I Am the Sister of the School Grass

Chapter 88

Since then, for nearly two weeks, Yunyan kept a record of brushing three sets of questions at noon every day.

Not only that, but when I get home at night.

Yunyan will also brush two or three sets of questions according to the amount of homework to soothe the mood.

Soon, her total points began to rise.

More than one person for a few days, no joke.

At first, some people said that she spent the first 40 minutes reading the questions, and then she would brush the questions so quickly.

However, when Yunyan brushed the questions at night, they also directly printed out three test papers at one time, and the total brushing time was maintained within 70 minutes.

No one said that Y God read the question first and then started to do the question.

"Daily emotion, this ghostly speed."

"I also sigh with emotion every day, and then silently write my papers."

"When can I write questions as fast as printing."

Professor Qian watched Yunyan before and since she submitted the application, she has been tense all over.

Also enlightened her several times.

"This award is actually not as important as you think. You will win more and more influential awards in the future."

Life is so long, not everything has to be perfect.

But do your best in everything so that you won't regret it later.

Yunyan really listened, she thought, she really understood the truth.

Maybe when I reach the age of Professor Qian, I can take everything lightly. Name to name, soil to soil.

But now she is still young and has not enough experience in life, which is unavoidable tension.