I Became a Progenitor Vampire

v2 Chapter 526: Extremely terrifying old ruler

The old dominators who had condensed outside the city of Risell filled with an aura of extreme terror, like a tsunami.

But that huge divine body hasn't moved yet, it seems to be adapting to the rules and also adapting to this divine body.

After the gods noticed this scene, they immediately felt the endless pressure.

The battle is becoming more urgent!

The power of the multiple planes of glory is blessed in oneself, and that endless energy makes Reed plunge into extreme madness.

Punch after punch.

Give up magic and skill.

He was using the most direct and simple way to collide with the most glorious being, Asmodeus, Lord of the Nine Hells.

Everything around the two of them was mourning, and the most fundamental rules of the world were being broken.

That terrifying energy is like a huge wave, surging out one after another.

The majestic momentum shakes the galaxy.

At this moment, under the violent attack of Reed.

In the past, the glory was rampant, and Asmodeus, who was able to frighten the main **** with only a name, was hit by life at this moment.

Yes, he was crushed and beaten by a vampire who was a demigod last moment! !

Moreover, the opponent hit him almost without the strength to fight back, he could only be passive, and tried his best to collide with the opponent with every punch.

Even his chest was already stuffy, and blood stains came out of the corners of his mouth.

This **** vampire! !

Asmodeus, who had thought that he could control everything after holding five pieces of fate slabs in his hand, was angry.

Not to mention the fact that the other party stole his achievements, now he is still using the power of the slate of fate to counter him!

Under the rage, the power of blood lurking in the body began to recover.

Behind him, two devil's wings with barbed thorns spread out.

The momentum began to skyrocket wildly.

"I want to tear your soul to pieces!!"

A kind of fury after being provoked by the ants made Asmodeus start to slay towards Reed regardless.

The soaring power of Reed at this time almost made his golden blood almost unbearable, and Asmodeus's actions were just what he wanted.

Yang Tian laughed wildly.

"Lord of the Nine Prisons, yes, you are qualified to be my opponent!"

After speaking, he rushed forward again.

The expressions of the gods who heard this outside became extremely exciting.

Qualified to be your opponent? ?

That's the Lord of the Nine Hells!

How many gods have been destroyed in his hands for tens of millions of years?

Now dare to say such crazy words?

How much benefit did this **** vampire get from the Slate of Destiny? !

The gazes of the gods couldn't help but look at the buried place.

Although Reed is powerful, there is only one person after all.

As long as this plane is crushed, they will have the opportunity to control the extremely powerful force.

Become the new master of the entire multidimensional plane! !

This is an unprecedented opportunity, and it is an opportunity that no one can give up.

"Tear this plane to pieces!!"

Accompanied by the gloomy tone, the temptation of the slate of destiny coupled with the threat of the terrifying atmosphere of the old dominator outside Risle City.

The gods slew towards the buried ground with an extremely crazy mood.

The former goddess of destiny, Kathleen, has already taken Freya, Asrega, and the mermaid gods out of the bounds of the Burial Ground at this time.

Regained strength.

Catalina stared coldly at the rushing gods.

"The brilliance of dawn is destined to envelop multiple planes. Don't do useless work.

The Cthulhu of the old days is staring at it and preparing to destroy the world. The Lord of Dawn is the only existence that hopes to contend with the old days. Your current behavior is destroying the entire world.

Don't let your selfish greed blind your eyes. "

Although the words are quite correct, at this point in time, how could someone be able to hear it.

After seeing Reed get the fate slab, he grew up directly from a demigod to be able to resist the existence of the Lord of the Nine Hells. The temptation is enough to make them make the most brutal actions.

Selfish greed has been magnified thousands of times at this moment!

No one paid any attention to Catalina's words and directly aimed at the Burial Ground to release the magic arts.


Dozens of divine lights flickered.

The Burial Ground that was hit shook for a while.

In the face of such a terrifying bombardment, no matter how strong the plane is, it is difficult to support it for too long!

Realizing that the Burial Ground was being frantically attacked, Reed who was fighting Asmodeus suddenly turned his head and shouted.

"I said that the space barriers of the Burial Ground will be hidden in the void, unable to be noticed by outsiders. To destroy the Burial Ground, you need to destroy the Plane Stone."

After the words fell, the plane stone that had been buried deep in the buried ground suddenly appeared behind Kaslena.

The magic of creating the world, speaks out the law.

The space barrier of the Burial Ground is too wide. If the gods attack the space barrier with all their strength, the Burial Ground will definitely not be able to sustain the reunion of the Fate Slabs.

