I Can Add More If I Kill

Chapter 196: Bu Tianyi's ability

"I can add more () to kill!"

Su Sheng walked closer and said with a smile: "I think you are quite relaxed?"

Hua Jianyue shook his head: "The opposite hasn't done much yet. Now the three talents have just arrived."

Sensing Su Sheng's arrival, the three of Ziwei "looked" over.

Wang Han frowned and said, "Aren't the Jidao people in the south? Why are they here so soon? What are the Xingfan people doing!"

Bu Tianyi pondered for a moment, and said, "Xingfan should be eliminated."

Although the location of everyone on the map was updated not long ago, Wang Han and Bu Tianyi had no chance to see it during the ongoing battle.

The last time Bu Tianyi looked at the positioning or Mo Fei was against Jiang Yue and Lou Feihong, both Zuo Xiangqin and Su Sheng were rushing to the battlefield at that time.

Between Xingfan and Jidao, there must be a winner. Now that Su Sheng appeared here, there was no doubt that Xingfan was defeated.

Su Xiaoxiao nodded and said: "On the way I came just now, the people from the perspective of Xingfan were gone. I didn't expect Zuo Xiangqian to lose so quickly..."

Hearing Su Xiaoxiao's words, Bu Tianyi's expression sank slightly.

In fact, as the top geniuses in the North and South, Bu Tianyi and Su Xiaoxiao had known each other before they met Zuoqi, and they had played against each other briefly, and they knew some details about each other.

This is why Zuo Xiangqin is so solemn to Ziwei, because Zuo Xiangqin knows that the two of Ziwei are extremely difficult to deal with, and he can only have a chance to compete with each other only by half-solving.

Similarly, Bu Tianyi also knew the strength of the left-leaning.

Judging from Su Sheng's current state, he was full of breath, and his whole body was not hurt at all.

Not only has it solved the left-handedness, is it so easy...

Bu Tianyi looked at Su Sheng, stepped on his foot and held a sword to kill Su Sheng!

"It seems to be directed at me." Su Sheng casually said to Hua Jianyue, then shaken his sword and greeted him head-on.

Bu Tianyi shot, Su Xiaoxiao and Wang Han immediately followed.

Hua Jianyue held her long knife high, the knife flashed with water, and cut it down with a single sword!

The terrifying sword light tens of meters high shot out, and suddenly passed in front of Su Xiaoxiao and Wang Han!

Wang Han was shocked and stopped immediately.

Su Xiaoxiao also stabilized his figure.

"Let's let them over there." Hua Jianyue smiled, holding the dark green long knife and slowly approaching, "I will greet both of you."

Wang Han was quite upset. Just now because of the opponent's illusion, he had been at the mercy of a fool like a fool!

Right now the other party stopped both of them! Now that there is no illusion, who do you think is afraid that you will not succeed?

Just when Wang Han's heart was OS, a thin figure burst out of the red skirt.

The red flame rises, the wind and thunder avoid it! In a moment, Su Xiaoxiao crossed a distance of tens of meters and hit Hua Jianyue with a punch.

Hua Jianyue crossed the dark green long knife in front of him.


The aura bursts, the air waves roll! Within a radius of ten meters, all the fallen leaves were cracked!

Two light prints appeared at the foot of Hua Jianyue, and he was actually repelled by half a meter.

Su Xiaoxiao turned around and kicked Hua Jianyue several meters away on the dark green long knife.

Glancing at the shallow white fist marks on the body of the knife, Hua Jianyue raised her head to look at the girl in the red dress, her expression condensed slightly.

Wang Han had also arrived, and the three of them faced each other, and quickly formed a group...

On the other side, Su Sheng has also handed over to Bu Tianyi.

The phantom moved together, sparks appeared at once, and the two were immersed in a high-speed collision.

Both of them used swords, and Bu Tianyi soon realized that Su Sheng's swordsmanship was even higher than his own, and his speed was even more terrifying!

Bu Tianyi understood why Zuo Xiangqin had lost so quickly.

With Su Sheng's terrifying speed and offensive, it is estimated that before half of the solution, Zuo Xiangqian can only be suppressed and beaten, right?

With his thoughts flashing, Bu Tianyi held a sword in his right hand and controlled the antenna with his left hand to assist in the attack, barely able to go back and forth with Su Sheng.

The weaving antenna is extremely sharp, hurts when touched, and extremely flexible, so Su Sheng has to be careful to avoid it.

Fortunately, Haiyue, as a second-star spirit weapon, destroys gold and jade, but is not afraid of cloth antennas.

Seeing that several silver woven antennas were drawn in front of him, Su Sheng's sword flashed with inspiration: "Moon wheel!"

