I am The Villain’s Dad

Chapter 358: Ghost bride 12

Not to mention that skill, she went through all the ancient books and couldn't find a record, so she couldn't learn at all.

Later, a river and lake guest told her that this skill might be a kind of martial art that has been lost for a long time.

Qin Shimei could not have learned it from ordinary people.

Not to mention this kind of kung fu, even the rivers and lakes ca n’t understand it, so where is it so easy for her to understand?

Even if you understand, if you do n’t have 10 or 8 years of experience, where can you learn?

People are simply prepared and cannot be surpassed.

In fact, this is not unsolvable. Qin Shimei's embroidered village is already one of the best embroidered villages in the capital, and it can even be said to be the best embroidered village except the shallow opera.

She is not the first embroidered village, nor is she unable to survive.

At least her business is still good, the price is a little more favorable, and there are still many husbands willing to buy it.

In the end, the embroidered products of the Qing Opera are too precious, and the price is relatively high. Occasionally, a few nobles come in. Others have to wait outside, and there is no way to choose.

Naturally, other embroidery houses can also have some business.

It was like Qin Shimei had a sudden fire in the capital at that time. The other embroidered villages did not say that all of them could not be squeezed by her. It was nothing more than having less business and making less.

But Qin Shimei was not reconciled. She was obviously a woman who had been enlightened by heaven, and her success had perfectly proved it all.

As a result, a group of people from the rivers and lakes who didn't know where they came from, just robbed her of everything?

She is not reconciled! She wants to walk into the eyes of the emperor and the prince!

Now that the emperor is old, all she needs is the favor of those princes, and then choose the one with the highest probability, marry him as the princess, and then you can become the queen.

As a result, she had just got on the line with several maids in the palace of the prince. When she wanted to meet the princes, she encountered such a blocking embroidered village.

Right now, the prince's housewares are all passed by from the life of the shallow opera, and she has no part at all.

How does she stand out in front of the princes?

This man came over to block her money.

Since it is a person from the rivers and lakes, then it is just a good mix in the rivers and lakes, why do you need to come here to fight with her?

That skill can be used as a hegemon in rivers and lakes. Where else do you need to be a businessman here to earn so much money?

She has also inquired, it is said that people just find it fun ...

Fun? ? Qin Shimei heard hematemesis.

She regards things as life, others just find it fun.

Thinking of her, I wished to kill the boss of Xiuzhuang ...


Kill her!

If the shallow opera world disappeared from the world, then all the things she worried about did not exist.

It is best if all the people in the embroidered village are burned by a fire.

Qin Shimei's eyes showed fierceness.

There is always money in her hands, money can make ghosts grind, what can I do?

So, Su Qingqian received the report from his men, Qin Shimei bought an assassination order in the rivers and lakes, and the target was the entire Qianxiren embroidered village.

"Oh ~ she's arrogant."

Su Qian lightly smiled.

On the rivers and lakes, she also knew their guesses.

What martial arts are created, mysterious martial arts.

After all, their hand-embroidering skills are not something ordinary people can learn, nor can ordinary people make.

No matter on the rivers or lakes, or on the courts, no one can be like them.

Therefore, there are many speculations about them, but no trace can be found.

Isn't that hard to find? Ghosts are not people in this world ...

Therefore, the bounty for them will be very high.

The killer who does n’t know the depth is the lowest killer.

Advanced killers will definitely not start without knowing the situation of the other party. Killers who know their status will not easily shoot, and the price will be high.

Not to mention the whole embroidery village.

"Let them come, after all, is this money to be earned."

Su Qian lightly smiled.

So, that night, the entire embroidered village was burned by a fire. The embroidered mothers inside, including Su Qianqian, were all left. They were all locked inside and burned to death.

Qin Shimei sat on the second floor of his embroidered village and looked at the fire reflected from the opposite side. Those who hurriedly put out the fire, the embroidered ladies who screamed in the door.

There was no joy in her heart, as if at this moment, somewhere in her heart was opened and a cruel beast ran out.

Finally, looking at the fires that were burning more and more prosperous, Qin Shimei laughed and went to sleep, and tomorrow morning, when she opened her eyes, all her enemies would disappear.

All her plans can also be set according to the original, all completed one by one.

But, early in the morning the next morning, Qin Shimei got up and dressed under the maid's service. She was in a good mood.

