I am The Villain’s Dad

Chapter 77: The school tyrant his dad is the school

On the first day of the second day, Chen Lanjun took several small followers to the second classroom:

"Go call people."

As the boss, of course, it is impossible to go to the classroom to catch people in person. It is too cheap to do this kind of thing.

"What if he scares?"

The little classmate was a bit worried. This kind of thing happened before. The boss looked at a kid and asked him to make an appointment. As a result, they cried out on the spot. After the teacher was brought in, they did n’t have to distinguish anything. Before he did it, he was trained by the teacher. There was no way for anyone to cry.

She couldn't figure out why, no matter what the truth was, as long as someone cried, the other one must be wrong.

"Cry and cry, you just call him out, he still cry? It ’s easy to do it if we really want to counsel, we come and call him once every day, do nothing, just watch him cry, and when the old Liu asked ,be honest."

She is Sister Lan! What can a few tears do to her? She had already figured out how to cope with this trick. When it was a big deal, she told Lao Liu that she was too fierce. When someone saw her, she wanted to cry. What could she do? She just wanted to ask others how to do a problem.

Don't think she didn't do her homework. In these days, she has people staring at the kid. He ran to find Liu Liu's problem and coaxed him.

Is n’t it just people who like to learn and love? She will too!

But that day old Liu didn't trouble her, what did he mean to her? She hadn't figured it out yet, so she asked the dead boy for a while, who made her stupid, and some things were not clear at all.

The junior quickly called Su Yuyang out, and said that she hadn't had time to call, and Su Yuyang came to her side and asked her what was wrong.

She had to say that Sister Lan was looking for him.

Originally prepared to intimidate this kid's remarks, there was no use at all, but it felt that the other party was holding the nose, and the other party wanted to see their sister Lan, only to see them, not because Sister Lan wanted to see him. See you.

"You are Su Yuyang?"

Chen Lanjun was holding a toothpick, one foot on the flower bed, and the other was still shaking when he stepped on the ground.

"Sister Lan?"

Su Yuyang looked up and down the sister Lan. There was no such person in the memory of the original owner. Think about it. This one is not in their class. The original owner has always been addicted to learning in school, and he does not care about other things.

Of course, there is no affiliation with a school-tyrant character like Sister Lan.

"Just know me."

Chen Lanjun is happy. It seems that his reputation is still very big. These school bullies are all heard of her. Now that she knows her, the next words are easy to say.

"I just listen to them calling you, is there any allusion?"

But Su Yuyang hadn't waited for her to be proud for two seconds before bursting out her little pride bubble.


This kid is really beating, can I just beat him here? The kind without sacks.

"I don't even know our sister Lan! You know that our sister Lan is the most beautiful elder sister in the whole town, playing invincible in three middle schools, even the people outside the school worship our sister Lan, in the future our sister Lan will be If you go to the city, you will have to fight your own sky! The ants like you can only look up at our sister Lan on the ground! "

As the No. 1 fan of Chen Lanjun, the fat girl, of course, is the first to stand up when someone questions the authority of her boss.

This sentence was still memorized by her for several days, and they belonged specifically to their sister Lan's appearance.


Su Yuyang held back for a long time, and finally held back a smile, this little fat girl is really ... quite interesting.

"Su Yuyang, I want to declare war with you!"

Chen Lanjun can no longer look down on Su Yuyang's seemingly non-smiling appearance, just like the so-called well-studied students and the expressions of the teachers who look at their disappointment.

She doesn't like this look. Why should they look at her like this?

"Declare war?"

Su Yuyang was a little stunned. He didn't provoke the girl. Why did he suddenly declare war with him?

It's hard not to succeed because he didn't give way to this in the cafeteria at noon that day? It's too strange.

"Yes, you hurt me for a few days and was bitten by mosquitoes, and I still looked at me with the kind of eyes I just saw. What I hate most is your eyes."

Chen Lanjun is like a stubborn child, and he has to fight Su Yuyang.

In fact, her appearance, in Su Yuyang's eyes, was really playing with children like a childish child, and she said that she could not understand at all.

"When did I make you bitten by a mosquito?"

"Just ..."

Chen Lanjun suddenly felt that if he told the person what he had done a few days ago, he would definitely laugh at himself.

If I did n’t want to squat, I fed the mosquitoes for several days in vain.

"It was our boss who squatted in the woods outside the dormitory for several days in order to wait for you. As a result, you didn't stay in a dormitory at all, and we were bitten by mosquitoes, which blamed you!"

But the fat girl is straight-talking, and she is determined to speak for Sister Lan's town. When she sees Sister Lan's words, she immediately speaks faithfully to Sister Lan.

