I Became Cinderella’s Vicious Stepsister

Chapter 60

"Gaia, I'm hungry."

As soon as she walked out of the bleak hospital room, the girl in a white cotton long skirt pulled the boy beside her, "...so hungry."

She said.

When the words fell, the stomach began to gurgle, which was reminiscent of the time at the bottom of the lake.

At this time, Gaia opened his hand.

On the palm, an eye-catching purple fruit stayed there peacefully, without any moisture, and looked dry and not very tasty.

"You actually... brought it out?"

The girl widened her eyes in surprise.

"It's not me, it's you." The teenager turned his head and the light fell into the gray eyes, "...in the coat, Belia."


Liu Yu remembered.

That countless times came in handy...the navy blue uniform that took off and on and off again.

As for now...

She glanced at the white dress on her body, which should have been replaced by Dr. Villanica.

"No! I don't want to eat this! I want to eat raisin cheese, cocoa cake, and fried lamb chops!" The girl broke her fingers and counted, "Gaia, you accompany me to the food room, OK? it is good?"

The teenager didn't answer, but his body turned around, his long legs stepped away, and headed towards the house.

Liu Yu smiled.

"Ah! You wait for me!"

Under the blue sky, the girl's white skirt flew open.

She jogged up, and quietly grabbed his wrist with her left hand, slid down, and tilted her head to look at him. Seeing his faint look, she quietly embedded her fingers in his palms and clasped it.

"...Okay, Gaia, do you remember what happened... before the coma?"

The boy's footsteps stopped.

Liu Yu could only see his thinner body wrapped in a large white robe, like a tall poplar.

"Belya, if you want to ask what happened, I'm sorry, I don't know." He turned his head and faced her quietly. The gray eyes were not ups and downs. "A force overwhelmed me, and all darkness turned to ashes... Then, I kissed you..."

His eyes fell on her, quiet, yet as if he had power.

"...Everything seems to come from my instinct.... So, Belia, I'm sorry, I can't answer you anything, just like in front of Lord Bruce. The world looks to me...it seems to be another This look, I suddenly wanted to know who I am."


Liu Yu opened his mouth and closed it again.

Her hand consciously placed on her chest, and when she felt that the memory beads were still there, she couldn't help but relax.

Cheer up:

"It's okay, Gaia, one day you will find the answer...Now, go to the lamb chops! They must be in a hurry!"

"I think they must not look forward to Miss Fergus so much."

The juvenile rarely laughed.

His narrow and long eyes slightly curled, and he suddenly looked at the girl's cheeks.


She was angry, "Gaia, how are you, how are you!"

The girl's energetic voice echoed through the noon's tree-lined road, arousing a group of flying birds.

They wandered in the air, dropped, wandered, and dropped again, with crisp and cheerful cries all over the academy.


Food house.

"A cheese? Oh, no! Almond pancakes? Sold out. Lamb chops? Of course not!" The window window, with a white bib, a chubby middle-aged woman pushed the plate angrily, "Sorry, Miss Fergus, only the French club."

...Only the French baguette?

Liu Yu pointed to the side in disbelief, and the young clergymen were happily taking the food plate from another person:

"Then how do they have?"

"Miss Fergus--" The woman who had always treated her and Yan Yuese's hands around her chest, and her eyes fell on the hands where she and Gaia intersected. "——We do not welcome heretics or friends with heretics. ..."

"...Miss Fergus."

It becomes really fast.

Liu Yu thought that when he went to the eatery with Gaia before going to the Emerald Forest, the man behaved like seeing his son who had been missing for many years. Order a piece of lamb chops, you can give one and a half, you have to attach half a piece of cheese.

"However, Aunt Kasha, as long as I am Belia Fergus, or one day, you are one..." She paused, with a contemptuous look, "Mortal, a mortal who offends me, I want to deal with you , No one will speak for you."

Aunt Kasha froze.

She never thought that Miss Fergus, who always smiled like a flower in front of the pagan, would say such a thing.

"Miss Fergus, you are so..."

The girl's pretty white fingers pushed the plate back again:

"Almond crepes, grape cheese, lamb chops-now."

Arrogant, righteous voice.

"Yes, yes." Aunt Kasha scolded in the bottom of her heart, but she still packed things and pushed out the window, "Miss Fergus, your food."

Liu Yu looked at the lamb chops shrunk by half, and the cheese was dry:

"Another copy is the same."

"Sorry." This time, Aunt Kasha stood up, "It is our job to provide food for the noble beloved. But the pagans... are not included."

"Unless you step over my corpse, otherwise, think about—"

Looking at the other party's face, "willing to die for the light anytime", Liu Yu closed her mouth.

"Belia, I have eaten." At this time, Gaia took the plate in her hand, "Go."

Liu Yu followed.

Whispers whispered in the ear.

"It's a pity that if you didn't go to the Emerald Forest, Mr. Leslie would still be a pious and bright star knight..."

"What a pity you are for a pagan? If it were me, at the moment when I became a pagan, he would pierce his heart with the sword in his hand. He betrayed the light, betrayed God's favor to him... he was guilty."

"Yes, his sins should be burned with a burning flame. I feel suffocated by the same air he breathes."

"Ms. Fergus did not draw a line with him. A devout and bright believer, but because of narrow selfish love, chose to be with a pagan... It is really puzzling."

In a strange vision, the two chose a secluded corner to sit down against the wall.

"Gaia, haven't you been given food for the past few days? What do you eat?"

Liu Yu picked up a slice of crepes, with countless burning eyes, to be pushed to him, but was rejected.

"No need to."

Gaia shook her head.

His index finger made a slight stroke in the air, and a bird passed through the half-open window and perched between his fingers.

