I Can Add More If I Kill

Chapter 278: suspend

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After restraining Fei Ran, Yu Buyu did not directly kill him.

Fei Ran said coldly: "What are you doing? Bitch, kill me if you can!"

Until now, she was caught by Yu Buyu, and Fei Ran's eyes were still full of anger and hatred.

Yu Buyu looked at the girl in front of him, but said softly, "I want to kill you, you were already dead just now."

Fei Ran froze for a moment, then snorted and stopped talking.

Since the Five Elements Extinguishing Spirit Sword can split the Vulcan Soldier just now, it can naturally cut the Fei Ran inside the Vulcan Soldier into two pieces!

Just facing Xue Yi's heart, Yu Buyu hesitated for the moment he swung his sword, and shifted a little when he drew out the sword.

"Don't kill me, what do you want to do?"

"I want to talk to you."

"Chat?" Fei Ran sneered, "What do I have to chat with you?"

Yu Buyu pondered for a while, and then slowly said: "Even if I didn't know what happened back then, after so many years, do you think I still don't understand?"

"You know?" Fei Ran sneered, "You know she cares about you so much, and she killed her so decisively? You really are a selfish bitch!"

"That's right, I'm very selfish." Yu Buyu did not deny it, "The things I experienced since I was a child made me have to be selfish, otherwise I wouldn't be able to live."

Yu Buyu said sternly: "But only for her, I can be unselfish."

Fei Ran still sneered, noncommittal.

However, Yu Buyu said to himself like a memory: "The situation at that time has reached the last moment, either die one or die together.

Seeing that I couldn't make up my mind, she attacked me at the last minute without giving me any time to think.

I knew that the sealing power in my body would automatically counteract it, but I didn't even use the crimson fire line, I just used the fire spirit power... Later, I just thought about it for a while, and I came to understand..."

Having said that, Yu Buyu's eyes showed unconcealed sadness.

"Afterwards, I also figured it out, since it was her will, and she wanted me to live, then I had to live better.

I became more and more selfish, unscrupulous in order to achieve my goals, and I completed the tasks in the organization better than others. I was quickly appreciated and reused, and I also obtained a large number of resources, all for the sake of living a better life. go down.

I thought if she could see that I was alive and well, she would be very happy too.

As for later..."

Yu Buyu paused, then suddenly retracted his thoughts and looked directly at Fei Ran: "So, she definitely doesn't want you to come to me for revenge, this is the last thing she wants to see."

Fei Ran pondered, and seemed to be shaken a little by Yu Buyu's words.

Yu didn't speak again, and seemed to want Fei Ran to think clearly.

The scene fell silent for a while.

But at this moment, Yu Buyu's expression changed slightly, and the point under his feet suddenly flew out more than ten meters away!

An astonishingly powerful light beam of spiritual power suddenly landed on Yubuyu's place just now, and the dark green aura suddenly burst and turned everything where Yubuyu was standing into dust!

"Virtual Flash!"

Yu Buyu squinted his eyes and stared straight ahead.

The spiritual light dissipated, and a thin, blue-eyed youth appeared beside Fei Ran.

Uncun put his right hand on Fei Ran's body, and Fei Ran quickly resumed action as the dark green brilliance circulated.

When the fish saw this, his expression became solemn.

It's actually a Void Spirit, and it's so easy to break the chain of his own seal...

Yu Buyu sighed secretly, maybe he shouldn't keep his hand, even if she used to be Xue Yi's heart, now she's just her own enemy.

Now that Fei Ran has broken the seal, even if the injury is not minor, it is definitely not easy to deal with.

With one enemy and two, the situation is quite bad.

Yu Buyu put his left hand behind him, and a red butterfly suddenly appeared in his palm.

As a last resort, I can only use the magic ape doll given by the master.

Fei Ran frowned and asked, "Why are you here?"

Yan Cun said with a smile: "I saw something in your mind earlier, I rushed over after completing the task quickly, and it seems to be just right now..."

Fei Ran said solemnly, "I can handle it myself."

"Ah, yes yes yes!" Yan Cun scratched his head, then his eyes fell on Yu Buyu in the distance, and asked Fei Ran casually, "Do you want to solve her?"

When Yu Buyu saw the two of them, he tapped the red butterfly with his two fingers, and he was about to stimulate it.

But Fei Ran's eyes flashed, but she suddenly shook her head: "Let's go first, next time I will kill her with my own hands."

Indiscriminately surprised, he glanced at Yu Buyu again: "That's fine, then let's go."

The two of them swayed and quickly left the place.

Yu Buyu quietly watched the two leave, and he was relieved that he did not stimulate the magic ape puppet to stop it.

One is that the time for Dragon Transformation has come, and the other is that the chaos in Tianhui City has not subsided yet, and I don’t know what will happen next. Protecting Su Xue and Hong Diehui is the most important thing.

Putting away the dragon transformation technique, Yu Buyu called Zuo Ting, but found that the signal was disturbed.

"It's troublesome."

Yu Buyu frowned, this is not good news.

At this time, communication is blocked, and the dispatch of personnel and information transmission will be blocked.

The figures of Wu Cun and Fei Ran flashed in his mind, and Yu Buyu knew that most of them did it.

This time, Su Xue's situation and the situation in the Red Butterfly Club are not clear.