Although the utterance method is extremely powerful with this magical technique, the more rules it changes, the greater the consumption.

If it can, Reed is more willing to directly use words to hide the place.

But he couldn't afford this consumption at all. At this time, the gods had locked in the buried place. What strength would it take to get rid of the glory of the gods? ?

Moreover, there are fate slab fragments as an introduction, even if the buried place is shielded, it will definitely not keep the gods from it for too long.

In order to find a remedy, he can only take the initiative to leave a flaw-the plane stone.

The power of destiny consumed in this way can be within the scope of his endurance.

The significance of this made him from guarding the vast space barriers to the goal of only needing to guard the stone of the plane.

Catalina instantly understood the meaning of Reed, her face condensed as she watched the gods have focused their gazes directly on her.

A dazzling azure radiance burst out suddenly on his body, and the trident **** whose palm was possessed by the white cat was dazzling.


Without any extra words, the seven or eight demon lord closest to her slammed directly towards Kasrina.

The two sides fought together instantly.

The trident, a high-level artifact, is sharp and unparalleled, and a face-to-face collision directly blasts the three-headed demon master.

The scene was bloody.

But this did not stop the surrounding demons and evil gods from peeping on the plane stone, and a larger number of demons surged up.

The gods, Freya, and the mermaid master gods directly stepped forward to help break down the pressure.

The claws of gods can pierce the shields of powerful gods, and the tyrannical fighting style attracts a lot of hatred.

Freya folds her wings and fights!

The twelve wings behind him broke directly, and his momentum suddenly rose to the 40th level of the main god.

Armed with an angel war sword, peerless!

After the mermaid master lost the trident, his melee combat power was greatly reduced, but the magic in his hand still blessed the two of them with a large amount of gain status.

Catalina was the core, and the other three were assists, instantly resisting the impact of the demon master and the evil god.

At this moment, the huge space gap behind them was still open.

It was a gap that was torn apart by the Lord of Hell, and the power of **** still remained in it. Asmodeus was immortal, the gap would not disappear.

But because Reed banned the power above the transcendent in the Burial Grounds, Kathleen and the others did not deliberately prevent the entry of the gods.

In fact, it can't be stopped, the number of gods is too much...

Reed was dragged by the Lord of the Nine Hells, and the Stone of the Plane was guarded by Katherine. The gaps in the empty space immediately welcomed the entry of dozens of evil gods and demons.

Without the slightest accident, after entering the Burial Ground, the power of the terrifying rules directly banned most of their power.

But these demon masters were already prepared in their hearts, grinned, spread their wings and flew directly in the direction of the stone of fate.

The Bone Burial Land has expanded to a diameter of 500 kilometers after being upgraded to the **** level, and the bone altar is in the center of the plane.

Although most of the power was banned, but at the speed of the devil, he could reach it in at most ten minutes.


The devil's wings flapped and flew quickly towards the center.

But a few minutes later, a medium-sized demon master who was flying at the fastest speed suddenly sank, because after passing through a fog, he actually saw a densely packed army underneath!

He just wanted to flap his wings and fly high, only to hear a roar from below.



The long five-bladed dragon hunting crossbow's bow string bounced.

Huhu~ Hundreds of crossbow arrows shot wildly.

Seeing this scene, the demon ruler showed disdain, but he has a divine body! How many crossbow arrows can hurt him? ?

But the next second this thought came up.


A crossbow arrow with the thickness of a wrist pierced his chest directly.

The huge impact pulled it back more than ten blades.

The time has not yet reacted.


A dozen crossbow arrows directly pierced his heart, and his body fell directly from the sky like a meteor and hit the bones on the ground.

The terrifying pain caused the demon ruler of medium power to cry out in agony like a beast.

There is only one question in his mind, why is his divine body useless? ?

I suddenly recalled the scene of the first batch of demonic masters who entered the Burial Ground being strangled by Reed.

Full of regret at the moment.

It must be the power of the fate slab...

Speaking out of the law does not allow power above the transcendence to appear, but it is not only the inability to release divine magic.

Divine body, this is the power above the transcendent, so it was blocked by the power of rules.

A level 19 demon through and through, even if its vitality is countless times stronger than the ordinary level 19, but in the face of a weapon factory like Dragon Hunting Crossbow that has been improved dozens of times, what kind of waves can it afford?

Not only this demon suffered a catastrophe, the other first batch of demon masters and evil gods who entered the Burial Ground were attacked and killed in the same way.

Use the body of a mortal to hunt down the gods!

The army of the City of Dawn has successfully accomplished this feat that can be recorded in the annals of history.

