I Can Add More If I Kill

Chapter 327: meet the enemy

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Somewhere in the Wuthering Mountains, the space was distorted, and a teleportation channel appeared out of thin air.

With a flash of silver light, Wang Jingyuan and Lin Yanqiu rushed out and fell to the ground.

Both were seriously injured and extremely embarrassed.

There were still many silver needles stuck behind Wang Jingyuan's back, but fortunately, they didn't hit the point.

The two looked at the entrance vigilantly, and after a few minutes, the space passage gradually dissipated.

Wang Jingyuan breathed a sigh of relief: "It doesn't seem to be chasing after him."

Lin Yanqiu was also slightly relieved, and with the state of the two of them at this time, they couldn't even stand firmly. If the blue-haired youth catches up, the two of them will never survive.

But Lin Yanqiu immediately remembered the task and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Oops, Jie Yuan!"

With that said, Lin Yanqiu looked inside the ring and found that the key was gone.


Wang Jingyuan also sighed: "The enemy is too strong. Later, the red-haired Void Spirit is even more perverted. There is no way to beat him. It would be good to save his life."

Lin Yanqiu said, "Su Sheng has already found Jie Yuan and is still sealing it inside, maybe..."

"You didn't hear what the red-haired Void Spirit said just now, they have already discovered Jie Yuan?" Wang Jingyuan's expression darkened slightly, "It will take at least half an hour to seal Jie Yuan, and you think he can block three Void Spirits with a D-level intermediate rank. Seal Jie Yuan?"

These days, the two also know that Su Sheng has advanced from the D-level beginner to the D-level intermediate, but so what?

"It would be good to be able to get out in time!" Wang Jingyuan shook his head, no matter what, this mission was indeed a failure.

Hearing this, Lin Yanqiu opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but when he thought of that terrifying red-haired phantom spirit, he couldn't help but suffocate, and after all, he didn't say anything.

Wang Jingyuan took out the communication talisman. Just now, he was unable to communicate with the outside world in the chaos. Now that he came out, the communication has been restored. At least the communication in this layer of the Whistling Mountains is no problem.

Wang Jingyuan sent a message to everyone in the Yulun Tower in the Wuthering Mountains.

Soon, Yang Wanxing and others rushed over, and they were shocked when they saw the many silver needles behind Wang Jingyuan and Lin Yanqiu's burnt body.

"How is it?" Yang Wanxing asked quickly.

Wang Jingyuan shook his head slightly.

Yang Wanxing immediately understood what it meant.

"Did you fail..." Yang Wanxing's face was slightly stern, and after a moment of silence, he asked, "How are your two injuries?"

Wang Jingyuan said casually: "I can't die, I just have to rest for a day or two."

Yang Wanxing nodded and was about to say something when he suddenly realized that there was one person missing.

"Where's Su Sheng?"

"He is not with us, he has found Jie Yuan."

"Oh?" Yang Wanxing's eyes lit up, "Didn't it fail?"

Lin Yanqiu next to him said with difficulty: "But he should be besieged."


Wang Jingyuan nodded: "Yes, the situation is not optimistic, it is like this..."

Wang Jingyuan immediately explained the situation inside, including why the two of them were defeated and escaped, and the three Void Spirits including Wu Di were rushing towards Su Sheng who sealed the world not far away...

Lin Yanqiu also made appropriate supplements.

Yang Wanxing and others all looked solemn after listening.

According to Lin Yanqiu and Wang Jingyuan, Su Sheng was about to face the siege of three powerful ethereal spirits.

In this way, it is indeed a near-death life, and most of them will soon be able to escape.

If those Void Spirits took care of Jie Yuan, it is estimated that they would not chase him.

Although Yang Wanxing was quite confident in Su Sheng's strength, the red-haired young man actually hit Lin Yanqiu severely with one blow, and his strength was too terrifying...

After thinking for a while, Yang Wanxing said: "Let's go, go back to the camp to rest first, and we will leave when Su Sheng comes back. Once the Jieyuan here is captured, it is estimated that this secret realm will die in a few days."

Wang Jingyuan and Lin Yanqiu responded, and everyone went towards the camp.


in secret.