The powerful Crescent Sword Qi rushed out at a very fast speed, cutting off all the tough weaving antennas in front, and then rushed towards the cloth Tianyi without any loss.

Bu Tianyi immediately moved a few meters away out of thin air before Moon Blade attacked him.

Su Sheng's eyes flashed, and under the golden light, he seemed to perceive something. After a little thought, he waved the moon under the sea. In a moment, three moon blades cut out one after another.

Such a swift and fierce offensive made Bu Tianyi's eyes condensed, and he unfolded the "clothes of the sky" to "make up for the disaster", his figure flashed, and he moved away from under the three moon blades one after another like a star shift that is leaning to the left. Be more flexible and faster!

Su Sheng zong in front of him, flicked a long sword, and the tide of star palace sword energy surged from the sword.

But this time, Su Sheng didn't want to use Xing Gong Jian Qi to defend.

With a thought, Xing Gong Jian Qi exploded toward a large area in front of him.

Seeing this, Bu Tianyi, a large number of weaving antennas rose from under his feet and knitted densely in front of him between his hands, blocking all the sword energy from the star palace.

At this moment, in the sword aura, a dark blue line suddenly rushed out strongly.

The dark blue thread flashed, and the defense built by the woven antenna pierced and jumped to Bu Tianyi's body in an instant.

Bu Tianyi frowned slightly, and was pierced by Qing Lei before he could do more!

The green thunder flashed, and Bu Tianyi's abdomen was already bloody.

But the next moment, with an inexplicable power fluctuation, Bu Tianyi became intact, as if everything just now was an illusion!

Su Sheng's eyes flickered: "Is that so..."

Seeing Bu Tianyi teleporting away from under the moon wheel, Su Sheng noticed something wrong. At this time, a series of movements basically understood Bu Tianyi's "teleport" ability.

It's not so much "teleport" as it is "correction".

Su Sheng walked towards Bu Tianyi with a sword, and slowly said: "You seem to be able to switch to another ‘dungeon world’ and evade attacks in the ‘dungeon world’ while the main world is operating as usual.

After the evasion is complete, the ‘dungeon world’ merges with the main world, and you switch to a position in the dungeon world to successfully avoid the main world’s attack, so from the perspective of the attacker, it’s like a ‘teleport’.

And because the attacker cannot know your movements in the dungeon world and make adjustments accordingly, it is much less difficult for you to evade an opponent’s attack in the dungeon world than in the main world. "

This is like the main branch and repair branch in computer programming.

When the main branch encounters a bug, an additional repair branch is opened to fix the problem. Once the repair is completed and then merged into the main branch, the problem on the main branch will be resolved.

Su Sheng's expression is slightly condensed, even the damage he has suffered can be restored in this way...

This cloth Tianyi is really tricky!

Hearing what Su Sheng said, Bu Tianyi's expression became more solemn.

Cloth Tianyi killed a lot of spiritualists, many of them were E-levels, and almost no one could break through [Heaven's Cloth]'s "make up for the disaster".

Previously, although Wei Feibai roughly pointed out the ability to "make up for the disaster," it was only from some surface manifestations.

But even so, compared to many previous opponents, Wei Feibai is already quite good.

And now, Su Sheng in front of him has almost seen the ability to "make up for the disaster" from the ground up!

How could this not make Bu Tianyi feel frightened? You must know that it has been less than ten minutes since the two played against each other.

What a keen observation!

"How did you see it?" Bu Tianyi asked in a deep voice.

"Because your abilities seem to be limited." Su Sheng did not hesitate to explain, "Whenever you dodge an attack, you make some extra moves in advance.

When I cut out the moon wheel sword light for the first time, you slightly lifted your left foot.

Later, when the sword light reached the body, you suddenly flashed to the side.

This makes me realize that you are not teleporting past instantaneously, but before Jianguang approaches. "

Bu Tianyi was terrified, and he didn't expect Su Sheng to notice such tiny movements of himself!

This is indeed a defect of "compensating for the disaster".

The main world and the dungeon world must be connected. If they are completely separated, Bu Tianyi will gradually get lost in the dungeon world and may not be able to return to the main world.

These "micro-actions" of raising your feet and turning sideways are the bond between the two worlds. Just like "throwing a ball" and "catching a ball," you can return only when you go.

But these movements are very small, almost only a moment, no one has ever noticed.

Su Sheng continued: "Later, I started a trial and found that every time you teleport, you have such micro movements.

And when facing a range of sword energy attacks, instead of teleporting away, you choose to take it on the spot.

It means that you can't move out of the range of sword aura when I launch an attack to the sword aura and body.

If it is really teleporting, with the flexible and fast teleporting you just now, there won't be this problem.