However, although the army was strong, it failed to keep all the invaders behind, and several demons and evil spirits escaped.

Those demon masters who survived by chance did not go far, but cast a spell to open the door of the space in front of the gap in the space that was torn apart.

Level 19 already has the power to open the door of space.

At the moment when the space gate was opened, a huge number of demons surged out from the other end like a tide.

Only relying on demons to dominate them will not be able to deal with a huge army, but they are not alone, they also have countless subordinates.

Only magic can fight magic, only an army can fight an army.

After the first demon ruler made this move, it immediately caused other evil gods to follow suit.

After a while, the doors of space opened one after another, and an army of demons began to appear in the Burial Ground,

These demon masters all had a tacit understanding, did not fight each other, but aimed their spearheads at the dawning army.

When more and more demonic masters and evil gods entered the buried ground, the opened space door became bigger and bigger.

In this way, what was supposed to be a lonely hero, suddenly turned into a collision between the army and the army!

The Demon Army vs. the Dawn Army.

The situation in Burial Ground has changed, and the situation outside is not much better.

As the aura of the old dominator outside Risle gradually rose, the gods outside became more and more nervous.

But no one left at this time. Everyone knew that their last hope was on the fate slab, and they were ruining their lives when they left.

They must grab the Fate Tablet! !

As the crisis increased sharply, Catalina, who was guarding the face stone of the buried position, encountered an even more fierce siege.

The gods of medium divine power can no longer intervene in it.

Eight demon lords, more than twenty demon gods, plus five light gods, attacked Kasrina frantically at this moment.

All kinds of advanced magic arts rushed towards this former goddess of destiny densely like cannonballs.

Its terrifying fluctuations even made everything around him annihilate.

The gods, Freya, and the mermaid lord have been driven away from Kaslena, fighting with other gods.

The demons and evil gods joined forces to encircle Katherina, vowing to smash the stone of the plane and **** the slab of destiny.

Seeing this shocking scene, Catalina didn't panic at all.

The trident in his hand exudes infinite divine light, bursting out with majestic power, shattering one after another magical technique.

The azure ability is like a tide surging, forming a huge wave area around it, with its own strength to carry everyone's offense.

"Undead ancestor, please keep your promise!"

"The City of Dawn will not betray allies, and I believe the undead will never betray them!"

Reed, which was in the midst of a fierce battle, couldn't help frowning when seeing the undead camp being silent.

After colliding with the Lord of the Nine Prisons again, he roared loudly.

He knows that the undead will never keep promises easily, but he must gain more allies.

After bearing the power of the Slate of Destiny, although he gained an incomparably powerful power, the horror of the Lord of the Nine Hells was far beyond his expectations.

He is now able to use part of the power of the multi-plane of glory, but he is not even equal to the opponent.

Asmodeus is too strong! !

So powerful that Reed suspects that the Lord of the Nine Hells has transcended the entire multidimensional plane!

He must hold back this glorious and strongest combat power, if the opponent pulls out to participate in the attack, then Catalina will definitely not be able to hold it.

Once the Plane Stone fell into the hands of Asmodeus, the destruction of the Burial Ground was an instant matter.

"The ancestor of the undead, we are never enemies.

The old rulers are recovering, and our continued entanglement will only exacerbate our destruction! "

The fire of the soul of the undead ancestor flickered faintly, and his empty eyes stared at the battlefield. No one knew what the first life created by the creation **** was thinking.

At this moment, Catalina's voice came slowly.

"The ancestor of the undead, there is no need to wait any longer, the **** of creation may have disappeared in the chaos.

After the Slate of Destiny is connected with Reed, it will inevitably touch the core of the source of glory. If the God of Creation is still there, it will be possible to perceive it even if it is separated by countless multiple planes.

He will definitely use some power to come...

His absence is the best explanation, I believe you already have the answer.

Go ahead, glory cannot be destroyed, we are already homeless. "

Hearing this, the fire of the souls of the ancestors of the undead went down, and finally raised his head and looked towards the sky.

"Father God... has he really fallen?"

The tone was dazed and helpless.

He has no interest in the Slate of Destiny. The reason for participating in the competition is that the Slate of Destiny can touch the source of glory and connect to the creator of this multiple plane.

But now, Reed has touched the origin of glory, but the **** of creation still hasn't appeared...

Something in my heart shattered quietly...

After condensing his mind, looking at Catalina, who was already struggling, the ancestor of the undead slowly nodded.

"The world created by God the Father must never be destroyed."

After speaking, waved.

"The undead decided to fulfill the covenant!"

"All the undead monarchs immediately guard the stone of the plane, and in addition, immediately send the fragments of the fate slab into the plane of the **** of dawn!"

