I Can Add More If I Kill

Chapter 361: out of the hole

Sea island somewhere, a line of six men in black robes who are gathered in one place.

Five of them are in the eyes closed, and only a light pink color hair ball head girl has been open eyes, the eyes of Emmanuel circulation, what if in observation.

At this point, it seems to have realized what the ball head girl hee hee laughs: "! They're coming."

Then, ball head girls hands Results India, a psychic light microscope stand in front quickly crowd body.

Spiritual power mirrors dim light flash, a mirror was the empty suddenly appeared the spot of a large number of different colors.

Wherein the largest gray spot, the light spot bleak, worth mentioning.

In a large number of points of light, there are a few dazzling gold.

The other hundreds of people have opened his eyes to the light microscope.

"Why come ......"

Led by one person, the whole body there are layers of black gas-filled, see the faces and body, only to see a pair of deep black eyes through the air.

Girl hands colorectal ball head, the spiritual power amplifying optical microscope constantly, quickly showing a scene sea island ship inlet.

Spot different colors on the original mirror, representing one has the spiritual power of spiritual cultivation with disabilities, which is represented by the golden spot c level.

Light mirror constantly changing, quickly flashed segment Xuan Qing, Zhou Qu, Su students and others shot.

"So much c-Class?!"

Green hair of youth see this scene, suddenly looking slightly changed, my heart filled with a trace scared.

Eviscerate next face was gaunt look a little too dignified.

Although it has been learned from the firefly population and others who have Twelve Towers oriole in the post, but at the moment still shocked eyes can see.

c-level nature no reason to come to this low-level sea island, then the purpose is self-evident, either for students from these transit spiritual homes, or ...... just to himself, who came .

Ball head girls headed man in black smiled and said: "Your honor, really, as you said a few people eh, moon House also follow these spiritual teachers and transit homes by boat over, the soul is our measure of early planted enchantment to the tag of it. "

Side two meters in height or two, keep the plate-inch strapping young hair is also open asked: "The? Your honor, we now do in accordance with a plan of action."

Black gas-shrouded figure is lightly:. "Etc."

Said, he closed his eyes continued to rest up.

"? And other" burly youth scratched his head, puzzled look to the side of the firefly, whispered: "? Little firefly, What do you mean ah"

Meatball head girl smiles: "Adults say so on, you wait it wants Huben, you silly big brain does not help, then do not want to say what we understand, you Zuosha on the line..."

"Ah ...... oh!"

Burly young Sidongfeidong nodded, then said no more, stood quietly ......

time flies.

Soon, the day passed.

Qing Zhou Xuan segment and canal walk back and forth behind a congregation of students and watching the situation eight squad.

Section Qing Xuan laughed: "Wicked kill during the day with the night two people were on duty after midnight, a sudden rain vigilance is enough and did not affect how they, eat the bitter, not bad.."

Zhou Qu pleased and said: "These students though a bit arrogant, but compared with our age, is indeed quite a lot stronger ah, I really look forward to after they grow up the way ......"

Section Qing Xuan looked at the hands of the instrument: "Su snow is leading this team right now, these two little girls really good snow Su ability to very aggressive, very little ice in the Department of ideas among; Zilin then on. very versatile, and martial arts, spiritual technology in all aspects are very strong. "

"In addition, Chen Lang and Liu Zhisheng, Xia and Liu Chang Wo, Peng Zichun and Lin Yue, this was not much difference between the three teams, tightly bite in the back."

Week Drainage laughed: "ah, I heard that Lin Yue Star fan of Ray Department intends to move ahead of genius, the result was one step ahead of us, ha ha."

They chatted for a while, clear segment Xuan suddenly asked: "previously that several people on board, you have noticed it?"

Zhou Qu nodded: "noticed, it should be the summer home of Shen and sent over the bar staring at the two little guys, especially the summer home of the man, the strength should be very strong.."

"Summer home who it ......" section Qing Xuan little one, slowly, "who did not do much to hide, I have seen, is that it should be called 'deep t' when the Spirit had sent to the hospital Xiahe the man, probably in the order of the master class c. "

"To be honest, Xiahe thing I have little understanding of some, it is no wonder the summer home pay so much attention. Xiahe this child is indeed suffering a bit, but fortunately survived the now."