Su Sheng stood in front of the sealing technique, closing his eyes and resting. Not far away was Lu Tie, who was wearing a dark cloak.

In the spiritual sense, I suddenly noticed that someone was approaching.

Su Sheng opened his eyes and looked forward, a man and a woman were walking down the hill in front.

The woman's long blue hair almost fell to the ground, and her golden eyes were dignified.

The other male was burly and muscular, holding a black iron battle axe.

The speed of the two was not slow, and they soon came within 100 meters.

"It's the first time I've seen such a big Jie Yuan." Xi Lin looked at Jie Yuan covered by the sealing technique with a little surprise on her face.

Malvin glanced at the two people who were standing in front of Jie Yuan, and then said, "I'll go get it now."

With that said, Malvin strode forward and was about to make a move, but at this moment, a green light flashed, and Malvin's forehead suddenly lit up with a green mark.

Malvern looked slightly dull, but he stopped involuntarily, only his eyes were still rolling.

The spiritual power in the body spontaneously surged and began to impact the green mark.

It didn't take long for the green mark to slowly dissipate.

Malvin came back to his senses and said in surprise, "Just now...?"

Xilin came up: "The vision of the mind has been discovered by that girl Norton."

Although it had been expected, at this point in time, Xilin's brows were still slightly wrinkled.

Malvin also understood when he heard the words, and immediately said solemnly: "Then I will fight quickly?"

Xilin looked at the two people in front of the sealing technique, and nodded after a little thought.

"Go ahead and test your level."


Malvern responded, swung his battle axe and rushed forward.

Although Malvern was big, he was not slow. In a short while, he came to Su Sheng and slashed forward with an axe.

"It seems a little tender?"

The axe was about to hit the opponent's face, but Malvin saw that the other party was expressionless and didn't respond at all.

And at this moment, a strong wind suddenly came from the right side, and it was actually a heavy steel hammer smashing over!

Malvin's heart froze, and he quickly turned the angle of the axe to face the heavy hammer.


The power on the hammer was amazing, and in a hurry, Malvern was immediately smashed back several meters away.

Malvin stabilized his body and looked up, but another person who could not see his face next to him shot.

Seeing the steel hammer in this man's hand and the somewhat familiar tall figure, Malvin's pupils shrank.

"This heavy hammer... are you Lu Tie?!"

Not far away, Xi Lin was also greatly surprised. She did not expect that Lu Tie would actually help this human being who sealed the world.

Without thinking too much, Lu Tie stepped on his feet and pressed Malvern with a heavy hammer.

The two fought fiercely in an instant.

One uses a battle axe and the other uses a heavy hammer. The two are equally tall and burly, good at strength. The air waves roll between the collisions, and the wind is very fierce!

"Lu Tie, you actually betrayed the humans!"

Marvin shouted loudly while fighting.

The two were familiar with each other because of their similar fighting styles. Malvern couldn't believe that Lu Tie would actually help humans.

However, Lu Tie, who was on the opposite side, never said a word, his face was hidden by the dark spirit cloak, and Malvern couldn't see what his expression was at this time.

The fight between the two became more and more intense. Lu Tie unfolded the law, and transformed his body to a height of ten meters, which was a little higher than in the Earth God Palace before!

Malvin was not to be outdone, the red light flowed, and he also expanded several times. Although he was not as tall as Lu Tie, his muscles were bulging and he was full of strength.

The two humanoid titans glanced at each other, and then slammed into each other again, with more momentum than before!


Not far away, Xilin's eyes flashed.

Even if it was covered by the dark spirit cloak, Xilin just watched the battle for a while, and Xilin discovered that Lu Tie was no longer herself, but a cold puppet controlled by others.

"So it seems that Lu Tie was defeated by this person?"

Xilin's eyes fell on Su Sheng, and there was a hint of surprise in her eyes.

Lu Tie is one of the most powerful people in the D-rank of the Fourth Legion. He can also be ranked among the ten or even the top ten in the D-rank of the entire Pale Fire. He was actually made by this young human. puppet?

Xi Lin opened her right hand, and a huge moon sickle that was almost the same height as her body was held in her hand.

