I Can Add More If I Kill

Chapter 313: compromise

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Pang Hao in front of him said casually with a long knife: "Let me try it, how much do you have?"

Mo Fei was staring at the opponent, ready to take the initiative to attack. Suddenly, Pang Hao appeared on the right hand side, and Mo Fei was shocked!


Murphy shot back and was smashed into a sand dune dozens of meters away.


Mo Fei snorted and glanced down. The silver armor of God's Punishment Armament was cracked a little at the place where Pang Hao slashed just now.

It was not cut by a sharp blade, but simply shattered by a heavy blow.

Without waiting for Murphy to think too much, a gust of wind came, but Pang Hao leaped high and slashed violently like a cannonball!

Murphy hurriedly swung his sword towards him.


With a roar, under the impact of the air wave provoked by the terrifying force, the desert several meters in radius was sunk into it.

Mo Fei's hands trembled slightly, holding the long knife tightly.

"That's it?"

Pang Hao felt a little bored, his eyes fell on Murphy's face, but he saw calm and cold killing intent in his eyes!

But at this moment, Pang Hao suddenly felt something, his complexion changed slightly, and he quickly jumped into the air!

Heart-pounding spiritual power fluctuations suddenly came from below!

Hundreds of meters in radius, the dense silver bone thorns rose into the sky, like a flower of death that suddenly bloomed, and caught up with Pang Hao who wanted to fly into the sky in an instant, and the layers of silver bone thorns grew crazily submerged!

Super Death and Withering!

There was a slight silence in the field.

Murphy stared at the sky, the place surrounded by the surging bone spurs was the place where Pang Hao was submerged.


A crisp sound came from the group of bone spurs, and Mo Fei's complexion changed slightly.


The sound of continuous bone spurs breaking sounded, and then a burst of explosions exploded all the surrounding bone spurs!

During the flash of aura, Pang Hao was suspended in the air, and his whole body was covered by a layer of dense and ferocious biological armor.


Drops of blood fell from the air, dripping on the sand not far from Mo Fei.

The green light on Pang Hao's body slowly stopped the blood overflowing from the armor.

"I admit that you are qualified to be reincarnated." Pang Hao looked at Murphy below and said coldly, "Then now, lay down for me!"

Pang Hao slashed out several knives, and the green blade light dozens of meters wide fell from the air and shot towards Murphy below.

"Boom boom boom!"

The aura burst, pressing Murphy unable to move.

And Pang Hao followed closely and swooped down to kill!

On the other side, Wu Ke'er waved his hand, and countless burning plums surged, whistling away at the black thorns drawn by Senna.

Senna didn't care, but just as the black thorns swept into the scorching plum tide, they were stuck by the scorching plums.

Under the violent explosion, the black thorns that were hundreds of meters long and the thickness of a bucket were also blown to pieces.

Seeing this, Lin Qingfeng was overjoyed: "Well done, Ke'er!"

Beside Wu Ke'er, a piece of burning plum reappeared, making up for the part that burst before.

"Little handsome guy, don't be in a hurry to be happy~"

Senna smiled coldly, flew into the air, his body trembled with black light, and a full eight black thorns shot out from his body, swept towards Wu Ke'er and Lin Qingfeng.

Wu Ke'er waved, and thousands of burning plums flew out, divided into eight parts, to blow up all eight black thorns.

Suddenly, the eight black thorns turned into pure white color, and upon closer inspection, it was actually densely covered with white thorn flowers.

These thorn flowers spit out large amounts of pollen, forming a dust that floats on the black thorns.

With the sound of the explosion, a large number of scorched plums burst, and the raging flames almost dyed half of the sky red.

However, in the fireworks, in addition to the two black thorns that were completely blown up, another six black thorns rushed out of the burning plum flames, and they were about to be drawn on Wu Ke'er in a blink of an eye!

There was a slight and rapid fluctuation in the air, as if something rose into the sky and crossed many black thorns.


The six hard black thorns were cut from the middle at the same time!

Lin Qingfeng's thoughts moved, and the infinite aura cut back and forth, cutting off these thorns!

Intangible is good at concealment, impermanence is good at change, and the infinite aura obtained after the second solution is good at attacking, extremely sharp, and invincible!

These black thorns had already been blown away by the burning plum, and they could only be cut off when Guiyuan's spiritual light came out.

"Ke'er!" Lin Qingfeng shouted loudly.


With such a good opportunity, Wu Ke'er naturally wouldn't let it go without Lin Qingfeng speaking, and the thousands of burning plums still in the air rushed towards Senna frantically.

Senna didn't seem to think that Lin Qingfeng could cut off the black thorns. Facing the flying plum, his eyes were full of surprises.


Thousands of burning plums burst suddenly, one after another, and the arrogant spiritual flames shot hundreds of meters into the sky! Except for the firelight, I couldn't see anything at all for a while!

But at this moment, a rich black brilliance lit up in the flames, and an extremely strong aura emanated from it!

"Sword of Thorns, Shun Qianhua!"

An icy voice sounded, and within a few seconds, dozens of pitch-black sword lights shot out in all directions.

In such a tyrannical and dense knife light, the bursting flame of the burning plum was split and annihilated in an instant!

The flames and the light of the sword dissipated at the same time. Senna wore a crown of thorns on his head and held a black sword of thorns. The frivolous smile in his eyes was gone, replaced by majesty and indifference.