Zhou Qu obviously also know a little, nodded his head and exclaimed:. "Four family is a family of four, the young has doubled c-level master protection, this treatment, I really envy but it is also the most Harbor Island e level, there is magic in the shield is c-level attacks can be blocked for a while, it should be what happened. "

Endless desert south of the battlefield, the battlefield east of Lin Mountains, north of danger throughout the various battlefield.

Because only the west sea, it has been very safe.

The hospital was in transit Ling Yu Jing, nature is not what is going to happen.

So in thinking drainage week, and even transit segment Xuan Qing Ling hospital in central and western regions are relatively safe area, it is cloud-lan and virtual spiritual battlefield rear.

Section Qing Xuan smiled: "Be careful Well, now cloud-lan can not quite at peace, although far from Western east, north, south three war zones, relatively safe, but maybe there Ethereal infiltrated."

Zhou canal nodded: "That would also, the

^0^ Some vigilance still has to be there, these sixteen little guys must not go wrong..."

Duan Qingxuan glanced at the map: "Now the eight teams have gradually spread out. Although the area we have delineated is not large, it still takes some time to go back and forth between two teams. Let's split our actions. I'm in charge of the left half of the map. Block, you're in charge of the right."

"No problem, contact with the communication charm." Zhou Qu responded, and then walked away.

Duan Qingxuan looked up at the sky, the night had passed, the black clouds above her head had not dissipated, and the rain had not stopped.

Shaking his head, Duan Qingxuan also left from the same place...

At Su Sheng's speed, although it is not difficult to traverse the entire Haixin Island, it is relatively troublesome to find enemies in the entire area now.

Su Sheng didn't fly too far, and kept searching within 20 kilometers in front of several student teams on the left.

Since the other party is targeting the students of Zhongtian Lingyuan, they will come over sooner or later.

And now the team closest to Su Sheng, Su Sheng just knew, it was Shen Lang and Liu Zhisheng.

The two of them, Shen Lang is a psychic master of the wind element, and the other Liu Zhisheng is a rare one. It turned out to be a psychic master of the dark element. It seems that they can control the corpses of the monsters that have been killed to fight together.

Now beside the two of them, there are three controlled F-class aquatic black cattle.

This kind of black cow has rough skin and thick flesh and strong strength, but its flexibility and speed are a little worse, but it is perfect as a meat shield.

Relying on Liu Zhisheng's three aquatic black cows and Shen Lang's fierce offensive, the two basically walked sideways in this low-level area.

However, Su Sheng found out that there was an F-rank high-level leopard-print sea python not far in front of him. It just depends on how the two little guys deal with it.

And behind Shen Lang and the two, there was another person who was not weak, who had been secretly following.

"The big family is good~" Su Sheng shook his head and sighed inwardly.

The man behind was one of the suspicious people Yu Buyu had noticed earlier on the ship.

Su Sheng had speculated at the time, and now it looks right, it should be the master guard sent by the Shen family to protect Shen Lang.

The other Xia He was also followed by someone, and he felt a little familiar with that person. He thought it was the "Uncle Ming" he had seen at the entrance of the Lingyuan before.

Because of the real spiritual power, the guard master of the Shen family didn't notice Su Sheng's whereabouts, and just quietly followed Shen Lang all the way, to ensure that he could rescue Shen Lang as soon as possible, and to check the situation ahead from time to time. Su Sheng is much easier.

After all, the other party only needs to be responsible for Shen Lang.

Looking at the dense forest in front, Su Sheng thought to himself: "It's been a day. If the enemy really wants to act, it should be soon."

This way, from the hotel to the ship, to the island, and after another night, nothing happened.

Among them, there are many opportunities for assassination, but there is no action.

If it was a normal situation, maybe Su Sheng would relax a little bit.

After all, Yujinglou used the word "maybe" in the information about Void Spirit's assassination of the teachers and students of Zhongtian Lingyuan.

That is to say, Yujinglou does not guarantee 100% that there will be an assassination.

But that night, when Su Sheng was in the hotel, he faintly noticed a strange fluctuation of spiritual power.

Even if he uses his spiritual sense to probe later and finds nothing, Su Sheng will not take it lightly.

