I Can Add More If I Kill

Chapter 259: waiting for a rabbit

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Su Sheng didn't fly blindly. The Forest of White Oi was the domain of the big yellow-haired man. If he fell into it and lost his way, he might be caught up by the other party.

After Su Sheng left the enchantment, he found the direction and ran away in the direction close to Qinglai City.

Just now Su Sheng didn't really know that Kaoru Kaoru was going to use space exchange to exchange positions with himself.

But the big man with yellow hair is strong and powerful, and Kaoru Shendai's space ability is also incredible, it is a matter of life and death, Su Sheng started a moment in advance to stabilize the two.

After the dragon transformation, the speed of the sudden increase and the four-fold time acceleration, Su Sheng's speed is even faster than the teleportation of Kaoru Kamdai, and there is a dark spirit cloak, completely covering his own breath.

After running for ten minutes in a row, seeing that no one was following behind him, Su Sheng thought to himself, "It seems that Kaoru Kamdai was holding him back."

Since Kaoru Kaoru is still in the barrier, the yellow-haired big man will choose to deal with Kaoru Kaoru first, and he can also buy a lot of time for himself.

And Kaoru Kaoru is less than C rank. Although he can teleport, he can't fly.

Even if he crossed the yellow-haired big man and left the barrier, if he didn't know the direction, he would be caught up sooner or later.

However, this is none of Su Sheng's business. Naturally, Su Sheng will not have any sympathy for those who want to kill him.

While rushing at full speed, within ten minutes, Su Sheng jumped out of the forest of white mist again.

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and turned his head to look at the White Mist Forest filled with white mist. Su Sheng's heart froze slightly.

Unexpectedly, after crossing the White Mist Forest this time, there will be a series of troubles at the last moment.

Fortunately, the light of annihilation made a contribution and was able to break the enchantment, otherwise I am afraid that I would really have to break here this time!

"The realm is still too low!"

Compared with his peers, there is no doubt that Su Sheng has come to the forefront.

But compared with older geniuses or veteran masters, it is still far behind, and it is nothing compared to the entire Heilan Star.

Fortunately, since the Hundred Demons Catacombs, the state of his body has loosened.

While thinking about it, Su Sheng did not stop at his feet, and hurried towards Qinglai City in the distance.

More than half an hour later, Su Sheng put away the dragon transformation technique and entered Qinglai City.

Taking out his mobile phone, Su Sheng checked it. The sailing time of the sea ship will be early tomorrow morning.

As for buying tickets, it's much easier than you think.

Most of the Jackdaw Kingdom is on the island, which is relatively closed. There are not many people from Wumingfu to the western mainland. Even if it is a sea boat every one or two months, it is difficult to fill up.

Su Sheng had already bought the ticket before coming here, and now he will wait for tomorrow.

It's just that he was in Jackdaws, Su Sheng was not very relieved, and he didn't know what happened to Kaoru Goddai.

Judging from the clothes of Kaoru Kamidai and Kamito, and the means displayed, they should be the contemporary children of the Kamidai family.

Now that the two of them have found themselves, they don't know if there will be other masters of the Shindai clan.

Su Sheng found a hotel to stay at random, then opened his hand and took out the red butterfly containing the red spider.

Although it has crossed two realms, because of the corpse of the red spider, the mental power consumption of making the doll will be greatly reduced.

At this time, it is very important to Su Sheng if the red spider can really be made into a fake doll.

After pondering for a while, Su Sheng made a decision.

The brilliance above the red butterfly circulated, and as a lot of spiritual power and spiritual power poured out, it turned into a light cocoon...

Ming Shenfu, the family of the gods.

The news of Kamito's death has spread throughout the family territory.

Since the news of Kamito's death came from Jisheng Bloodline Pavilion, although Kamidai Qiantang was surprised and distressed, he was even more worried about Kamidai Kaoru.

As the only junior in the family who mastered the power of space, Shinji Mako has died, so Kaoru Kaoru must never have another accident!

Unexpectedly, after chasing a D-rank murderer, the gods will actually fall, and it is still under the premise that there is a blood transfer talisman!

I don't know what danger the two of them encountered, and Kandai Qiantang couldn't care so much anymore, and immediately dispatched experts from the clan to hunt down the murderer and rescue Kaoru Kandai.

It's just that even if there is a teleportation barrier that can be teleported to Wumingfu, it is impossible to reach Qinglai City within two or three days.

As for Kamito's father Taiyi, he was sitting at the desk opposite Kamito at the moment, making a pot of tea, looking at the empty seat opposite with a complicated expression.

As soon as the news of Kamito's death came, Taichi knew that it was Gongzi Fei's people who did it.

