I Am the Sister of the School Grass

Chapter 98

"This little girl is amazing."

"I feel like a mechanic can understand."

"If you are a mechanic, then I will drive an excavator. But then again, this little girl is really clear."

Presentation skills are more than a test of one's familiarity with their field of study.

It is the key to test the overall quality of people.

Many people can only do research, because they have ideas, but it is difficult to express them clearly.

The scientific community needs more than just people who can produce results like this.

It is necessary not only to be able to engage in research, but also to have strong expression skills, so that when they grow up, they can cultivate the next generation of scholars.

In any case, both deserve respect.

It's just that the latter may make a greater contribution to society.

The big guys who are present know this truth.

They have also been working hard to select such talents, and strive to continuously inject fresh blood into the scientific community.

After Fang Yunyan's speech, an old man with gray hair and a shirt took the lead in applauding.

The scholars and researchers present applauded one by one.

Fang Zheng was wearing a silver gray suit.

Because of the experience in the company, the youthful feeling familiar with young people has faded a lot.

Fang Zheng used to think 'applause' was not suitable for him.

However, due to the influence of the 'secondary' disease of young people, he used to feel that doing many things was very worthless.

For example, applauding, praising others, being praised by teachers, etc.

But now I'm applauding my sister in the audience.

Fang Zheng's hand is about to become popular.

A middle-aged professor next to him said, "The young man is very strong."

Fang Zheng: "…"

It seems that the sound is a bit loud.

The scene was awkward at one point.

Fortunately, no one knows anyone, otherwise the school tyrant feels that he has no face to face Jiangdong's elders after returning.

After Yunyan's speech, you should listen to the comments of the professors and scholars below, or answer questions.

Yuan Mo heard someone whispering around her—

"This logic is really too clear and clear, and it really deserves to be engaged in mathematical logic."

"It looks like she is still very young, she really has a bright future."

The corners of his lips were clearly raised.

Anyone can see him smiling now.

Mother Fang was looking for Fang Zheng in the crowd, but in a blink of an eye, she saw Yuan Mo who was sitting in the front row and preparing for the next speech.

She quickly patted the hand of the father beside her.

"Look, is that Yuan Mo?"

Father Fang was stunned by this question, "It's not Yuan Mo, can it be someone else?"

A woman's sixth sense is always very sensitive.

"For so long, I have never seen Yuan Mo smile so happily."

Father Fang has little contact with Yuan Mo.

After all, in his opinion, Yuan Mo is just the child of his wife and best friend.

Taking care is the responsibility of the wife, not a big man.

Because Yuan Mo and y-itc executives have gotten close recently, Father Fang began to want to get to know him seriously.

But the time is short, except that Fang's father knows that he is very good at school, he doesn't know anything about other aspects.

Therefore, Father Fang is even more unclear about whether Yuan Mo is smiling or not.

Mother Fang felt like she was playing the piano to the cow.

I didn't bother to tell him, I just mumbled, "This is inherited from you."

Father Fang suddenly felt a little happy, "Inherited me? What?"

Mother Fang hit him mercilessly, "straight man thinking and straight man aesthetics."

Dad Fang: “…”

Father Fang slowed down and said in a low voice, "I think we have a good aesthetic."

Seeing that Fang's mother did not speak, he added courageously, "Also, as for straight male thinking, you say I can, but we are not. Besides, in terms of logical thinking, I can't compare to us. ."

Mother Fang was stunned in one breath, and kept telling herself that she couldn't care so much about straight men.

Some scholars took the microphone and asked Yunyan a few questions.

Yunyan answered very clearly.

If she doesn't understand, she will also say in advance, "I don't know much about this, but I guess..."

After all, she only knows this level. The professors have read books for so many years and have accumulated a lot. It is inevitable that there is knowledge beyond the scope of what she has learned.

Yunyan will say anything.

I won't blow my neck at all.

After all, there are either big cows or young top talents here, as long as you brag a little, everyone can see it.

Seeing the little girl is so honest, the scholars no longer make it difficult for her.

The question was a little more esoteric just now, but also because of her talent, I want to see if she has any other aspects.

How to say, they want to have a comprehensive evaluation of each other in their hearts.

After all, she performed too well in the 'Sitafan Conjecture'.

It is inevitable that people will look forward to her.

However, fortunately, the little girl is honest, she won't just won't.

Even if she didn't meet the expectations of the bosses, everyone's evaluation of her is not low.

The next question is more routine.

"I heard that you are only eighteen years old this year, so when did you come into contact with the Sittafan conjecture, and how long did it take you to solve it?"

Yunyan told the truth.

"I have never been exposed to higher-level mathematics before. On December 24 last year, my competition teacher told me that I could use the Sitaphan Conjecture to train my logical thinking ability , that was the first time I saw Sittaphan's conjecture."

Everyone nodded, and suddenly they realized something was wrong.

The person who realized this suddenly raised his head and saw the big screen behind Fang Yunyan…

"Understanding of the Characteristic Representation of Verification Symbols", first submitted for review on February 26, 2020.

The paper was published on March 31st.

That means…

Fang Yunyan verified the conjecture and wrote the thesis, it only took two months!

The audience was quiet for a few seconds, Fang Yunyan thought that everyone was fine.

I was about to bow down.

When everyone saw that she was leaving, they hurried to ask.

"How long did it take you to derive the conjecture independently?"

"Apart from the Sittaphan conjecture, are there any other aspects of research?"

Yunyan has a good memory, answer one by one.

"Independent derivation, it took a whole month. Because I am not a college student and have not been exposed to international papers, it took a little longer to write the paper. I have to thank Professor Qian for his guidance and help. ."

