I Became a Progenitor Vampire

v2 Chapter 79: The offering of love is about to begin

   After the main criminal Potter was hanged by Reed, the city of Dawn returned to its former calm, and the rumors about the blood family no longer exist.

   The rest of the accomplices of the Wild Wolf Gang have no good end. They must kill the chickens and monkeys to the end. These people have been deprived of the right to allocate land, and they have to work in the City of Breaking Dawn for three to five years.

   Most of these people were coerced and lured by Potter to join the Wolves Gang. Many of them had never robbed or blackmailed, and belonged to passersby.

   But since joining the Wild Wolf Gang, you have to bear the corresponding consequences. Reed has no interest in persuading and educating people.

  In the future, urban construction will have to employ people. These guys are all assigned to move bricks for labor reform.

   Seeing the miserable end of those people, many residents of the City of Dawn were scared enough, many people almost participated, fortunately they did not actually join.

   If they are really involved, then the fate of these people will fall on them.

   For a while, the atmosphere of the city of dawn became clear, and the killing of chickens and monkeys had the greatest effect.

   Some of them followed Porter to blackmail, and the accomplices who broke the law were ordered by Reed to use another way to contribute to the city of dawn.

   The magical blood in the blood pool Reed has now been perceived as precious. If there was no magical blood in the battle last night, then even if Amy was finally caught, he would have to pay a heavy price.

   Such a magical potion is just food for the blood race, which is simply a waste.

   Therefore, the sustainable development strategy that he originally planned for humans to support the blood race has been advanced.

   The plan for the sustainable development strategy of the blood family is very simple. It is to allow humans to donate blood actively without harming the human body.

   As for the way to let human beings take the initiative, the points system just launched is the pavement for this.

   After donating blood a certain number of times, he can get certain points, and he will directly link the blood donation to the points.

   In terms of the preciousness of points, Reed believes that no one can resist this temptation.

   But before the specific number of blood donations and the point redemption system come out, Reed needs to figure out the human body condition in the glory world, more precisely, how long it takes to draw blood without harm to the human body.

   It is scientifically proven that modern people draw blood 23 times a year, about 400 ml each time is harmless to the human body.

   But humans in this world are much stronger than humans on earth, perhaps because of the magic contained in the air, even 13- or 14-year-old underage children can have physical qualities that surpass those of adults on earth.

   And adults are stronger.

   So Reed needs a series of verifications. How often is blood drawn is harmless to the human body? The accomplices of the Potter Wolf Gang are undoubtedly the best experimental choice.

   Reed does not directly kill these people, and after the experiment is done, they will also be asked to carry out labor reforms...


   But since the civilians were blackmailed, then this experiment is considered to be their contribution to the city of dawn.

   You must know that these civilians had escaped. If it weren't for the city of Dawn to provide free food, their belongings would be used to save their lives. They were robbed of their property by the wolf gang. What is the difference between killing these people?

   So Reed will not be merciless to these people at all, a group of fake murderers.

Among them, there were 20 people who committed the most serious crimes. Reed was handed over to Harrison to study, and according to the corresponding number of groups to conduct comparative data experiments, he was asked to take out a blood draw that is completely harmless to the human body. Quantity and time come out.

   Harrison said to these criminals that he would take care of them very carefully and try not to let them die so soon.

   It can be said that after this step is implemented, the sustainable development strategy of the City of Dawn can be considered to be on the right track.

   The plan for humans to support the blood race has officially begun.

   Of course, the specific experimental data will take some time to come out.

   The number of blood donations in the future will be linked to the points. After the data comes out, the exchange ratio between the two can be determined.

   Another important point now is to let the residents of the City of Dawn know how precious the points are.

   Tonight is just a verbal statement. Many people listen to it with a little understanding and have not yet formed a specific concept of points.

   So the current focus of Reed is to let residents know how valuable points are.

  How do you let them know? very simple.

   Differentiate treatment.