"The waning moon."

I saw a flash of silver light on Xi Lin's body, and she disappeared from the place.

In the distance, Lu Tie, who was confronting Malvern, suddenly burst into a large amount of blood, and was almost cut off by the moon sickle!

"Are you capable of space?" Su Sheng's eyes flickered slightly, and he could clearly see Xilin's movements just now under the dust-free state.

While escaping into the void and teleporting, you can also attack others. Such a slash is several times faster than a flash, and it is almost impossible to avoid.

With one blow, Lu Tie was seriously injured!

After Xi Lin made a move, she stopped and stopped in place.

Naturally, Malvin would not let this opportunity pass, and he slashed Lu Tie's chest firmly with the battle axe in his hand, sending Lu Tie flying out.

The two huge wounds on Lu Tie's body were splattered with blood, and he fell to the ground for a while. He couldn't maintain it even after being healed, and shrank back to its normal size.

Seeing that Malvin was about to rush up again, Su Sheng waved, and Lu Tie immediately turned into a red butterfly and flew back into the body, disappearing.

Seeing this, Malvern couldn't help but froze in place: "What's the situation?"

"Lu Tie is dead and has become that person's puppet."

Xilin explained casually, looked up at Su Sheng in the distance, and couldn't help but congeal.

Losing the combat power of Lu Tie, the opponent didn't even frown?

Seeing that Malvin was about to make another move, Sirin reached out and stopped him.

Malvin asked suspiciously, "Sirin?"

"Don't move yet."

Glancing at the east without a trace, Xi Lin took a few steps forward and said to Su Sheng, "I wonder if Your Excellency can retreat here and give up Jie Yuan."

Su Sheng shook his head: "I want to seal Jie Yuan here, why don't you retreat?"

Xilin asked: "It seems that you are going to stick to this world source?"

Su Sheng smiled and did not reply, but slowly took out the sea moon, the meaning is self-evident.

Xi Lin's face was slightly cold: "I advise your Excellency that it is not only me who wants to take this world, there are several other masters, and they can save their lives by leaving now..."

"Xi Lin, you are very fast!" Before Xi Lin could finish speaking, she was interrupted by a cold and arrogant voice.

I saw three figures from the east coming quickly, hundreds of meters away, but they came to the front in a moment.

One person in the lead, with red hair and an unruly face.

That arrives so fast?

Xilin frowned suddenly~lightnovelpub.net~ Sure enough, there was Norton's spiritual detection, and every move was under his control.

"You haven't broken the seal yet?" Wu Di came closer, and saw Su Sheng blocking the front, his face turned cold, "Then let me do it."

Terrifying spiritual power fluctuations rose into the sky, and Udi's eyes flashed, and he suddenly pulled out his long sword!

"Dawn is broken!"

Like the blazing sun tearing through the night, a dazzling light of dawn lit up, as if the unstoppable glory of the sky fell on Su Sheng in an instant, the dazzling light pierced everyone's eyes!

Xi Lin's heart trembled slightly. If she didn't dodge this knife, she wouldn't be able to carry it, and she would be seriously injured if she didn't die!

As expected of the most promising Yanhuang successor, Udi, the son of the God of Fire!

Xilin looked down at Udi who was not far away, thinking quickly in her heart.

My agreement with Barton was not to let Ashilia and Udi bring back to Jieyuan.

At the moment, it seems that after all, it is necessary to confront Udi head-on, there are only two people left, and there is no room for turning around.

But at this moment, Xi Lin saw that Udi suddenly narrowed her eyes slightly.

The faces of Norton and Lan Ying behind them were shocked.

"How... how?!"

Even Marvin next to him muttered to himself in astonishment, as if he saw something unbelievable.


Realizing what seemed to have happened, Xi Lin quickly looked up, her pupils shrinking.

I saw that in the afterglow of the blazing flames of dawn, the young human stood unharmed, holding a long sword, and a layer of pale golden light slowly floating on his body.

"Two people are also killed, and a few more people are also killed, but it's just beheading a few more heads."

With his back against the seal, Su Sheng lightly swept over the five people in front of him, swung his sword, and the golden light in his eyes suddenly flourished!

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