If it's an illusion, it's fine. If it's not an illusion, it means that the other party has already been eyeing the teachers and students of Zhongtian Lingyuan.

Guess carefully and act boldly.

If there is a possibility, consider it to be. Nothing is happening right now, probably just the calm before the storm.

In the depths of Haixin Island, the green-haired youth and others stood quietly in the field.

At this time, the girl with the ball head suddenly smiled and said, "Sir, it's time, if we don't make a move, they will soon find us."

The rest of the people also all looked at the shadow at the head.

The shadowy figure opened his eyes, looked at the situation in the light mirror, and nodded: "Let's do our own thing."


The five responded and ran in different directions.

The black shadow shattered the light mirror with a wave of his sleeves, and then his figure changed from solid to virtual, turning into wisps of black energy and disappearing into the rain...

Duan Qingxuan was walking in the forest when suddenly, a distress signal came from somewhere.

As long as the shield talisman is activated, in addition to the shield, a distress signal will be sent back at the same time.

"Huh? Is your life in danger so soon?" Duan Qingxuan frowned, took out the instrument and saw that it was a team on the right.

At this time, Zhou Qu also sent a message from the newsletter: "Mr. Duan, there seems to be something wrong with Xiang Jianghe's team. I will rush over to see it first!"

"Well, let me know if there is anything else."


Duan Qingxuan pondered and waited quietly for the news.

But it didn't take long for the news to come, and suddenly there was a distress signal.

"What's the matter? There was no problem the previous day, but now, in less than ten minutes, there are continuous problems?"

Duan Qingxuan saw that this time it was the team on the left, and while frowning and thinking, she flew over.

"Help, help!"

Duan Qingxuan was flying in the air, and suddenly heard the sound from below.

^0^ Mixed panic sounds.

Duan Qingxuan looked down, but some young men and women and two middle-aged people were escaping in a hurry. Behind them, a dozen or twenty blue wolf monsters with wave patterns were followed.

"Phantom Sea Blue Wolf, why did you come here?"

The phantom sea blue wolf is a kind of monster that lives in groups in the depths of Haixin Island. It is good at using water-type spiritual skills and can self-heal. If it is surrounded by wolves and cannot break through quickly, it will be consumed sooner or later, which is quite difficult.

Therefore, the place where the phantom sea blue wolf haunts is the well-known high-risk area of ​​Haixin Island, and even E-level spirits dare not venture lightly.

It stands to reason that this is only a primary area, and there should be no magic sea blue wolves.

Duan Qingxuan frowned slightly, standing in the air, waving a sword qi ten feet long and slashing into the wolves.

Blood splattered everywhere, and the stump of the broken arm flew out of the ground.

With one sword blow, most of the wolves were killed or injured, and only three or four were left to survive, and they dared not pursue.

The group of people below also looked up and saw Duan Qingxuan above, and quickly said loudly: "Thank you for the master shot!"

"Thank you master!"


Duan Qingxuan just paused for a moment and then continued on the road.

Soon, Duan Qingxuan found a group of students who were besieged. These two people were Peng Zichun and Lin Yue who had talked earlier.

But at this time, the two of them were quite embarrassed. They were in the spiritual shield, and they shivered as they watched the dozen or so phantom blue wolves surrounding them.

Seeing that the two of them were all right, Duan Qingxuan was also relieved.

"Teacher Duan!"

Peng Zichun and Lin Yue were overjoyed when they saw Duan Qingxuan, and Peng Zichun's eyes were still a little red...

In order to increase the pressure, Duan Qingxuan and Zhou Qu did not tell the students that this spiritual shield could withstand C-level attacks.

After all, the two of them were children who had not graduated from high school. They were surrounded by more than a dozen F-rank monsters, and the shock in them could be imagined.

Duan Qingxuan slashed out two sword qi at random, killed all the phantom sea wolf demons, and came to the two of them.

"Are you all right?"


Duan Qingxuan untied the spiritual shield at will, and looked at the two of them, but did not find any serious injuries.

But the two little guys were quite frustrated.

According to the regulations, once the spiritual shield is activated, this trial is over.

And Peng Zichun and Lin Yue, who were expected to enter the top three, naturally have no chance.