   Line up. Those with points can take the priority channel, and those without points will line up slowly.

   Distribute food, those with points can be divided first, and those without points can wait honestly.

  Allocate land. Those with high points can be allocated first, and those without points can queue up.

   Even if new departments are opened later, those who have points can enter first.

   And there is also the land tax. He has announced today that 10 points can only be turned in 20% as tax, and 20 points can only be turned in 10% as tax.

   Under all kinds of vigorous temptations, Reed doesn't believe that this group of people can remain calm.

   And now there is only one channel for earning points-farming and paying taxes. It is conceivable that these people will frantically inquire about the channels for earning points for a period of time.

   And when most people know the value of points and there are no more ways to get points, it is the time to introduce the policy of getting points from blood donation.

   Even if some people hesitate and fear at first, as long as someone takes the lead, then sooner or later, donating blood will become a matter for the residents of the City of Dawn to scramble.

   In addition to the points, the expansion of the blood family has to be routine.

   Although Potter's incident happened by accident, he also benefited a lot from it.

   But he doesn’t want to see this happening anymore. After all, it’s basically...

The reason is that there are too few blood races to cause this problem.

   If there are 1,000 now, these people still dare to seek rebellion? Standing there can scare people to death.

   Even Amy, a godslayer, has to keep his head down.

   But how to expand the number still needs some routines.

   Reed stroked his chin and slowly got an idea.

  As the ruler of the City of Dawn, the Blood Race must make everyone dream of becoming a Blood Race. Humans must not be allowed to think that becoming a Blood Race is a simple matter.

   The more precious the talent, the more sought after.

the next day.

   People who got up early in the morning crowded around the public notice wall in the square where announcements were posted.

   Several literate security team members were arranged here to explain to people nearby.

   Raymond made a great contribution to reporting the wolf gang, and was licensed by Reed to join the security team.

   And this guy just happened to be literate. Early this morning, he was sent by the blood family managing the security team to explain the points rules to the crowd.

   "Listen well, everyone, I am a member of the security team, Raymond. Today I am responsible for explaining the role of points."

   Leimeng’s tone is full of pride. As a member of the security team appointed by Lord City Lord, he feels extremely honored for his identity.

  "Last night, Castel Kachar had stipulated the role of points in a legal form.

   You can check it yourself, and I will explain to you if you are illiterate. "

   "Points are the most important wealth of every resident in the City of Dawn, representing honor and your contribution to the City of Dawn."

   "Then what is the use of points?"

The crowd below    listened very seriously, UU reading www.uukānshu.com is very curious about this new thing.

   Although Reed said something last night, they were quite general, and most people still didn't understand it.

   Anthony also came to the square early. He couldn't squeeze into the crowd but fell on his toes outside to listen to Raymond's explanation.

   "First, in the future, all important places in the City of Dawn that need to line up will have two channels. Those with more than 5 points can take the priority channel, and those who have not reached 5 points need to line up."

   After listening to this, there is no response from everyone, isn't it just a priority channel?

   Anthony's eyes lit up, giving priority to the passage, which seemed like the power of nobles.

   "The second point is to distribute food. Those who have scored 5 points can receive the food first. Those who have not reached 5 points need to line up to receive it."

Ok? This rule makes the people below have some opinions.

   Food distribution is their lifeblood. When they lose their land and savings, free food in the City of Dawn is their only source of food.

   "The third point is to allocate land. Those with high points can be allocated first, and those without points need to line up."

   Can this also be prioritized? The crowd below suddenly...

These disturbances, land is undoubtedly the lifeblood of their most concern.

   There are some points distribution. Does this mean that good land will be taken away by others? No one can keep calm anymore and talk about how to get points.

   Anthony listened very seriously outside the crowd. At this time, he knew that the points will play a huge role in the city of Dawn in the future, but how can he get points?

   It's not just him, everyone is looking forward to announcing how to earn points.