I am The Villain’s Dad

Chapter 228: The male owner is my wife's Bai Yueguang

"Mom, I have the money myself, you just have to hold the money."

Huang Shanshan did not receive the money.

In fact, she has always felt that the parents are too attached to finding their younger brother.

At that time they were reluctant to give away the two younger brothers. It was the family who said that the younger brother would be brought up for them. They would not only treat the younger brother as a biological one, but also let the two interact with each other.

By then, the younger brother would have grown up under the eyes of their family.

Parents are willing to.

As a result, the family did not keep their promises and the family moved away after a short time. There was no news at all.

She remembered clearly that the family name was Zhang.

Over the years, my parents and she have been looking for a lad named Zhang of similar age.

Until she saw Su Hua, he had a crescent-shaped scar on his wrist.

This scar was caused when he was hanging out with him when he was a kid, but he couldn't stop him.

My parents didn't know about it. At that time, my father just had a stroke. My mother spent all her thoughts on taking care of her father every day. Her brother brought it to her.

Until the wound was healed, there was only one scar left, and the parents didn't know that the younger brother was injured in the hand.

Then the younger brother was sent away.

Before sending off, she also painted a little star on her brother's scar, and told her brother that he was going out to play, and when he could paint the little star himself, he took him back.

That little star is very special, not like an ordinary little star.

She was thinking that in case the younger brother did not know herself, she could recognize her younger brother.

Unexpectedly, as expected, her thoughts came true. The younger brother did not know her, but she recognized the little stars and scars on the younger brother's wrist.

At that time, she discovered that her brother did not have the surname Zhang, but the surname was Su.

The younger brother ’s parents were not the same husband and wife who adopted the younger brother in the past. She did not know what happened in the middle, but she knew that the younger brother was living happily now.

She did not know whether her brother knew that she was adopted, but she knew that the younger brother was happy every day, and she was also very good.

If it is said that she hastily recognized her younger brother, let ’s not talk about the mood of her younger brother ’s adoptive parents, will the younger brother himself not accept the fact that he is not a child of his own parent?

The most important thing is that she feels that her brother is living so happily now, don't let him take on these responsibilities.

Parents' sickness, poor family, those responsibilities that can't breathe every day.

It's enough to have her alone, why do you want to get someone else?

The most important thing is that, in her heart, she can't really be sure that Su Hua is her younger brother. With a scar, she recognized her loved ones, which is too fake.

So, she kept these things in her heart all the time and didn't tell anyone.

After graduating from college, she never saw Su Hua again, and she gradually forgot about this matter.

It's just that for her parents, she feels guilty in her heart, although she doesn't agree with her parents' perseverance.

Although they did not agree to hand over the younger brother at first, they were sent out later.

After being sent out, he asked others to come and go with their family, let his brother see that his parents could not get together with their parents, let others support their children, but he could not let his brother willingly call their parents.

This is unfair to the younger brother. How can it be fair to the family who raised the younger brother?

After the younger brother grew up, he knew he had no money at home, so he gave him away. How uncomfortable should he be in his heart?

Thinking of this, Huang Shanshan was thinking, it might as well not let his brother know the existence of their family, happily, living his own life, fortunately.

And she knew that her parents had to find a younger brother, but in fact did not think about what to do after finding him.

In other words, they didn't think about it at all, just because the family moved away, they were very angry, and they always had a heart of obsession in their hearts.

Is this really good for my brother? They didn't think about it.

After finding the younger brother, will the younger brother blame them, and they never thought about it.

When the time comes, how will the two get along, they have never even managed.

But Huang Shanshan is different, she has been thinking about it all the time.

She has always felt that no matter where her brother is, as long as he is happy.

It doesn't matter if you don't know them. It doesn't matter if you don't know who your biological parents are.

In fact, in her opinion, knowing her life experience, her brother might be unhappy.

Therefore, she did not say.

Anyway, it is impossible to be sure that Su Hua is her younger brother. Why should she involve someone who may not be related at all?

In fact, sometimes she also wondered if she had been thinking about her brother because her parents sent her younger brother out. She was never willing to consider her one and a half points, making her resentful of her parents.

Therefore, when it is possible to find a younger brother, he hides his parents and does not tell them.

It was not until this moment that she realized that her parents did not love her. They only had deeper guilt for their younger brother, and they had never been able to face her.