Yu Buyu thought for a while, and decided to find Su Xue first.

It's not that Zuo Ting is worried, but Su Xue must not have an accident.

Thinking of this, Yu Buyu was about to leave, but at this moment, a dark shadow flashed in front of him, and he rose from the ground and turned into Zuo Ting and Su Xue.

Yu Buyu was overjoyed: "Xiaoxue, are you alright?"

"Sister Buyu, I'm fine." Su Xue looked at Zuo Ting next to her with a look of shock on her face, "Brother Zuo Ting, are you so amazing?"

After finding Su Xue, Zuo Ting also felt relieved and took Su Xue all the way back.

After all, in the Red Butterfly Society, there are a group of spiritual members, and Yu Buyu and myself are definitely safer than staying in the first spirit.

On the way, Zuo Ting either smashed them into pieces with a single knife, or controlled the shadow thorns to kill them. The seemingly terrifying Void Spirit has no resistance at all in Zuo Ting's hands.

Although Su Xue had guessed that Zuo Ting and Yu Buyu were spiritual practitioners, she did not expect Zuo Ting to be so strong, and the tyrannical fluctuation of spiritual power was much higher than that of her teacher!

"So-so." Zuo Ting smiled, and then asked Yu Buyu, "Where's the girl from before?"

The previous girl? Su Xue looked at the two suspiciously.

Yu Buyu shook his head: "I ran away, and another one appeared."

"Is there another..."

Zuo Ting naturally knew that what Yu Buyu was talking about was another phantom spirit. Two phantom spirits appeared in the small Tianhui City at one time, and he didn't even know if there were more.

Shaking his head, Zuo Ting looked at Yu Buyu. In the dark, Zuo Ting could still clearly see Yu Buyu's embarrassment with his eyesight. He couldn't help frowning and asked, "How are you?"

When Su Xue heard this, she also noticed that Yu Buyu's face was a little pale, and the black robe on her body was torn, and she was shocked: "Sister Buyu, are you injured?"

Yu Buyu smiled and shook his head: "I have nothing to do, I just have to go back and deal with it later."

Zuo Ting's expression was slightly condensed, Yu Buyu said that there must be some sequelae, and he said directly: "Then let's go back now, the communication is no longer available, and we have to go back as soon as possible to check the situation."

Yu said without a word: "Well."



Su Shengzheng and Wu Ke'er faced off against several virtual spirits.

Su Sheng stepped forward and rushed towards the D-level intermediate Void Spirit with the highest cultivation base.

"Ke'er, help me block other Void Spirits."


No need for Su Sheng to say more, Wu Ke'er had already controlled Zhuomei to blast away all the surrounding Void Spirits.

Su Sheng is the main attack, and Wu Ke'er provides cover and auxiliary attack to relieve Su Sheng's worries.

The cooperation between the two became more and more tacit.

Ten minutes later, with the roar of burning plums, several Void Spirits were beheaded.

Wu Ke'er panted slightly, took out a Qi Hui Dan and took it.

Seeing this, Su Sheng said, "Let's rest for a while, I'm a little tired too."

Since the separation from Tang Kai's D-level team, this is the fifth scene supported by Su Sheng and the two.

Glancing at the field, Su Sheng sat down on the collapsed concrete slab next to him.

Wu Ke'er also came over to sit next to her and hurry up to recover.

At this time, a message came from the communication talisman: "The Yuhua District in the east of the city has been cleaned up, including the two D-level Void Spirits."

"Another area has been cleared." Wu Ke'er said softly~lightnovelpub.net~ It should take a long time to clear all the ethereal spirits. "

Su Sheng nodded: "Even the broadcasts are getting less and less, it seems that it should be soon."

Since a large number of phantoms appeared at the beginning, there have been almost no more phantoms in the future. Now, with the city defense army and the Supervision Department clearing the phantoms in one area after another, it is estimated that this phantom disaster will be resolved in a while.

Glancing at the messy mandala, Su Sheng said in a low voice: "But this time the loss is probably not small, not to mention the loss of the city, the loss of the city defense army and other spiritual soldiers is the most important. With so many virtual spirits, the mandala will also be seriously injured this time..."

Wu Ke'er nodded slightly.

Destroyed cities can be rebuilt, but spiritual masters can only be retrained.

The two did not rest for long, and after recovering some spiritual and physical strength, they set off again.

It wasn't for the sake of the test points, and the two of them almost forgot about the trial. Just solving these phantom spirits scurrying in the city earlier would reduce some of the losses.

Another two hours later, a message came from the communication talisman: "Mandala belongs to the city, and the entire city's virtual spirits have been basically cleared! The headquarters will continue to detect and monitor the aura of the virtual spirits, and each squadron of the city defense forces will patrol according to the following positions... "

Wu Ke'er showed joy: "It's over!"

Su Sheng also smiled in relief.

Anyway, this is good news.

Now the buildings in the city are completely empty, except for the spiritual masters in the mandala, the ordinary city residents are all taking refuge in the shelters.

The City Lord's Mansion did not immediately let the residents of the city return from the shelter. Although the city has been cleared, the crisis has not been completely resolved.

These Void Spirits appeared strangely. It is best to wait until the support of Sun Yat-sen arrives early tomorrow morning, and all areas of the City Defense Army have been investigated.

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