I Can Add More If I Kill

Chapter 247: Break through

Kitahara and Yamato have rich experience, knowing that the situation is not right, the two of them looked at each other and quickly retreated back.

But at this moment, the whole blood-eating tree seemed to have taken a stimulant, and the branches of the whole body shook violently like seaweed!

Dozens of blood-red branches shot at the top of the two people's heads, both speed and flexibility are more than twice as high as before!

The two dodged in horror, and the branches that could have been cut into two pieces with a single knife, now turned into a blood red color, can no longer be cut with a single knife.

On the contrary, the skyrocketing power on the branches made the two of them breathless.

"what is this?!"

"Why does it seem to be strengthened!"

The rest of the people resisted the two blood-eating trees behind, and they also found this blood-eating tree that had turned completely red, and they actually pushed the two D-level masters into a disadvantage!

Su Sheng also looked at Takeda: "Uncle Takeda, do you know what is happening with this blood-eating tree?"

Uncle Takeda showed a thoughtful look in his eyes, and suddenly said loudly: "I see, it's Xuefen strengthened!"

"The blood fen produced by the blood-eating tree can not only hypnotize others, but also strengthen the hardness and speed of its own branches!

The more blood fens stored, the higher the strengthening of oneself, the highest can even reach twice the strengthening! "

Sato Ken also heard what Takeda said, and immediately said loudly: "Change the direction to break through!"

Kitahara and Yamato in the front heard the words, and retreated from the battle, ready to respond to Takeru Sato and break through from the other direction.

However, at this time, the other two blood-eating trees also became blood red, both of which activated the blood fen enhancement!

Surrounded by three red blood-eating trees, such a scene makes the average E-class demon hunter desperate.

A large number of blood-red branches poured out, but in a moment, a famous demon hunter fell down quickly, and there were only four E-class demon hunters left in a short moment!

Except for Su Sheng and Takeda, there are only the last two E-classes of the Blood Tiger, which is less than the D-class people present.

Takeda was intentionally assisted by Su Sheng, and the two of the blood tigers also had Takuya and Sato Teruji.

Takuya and Sato also developed a second solution, which was able to stabilize the situation.

But if this continues, the situation remains precarious.

Sato said loudly: "No, we must try our best to find a direction to break through!"

Su Sheng grabbed Takeda and threw it next to Xiaowu: "Protect him!"

After speaking, he walked a few steps towards the blood-eating tree in front.

Although he didn't know how Su Sheng dared to go up with an E-class, Xiao Wu also knew that Takeda had a deep understanding of the White Haze Forest, so he let him stay by his side.

Su Sheng held a long knife and confronted the blood-eating tree with Kitahara and Yamato.

With Susheng sharing part of the branches, Kitahara and Yamato immediately relaxed a lot.

Yamato had known Su Sheng's strength before, but he didn't expect to be so strong.

Only after the second solution was he barely able to support, the opponent's E-level can resist the attack of the strengthened blood tree at will, and he didn't even retreat for half a step?

What horrible physical quality is this!

The situation that was originally stalemate took a turn with the addition of Su Sheng.

"Hurry up, I can't hold it anymore!" Takuya's difficult voice suddenly sounded behind him.

After all, there is only a D-level elementary level, and it is too difficult for Takuya to deal with a blood-eating tree alone!

Su Sheng's eyes condensed slightly, and he turned his hand and took out a silver short knife engraved with golden osmanthus patterns.

It is the short knife of Mayumi Shindai that has the characteristic of "broken jade".

With this knife taken out, Su Sheng chopped again on the blood-colored branches. It was a bit difficult just now, and now it is like cutting the yuba, and it is easy to cut the blood-red branches.

With golden light floating in his eyes, Su Sheng stepped forward and took the initiative to meet dozens of blood-red branches.

Wherever it goes, it is like a broken bamboo, a large number of blood-colored broken branches fly up, even if it can grow at a high speed, it is not as fast as Susheng!

Kitahara and Yamato also noticed Su Sheng's movements, more precisely, he noticed the short knife in Su Sheng's hand.

"What a sharp weapon!"

There was a fiery color in the eyes of both of them.

With such an indestructible treasure, you can challenge higher-level monsters in future adventures. I don't know how much more it will gain!

The two looked at Su Sheng's back and slowly suppressed the heat in their hearts.

Su Sheng was getting closer, and the blood-eating tree became more and more crazy. A large number of blood-colored branches abandoned Beiyuan and Yamato and attacked Su Sheng from the rear.

But Su Sheng had already entered a dust-free state, and the slightest change in the battlefield would not have escaped the capture. The Blood Eating Tree had only just made a move and Su Sheng had already noticed it.

With time accelerating, there will be twice as many blood-colored branches, and don't even think about hitting Su Sheng!

Reversing several knives to cut off the blood-colored branches that came from the attack, Su Sheng turned around, and with one more step, he had already arrived in front of the blood-eating tree, and the Jingui short knife hit the blood-eating tree with a single knife!

The trunk of the blood-eating tree is indeed a bit stronger than the branches, but under the power of the Jingui Short Sword and Su Sheng's horror, this sword is directly submerged!

And at this moment, the blood-eating tree that felt the deadly threat could no longer control anything else. All the blood-red branches shot at Su Sheng from all directions, as if to poke Su Sheng into a sieve!