Every time they see her, they may think of their younger brother.

In this way, how could they still treat her like an ordinary parent facing her daughter?

Until this moment, she was finally relieved.

She hoped that her brother had a good life, just as her parents hoped she had a good life.

When returning home, Huang Shanshan couldn't help but express his doubts with Su Yuyang.

Her suspicion, so many years have never told anyone, Su Yuyang is the first.

"If you want to recognize Su Li, I will help you. If you don't want to, then, it is better not to tell your father-in-law about this matter."

Su Yuyang can understand Huang Shanshan's mood.

He also agreed that Huang Shanshan did not tell her parents about this matter.

Things have become like this. Say, who can be good for them?

Can her parents be happy to find their son? Can you tell your son to recognize them?

In that case, what is the person who helped them raise their son for so many years?

If you don't say it, then you can't recognize each other when you look at your son. How painful should they be?

Now, the two old people have finally come out and can face life positively.

Suddenly told them that they might have found their son, what kind of strange circle will they fall into?

What about Su Hua? He can accept that his parents gave him to other people to raise, and his adoptive parents took him to run all night to prevent him from recognizing his biological parents?

"I don't know, but I want to know Su Hua's thoughts. If he wants to find his parents, I will try to confirm whether he is my brother."

Huang Shanshan shook her head, she was actually very confused.

But she can't help her brother make a decision, nor can she help her parents make a decision.

It all depends on their own ideas.

If the younger brother wants to see her parents, she can't stop him so selfishly.

"Well, I will think."

Su Yuyang nodded.

Since this is Huang Shanshan's wish, he will try to help her complete.

Although it is said that Su Hua and Tang Feifei's mouths are very tight, and their tone of breath is not revealed at all, but he is Su Yuyang. This is a little difficult, and he can't fail him.

But at this point, he finally figured out why in the original plot, Huang Shanshan was like that to Su Li.

Everything originally was a misunderstanding, but unfortunately the original owner was not willing to believe his wife, nor was he willing to let his wife explain to himself.

In the end it caused all the tragedies.

Huang Shanshan suspected that Su Hua was her own younger brother, but she couldn't confirm this.

And because of what happened when Su Li was sent home, she didn't dare to tell her parents about it.

So I can only hold everything in my heart and feel uncomfortable.

She was uncomfortable, and there was no place to speak, and naturally she was gradually depressed.

When her parents die of illness, her depression may become more serious.

Obviously, without his own intervention, the original Huang father and Huang mother may still be obsessed with their sons when they die.

In that case, Huang Shanshan's guilt for her parents naturally deepened, but her husband did not understand her and divorced her.

A woman can be weird if she can think of it.

There will be a later tragedy.

Fortunately, fortunately this time, he was willing to listen to the words in Huang Shanshan's heart, and was willing to let Huang Shanshan tell her the struggles in her heart.

Otherwise, he might lose her again.

Thinking of this, Su Yuyang felt really lucky.

Su Yuyang said he could think, and naturally he would really think.

This time, he directly asked Su Hua in the game.

Since the last single-player PK match, a new chat system has been added to the game.

Players can add friends through the chat system, chat, and form their own community.

Players in the community can choose to enter the game together. They can protect the same community together, or they can choose to protect their own base.

Of course, the task of guarding the community will be more difficult, and the test will be more teamwork.

Su Yuyang and Huang Shanshan are still accustomed to do their own tasks and pass the level, but this does not prevent them from communicating with other players in the game.

Su Hua has already formed a largest community, and has absorbed many players. It seems that those people are quite familiar with Su Hua in reality.

When he just received news of Su Yuyang's wine appointment, Su Hua was stunned for a moment.

At the last meal, Su Yuyang's wife's reaction, he thought, Su Yuyang should have seen it.

What is the reason for this appointment alone?

Shouldn't you consider yourself an enemy of love?

However, it seems that the possibility is not very high, and he does not know how. Su Yuyang always feels that he is not the same as any person he has contacted before.

Whether it's talk, cultivation, or experience.

He felt that he could not see through this person, like a mystery.

This is the first time he has such a feeling from a person who is only a few years older than himself.

This feeling is really amazing.

And, he feels that Su Yuyang is very similar to him in some respects. It seems that they are the same kind of person ...