I Become A Burdensome Child After Transmigrating

Chapter 784: His beloved baby

She stretched her arms and picked up the phone on the bedside table to see that it was Dad!

Su Jiu got out of the bed immediately, and then answered the phone, "Hello? Dad~"

Su Shengjing had just finished his day's work. Not long after he got home, he saw that there was no girl in the house. He was completely empty and couldn't help but call her.

It was the first time she left home to go so far away. He missed and worried, and he felt better when he heard her sweet voice.

Su Shengjing asked with concern: "Baby, how is the concert today? Dad has been busy in these two days, when will you be back?"

The first question is not the point, the latter is.

Su Jiu, "..."

Is Dad finished so quickly?

She had planned to stay here for a few more days. If possible, she would drop by the little villain to make a field trip to where he lives now.

Su Jiu said tentatively: "Dad, I finally came out. I want to spend a few more days here. I don't want to go back so quickly."

"When do you want to play? If you want to play, Dad can take time to take you there. You are out alone now, Dad is not at ease."

"Dad, how old I am, not a child, I can take care of myself, don't worry."

Su Shengjing's tone was serious, "No, no matter how old you are, you are still a child in my eyes. You are not allowed to be playful. You have to come back in these two days, otherwise Dad will go and find you."

Does she know that foreign countries are not as safe as domestic ones? What if she is in danger by herself?

Who can help her?

As long as he imagines the helplessness of the girl, Su Shengjing can't stand it, and he can't wait to take her back immediately and let her stay under his nose, so that he can rest assured.

Su Shengjing asked again: "Baby, where do you live now? A hotel, right?"

"It's a hotel, it's a five-star hotel, there are a lot of security guards, no problem."

"How come there is no problem? After all, she is still a little girl with little social experience. There are many problems in foreign hotels, even if there are security guards? Some security guards are colluding with bad guys and are specifically dealing with stupid girls like you. Start."

He has read a lot of news about hotel guests colluding with criminals in foreign countries, many of which are star-rated hotels, so she should not think that staying in a five-star hotel is safe!

Su Jiu said helplessly: "Dad, what you say is so terrible, I'm really fine, and I'm not so stupid. Not to mention a little..."

The words "little villain" were about to blur out, Su Jiu suddenly realized that something was wrong, and quickly changed his words, "...Xiaoyan and Young Master Li are here, it's okay."

"That's not safe! Li Mohan's kid is all about Song Xinyan, where will I care about you? Who makes my daughter so beautiful and cute, I can't worry about it!" Su Shengjing said confidently, "By the way, baby, you live now Which hotel, let me see how the conditions are, whether it’s safe or not."

Su Jiu became even more helpless. It seemed that he wouldn't be relieved if he didn't show it to his father, so he turned on the phone camera.

She showed him the luxurious oil paintings in the room, the European-style bed, and the balcony where you can see the starry sky, "Hey, Dad, did you see it? Not bad?"

The first thing Su Shengjing saw was his daughter, and he said with emotion that my daughter is so beautiful and cute, and really his beloved little baby, then he started to look at the room. (The next chapter is being revised, I will read it later) After wearing the book, I became the latest chapter address of Xiaotuo Oil Bottle :Https://lightnovelpub.net/book/138197.htmlI became a small drag oil bottle after wearing the book Full text reading address: https://lightnovelpub.net/read/138197/I became a small drag after wearing the book Oil bottle txt download address: https://lightnovelpub.net/down/138197.htmlI become Reading on a small drag oil bottle mobile phone: https://m.lightnovelpub.net/read/138197/for convenience For the second reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 784, his beloved baby) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! like "I became a little drag oil bottle after wearing a book" please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (lightnovelpub.net)