Queen of Thorns, Senna!

The undisguised tyrannical aura spread out from the air, and the terrifying spiritual power fluctuations made Wu Ke'er and Lin Qingfeng feel that their bodies became a little heavier.

"It seems to be tricky..." Lin Qingfeng couldn't help laughing bitterly, "Is it going to be planted here this time?"

Wu Ke'er clenched the long knife, and the phantom of the plum tree appeared behind her, and the fire spirit energy in her body kept pouring into it, and clusters of scorched plums quickly regrew on the phantom of the plum tree.

Since you can't run away, then go all out to fight until the last moment!

Lin Qingfeng suddenly smiled and said, "Ke'er, do you think Su Sheng should appear suddenly at this time, and resolve these two illusory spirits like the gods descended to earth and save us?"

Lin Qingfeng is also a big heart, and in this case, he still has the mind to joke.

Faced with these apparently joking words, Wu Ke'er actually answered seriously.

"No." Wu Ke'er stared at Senna in the air, "If he is here, I don't want him to appear."

Lin Qingfeng was stunned for a moment, then glanced sideways at Wu Ke'er, and shook his head with a smile.

With a smile on his face, Lin Qingfeng quickly retracted his gaze, vigilant against Senna in the air.

Indeed, Su Sheng is only a D-level beginner, even if that guy really rushes to the D-level intermediate, how can he be the opponent of the two monsters in front of him!

Coming here is just an extra life.

Even if Su Sheng didn't know **** C-level Void Spirits in the Void Hunting Trial before, but facing these two C-level Void Spirits at the same time, he probably wouldn't be able to please him.

The two sides looked at each other, and Senna turned around and killed him with a black sword of thorns!

In the blink of an eye, nearly twenty minutes passed.

Mo Fei barely supported his body, the silver bone armor on his body was riddled with holes, and his left shoulder was directly blown up, and his flesh was blurred. Three of the eight bone wings behind him have also been broken, leaving only five.

Looking at Pang Hao, who was leaning forward with a knife, Mo Fei reached behind and touched his bone wings.

Pang Hao said lightly, "It's useless, didn't you already try it just now?"

With a muffled groan, Mo Fei once again broke off a bone wing, and the whole person's breath was weakened again!

Murphy didn't care about the breath of the fall, and the violent black spiritual power spread from his hands to the slender wings.

"Extreme! God's Punishment... the spear!"

The slender bones and wings shot to Pang Hao in an instant like a black line.

Pang Hao crossed his arms in front of him, and a layer of green biological shield appeared, accurately blocking the Spear of God's Punishment.

The tip of the Bone Wing God's Punishment Spear stabbed the biological shield concave.

But this biological shield is extremely tough and can continue to repair itself.

After a few seconds, the Spear of God's Punishment was powerless, after all, it was difficult to penetrate the shield.

A black light flashed on the gun of God's Punishment, and it burst with a bang!

The powerful force and the impact of spiritual force knocked Pang Hao back a few steps, but the spiritual light dissipated, and Pang Hao had no obvious injuries except for some embarrassment.

On the other hand, looking at Murphy himself, after using this blow, it seems that the load on himself is not small, the breath on his body has fallen sharply, and even his standing is a little unstable.

However, Pang Hao frowned.

This young human~lightnovelpub.net~ is really cruel!

If you let him continue to fight like this, in case he accidentally gets killed, his mission will also fail.

Looking at Murphy, who was holding the long knife, breathing heavily and concentratingly, Pang Hao did not go forward again after thinking for a while, but stopped in place and said slowly: "Give it up, you are not my opponent, and you will only resist. Will be beaten to death. Just follow me, and there is still a chance to live."

When Mo Fei heard the words, he raised his knife, and the black knife light ripped through the ground and rushed to Pang Hao.

With a wave of Pang Hao's left hand, he easily shattered the black knife light.

Pang Hao didn't think that the other party would respond so easily, and pointed to the distance: "Would you like to look over there first?"

Mo Fei looked into the distance vigilantly, and his pupils shrank.

On the other side, Wu Ke'er and Lin Qingfeng were covered in injuries, their breath was low, and they resisted Senna's offensive with difficulty.

After the second solution, Senna's strength was too terrifying, and Wan Qianzhuomei couldn't catch up with her figure at all. Guiyuan Lingguang killed it, but she was also slashed by her casually with a sword, killing Wu Keer and Lin Qingfeng almost without fighting back. force.

If it wasn't for her playfulness, the two would have been defeated long ago.

At this time, Senna raised his hand and two swords to crash the two of them. This time, the two almost failed to stand up.

"Follow me, I'll let them go." Seeing that Mo Fei's right hand holding the knife was tight and tight, Pang Hao spoke at the right time.

"Originally, we came here to find you this time. Speaking of which, it can be said that you implicated them..."

"Let them go, I'll go with you." Before Pang Hao could finish speaking, Murphy had already responded.

Pang Hao grinned: "Okay, he's a smart kid."

Pang Hao came to Mo Fei's side with a flick of his body, and the green light on his fingertips flowed, as if he was going to do something.

Mo Fei instinctively wanted to dodge and resist, but after glancing at Wu Ke'er and Lin Qingfeng who were still struggling, he did not move.

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