Although my heart was a little sad, it was immediately restrained by Taiyi.

To become the head of the family, to break through the A-level, these are all sacrifices.

As long as Kaoru Kamidai died, his father had no choice, and the next head of the family, in terms of strength and seniority, was almost definitely in his own hands!

But on the surface, Taiyi still showed strong grief, asking his father to catch the murderer, and then locked himself in the study, refusing all visits.

Now, just waiting for the news of Kaoru Kaoru's fall.

Once Kaoru Kaoru also had an accident, Jisheng Bloodline Pavilion would report it as soon as possible.

But it didn't take long for the news of Kaoru God to come from the Jisheng Bloodline Pavilion. Instead, it was news from the Chuandu Hall that Kaoru of God returned through the blood transfer talisman!

"Master Tai, Miss Kaoru has returned, and Master Qiantang invites everyone to come over."

Outside the study, the housekeeper's words came.

Why is this girl coming back? !

Taiyi squeezed the teacup in his hand into powder, his face was extremely gloomy!

In just a few seconds, Taiyi's complexion changed and changed, and finally, with a look of grief, he walked out of the study and headed for the Chuandu Hall.

When Taiyi came to the main hall, including Keiichi, all the direct descendants in the family territory had basically arrived.

In the seat of the great highness, Kamidai Qiantang is using spells to carefully check for Kamidai Kaoru.

Seeing that Shendai Kaoru was in a state of embarrassment and his breath was sluggish, but he was not seriously injured, he nodded slightly and felt relieved.

Kaoru Goddai bowed: "I made grandpa worry."

In the forest of the white haze, Kaoru Kaoru was finally caught up by the yellow-haired man, and had no choice but to give up the pursuit of Su Sheng and use the blood relay to return to the clan.

"It's fine." Qiantang shook her head, and when she saw that Taiyi had arrived, she returned to the top seat.

"Xiaoxun, what happened this time, tell us about it."

"Yes, Grandpa."

Kaoru Kamidai responded, and then went on to explain in detail how he and Kamito hunted down the two murderers in the Forest of White Mist, and then were suddenly ambushed by the Void Spirit.

Including the two murderers are extremely strong, able to leapfrog challenges, among them, the E-rank man has the power of time, and he can persist for a long time in the fight against Kamito without losing.

After talking about the cause and effect, everyone showed more or less surprise on their faces.

There is so much in this message.

The power of time, the E-level murderer who can fight against the C-level gods, the powerful barrier that isolates space teleportation, the C-level high-level phantom...

After a short silence, everyone started talking:

"Could it be that the Jiutiao family colluded with Void Spirit?"

"Impossible, even if we are hostile to the Jiutiao family, they will never dare to work with the virtual spirits to attack the direct descendants of our generation of gods. Such a thing is too bad."

"What the **** is going on~lightnovelpub.net~ Is it really a coincidence or bad luck?"


There were too many doubts in this matter, and a group of people got into a quarrel, and in the end they didn't say why.

Kyu showed anger and said to Taida next to him: "Big brother, those two murderers not only killed Ma Gong, but now they also indirectly killed Kamito, we must catch them back and cut them with a thousand swords!"

This sentence directly hit Tai Yi's suppressed anger.

Originally, Taichi was still thinking about what the son Fei was doing. Kamito died, but Kaoru Kamidai didn't die?

I simply lost my wife and lost my army!

And as Kaoru Goddai said just now, it was the murderer who finally broke a gap in the barrier and she was able to escape. Taichi could not wait to swallow Su Sheng alive!

If it wasn't for Su Sheng, at this moment Kaoru Kaoru had been eliminated, and he had successfully completed his plan!

"Catch! Be sure to bring him back!" The ruthlessness in Tai's eyes flashed, and he looked at Kaoru Kamijiro below, "Do you know where the murderer escaped to?"

Kaoru Shendai pondered for a while, and then said: "The weapon used by that person is a long sword with a double-edged edge, and it should not be from our Jackdaw country. In addition, Brother Shenren originally intercepted him on the way to Qinglai, I It is speculated that he may be going to the western mainland by boat in Qinglai."

"A sea ship? When was the last sea ship in Qinglai City?"

Kaoru Kamdai replied, "Just tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Kei Yi frowned, "How can you catch up!"

Taiyi said coldly: "Don't catch up, since he is going to take a sea boat, he used to be at the ferry of Mito City. Send the master of the clan directly and wait for him there!"

Keiichi's eyes lit up when he heard the words: "Yes! Send someone to wait at Mito Castle, as long as the ship arrives, he can be dealt with immediately, and he can't escape even if he puts his wings on it!"

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