I Build an Aircraft Carrier in the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1119: Animal tide

After living in the ancient city for a week, Tu Hong is now understanding the affairs of the ancient city by five or six points.

What he can be sure of is that this is an enlightening civilization.

In terms of technology, the level of the ancient city is still at the level of the Tang and Song dynasties, which is a thousand miles away from the current Dahua.

However, in martial arts, it is very powerful here.

In Dahua's history, what Xiang Yu lifted a jack with one hand, and that military commander's weapons were several hundred jins. They were all fake. They were just records of wild history.

In the official history, there is no such outrageous record, at most it is a record of infinite power that is different from ordinary people.

In short, what is certain is that the kind of martial arts that can fly into the sky and escape from the ground has indeed never existed.

But in the ancient city, Tu Hongzheng saw the existence of martial arts with his own eyes, and he could not even be called martial arts, but should be called immortal magic, spell.

One jump ten feet high, there are many people in the ancient city that can do it.

There are not many people who can fly with the sword. Tu Hongzheng has only seen five or six people doing this before and after. He estimated that this is the high-end combat power in the ancient city.

Tu Hong was simulating the result of the battle between Dahua and the ancient city in his mind, and concluded that Dahua will win.

Under the coverage of firepower, these high-end combat powers alone would definitely not be able to protect the ancient city.

This made Tu Hongzheng a little relieved, which meant that Dahua was at least safe.

For these explorers, the most fearful thing is the sudden appearance of some powerful civilizations in the alien world, which can threaten the existence of Dahua.

After getting to know the situation in the ancient city, Tu Hong was about to find a chance to slip away and report back to his superiors.

But this is not easy. After all, the gates of the ancient city are often closed and only open when they go to work in the fields.

As for what to do, Tu Hongzheng had no choice but to wait for the arrangement of his superiors.

On this day, he was lucky and was arranged to go out of the city to harvest beans and rice with other people.

He was very happy, but he found that the other colleagues didn't seem to be very happy, but all of them seemed a little nervous.

Tu Hongzheng didn't know the reason, he was still pretending to be dumb, and he couldn't communicate with these people.

But he didn't care.

Coming to the Doumi Field, Tu Hongzheng and the others cut down those plants, and then tied them on a wooden cart, continuing the process.

Tu Hong checked the surrounding soldiers from time to time, trying to find opportunities to slip away.

At this moment, a black cloud suddenly floated in the distance.

"Quickly, the tide of beasts is coming, and it will be harvested and returned to the city in half a quarter of an hour."

A man with a flying sword came over and shouted at Tu Hongzheng and the others. Unfortunately, Tu Hongzheng couldn't understand it. The other people's faces became more panicked, and the machete in their hands swung faster.

Although Tu Hongzheng didn't understand, the others were so excited that he immediately guessed that there might be some danger coming.

Knowing it, he can do nothing.

The man with the flying sword flew in the air with a wide field of vision, and Tu Hongzheng had no chance to escape.

Moreover, he also wants to know why other people are nervous. This is also intelligence.

Therefore, Tu Hong was waiting patiently, and continued to cut down beans and rice like everyone else.

About half an hour later, Tu Hongzheng finally knew what the danger was.

He could see with his naked eyes that a large group of beasts came in the distance.

Most of them were things he hadn't seen before.

One of them resembles an elephant, but has two long noses and is much larger than the earth's elephant. Tu Hongzheng would like to call it a double-nosed elephant.

There is also a combination of a python and a praying mantis, which has the body of a snake and the pair of swords of the praying mantis, which is not easy to mess with at first glance.

There is also a bird that flies in the sky, a giant frog that moves by jumping...

Tu Hongzheng could not understand why these strange animals can gather together, which is against science on earth.

The principle is against the laws of nature.

After all, snakes eat frogs, how could the frogs get together?

However, the unscientific scene happened in front of Tu Hongzheng alive, giving him a new understanding of the alien world.

The alien world really cannot be measured by the common sense of the earth.

"court death."

Yu Jiannan yelled, then waved his palm, and a flying sword flew towards a citizen trying to escape back to the city and pierced it.

"The speed is average, far inferior to a bullet, but it seems that it can control the direction change and it is difficult to intercept..."

At this time, Tu Hongzheng was still thinking about collecting and analyzing information.

Without knowing it, they were already very dangerous at this time, otherwise the common people would not risk their deaths and run away.

"Go, evacuate in an orderly manner, and don't leave any food."

The Yujian man killed the fugitive Liwei, and then shouted and ordered to retreat.

When the people heard the words, they immediately stopped their work, loaded the cart with grain, and then retreated to the city.

Tu Hongzheng also learned a lot, but he still looked back from time to time to observe the enemy's situation.

As a veteran, he was very calm in this situation.

This calmness saved his life. When he looked back, he saw a giant frog spraying a stream of liquid at him.

Although he didn't know what the liquid was, he believed it was definitely not a sugar-coated cannonball.

He rolled along and slipped under the wooden cart.

Then, he heard a scream.

When he rolled out from the bottom of the car again, he saw several people who had been in the liquid rolling on the ground, with white smoke coming out of their bodies, and corrosion of their clothes and muscles.

Concentrated sulfuric acid?

Tu Hong was thinking of a similar thing.

At this moment, he saw Yu Jiannan shout, and several flying swords gathered together, stabbed the giant frog, and penetrated it.

The giant frog exploded immediately, and the entire body shattered into pieces.

What a great power.

Tu Hongzheng said with emotion.

However, he also noticed that Fei Jian Nan was gasping, and it seemed that this move was quite expensive.

"The disadvantage of martial arts is that people get tired easily."

Tu Hongzheng secretly said in his heart.

If it is a Dahua rocket launcher, it is not a problem to fire hundreds of rounds continuously.

And these people in front of us have the power of a rocket launcher, but the continuous ability of firepower is far inferior to Dahua's rocket car.

While analyzing, Tu Hongzheng still did not forget to escape.

He wasn't afraid of death, but he knew he couldn't die.

Now the entire Dahua is the one who knows the alien world best, and he must bring back these precious information. His life is especially important.

He wanted to live, and other people wanted to live too, and they were all retreating to the city.

However, they couldn't leave the food. The soldiers on the side were staring at them. They could only push the wooden cart hard.

Really **** backward.

Tu Hong was secretly complaining.

If there are a few trucks at this time, where does it take so much effort.

No, if there is a group of tanks, there is no need to escape, just fight the monsters and it's over.