The light came in obliquely, making his eyes quiet and gentle:

"I have many... friends."

"They will bring food."

"The fruit in the forest, the clear mountain spring, is like a...wonderful magic."

The birds chirped.

Liu Yu: ...

Come on, God’s bewitching objects are not just humans.

"Then I will start."

The crepes took a light bite and melted in the mouth. The rich milky aroma mixed with the aroma of almonds spread at the tip of the nose; the cheese was mixed with a little raisins, and the fried lamb chops...

Liu Yu closed his eyes happily, only to feel that he was back in the world.

Just then, the table was suddenly hit by someone.

"Wow la---"

Liu Yu said:


The people who waited to bully Gaia came.

She will advance and retreat with him.

... It's a pity these foods.

A neatly arranged food plate was placed on the table, and the dishes on the plate fell like a scattered flower on the ground, making a crisp crackling sound.

Princess Mary, who is in a luxurious agate red, artificially withdraws her hand:

"Oh, sorry, I didn't do it on purpose. But I thought...Mr. Fergus, the benevolent and generous person, wouldn't offend me a little bit of an offense. After all...you can sit intimately with pagans."

The blonde girl stood up excitedly:

"Princess Mary, you are too much. Others say, even if we are classmates, not to mention... Gaia's ruling has not yet been sentenced, you should apologize to him."

"Apologize? A pagan?" Princess Mary seemed to hear something extremely funny, "You make me apologize to a distinguished light believer, a beloved, and a fallen pagan?"

"But not long ago, Honorable Princess Mary, you did something to get this pagan..." Liu Yu paused. "Not very honorable."

"Then, that is Princess Ben blind!"

Princess Mary’s eyes fell to the table, and the jade-like teenager sat quietly, still beautiful and beautiful.

Her eyes quickly flew away again:

"Now, it's impossible now! One, a pagan! It's impossible to wash away his sins after being tied to the gallows and dying for 10,000 times. Ben and Ben will not like him anymore!!"

"So... your love is so superficial."

Liu Yu sighed softly, "You love, but his original aura, and the future star knight, but you can't see his heart..."

"Mr. Leslie’s heart, like the purest diamond in the world, is gentle and firm. He is not degenerate, but has encountered some setbacks, but I believe that one day, he will return to the embrace of the God of Light. I Trust him forever."

The firmness on the girl's face made her look like Angel, the purest and cleanest in the world.

"Fart! Pagans are pagans! Just like dogs can't change shit!"

Someone scolded beside.

Princess Mary seemed to gain strength from this sentence and proudly lifted her chest:

"let's go!"

She was so fierce that she was about to hit Liu Yu’s right shoulder that had lost her arm—

At this time, a wind stopped her.

The teenager who sat quietly just now stood up and stood in front of Liu Yu.

He "looked" at her from a condescending position, and his green eyes seemed to hide the endless river below:

"Princess Mary, you're sick."

Princess Mary, like a cat with her tongue bitten off, jumped up:

"Lei, Mr. Leslie, me, me, I didn't mean it..."

I didn't know what to expect, and immediately became more confident:

"Yes! I did it on purpose! What's wrong? What is wrong with me punishing a light believer who is willing to fall?!"

"Oh, the God of Light is on!" At this time, Aunt Kasha ran out of the back kitchen door: "These porcelain, these porcelain..."

Porcelain from ancient eastern countries is extremely precious. Even if Guangming College is rich in money, these oriental colored porcelains can be used as ordinary tableware for the worshippers-but it is absolutely not included, and they pay for deliberately damaged porcelain.

"Please put it on Princess Mary's account." Liu Yu said, "and Lusso I spent with the food just now."

"Just remember! The royal family of Carlo is not like your Fergus family. You still need to betray your dignity to get money." Princess Mary raised her chin high. "Do you think I am wrong?"

She asked the follower behind.

The two girls who had seen Gaia's blushing heartbeat before had a face in the face:

"No, Princess Mary, you're right! Mr. Leslie has traitored! No punishment will be excessive for the traitor and his friends."

"Yes, you are right, very good!"

Princess Mary reached out and stroked the messy feathers on her head. "See you tomorrow, Miss Fergus, Lai, oh no, Mr. Pagan, I hope you will have a good time next! Guangming College welcomes you."

Liu Yu watched coldly as Princess Mary walked away with her classmates.

In addition to glancing at the other people, they all halted their flags and couldn't help sitting down regretfully and ordered the same copy again.

On the way back to Nvshe, those familiar or unfamiliar celebrities avoided them far away, acting like they suddenly changed from being humans to disgusting bugs and bacteria that they could not avoid. If you get closer, you will be infected.

"Mr. Leslie, are you sad?"

Liu Yu looked at it, only to feel ridiculous.


"Yes, just like..." Liu Yu paused, "Princess Mary loves you so much, those people used to admire you, but now, they are like cold ice in the Arctic to you. Lord Bruce, Lord Malan—"

"--I don't care," the teenager said, "how they are, it has nothing to do with me."

Liu Yu looked at him sideways.

Under the green boulevard, the young Yingying's white skin was shimmered by the sunlight.

His body was dirty, but his style was outstanding, his face slightly raised, all calm.

So she knew that he really didn't care.

But why aren't those lambs in your captivity?

When they stab you at the enemy's thorn, do you not have offended anger?

However, more importantly, how can the "redemption" scene continue for a person who does not care about bullying and rejection at all?

Liu Yu was forced to perform.

"I don't care!" the girl said arrogantly: "I can't watch others bully you! No one can bully you, including yourself! I will follow you from tomorrow onwards..."

Come on, devout light believers, I hope you have prepared a bigger "surprise" for God--

Too big to make him care, make him hurt, and make him unable to calm down anymore.