I Am the Sister of the School Grass

Chapter 27

Kashen didn't give Cheng Yunyan's 'Study God buff' blessing.

Mr. Li was urging tight, Yun Yan said goodbye and went out directly.

"Actually, the one I want to see today is not a teacher, he is your senior."

Mr. Li said as he walked, his tone was full of pride, "His name is Yuanmo, and he is seven years higher than you. He was the champion of the college entrance examination in our province for 14 years."

Yunyan was impressed.

She thought, she has been graduating for seven years, and she is often talked about by high school teachers. This senior must be very good.

Yunyan asked: "Mr. Li, should I call him a teacher or a senior?"

After giving lectures to Yunyan during this period of time, Mr. Li also really likes this quiet and smart little girl.

He was about to say 'as you want' when he suddenly remembered Yuan Mo's aura that strangers should not be near.

Five years ago, a group of their teachers could not afford to stand in front of the far ink surface.

Now that five years have passed, and Yuan Mo is twenty-four years old, Mr. Li is even more afraid to 'make trouble' casually.

Mr. Li paused for a while, then suddenly became cowardly.

"This, you can ask him yourself later."

In fact, Yuanmo has always had a good attitude and treats teachers with respect.

But some people are born with that aura, which makes people feel uncomfortable in front of them.

Yunyan was keenly aware of the change in Teacher Li's tone, and couldn't help but be more curious about the senior she was about to see.

Far this way.

He finally got some free time, and once again he became the boss.

Yuanmo will stay in the company only when a major project occurs.

Recently, he stayed up all night with the people in the team, and worked overtime to complete the bidding project of the Ministry of Education.

The day before yesterday morning, he reviewed the bidding documents, sealed the paper version of the bid, and uploaded the electronic version to the bidding department.

Now just wait for the bidding results.

There are many technology companies bidding for this project at the same time, and the result is estimated to be out next month.

However, Yuan Mo is not worried about this result. The core function of scanning automatic score evaluation of the 'Question' software is made by their company.

The next bidding project, Yuanmo is confident to get it.

Yuan Mo finished his work and gave himself another holiday.

The boss Xu Chi rebuked with tears: "Boss, do you have the heart to put hundreds of people in the company on my immature shoulders?"

Yuan Mo had already received the computer.

He glanced at Xu Chi's sturdy shoulders and thought: "Why can't I bear it?"

Then, Yuan Mo calmly bypassed the lump lying on the ground and left.

When Xu Chi raised his head again, the figure of Yuanmo was long gone.

Mr. Li knew that Yuanmo was coming to give special training to the students.

He directly applied for a teacher's apartment for Yuan Mo to facilitate his accommodation.

Yuan Mo brought some luggage over this afternoon and plans to stay here temporarily.

Mr. Li also took the initiative to visit the school with him again.

After all, this is a school with many students, and the teaching building has to be renovated every few years.

Yuan Mo graduated for five years and is not so familiar with many things.

Even the teachers' offices are constantly changing locations.

After visiting the working environment of the teaching and research group, Mr. Li couldn't wait to introduce some good seedlings to Yuanmo.

The first is Yunyan.

"After so many years, I have finally met a little girl whose talent is comparable to yours."

Mr. Li was full of praise when talking about Fang Yunyan.

Yuan Mo listened to this description and felt as if he had seen it somewhere, and he was about to ask a question.

I saw Mr. Li patted his head and said, "It's half past six, maybe the competition class hasn't finished school yet, I'll go take a look, if she hasn't left, I'll bring her over to follow Get to know you."

Then Mr. Li left in a hurry.

Tomorrow is the math competition, and the other teachers in the teaching and research group leave work early.

When Yun Yan arrived, through the small glass window on the door, I only saw a tall man leaning on the edge of Teacher Li's desk.

The pot of spider plants that appears to be hanging next to the study.

His legs are very long, and the table, which was originally only 80 centimeters high, was obviously getting smaller and smaller.

The man was wearing white short-sleeved black trousers, and the setting sun made a mottled halo on his face through the leaves.

The bridge of his nose is more elegant.

Just looking at the side face, he is so handsome.

Mr. Li opened the door and introduced first: "Come on, Yunyan, this is what I just told you about Yuanmo, and he will be responsible for giving you lectures in the future."

Yuan Mo's eyelids kept twitching just now, when he heard the word 'Yunyan' from Teacher Li's mouth, his body suddenly tense.

Yunyan followed Mr. Li and entered the door.

The slender body is wearing a wide school uniform, the sleeves are rolled up at the elbows, just standing there is a bit obedient.

Yunyan bowed slightly with a polite smile on her face: "Mr. Yuan, it's the first time we meet, I'm Fang Yunyan."

The girl's voice was crisp and sweet, and with her movements, the red rope hanging around her neck shook.

Show the jade pendant that Yuan Mo is so familiar with that she can draw it with her eyes closed.

Yuanmo quickly adjusted her mentality.

"Hello, Fang Yunyan."

I am very happy to see that I have achieved the achievement of the 'Meeting of Two Academic Leaders' to Mr. Li.

He said, "I introduced you to each other just now. Tomorrow is the preliminary round of our provincial math competition, and it's time to gather for the special training for the rematch in the afternoon."

