepy when she got off the plane, but now she has to brace herself to read the literature.

Yun Yan thinks, art invites all professors who have published papers, and the worst is a doctorate. It is really inseparable from luck that she can be invited to participate.

However, she has come, and she must have something to gain. In order to keep up with the big guys, Yunyan must be well prepared.

After all, discussions require input and output from all participants.

Not like students in teaching. Just listen to the teacher's explanation, just input it.

To truly become a scholar, you must learn the two-way process of input and output.

—This is what Yunyan learned from attending the last seminar.

The next morning, Yunyan went to art's laboratory.

She was here last time, and now after half a year, she still has a little impression.

There is a small discussion room in front of the laboratory, Yunyan glanced at the email she received.

Discussion room 167, this is it.

Yunyan knocked on the door, got a response and pushed the door in.

There are already two white teachers who look a little older, and a girl with dark red hair.

In the middle is an oval wooden table, which is convenient for everyone to sit around and discuss.

Several people said good morning to each other, Yunyan was planning to find a place to put her schoolbag.

The red-haired girl seemed stunned when she saw Yunyan.

She felt that Yunyan was a little young.

Seeing the schoolbag behind Yunyan, she seems to have figured out something.

The girl smiled at Yunyan and handed the cup in her hand to Yunyan, "Can you pour me a glass of water please?"