This guy, even if sister Lan was bitten by mosquitoes, she still crushed sister Lan with the so-called Xueba IQ. Sister Lan is not good at studying and her mouth is stupid, but they are nerds who can only learn, but they Sister Lan at home is the best.


Su Yuyang finally couldn't help but laughed out loud.

What did he hear?

Isn't this kid a fool? He understands that all teenagers and teenagers are quite secondary.

But he didn't expect someone to reach this point in the second.

Just because he blocked his way in the cafeteria, he went to squat outside the dormitory building, and squatted for several days. Without squatting, he ran outside his class to declare war with him?

This man is really simple-minded and well-developed.

"Are you stupid? Didn't you investigate before squatting me? I don't live in school, I live outside the school."

"And, you can't find me at night, why not look for me in the morning? I must be in the classroom."

He couldn't help but kindly help the other party to make an idea.

"Our boss didn't know that Lao Xu said that if he could live off campus, he couldn't get up in the morning!"

The fat girl quickly defended her boss, how can this person say that the boss is stupid?

Chen Lanjun covered her forehead. The fat girl didn't help her excuse. For this excuse, did she think she was even more stupid? And why do you say something like not getting up in the morning? Doesn't it seem that she is stupid and lazy?

"So, you don't listen to the teacher's speech in class, and skip class in the morning?"

Su Yuyang broke through Chen Lanjun's escape from the early self-study every morning.

"So what? Do you want to sue the old Liu?"

Chen Lanjun knows that his group of people can't say Su Yuyang anymore. What he learns is so annoying. He always makes them speechless in three words.

And she likes to complain to the teacher even if she doesn't move, and she said that he didn't dare to hit him casually, it was really suffocating.

"I will not complain to old Liu."

Does he look like the kind of accuser?

"No complaint? In the cafeteria that day, you obviously complained to old Liu!"

Chen Lanjun hummed, these school bullies were the most annoying, they did not admit it after the complaint, and they were not honest at all.

"Lao Liu asked me if you have any trouble with me. I just told him that you asked me to learn about things and said that you want to compare with me who is better at the end of the semester."

This is where Su Yuyang's belly is black. The other party is a girl. He cannot beat others, but it can make the other party sick.

"what did you say?!!"

Chen Lanjun was shocked. How could he do this? ! It's too much!

When did she say that? When did you find him asking about learning? Old Liu actually believed?

"You, how can you lie?"

"Still say, you want me to tell the truth to Lao Liu. You stopped other classmates in the cafeteria from letting others make meals? When this classmate stopped me, I wanted to share my knowledge about Sister Lan ? "

Su Yuyang raised her eyebrows and looked at Sister Lan. The girl was pretty and pretty, but it's a pity. What a big but no brain.

"you you……"

Chen Lanjun was speechless by Su Yuyang, how could there be such a shameless person in this world?

"Sister Lan, in fact, I'm helping you. I didn't complain. Instead, I made Lao Liu's impression of you better. Shouldn't you thank me?"

"I thank you a big head ghost!"

Sure enough, the so-called good students would only bully them honest people.

"Surnamed Su, if you are a man, we fight after school at night! If you win me, I won't have trouble with you again, if you lose, you will obediently obey me. I ’ll tell you what you want. "

Too lazy to talk nonsense with this man, she is still used to talking with her fists.

"What if I don't fight you?"

He wasn't really a teenager. After being agitated by Sister Lan's two words, he followed her out to fight, impulsively.

"Do not hit?"

For a moment, Chen Lanjun did n’t think about it. Usually, when she said this to others, that person would definitely fight her. In the face of this kind of provocation from a man, as long as it is a lead, it ’s impossible. Rejected, if it is admitted that he is not a man, what a big insult?

But the kid in front of him didn't want to fight her, but would rather admit that he was not a man? This……

"I am waiting for you here every day without hitting me, saying ... say you like me !!"

Chen Lanjun was a little proud, humming, now I'm afraid.

"I like you?"

Su Yuyang was a little amazed by the girl ’s brain circuit. This kind of words can also be compiled. However, this sentence is really quite lethal to him. Before he can find a future wife, he naturally cannot casually follow other people. What came from the girl.

Looking at Su Yuyang's frightened appearance, Chen Lanjun finally felt a bad breath.

I don't think this is a joke about her reputation.

"Okay, I will fight you, but I won, you have to listen to me, I lost, I listen to you."

"Well, it's fair."

Chen Lanjun did not object, how fair and fair she was.

He proudly turned and left, and after a few steps, he felt something was wrong.

He said that he was not a man. The boy didn't respond. He said he liked himself, so he agreed? So, liking yourself is more serious than not being a man?

Lying trough, even more uncomfortable, there are wood!