Yuan Mo Junxiu lifted her eyelid and looked at Yunyan.

He said: "Just right, I have some tips here, I plan to talk to Fang Yunyan."

The next time, Mr. Li was studying new topics.

Yuan Mo and Yunyan were sitting at the desk on the other side, with a set of exercises that Yunyan had done before.

When Yuan Mo looked at the paper, his eyes were serious.

If you don't put the 'graduated' filter on him, he looks like a college student.

The kind of male **** level.

It stands to reason that ordinary people will have forgotten about the math competition after a few years.

But Yuan Mo is not an ordinary person.

In addition, his major is computer, various functional and linear algebra are also used in programming applications.

Recently, it has cooperated with the Ministry of Education to 'have questions' to realize the function of automatically judging grades just by scanning.

In this process, the number of points for each step is imported by the programmers including them working overtime overnight.

So, Yuanmo just scanned Yunyan's papers roughly, and could analyze some more concise and clear ideas for Yunyan.

Yunyan also stopped.

Yuan Mo didn't talk for a long time, only said one question, and it was almost seven o'clock.

He put down the paper.

Said to Yunyan: "This is the end of today, you don't have to stay up late at night to study the questions. Tomorrow's exam will be too long, you must have enough sleep today."

Yunyan nodded: "Thank you teacher."

After she left, Mr. Li put down the pen, looked at Yuan Mo, and said, "You are not the same as in previous years."

Yuan Mo's waist is always straight.

He looked away from the empty chair and said, "Not much has changed."

"It's really different, you wouldn't tell people about this before."

Mr. Li knew a little about his family and said, "That's good, Yuan Mo, the teacher also thinks that you are becoming more and more popular."

Yuan Mo just stood up and couldn't see his expression with the light behind his back.

"Perhaps. Mr. Li, I'll go first. I'll be there on time tomorrow afternoon."


Since the previous incident of Y God's fall, Mama Fang felt that she had found a new way to know her daughter's movements at school.

Although there are new posts on the forum every day, there are still not many posts discussing Y God and school bully.

The most are the tree holes of some little girls.

Mother Fang spent several days on the Yizhong Forum, but did not receive much news about Yunyan

Her interest gradually waned.

From the original once a day to the forum, to once a week.

Sure enough, in addition to seeing everyone being amazed by Yunyan's results recently, Mama Fang also ate a new melon.

—[Schoolmaster and Y God fall in love].

Mother Fang was stunned when she saw the title.

His son seems to be a school bully, as for Y God... Isn't that her daughter!

What kind of monsters and ghosts are making rumors, how can brothers and sisters fall in love?

Mother Fang quickly clicked in.

She has been Mrs. Fang for many years, and her wrist and vision are not comparable to those of a 17- or 18-year-old girl.

At first glance, I can see the deep malice in this post.

—This is not a blatant school violence, what else could it be? !

Mother Fang almost wanted to call Fang Zheng over for questioning.

After all, Yunyan called him brother during the National Day, how could he not explain in the class that Yunyan was his sister?

Before she could act, she saw the sixth level of the post.

There is a joint letter from the second and seventh class of high school, which proves that Fang Yunyan is Fang Zheng's sister.

The front row also has the signature of the substitute teacher.

Mother Fang recalled, this seems to be the English teacher of the seventh class.

Thank you next time.

The follow-up slap in the face was reversed very quickly, and the landlord was collectively asked to apologize.

But the landlord pretended not to see it.

Even at the back of the post, someone with a heart posted the landlord's reply in another post.

"What are a few screenshots of the chat? Let the Fang family admit it in person. PS Who knows if this picture is from P."

Mother Fang was so angry that her liver hurt.

She now feels that she has not considered comprehensive enough.

At first, she was just worried that her daughter-in-law had just returned from the village and might not adapt to the wealthy life.

That's why she was not exposed to the flash and known to everyone.

Xun Zi said, 'Human nature is evil'.

When a wealthy and noble woman does not have enough manners and momentum to convince everyone, they will be red-eyed, slandered, and attack this person with all vulgar words.

It doesn't matter how old or sensitive the other person is.

The number of keyboard warriors on the Internet is unimaginable.

Mother Fang originally thought that the school environment could be a little simpler, but she didn't expect it to be hard to guard against.

Although there are classmates and teachers who have proved it, the words behind the landlord really hurt Fang's mother's heart.

Mother Fang was even stimulated to pull out the account book and wanted to take a photo to prove it.

But firstly, she doesn't have a forum account, and secondly, she may be called P's by this person.

Mother Fang thought about it and finally made a decision.

She believes that her daughter will be convinced by everyone.

At noon the next day, Yunyan finished the competition.

Mother Fang took her out to dinner.

It's still the Jiangnan private restaurant.

Yunyan ordered her favorite sugar taro seedlings.

She thinks the dishes here taste like grandma's cooking.

While eating.

Yunyan heard Fang's mother say: "Nan, are you still making up classes this weekend? Mom intends to introduce you to the aunts and uncles in the circle."

The author has something to say: [Mr. Yuan, first meeting, I am Fang Yunyan]

[Not the first time. 】

Chapter 21 mentioned that Yuan Mo (24 years old this year) was the top student in the college entrance examination five years ago, that is, graduated in 14 years, seven years higher than Yunyan.