I Became the Villain’s Own Daughter (I Have Become the Villain's Daughter)

v1 Chapter 599: What about you, Mr. Jian

Chapter 599 What about you, Mr. Jian

The bar dancer doesn't pay much attention to the child in her belly.

I think that as long as the child is born, the child is alive and can be used to exchange money with the Zhang family.

Therefore, during pregnancy, there is no restraint or taboo.

It’s what I usually do when I’m pregnant. It’s common to spend all night outside and stay up late every night. I don’t have the consciousness of being a pregnant woman.

Even, in order to maintain her slim figure and keep her figure out of shape, dancers force herself not to eat from time to time.

Once the Zhang family asked, the dancer said that she was uncomfortable with the child and could not eat.

As a result, Zhang Yiming was in his mother's body and could not keep up with nutrition.

Although it was a full-term birth, when he was born, it was an extremely thin group. Even the crying was soft and intermittent, and the weak seemed to die at any time.

Zhang Dazhuang named Zhang Yiming Zhang Dapang.

I just hope that he will be fatter and stronger in the future.

Fortunately, although the dancer didn't take this child seriously, she didn't dare to abuse her too harshly, for fear that Zhang Yiming would die in her stomach if she was not careful.

Once she feels sick, she will go to the hospital for a birth check immediately.

I even found a family doctor, who would let people come for checkups from time to time.

Therefore, except for Zhang Yiming's body that is weak and thin, with poor nutrition, other aspects are considered normal, and there are no physical defects.

There are not many people in the Zhang family, just money.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Dazhuang's father hurriedly asked people to find many well-known child nutritionists and doctors at home and abroad to treat Zhang Yiming's body.

After one or two years of meticulous care, Zhang Yiming was fed one bite at a time and became a fat man, his body gradually became stronger, and his appetite was raised a lot.

Until later, Zhang Yiming, that is, Zhang Dapang, was about to start kindergarten.

Zhang Dazhuang felt that the name Zhang Dazhuang was too dirty.

You know, when he was young, he suffered from the disadvantage of his name. When he was in elementary school, Zhang Dazhuang listened to his own name, and he felt very powerful.

Big and strong, big and strong, very strong at the first sound, very masculine, not to mention how proud he was at that time.

When Zhang Dazhuang really felt that his name was unpleasant, he felt that his name was very earthy and uncultured at all. When he wanted to change his name, everyone else was already in high school.

At that time, everyone was familiar with his name, and he himself got used to it. If he changed his name, it would be really troublesome.

Therefore, Zhang Dazhuang felt that he had to start with the baby to change his name.

Moreover, his name is Zhang Dazhuang, but his son is called Zhang Dapang. I don't know, he thought his son was his younger brother.

So Zhang Dazhuang thought so and did so.

He spent money to invite a lot of "cultural people" to come home, gave Zhang Da Pang a new name, and later became "Zhang Yiming".

When Zhang Dazhuang's father saw that Zhang Dazhuang had suffered a big loss on the dancer, he stopped letting Zhang Dazhuang go out to spend a lot of time, forcing him to stop.

Needless to say, Zhang Dazhuang has no such thoughts.

In the past few years, he spent almost all of his time thinking about how to raise his son in vain and fat, healthy and healthy, there is no time to think about women anymore, and no time to go out and spend a lot of time.

Now, Zhang Yiming has started to go to school, his physical condition is also very good, and his life is stable and stable. As a result, Zhang Dazhuang, who was pushed down by his dad and busy life before, has revived.

But after the dancing girl, he probably lost his psychological shadow. He only looked at beautiful women and didn't mess around.

I'm afraid that when I will be calculated again, and if I make another son, he will definitely be killed by his dad. Moreover, Zhang Dazhuang has no need to raise another son. It takes a lot of effort to raise one, so come again. He died.

At this moment, a beautiful maid wearing a maid's uniform, holding a kettle for watering flowers, passed by not far from them.

The big eyes straightened in an instant, and the expressions in his eyes followed the maid's face all the way.

Qu Sinian looked at his wretchedness and wanted to take out his mobile phone and call the police.

Jian Yi was silent for a while, then calmly said: "Your son is out."

Zhang Da Zhuang, a violent spirit, stood upright, his eyes retracted, and he said quickly:

"My son, my son... I didn't see beautiful women, I, I, I, I'm looking at flowers, I'm really looking at flowers! You, if you dare to complain to your grandfather, believe me...Huh? Son? My son What?"

"..." Qu Sinian pointed to the living room and smiled: "Still in it."

Zhang Dazhuang also realized that he was being played, and he was a little depressed.

Xindao, I'll see what's wrong!

I'm not so obscene to look at other people's farts. Ah, I just looked down! ! !

Is it illegal to look at the face?

How could he make him seem like a pervert who stared at other people's **** and thighs?

If Qu Sinian knew about this idea, he would surely tell him with great sympathy, just his sullen look just now, not to mention that he was looking at the face of a beautiful woman, even if he was looking at the hair of a beautiful woman. , Others will think that he, this wretched man, is watching a beautiful woman's fart.

"What about you, President Jian."

Now there is only Jian Yi left, and Qu Sinian is really curious.

In his opinion, Jian Yi, like Lu Junhan, is omnipotent, and his personality is also very cold and hard, and he usually says one is the same, not so easy to compromise.

Besides, Jian Yi would not be accustomed to Qu Qianqian, accustomed to Jianxi proverbs, Jian Yi was not very afraid of his father like Zhang Dazhuang, so Qu Sinian was really curious: "You should not He almost died at home, so I brought the child here, right?"

Jian Yi: "..."

Seeing this, let alone Qu Sinian, even Zhang Dazhuang was stunned: "It's really true!"

Jian Yi: "..."



The photographers of the three groups of guests, Lu Li, Qu Qianqian, and Jian Xiyan, and the staff who followed were all packed in the living room.

Looking at it at a glance, the black was crushed.

Fortunately, the Lu family is rich and the living room area is large enough, otherwise it would be really troublesome for so many people.

Although the cameras in the three live broadcast rooms are facing the four little people on the sofa.

But in Qu Sinian's live broadcast room, the topic of discussion was still the matter of Qu Qianqian giving medicine to the "sick" father just now.

The audience was almost laughing to death, feeling that Qu Qianqian's hand, putting her father to death, was simply overwhelming.

All of them were stunned.

And after Qu Sinian's mouth was stuffed with medicine, his stunned look made the audience laugh crazy.

Not only them, but the audience in the live broadcast room of Jian Yi and Jian Xiyan also laughed "hahahaha".

[To be honest, Xiyan's brother just now is so cute! Just laughed at me. 】

[Yes, yes, we Xiyan brother, in order to be able to come to Lilibao to do homework, but also desperate! 】

 【Next chapter, I’m going to start writing! Guess how Xiyan brother came out! Hahaha! 】



(End of this chapter)