The reward is second, but everyone is the top talented high school students selected by Zhongtian Lingyuan in the whole country, who doesn't want to compete?

Seeing that the two of them were so lost, Duan Qingxuan patted their heads for a while, and smiled and comforted: "There will be more opportunities in the future, then you can come back with me, and wait for the city defense army at the ferry port. "

Peng Zichun and the two nodded.

Duan Qingxuan took out the communication charm, but found that there was still no news from Zhou Qu.

"Strange, what's wrong with Teacher Zhou?"

Duan Qingxuan was puzzled, and after leaving another message to Zhou Qu, she put away the communication talisman.

"Then let's go..."

Before the words were finished, Duan Qingxuan seemed to notice something, and her complexion suddenly changed!

"Teacher be careful!" Peng Zichun and Lin Yue suddenly exclaimed.

I saw a green flicker the thickness of a bucket suddenly shot from Duan Qingxuan's back!

At the critical moment, blue light poured out of Duan Qingxuan's body, and the clear running water enveloped him and the two students, and then jumped to the side.

The virtual flash hole shot out for thousands of meters, and the residual power actually made the surrounding rain curtains unable to close for a while!

"Old... teacher..."

Peng Zichun and Lin Yue looked dull and looked at Duan Qingxuan in horror.

Duan Qingxuan's clothes were torn open on his back, and his shoulders and back were beaten to pieces.

It was too hasty just now, Duan Qingxuan could only protect the two of them as much as possible, and the defensive power of the water barrier was divided a lot.

"I'm fine."

Duan Qingxuan groaned, and the water rushed over the injured back and shoulders, quickly stopping the blood and the spreading injuries.

Duan Qingxuan turned around, drew out his long sword and looked forward vigilantly.

"Oh, I was blocked~"

Duan Qingxuan looked at the way he came, and saw a green-haired young man in his twenties with a frivolous smile slowly walking out from the front with a long knife.

The green-haired youth smiled and said, "The response is very fast."

Duan Qingxuan's expression was dignified, her hands quickly formed seals, and water waves surged out of her body, forming a water escape in an instant, covering the two teenagers behind her.

"Stay here!"

Duan Qingxuan said, and flew towards the green-haired youth.

Seeing this action, Peng Zichun exclaimed, "Mr. Duan..."

Lin Yue next to him grabbed him and said solemnly, "Zichun, stop talking! This person who suddenly appeared is very dangerous. We can't beat him, and we can't run away. The only thing we can do now is what Don't do it, just stay here and don't disturb Teacher Duan!"

Peng Zichun didn't expect Lin Yue to be so calm, he turned his head to look, but saw that he was clenching his fists, staring straight ahead, his eyes alternated between worry and anger, obviously not as calm as he appeared.

However, Peng Zichun knew that Lin Yue was right, the two of them couldn't help at all, and it would be best if they didn't hold back.

Duan Qingxuan clenched the long sword in his right hand, and asked with a face full of warning: "Why do you vain spirits appear?

^0^ here? "

"Why?" The green-haired youth grinned, "Of course he's here to kill you and your little brats, hahaha!"

Duan Qingxuan said in a cold voice, "You guys will sneak in here..."

The green-haired young man smiled and said, "Of course ordinary trash can't do it, but we are the 3rd Corps~"

"The 3rd Corps..."

Duan Qing felt a little heavy when he heard this.

There are many teachers in Zhongtian Lingyuan who are seconded from the twelfth floor. There are also many information about Void Spirits in Zhongtian Lingyuan. Duan Qingxuan also knows what the 3rd Legion does.

Duan Qingxuan glanced at the two students behind her.

In this battle, I have no way out...

Duan Qingxuan was calm, her eyes firmed.

"It seems that you also know about our 3rd Corps..."

The green-haired young man smiled, and suddenly his figure swayed, and he turned into a phantom and pressed over!

"So fast!"

Duan Qingxuan's pupils shrank, and she hurriedly raised her sword to resist.


The swords met, and Duan Qingxuan was immediately knocked back a few steps.

Duan Qingxuan gritted his teeth and swung his sword to force his opponent away.

Aura surged, sword light and sword shadow, the two flew into the air and quickly fought together...

