I Become A Burdensome Child After Transmigrating

Chapter 1160: reluctant to hit him

No, he had to wait.

Su wine at the moment the first to find him a bit embarrassed up, quickly pulled Yung wantonly come here, blushed and said: "Dad, Mom ..."

I do not know how long my parents come, the scene just that they should have seen it?

Yung wantonly politely greeted with both, "Uncle, Auntie."

He squinted Susheng Jing, heavily snorted, "Brats, so abducted my daughter, I really wanted to hit you."

Yung wantonly laughed, heartfelt joy, "For this, I am sorry, but I still want to do this, you say sorry."

"If you want to beat me, then hands it, I do not care."

"Do you really think I would not put how is it?" Susheng Jing teeth, really picked up a fist toward him played in the past.

Yung store does not hide nor flash, as if he was waiting to be hit.

An Yuan Su touches wine and subconsciously tried to stop him, but did not expect Susheng Jing fist just fell capacity wantonly shoulder, did not under the heavy hand.

That is how their future son, not to mention'll put him to the wounded, sad is not the wine?

Yung store a bit surprised, he did finish the long march has already done the preparation of bitter blow, only to Susheng Jing did not really take, then laughed at, "Xie Shushu."

Susheng Jing playfully laugh sound, glance at the side of the An Yuan and Su wine, with a hint of reproach, "If the two of you stopping, I am not not beat him black and blue!"

An Yuan "Puchi" smile, mercilessly laid bare, "Do as Well? We just have not had time stopped How about you."

Su Yung liquor store grabbed by the arm, chimed in and said:. "That is, my father is clearly sharp tongue, was reluctant to fight him."

Yung wantonly hand touched her hair, mouth Qin Zhao still laughing, "So I want to thank uncle."

Looking at her intimate look and content store, Susheng Jing heart sour, even inexplicable nose with some pantothenic acid.

Perhaps he really began to feel that his cotton jacket will soon leave on their own, the coming days, there will be another man to replace him spoil her take care of her. She will not be as dependent on him like a child, put him as the world of her.

Until now, Susheng Jing remember, he just had a little wine brought home soon, she wanted to give Sheng possessor of heaven-sent.

He told her: Sheng family is rich, she can eat well live well, Sheng family will be nice to her, buy her pretty clothes to buy toys. However, she followed him, nothing.

Small dumpling was retorted, [I have a father like ah! 】

[Small wine not good food, nice clothes and do not do toys. Just want to be with my father. Dad, you do not want me ...]

Now, not him not her. Instead, she wanted to go around the others.

When she got married, that is, under his wing from the real left. While in the same city, but she still has its own small family, and now this house will become a place where she occasionally stopping for a rest, not once grow nest.

Found Susheng Jing eyes red, Su wine a choking throat abruptly, quickly hold his hand, "Dad ..."

An Yuan looked at him, eyes reddening is instant, but it is laughing: "You do not know my father is not old, becomes sentimental, and discuss with him every time you marry content store things, he was a big guys will be dog eat dog. "