Finally, the undead made such a decision that could determine the situation of the battle.

But just when the undead had just moved.

Let everyone's fearful and decadent words resound through the entire sky.

"This filthy world should have been swallowed by eternal old days.

The struggle of a group of ants..."

I saw outside the city of Risle, the body formed by the melting of hundreds of octopus evil gods and mud evil gods suddenly opened his eyes.

Then the hundred-blade-high divine body shrank quickly, and after a few blinks, it turned into a 5-blade-high, terrifying life full of barbs.

Brush ~ A pair of blood-stained broken flesh wings spread out, and the old ruler who descended on the main plane of glory in another way, flew straight to the center of the battlefield.

The decayed power radiating from his body can chill his back even if he is far away.

That is not the power that this world should have, it is the power that should exist in the deadly place, in the chaotic void.

The battlefield, which was still fighting fiercely, subconsciously slowed down the rhythm of the battle, and the existence below the medium divine power, at this moment, all retreated madly.

Although the first-born horns and the old dominators who fluttered their wings did not make a move, it gave them a sense of shock as the world collapsed.

Danger! Extremely dangerous!

Perceiving this scene, every cell in the body of Reed warns him.

The gaze of the former dominator was like the death god's scythe resting on his neck, and his heart trembled!

Suppressing the inner emotions, Reed desperately rushed to the Lord of the Nine Hells, with a cold murderous expression on his face, and directly grabbed Asmodeus' body with both hands.

Asmotiers sensed something wrong with Reed and directly broke out the most terrifying attack. The force that could crush the plane directly hit Reed's chest.

Click~Reed snorted, and a dozen bones broke directly. The terrifying pain was almost crazy, but he still didn't let go.

Instead, he violently input the power of destiny into Asmodeus, and then, by suppressing the opponent for a second, he violently threw the lord of **** toward the former dominator.

This **** vampire dared to use him to test the power of the old rulers! !

When he noticed the action of Reed, Asmodeus had no time to react.

By the time he broke through the blockade of the power of destiny, he had already appeared in front of the old rulers.

Feeling the breath of this terrifying life, Asmodeus's heart shuddered, as if he was being watched by a giant beast that could devour the world.

Turning the heart, directly burned all the power of blood, and then burst out the ultimate terrifying power, blasted out with one punch!

This punch can shatter ten planes! !

Inevitably, this most glorious being must shake the old dominator positively.

But the next second, the scene on the court made everyone's scalp numb.

The old ruler seemed to be completely indifferent to this, the barbed body did not stay in the slightest, while flapping its wings and flying forward, his right fist was swung towards Asmodeus.

This punch was calm and indifferent, and it seemed that there was no force at all.

One side is unremarkable, and the other side has the power to destroy the world, and the two sides directly collide.



Glory's ultimate combat effectiveness, the most invincible existence, the moment it collided with the former dominator, the bones of his right hand burst directly, and blood splashed all over the sky.

Asmodeus' body flew backwards ten times faster than before, looking extremely miserable.

The two sides only collided once, and this glorious ultimate existence directly broke off an arm.

But the old ruler didn't even stop in body shape.

Upon seeing this scene, the gods on the field immediately heard a cold breath.

That is the Lord of the Nine Hells.

Dominating the multiple planes of glory for countless years, the strongest existence among them!

At this moment, I can't even hold it for a second! !

Many gods even turned around and ran away, losing the courage to face the former rulers.

All their ambitions collapsed directly after the ultimate existence of Asmodeus was interrupted by a punch.

How can such a horrible existence be surpassed by them? ?

Then more shocking scenes appeared.

After sweeping the chaotic eyes of the old ruler, he opened his mouth slightly and took a sharp breath at the gods in the center of the battlefield.

Next second.

Dozens of demon masters and light gods around seemed to be clamped by a giant hand, and their bodies flew in the direction of the former dominators uncontrollably.

"what is this??!"

"No, let me go, **** bastard!!"

"I'm out of control, no more!"

All the struggles and anger were of no avail, and any divine magic performed by these dozens of gods could not escape that control.

After just a few blinks, in the shocking gaze of everyone.

These dozens of gods shrank quickly, and then they were swallowed in one go by the open-mouthed old ruler.


The chewing sound of the old ruler made the gods on the battlefield feel that their legs were weak.

This, what kind of monster is this? ! !

Suppress the Lord of the Nine Prisons with one punch, and swallow dozens of gods with the Lord God in one breath! !

What's the use of this? ?

Despair, unspeakable despair pervades the hearts of all gods.

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