In Su Sheng's eyes, the golden light is prosperous, four times faster! The left hand was against the handle of the knife, and both hands simultaneously swiped towards the front, making a foot-deep incision in the main stem!

The red juice with a strong **** smell suddenly sprayed out!

As the knife slashed across, the blood-red branches shot at Su Sheng by the sky danced as if they had vented their strength, and they shuddered and then slowly retracted back.

But after a while, the blood-eating tree turned into a black and red normal state, motionless.

Even the breath quickly weakened until it disappeared, only the viscous blood-red juice continued to pour out from where Su Sheng had cut it, as if he was already dead.

Without the obstacles of the blood-red branches, Kitahara and Yamato had already rushed forward. At this moment, their eyes lit up, and the long sword was swung up and cut several times to make up the blood-eating tree trunk.

Everyone has also been paying attention to the movement here, seeing that the blood-eating tree blocking the way is dead, and they can't help being reborn with joy.

But Takeda looked at the blood-eating tree's behavior but fell into thinking. Suddenly, Takeda seemed to think of something and shouted loudly: "Be careful, it's'feign death'. His key point is the red blood eye on the main trunk. 'Location, everywhere else can regenerate itself..."

Before the words were finished, the blood-eating tree was surrounded by dense blood-red ground piercing the soil, and in just an instant, Su Sheng was pierced from the foot to the head, stabbing it full of blood holes!

These blood-red ground thorns are nothing else, they are formed by the entanglement of a large number of old roots of the blood-eating tree, which are more lethal than the branches!

Kitahara and Yamato got numb scalp, reacted quickly, and quickly retreated back!

But Yamato had just ran a few steps before he was pierced through the right leg by the blood-red **** one after another.

Yamato snorted, but gritted his teeth and did not speak.

Kitahara still noticed that the footsteps behind him had stopped, and as soon as he turned his head, he saw that Yamato was stabbed to the ground.

Bei Yuan was shocked and wanted to turn around to help, but more stabbing violent, and in an instant he gave Yamato a dead and unrecognizable corpse.


Kitahara's canthus is about to split.

At first, Wildfire had more than three people, but also several other D-class and E-class companions.

However, an accident happened later in a mission, and most of the casualties in the wildfire were Beiyuan, Yamato, and Xiaowu.

Since then, wildfire has stopped hiring people.

The three of them depend on each other for fate, love brothers and sisters, and are closer to each other than their relatives.

In the distance, Xiao Wu also saw Yamato die in front of him, and his heart was shaken! For Xiaowu, Yamato is like an older brother.

Kitahara's eyes sank, he thrust into the ground with a knife, and decided to take back Yamato's body.

This blood-red ground thorn far surpasses the branch in terms of strength and hardness. Beiyuan is a high-level D-level master, but the distance of a few steps is like walking on thin ice, and it is difficult to walk.

And at this moment, the blood-red thorns on the ground suddenly stopped.

Although Beiyuan didn't know what happened, he still took a few steps forward and grabbed Yamato's body into the space ring.

Beiyuan looked up and saw that the young man who had died just now stood right under the tree, with a golden osmanthus dagger in his hand piercing a red pattern that looked like an eye at a height of two meters from the main trunk.

In addition to the breath, Su Sheng now confirms whether the enemy is dead by changing the kill point.

Just now Su Sheng made a deep wound on the main trunk for the first time. The blood-eating tree seemed to have been severely injured and entered a state of suspended animation, but Su Sheng noticed that the killing point had not changed at all.

Immediately unfolding the empty cicada teleported away, and activated the hidden breath of the Huiling cloak, hiding nearby, waiting for the blood-eating tree's back.

Sure enough, in the next moment, a large number of blood-red ground thorns formed by the old roots violently burst from the ground, destroying the body left by the empty cicada.

Su Sheng also quickly found the "blood eye" Takeda said on the main trunk.

Taking advantage of Beiyuan's entanglement with the blood-eating tree, Su Sheng seized the opportunity to return, and the quadruple acceleration instantly pierced the blood-eating tree's **** eye.

Different from the blood-red mucus before, at this moment, large strands of light blue liquid appeared from the **** eyes.

This is the life source of the blood-eating tree itself, and the previous red liquid is the essence and blood of other creatures that have not been converted into blood fen.

The blood-eating tree in front of me withered at a speed visible to the naked eye~lightnovelpub.net~ including the main stem, branches and numerous roots on the ground.

There was a flash in Su Sheng's eyes, and the killing point on the system panel skyrocketed by several thousand points.

This time it was really dead.

Su Sheng drew his short knife and walked back a few steps.

From the sudden outbreak of the blood-eating tree to the moment it was killed only two minutes before and after, everyone still hadn't reacted.

It wasn't until Su Sheng came back a few steps that Kitahara and Takeru Sato recovered, and they started to act in surprise.

Sato Takeru said to Jixiang, Takeda and others: "You go first, we will come over after a while!"

Without the slightest trace of ink, Ji Xiang said to Gui Bai: "Miss, let's go first."

Gui Bai nodded, and the two followed Bei Yuan and headed forward.

The remaining two E-classes of Susheng, Takeda and Blood Tiger also quickly followed.

Xiaowu stayed to assist Sato and Takuya after the decision...