This caused the maid to look at her face a little strangely.

Since these days, the owner has not been in a good mood. In the morning, not only do he have to beat a few teacups, but even these tight-serving maidservants must be scolded several times.

But I did not expect that today the owner is not just smiling and letting her dress up, she even rewarded her with a few silver fruits, and her breakfast was also very clean. , You can give more rewards in the future.

The whole maid's eyes are falling off.

But it was just a night, what happened? Why has the owner's attitude changed so much?

Could this be the calm before the storm?

Yesterday, the owner also said that the cook had to be replaced today, and he would not be allowed to appear here. So after finishing the last meal, the cook planned to roll it out and get rid of it.

But I didn't expect that the same breakfast would be rewarded, and he said he would be rewarded in the future?

What the hell?

The guilty guilty guilty in the heart, the maid still obediently followed Qin Shimei's side, served her obediently, hoping she could treat her like this all the time.

In fact, Qin Shimei did just that. She walked all the way and almost gave a reward when she saw someone. The bag of silver fruits in the hand of the maid was rewarded.

People who don't know think there is a happy event, but it turns out that there is no happy event.

The maid didn't figure out what was going on.

So when she was asked by several little sisters, she could only cast a helpless look.

Qin Shimei finally puzzled her.

"Opposite ... Why is the opposite open? !!!"

When Qin Shimei walked to the front hall, he originally planned to pretend to be casual, go across to see the excitement, and express his sympathy by the way, and then a wave of guests came over.

As a result, what did she see?

The embroidered village on the opposite side is still open well. Those embroidered ladies, as early as morning, still receive guests step by step and earn money.

She even saw a familiar face. The face asked her a few days ago if she would go to their embroidered village to learn.

She was so mad at the time.

Yesterday she focused on asking the person she hired to scratch the woman's face. When she delivered the silver, she saw the person's body.

Then ... now this person appeared in front of her.

Even when she looked at the other party in surprise, the man threw her a big white eye, very impatient.

She seemed to be very upset that she was blocking the way here.

Then she saw Su Qianqian walked out and took her maid to go shopping, just like usual.

Hearing her, she glanced at her and said nothing. She just smiled. The smile looked very strange, which made Qin Shimei's back cool.

"Owner ... This embroidered house has always been open well."

The maid didn't understand a bit. What does the owner say? It seems that this embroidered village should not exist here, but people closed the door yesterday and opened it well today. Is there anything wrong?

What does it mean that the owner is so surprised?

"No ... didn't it catch fire last night? Everyone here was burnt to death!"

Qin Shimei grabbed the maid's arm, and even spoke a little trembling.

Was she dreaming yesterday?

"No, Lord Zhuang, it was quiet yesterday, nothing happened."

The maid also saw that Qin Shimei was not right. She refrained from her discomfort and explained to Qin Shimei.

No wonder ...

No wonder the owner will look like that early in the morning.

Was this stimulated, thinking that the opposite embroidered village was on fire and all burned out?

She knew that the owner had been dreaming of wanting to close the door across the door, and wished that all the people on the opposite side would die.

However, he never thought that the owner would be so eager to die that the person on the opposite side had even appeared illusion.

According to what she said, there was a fire on the opposite side. How could the people who lived on the opposite side not know?

Besides, people just stood in front of them so alive, walking around normally, moving goods, and saying that people are dead, is n’t it appropriate?

Is it possible that all of them in front of them are not human, are they ghosts?

The maid's heart was sullen.

"Impossible !!! Impossible !!!"

Qin Shimei ran back to his room, opened her money box, where her money was.

She has been cooked several times, and her silver tickets are much less, and the reward is in her hands.

This is the rules of the rivers and lakes. Once the reward order is issued, the person who receives it will get this thing. After the task is completed, the paper will be brought to the victim. The victim will give him the silver and then take back the paper.

If the task is not satisfactory, the owner will not accept this thing, so naturally this thing will not appear in the hands of Qin Shimei.

This thing is evidence of the completion of the mission and the death of all those on the opposite side.

"Look, look, this thing is still here!"

Qin Shimei turned to the maid next to her and wanted to prove something with her.

The maid looked strange and looked at Qin Shimei and the things in her hands. She didn't know what this thing was or what the owner had done.

Qin Shimei just glanced at her, and some reaction came over. This thing should not have been shown to the maid.