I Can Add More If I Kill

Chapter 25: Murphy

   Some students' eyes flickered, and they walked to the first group of people who came out just now and asked them, wanting to know the situation in advance.

   Su Sheng shook his head slightly and didn't look much.

   Not to mention whether the monsters encountered are all the same, even if they are the same, they cannot pass without strength.

   Such impetuous mentality stems from lack of confidence in his own strength.

   If you have strong self-confidence, no matter what the atmosphere on the court is, it will not be affected.

   For example, there are two people nearby. Su Sheng turned to look. One is a girl wearing a plum headdress, looking around with her hands on her back rather boringly.

  The other is a burly boy with a broad sword, full of war spirit in his eyes, and his gaze towards the Valkyrie Tower is full of expectation.

   In less than fifteen minutes, all the second batch of people came out, not even reaching the third level, worse than the previous batch of five people.

   Everyone in the field gradually became serious.

   "Pei Xiuzhu, Cen Qiao, Qi Ting..." Wei Yuquan continued to announce the next name.

   Su Sheng's expression moved, and the burly boy next to him walked out. This person is horrendous even when he walks, which looks quite extraordinary.

   "I don't know which floor this person can rush to." Su Sheng looked at Pei Xiuzhu's back and thought.

   Time passed, and it was still twelve minutes before someone came out. In less than sixteen minutes, three people came out in a row.

  Time does not absolutely represent the number of layers, but the longer you stay in the Valkyrie Tower, the better your general results will be.

   From the current point of view, about twelve minutes is the second level, and fifteen minutes is the third level.

   As for the fourth floor...not yet.

   "This batch doesn't seem to be very good, probably there is no fourth layer."

   "There is another single seedling, let's see how long it can last."

   Another few minutes passed. Everyone thought that the next batch would be coming soon, but they didn't expect it to be a full twenty minutes now, and the last person hasn't come out yet.

   And this person is the Pei Xiuzhu who Su Sheng just paid attention to.

   "I'm a fierce man!"

   "Not necessarily, maybe he has been trying."

   "Gou p, it's not the time to persist. What's the use of Gou. And the beautiful teacher said just now that it will be restored to the next level."

   "Well...it seems to be too."

   At this moment, the golden light from the first floor of the Valkyrie Tower flashed, Pei Xiuzhu's figure appeared, the regretful color in his eyes was fleeting, and Pei Xiuzhu silently walked towards the team.

   "How many floors is this person?"

   Everyone looked at Wei Yuquan, wondering how many floors Pei Xiuzhu had passed after staying for 21 minutes.

   Wei Yuquan took the jade card and announced: "Pei Xiuzhu, fourth floor."

   "Strong, the first four-story fierce!"

   "Unfortunately, I still haven't reached the fifth floor."


   Pei Xiuzhu came to the original position with a broad sword on his back and stood there, ignoring the eyes and comments of others, but silently looking at the Valkyrie Tower.

   Su Sheng saw a faint regret from his face, but more of it was a strong will to fight.

   Instead of being frustrated for failure, he became more courageous as he frustrated. Su Sheng secretly praised: "This Pei Xiuzhu has a good temperament, and the future can be expected."

  Time passed, the fourth batch, the fifth batch, the sixth batch, three batches in a row, two fourth-tier people appeared, but still no fifth-tier people appeared.

   Many students can't help but wonder, can anyone really reach fifth?

   Some people who have failed even think that Ji Dao Ling Yuan deliberately teases students.

   In fact, Wei Yuquan is a little worried. Could it be that this year is really so bad, and there is no one on the fifth floor?

   secretly glanced at the Hanshanyu teacher not far away, and saw her expression indifferent, as usual, and she couldn't see why.

   Wei Yuquan sighed, and had to look at the entrance of the Valkyrie Tower again.

   It has been more than 20 minutes since the seventh batch of students entered, and there are two others in it.

   "Maybe there will be a breakthrough in this batch?" Wei Yuquan was thinking, and a figure appeared at the entrance.

   Wei Yuquan took out the jade charm and took a look, and announced, "Xu Heshan, the fourth floor."

   "It's another four-story building, hey... I don't think this Jidao Spirit Academy wants to recruit people."

   "No, I want to see if anyone can reach the fifth floor today."

   As soon as the two voices fell, Wei Yuquan's voice was clearly raised.

   "Mu Fei, the fifth floor!"

   Everyone looked towards the entrance of the Valkyrie Tower.

   saw a black robe boy holding a long knife appear at the entrance of the first floor. In addition to the pill bottle, he also held a crystal emitting white light.

   "Fifth floor! There is actually a fifth floor!"

   "How long did he stay?"

   "Twenty-three minutes, my God, you passed the fifth floor in twenty-three minutes!"

   "What's that in his hand?"

   "Spirit crystals? The fifth layer actually rewards spirit crystals!"

   Su Sheng also condensed his expression and looked up at the boy named Mo Fei. It took more than 20 minutes for those who passed the fourth floor before, and the boy in black not only passed the fifth floor, but also only took 23 minutes.

   Either the fifth layer is very simple and not too time-consuming, or the person has a high killing efficiency.

   Don't think about it, it must be the latter. If the fifth layer is very simple, then many people in front will not stop there.

   Wei Yuquan was also relieved, and finally there was one.

   To know the trial of the Valkyrie Pagoda, the school also spent a lot of resources. Nearly ten instructors traveled through hundreds of cities to find seedlings with a good heart, and some follow-up arrangements.

   If there is not a qualified genius, it is really not worth the gain.

   Looking at the list, Wei Yuquan continued to read:

   "The eighth batch: Wu Letong~lightnovelpub.net~ Wu Keer, Su Sheng..."

   I finally got to myself! Su Sheng stepped out.

   A figure walked out at the same time, it was the girl with a plum headdress on her head.

   Su Sheng didn't think much, and quickly walked towards the Valkyrie Tower.

   Just entering the bottom entrance of the Valkyrie Tower, Su Sheng was in a trance before his eyes, then appeared in a wide hall, and all the people around him disappeared.

   "Is this the inner space of the Valkyrie Tower." Taking the long sword out of the long box carried on his back, Su Sheng looked around. The marble floor was decorated with various monster patterns that were constantly changing.

   At this moment, three white lights suddenly lit up in front of him.

  The white light gradually converged, and three ferocious figures appeared in the field out of thin air.

   Su Sheng held the sword and looked at it, it was the tusk pig that he had seen in the Secret Realm of Xiangze.

   This kind of fierce beast is powerful, but it is nothing to Su Sheng now.

   Raising the brand-new ten-made stainless steel sword, Su Sheng ran towards the fang pig, using his speed to easily escape the staggered attacks of the three fang pigs, the three reversal swords were cut at the three fang pigs one by one.

   Blood splashed for a while, and three fangs pigs fell on the ground one after another, within two minutes.

   Su Sheng glanced at the system, the killing point increased to 9 o'clock, and he was surprised and delighted.

   The kill in this Valkyrie Tower actually has a killing point! And just like in the Secret Realm of Xiangze, it is also a three-pointed fang pig!

   At this time, the white light on Tusk's body lit up, and the whole body once again turned into shimmer dust and dissipated out of thin air.

   "It does not appear to be a monster entity."

  As the Fang Pig died, a slowly rotating portal appeared in front of Su Sheng.

   Su Sheng did not hesitate, and walked in with a long sword in his hand.