And the damage caused by Qing Lei's raid at the end suddenly disappeared in a blink of an eye, which confirmed my guess. "

"Wonderful!" Bu Tianyi praised.

If it wasn't for a long sword in his hand, Bu Tianyi would even clap and applaud.

Su Sheng is definitely the strongest person Bu Tianyi has ever seen with his sensitivity and control to the battle!

"But, so what?"

Bu Tianyi held the long sword, and the top of the sword shone slightly!

To make up for the disaster, the sword must be hit!


As soon as Su Sheng raised his hand, he blocked the silver sword light that suddenly appeared one foot away in front of him!

As soon as the aura of the moon on the bottom of the sea was full, the silver sword light easily rushed through.

Bu Tianyi's face was stunned, and his Sword of Inevitable was so easily blocked by the other party?

"Your micro-movements may not be caught by others at all." Su Sheng gripped the long sword tightly, with golden light floating in his eyes, "But in my eyes, it can't be more clear."

As soon as the voice fell, Su Sheng flickered, shaking his sword!

With a grasp of Bu Tianyi's left hand, a large number of woven sky silver threads are intertwined, forming a sharp barrier like a spider web.

As long as Su Sheng accidentally touches any of them, it will be the end of the separation of flesh and blood immediately!

Su Sheng stopped, his long sword pointed at the cloth Tianyi away, layers of spiritual power swirled around the moon under the sea, and the sword body suddenly shone brightly.

Three Lightsabers·Sun Rainbow!

The hot and dazzling spiritual light beam shot out, and the cobwebs along the way melted away under it.

Facing such a powerful offensive, Bu Tianyi had already started to make up for the disaster and retreated from the cobweb group constructed by weaving antennas.

Not waiting for Bu Tianyi to make more moves, the silver line in the front flashed, Bu Tianyi immediately started to make up for the disaster without even thinking about it.

The blood bursts!

The skylight streamer smashed onto Bu Tianyi's body firmly!

Bu Tianyi snorted, and the next moment he teleported half a meter away. The horrible injuries on his chest caused by the skylight streamer were immediately intact, but his complexion suddenly became paler.

When Su Sheng saw this, he immediately understood.

Bu Tianyi's abilities are a bit similar to his own "Retrospect in Time", he can fully recover from the injuries he suffered, and it is much more flexible and lighter to use.

But this kind of ability could not have been consumed. Bu Tianyi hadn't used it continuously before, but now it's not the same after being recreated. Just to "correct" the horrible damage caused by the skylight streamer, it obviously consumes a lot of money.

Because Bu Tianyi's abilities can only be used to capture the opponent's attack, Su Sheng originally wanted to find an opportunity to surprise Bu Tianyi and solve him before he used his ability to evade.

If it doesn't work, start the second solution and find the opportunity to end the opponent in an instant.

Given Su Sheng's current mastery of the secondary solution of [World], the duration of the secondary solution is not short, but at that moment, it has already been used once to deal with the left phase, and now it can only be used again at most.

But it was much easier now. Since Bu Tianyi's use of abilities would greatly increase its consumption after being injured, Su Sheng only needed to be able to continuously hit his body in the main world.

And this is not difficult for Su Sheng.

"Four times faster!"

The golden light in his eyes was full of intensity, and Su Sheng's figure instantly disappeared in place.

Under the horror, Bu Tianyi used to make up for the disaster to dodge, and once again released a large number of weaving antennas to intercept and kill Su Sheng.

The woven antenna was either easily flashed by Su Sheng, or directly cut off by the sea moon, which had no effect.

The blood was splashing, and there was no way to hide. Bu Tianyi could only continue to make up for the trouble and trace the damage he suffered in the main world.

But it didn't take a moment to come down, and the breath of Bu Tianyi fell down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, a terrifying wave came from a distance.

I saw Su Xiaoxiao's body full of blue flames rolled upside down, and the violently rising blue flames distorted the surrounding space!

Half-time solution, the third paragraph of Burning Bone Yanyang-Qingran!

Obviously, the situation there has reached the most critical moment.

Cloth Tianyi immediately stopped hesitating~lightnovelpub.net~ The inspiration surged, hundreds of silver woven antennas gushing out from the whole body, intertwined with each other, it turned into a woven heavenly brocade in a moment.

Half-time solution, perfect!

It is undoubtedly impossible to use the initial solution to fight against the two top geniuses, Bu Tianyi and Su Xiaoxiao!

The two auras of green and gold suddenly lit up, and the world was solved at the same time!

All of a sudden, the four colors of blue, green, gold and silver surged in the field, and the surging spiritual power made people frighten!

The final battle begins!

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