A few kilometers behind Su Xue and Qin Zilin, Lin Yanqiu was following from a distance.

Because of Su Sheng, Lin Yanqiu subconsciously focused on Su Xue's side, which happened to be in the middle of several teams.

Suddenly, Lin Yanqiu looked to the left: "Sure enough, there is a virtual spirit sneaking in!"

Lin Yanqiu clearly felt that the violent fluctuations of spiritual power were rising on the left side, and a battle of C-level intensity should have broken out.

Lin Yanqiu quickly sent Su Sheng a message.

Soon, a reply was received.

"That guy went, there should be no problem..."

Lin Yanqiu observed the situation of Su Xue and Qin Zilin through her spiritual sense, but she was a little tangled in her heart.

"According to the strength of the two teachers of Zhongtian Lingyuan, the other party will dispatch at least two C-levels, and there may even be three."

"Since Su Sheng has found one person, there are two left..."

Lin Yanqiu was thinking, in his spiritual sense, Su Xue and Qin Zilin suddenly appeared two unusual auras!

"not good!"

Lin Yanqiu's pupils suddenly shrank into a needle, and immediately flew out and rushed out.

"What two beautiful little sisters~"

A pink ball-headed girl about one meter four or five walked from the depths of Haixin Island to Su Xue and Qin Zilin, and beside her, there was a burly young man who was more than two meters tall.

Su Xue and Qin Zilin looked at the two people who suddenly appeared in front of them. The tall young man had a simple and honest face, and the girl with the ball head was also very cute.

Qin Zilin stretched out her hand slightly and pulled Su Xue behind her, and said to the girl with the ball head in doubt, "This sister, don't know who you are?"

"My name is Ying, this is my companion Hu Ben, nice to meet you." Ying seemed to be very happy.

"It turned out to be Sister Ying, my name is Qin Zilin," Qin Zilin said with a smile, "Sister Ying, did you also come to Haixin Island to hunt?"

"Hunting..." Ying nodded, "That's right, I'm here to hunt!"


Just as Qin Zilin and the two were chatting with each other, Su Xue kept watching quietly.

In Su Xue's heart, the Ice Emperor suddenly made a very low voice.

"Xiaoxue, keep calm and listen to me."

"Huh? What's wrong, Xiaobing?"

"The two people in front of you are virtual spirits, and they are very strong, they should be similar to your teacher!"

"What? Void?!"

Su Xue looked at the tall and honest young man and the petite, cute, very approachable girl with a ball head in front of her. She only felt a coolness rise from her back, and a lot of goose bumps appeared on her body.

"Listen to me, activate that talisman immediately..."

Before the Ice Emperor finished speaking, she saw Qin Zilin's figure beside her trembling nervously, while her right hand behind her back was holding the shield amulet and trying to activate it.

But the talisman was bleak, and I didn't know what was wrong, but there was no response at all.

The Ice Emperor's heart sank immediately.

"Sister Zilin, you are very smart, and you can see through our identity directly."

Ying suddenly smiled, stretched out her hand and grabbed Qin Zilin's right hand hidden behind her, and pulled it in front of her and pinched it lightly. Qin Zilin only felt that her arm was about to be pinched, and she unconsciously released her right hand in pain.


The shield talisman fell to the ground.

Ying stepped on the talisman and said with a grin, "Sister Zilin, this kind of thing won't work next to me."

Obviously, Qin Zilin saw that the two people were not good at the beginning. While dealing with the two, she tried to activate the magic charm, but she was unable to succeed.

"Xiao... Xiaobing, what should I do?"

Su Xue was startled, Qin Zilin was also pale.

Ying just teased the two of them casually. Since the words have already been said, there is nothing to talk about. She jokingly smiled at the two, but a short pink knife appeared in her hand at some point, and gently slashed towards Qin Zilin's neck. .

"Xiaobing, help Zilin!"

The Ice Emperor also noticed the other party's

^0^ Killing intent, his thoughts turned and he said solemnly: "Leave the body to me!"

As soon as the words fell, a unique wave surged up from Su Xue.

The long dark hair turned into a snow-white color in an instant, and the silver-white eyes were dead silent, without a trace of emotion, a supreme pressure radiated from the body, like the queen in the ice and snow temple. .


