I Can Add More If I Kill

Chapter 394: Wang Yi

Small Void Realm, Parliament Hall.

At this time, the four kings of the virtual world gathered here.

The King of Splitting Sky looked at King Xunuo next to him and asked, "Xunuo, you have been here for so long, have you found the location of that thing?"

King Xunuo nodded and said, "Of course."


King Xunuo smiled: "The twelfth floor of Yunlan Yujing has been shrinking to the ground for a long time, isn't it just above that thing?"

The King of Splitting Sky frowned and said, "You said so, are you sure?"

King Xunuo nodded: "I have already been to the Jade Capital City while you are here."

King Cracked Sky looked surprised, and then smiled: "King Xunuo is really a master of art and daring."

The Yin Corpse King, who was not good at speaking, also glanced sideways at King Xunuo.

To be able to go to the twelfth floor and walk quietly under the nose, this King Xunuo really has some skills.

In fact, the corpse king is not familiar with the king of cracking the sky and the king of Xunuo.

King Splitting Sky and King Xunuo were both old subordinates of Emperor Yan before the Yan Bing War.

The Baji King was originally the leader of the faction between Yan Bing, but he was forced to stand in line, so he chose Yan Huang between the two sides.

As for the corpse king, it was the new king absorbed by the Yan Emperor after the Yan Bing War.

Back then, in the Yan Bing War, although Emperor Yan won, his subordinates suffered considerable losses. The seven kings died in the battle and three kings were killed, and they urgently needed to replenish their forces.

King Xunuo smiled confidently: "Kong Kong, you won the prize, isn't that what I'm good at?"

The King of Cracks laughed.

But King Baji said calmly: "Don't take risks, or you will reveal flaws sooner or later. The twelve kings on Yun Lan's bright face are not that simple."

King Xunuo frowned slightly.

There was a gap between the new king and the old ministry. King Baji said this, and immediately made King Xunuo a little dissatisfied.

"I support Xiaoxujie alone, and I have been dealing with Yun Lan for so long. I don't know what the Eight Extreme Kings have done?"

King Baji looked as usual, looking down at his slender fingers: "I came here to do better than you, at least... There is no need to start the arrival plan in advance."

Speaking of which, King Xunuo looked a little ugly.

In fact, there are still two months before the agreed arrival time.

The reason why the arrival plan failed this time is also because the arrival plan was ahead of schedule, and it became more difficult for the three kings to travel between the two worlds.

Otherwise, it doesn't take so much time to activate the summoning barrier, and the probability of success of the three summoning altars in the east, south, and north will be much higher.

Shi Shiran, the king of the eight extremes, said: "If I guess correctly, I am afraid that this small virtual world will not be able to hide?"

The King of Splitting Sky looked solemn and asked, "Xunuo, is that so?"

King Xunuo frowned slightly. In fact, this was what he wanted to say today. He didn't expect to be said first by King Baji.

King Baji continued: "You have a premonition that the Xiaoxu Realm is about to be locked, and you can't handle it yourself, so you have to send back the news and start the arrival plan ahead of time.

The summons of the two altars in the east and the south were a little bit different, and unfortunately failed, and the three of us came down with reluctance.

Now with the three of us, we can barely stabilize the situation, which seems to be a fortune in misfortune.

But how do you know that in this 'just right' situation, Yun Lan didn't force you to come this far?

In other words, is your ability limited, even if you know it is so, you can't do anything about it? "

King Baji looked away from his hands and looked at King Xunuo, whose face was as heavy as water: "Remember, you don't have much credit. Even this small virtual world relies on the many virtual spirits that are already on this Hailan star. The source of the world collected."

Seeing the scrutiny of both the King of Splitting Sky and the King of Yin Corpse, King Xunuo was annoyed, and immediately sneered: "It is delusional and unfounded. You said so much, why didn't Lord Yan Huang replace you in the first place?"

Hearing the words, the Baji King shook his head and said nothing.

The reason is very simple, nothing more than trust.

Compared with several new kings such as himself and the Yin Corpse King, Yan Huang naturally believed in his old minions more.

King Xunuo asked this question, but he wanted to save some face in front of the other two.

The Yin Corpse King could see clearly, and said in a low voice, "Since the Xiaoxu Realm is about to be locked, it can't be so close to Yun Lan, otherwise the masters of Yun Lan will come out in full force, and the four of us may be hard to resist. If we retreat. Accumulate the source of the world and prepare for the arrival of others, but not afraid of the other party coming to the door..."

"Of course it is impossible to retreat!" The King of Splitting Sky said flatly, "In the dictionary of Lord Yan Huang, there is only attack, not retreat. If we retreat, even if we can save our lives, Lord Yan Huang will be displeased."

The King of Splitting Sky looked at Xu Nuo: "Xun Nuo, you have come so long in advance, do you have any plans?"

"Of course." King Xunuo glanced at King Baji, "but I would like to hear what King Baji has to say first."

King Baji spread his hands: "I just arrived, I don't have any ideas."

King Xunuo snorted coldly, and then said, "Last time I went to Yujing, it wasn't just to confirm that thing..."

King Xunuo talked about his plan, and King Cracked Sky clapped his hands: "Okay! I think it's very good! I work in the same vein as Emperor Yan, and it should be this style!"

The King of Splitting Sky looked satisfied, then looked at the King of Baji and the King of Yin Corpse: "What do you two think?"

The corpse king's eyes flickered, and there was also

^0^ Somewhat moved, he nodded and said, "I think it's feasible."

King Baji wanted to say something, but the line of sight swept the three of them one by one, and finally said: "I have no opinion."

King Xunuo smiled proudly, and then said: "Since this is the case, then make arrangements and wait for the opportunity."

The crowd dispersed one after another, leaving only King Baji in the hall.

King Baji looked up, and his sight seemed to be able to penetrate the void and land directly on Yujing.

"King Crackdown, as the favorite general of Emperor Yan, is deeply influenced by Emperor Yan. UU reading www.uukanshu.com likes to imitate Emperor Yan's behavior, so he has no choice but to do it. It is impossible for King Xunuo to say this plan. will refuse.

The Yin Zombie King was a new member of the Yan Emperor after the Yan Bing War. And once this happened, the credit goes without saying, the temptation for him is not too big. "

"It's just that Yun Lan is really that simple..." King Baji looked at Yujing's direction, and the eight-color light spots in his eyes slowly circulated around the center.

Since the investigation of Yun Lan's related information in the past ten days, the Baji King has a vague feeling that the situation where the three kings are now coming may be Yun Lan's intention.

If that's the case, it's troublesome.

It means that the other party is going to divide them up, and they will do something to those who are one step ahead of themselves, and they will definitely be in time before the other kings arrive.

"Prepare for the worst..."

King Baji pondered, and with a flash of eight-color brilliance on his body, he disappeared in place.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^