"As for other research, I only deduced closed-circuit calculations. Recently, I have read some papers on mathematical logic, but they have not been deduced in depth."

Scholars who have just rated Yunyan at a moderately high level have been raised to a super high level.

A month, and it's so clear.

What could be a genius?

At this moment, everyone noticed that Fang Yunyan had been standing on the stage for a long time.

No more questions.

Avoid situations that interfere with the next person's performance.

After all, Fang Yunyan's performance was a bit extraordinary this time, and the second classmate who was already in the pick was under a lot of pressure.

Scholars don't let her go, and the next classmate may break down.

At this moment, an old man with black and white hair in ordinary striped short sleeves asked a question.

"Closed-circuit calculation, how much have you taught yourself? Can calculate..."

He directly uttered a bunch of academic terms.

Yunyan nodded, "I will."

Originally she wanted to write the derivation directly, but now there is no room for it, she can only describe it in words.

After about five minutes, Yunyan finished speaking.

The old man nodded, Yun Yan finally got off the stage.

Someone present did not know the old man at all, and whispered about the identity of the old man.

Yuan Mo showed a clear look.

He felt that Yunyan's recommendation seemed to have hope.

Otherwise, the old man would not have asked this question too much.

The person who should go up and explain his patent is Yuanmo.

As soon as he came to power, Yuan Mo received the eye knife sent by Fang Zheng.

But soon, Fang Zheng withdrew his sight.

It is not pleasing to the eye, and Yuan Mogui is not pleasing to the eye, but he is not to the point of affecting Yuanmo's speech on stage.

What Yuan Mo talks about is very concise, not as simple as Yun Yan.

He talked about his programming process in a big way, and then how to implement it and what steps are there.

Although it doesn't tell its core technology, it's surprising enough.

Especially in the question-and-answer session that follows.

Even if it's a tricky question, when I come to him, I can explain it in a few sentences.

Father Fang even saw the young man beside him who was also the winner, he took out his notebook and started taking notes.

Dad Fang: “…”

This has been reflected from the side, Yuan Mo is really powerful.

Has completely surpassed her peers.

The old man who finally asked Yunyan when he heard about closed-circuit computing.

Seeing Yuan Mo coming to the stage to talk about this, his eyes showed admiration.

At that time, he actually wanted to grab a student from Lao Hou.

It’s a pity that Yuan Mo has no plans to study for graduate school…

However, Yuanmo has not been abandoned in the past two years.

'Black technology' is made one by one, and each one is eye-opening and amazing.

Yuan Mo glanced at the old man from a distance on the stage, and immediately withdrew his gaze.

He said directly, "This is the end of my speech, thank you."

As soon as he stepped down, a strange scholar stopped him.

"Mr. Yuan, this is my business card. If you want to continue your research in this area in the future, you can consider coming to my supervisor's laboratory."

Yuan Mo also won a lot of prizes.

Even so, there is no arrogance in her expression, and she is polite and polite when talking to people.

Father Fang looked at him and felt that Yuan Mo was very strange now.

It is clear that four months ago, during the Chinese New Year, Yuan Mo came to the house for the New Year's Eve dinner, which still gave people the feeling of a junior.

But now, watch him communicate with the older scholars.

It's not like a teacher and a student at all, but like people of the same research level who are learning from each other.

Father Fang turned to look at Yunyan, she was also communicating with a scholar.

However, Yunyan is young and has limited in-depth research on knowledge.

Most of them still listen to scholars explain their knowledge to her.

But no matter what, their attitude towards learning is the same.

Today's cutscenes can be regarded as allowing scholars to understand the level of each winner.

It is to show that each player wins this award based on his own strength.

Otherwise, I will definitely not be able to answer the questions of the bigwigs present.

Of course, if someone really loses the chain on the spot, it is still very likely that the place will be removed and the next one will be ranked.

Fortunately, the selection committee is very strict and does not allow the slightest fraud.

The winners are all talented.

After two days of communication, the third day soon arrived, the real awards ceremony.

Yunyan got up early and painted a very light makeup.

Wait for 8:30.

Because she was a little nervous, she got up early in the morning.

Everything was cleaned up, and the time slowly crossed the 7:30 cut.

Yunyan turned on her phone, and just after connecting to the Internet, she found that she had received a lot of messages.

Lu Lin: "Student Yunyan, Mr. Zhang said that this morning he will give us the first two days of Children's Day holiday and organize everyone to watch the award ceremony."

Qian Xingwei: "Yunyan, we will cheer you on in front of the screen together."

Even Ning Yue, who was preparing for the college entrance examination, sent a message.

"Little Yunyan, come on, you are the most beautiful."

Fang Yunyan knew for a long time that Teacher Zhang likes to show off, but she didn't expect to organize everyone to watch the awards ceremony.

Her forehead jumped, and she first replied to Ning Yue, "Come on for the college entrance examination, looking forward to your good news. Star eyes jg"

Ning Yue won the first prize in the mathematics competition, but because she was not in the top 23 in the province.

So can not enter the provincial team, participate in o.

However, Ning Yue has a good mentality, and has been studying hard for more than half a year, just look at the college entrance examination in a few days.

As for Lu Lin and Qian Xingwei, there is even news about the rest of the training team.

Yunyan really couldn't bear to return.

She reluctantly covered her face, and was about to put her phone aside and come back after the awards.

Just then, a message pops up.

Mr. Zhang: "Student Yunyan, we made banners and small flags for you, cheering you on in the classroom! You are the best!"

Yunyan: "..." Erkang's hand.