The snow-white Han Palace sword stood in front of the pink short sword.

"Huh?" Ying turned her head to look at Su Xue next to her, just in line with a pair of silver-white pupils, her heart trembled involuntarily, "This is...?"


Qin Zilin was even more surprised that Su Xue seemed to have suddenly changed into a person.

At this time, it was not Su Xue, but the Ice Emperor.

A white light flashed in the Ice Emperor's left hand, and then it transformed into a long ice and snow sword that was even more delicate than the Ice Palace Sword.

The Ice Emperor's lips and teeth parted lightly: "Xiu Qianxue, kill."

The ice and snow long knife suddenly shattered, turning into a large snowflake and rushing towards Ying and Hu Ben in front of him.

Ying and Hu Ben instinctively and subconsciously dodged back.

When the Ice Emperor saw this, he pulled Qin Zilin up and fled in the opposite direction.

"Damn, I was shocked by a yellow-haired girl!" Ying quickly recovered, her complexion suddenly sank, and she turned to look at Hu Ben, "You stupid big man, why did you retreat? She can still Does it hurt you?"

Hu Ben scratched his head: "I saw Xiaoying, you retired, and you retired without thinking..."

"You..." Ying choked for a moment, stomping her feet, "Forget it, chase!"

The two of them swayed and disappeared from the spot.

Qin Zilin and the Ice Emperor were running at full speed. At this time, they didn't know where to flee, so they could only see if they could get rid of them.

The Ice Emperor took out the shield talisman. At this time, the shield talisman was still bleak, as if it was suppressed by something.

When Qin Zilin turned around, she saw two figures galloping in midair, she couldn't help being stunned: "Xiaoxue, they flew... flew over?!"

Only then did Qin Zilin realize that the other party turned out to be C-level!

The Ice Emperor gave her a hand, and continued to run away without stopping.

The Ice Emperor knew very well that even if there was no hope, he could not stop, because to stop would mean death!

At this moment, the terrifying spiritual power fluctuations came from behind.


Although the Ice Emperor has never seen it before, there is such a powerful trick in his recovery skills.

With a frown, the Ice Emperor turned around abruptly, put away the ice palace knife and quickly formed a seal with his hands, and the snowflakes flying all over his body were instantly arranged in a certain position.

"The cold star is ten thousand points, and the ice palace is formed!"

Hundreds of snowflakes flickered with cold light, and large pieces of ice crystals condensed out of thin air, actually turning into an ice palace to block in front of you!

The pink virtual flash hit the ice palace, and layers of cracks appeared on the ice palace in a blink of an eye.


The Ice Emperor immediately pulled Qin Zilin out of the way.


The ice palace smashed into pieces, and many snowflakes flew back to the side of the Ice Emperor, but they were much dimmed.

The Ice Emperor snorted, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and the long snow-white hair in his pupils turned black again in a moment.

Su Xue took over her body again and couldn't help staggering under her feet.

Su Xue is only F-rank beginner, the realm is too low, the Ice Emperor can block this virtual flash for a moment, and he has exhausted all the energy he has accumulated and Su Xue's spiritual power, and he has also suffered a certain backlash.

"Xiaoxue!" Qin Zilin supported Su Xue.

Su Xue stood up straight: "I'm fine, let's go!"

But the speed of the two of them is as fast as the C-level Void Spirit, and in a moment, Ying and Hu Ben have been flying behind them.

"not good!"

Su Xue and Qin Zilin were startled ~lightnovelpub.net~ but they were helpless.

Near the two of them, a butterfly flapped its wings, and bursts of red light suddenly appeared on its body.

At this moment, the aura burst, water and fire raged, and the sword qi of two opposite attributes suddenly fell from the air!

Ying and Hu Ben froze and stopped.

The water, fire and sword qi were entangled, and the power was amazing, forming a wall of sword qi that did not dissipate for a long time.

Su Xue and Qin Zilin were also startled, and looked up, but saw a figure coming quickly in front of them, and fell in front of them in a moment.

"Are you okay?" Lin Yanqiu asked.

Su Xue asked, "It's okay, may I ask who you are?"

"Lin Yanqiu in Yulun Tower," Lin Yanqiu said solemnly, "Don't worry, I will protect you."

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^