I Can Add More If I Kill

Chapter 417: Yujing fierce battle (1)

An Yichen waved the Yimu branch to break open the two imaginary spirits, and jumped to the tombstone of death, preparing to destroy the tombstone first.

But the corpse king naturally wouldn't let An Yichen wish, and immediately flew up and stopped in front of him.

An Yichen snorted coldly: "Hey, you also said that you can only control corpse puppets!"

With a thought, the green light on the Yimu branch in his hand flourished, and a large number of Yimu Qinglei shot out from the branch!

The corpse king waved his wooden staff and drew a circle in front of him, and a poisonous miasma-filled corpse circle flew out to block the Otsuki Qinglei in front of him.

Yimu Qinglei's mighty power was astonishing, and he specialized in overcoming the crooked way of evil. After a crackling sound, the poisonous miasma on the ring of the corpse disintegrated, and it quickly staggered.

However, in this moment, the two A-level corpse puppets that An Yichen had left behind chased after them again.

It seems that because they are too close to the death tombstone, the two corpse puppets radiate green light all over their bodies, and their strength has been greatly improved.

An Yichen frowned slightly, and could only turn around and wave the Yimu branch to resist.

The green thunder shot out, destroying the two sword lights.

"It's really troublesome."

An Yichen gradually felt the trouble of these two corpse puppets. With the strength of spiritual power that is comparable to Grade A, even he can't resist it.

In addition, the defense is extremely tyrannical, with corpse poison, tough and not afraid of death, and can be resurrected. If it is not resolved as soon as possible, it will only become more and more difficult.

Thinking of this, An Yichen pointed with his left hand, and a few drops of nectar immediately fell on the Yimu Leizhi from the glass bottle hanging by his side.

The originally powerful Yimu Leizhi has transformed under the nourishment of the glazed nectar, and there are fine golden lines on the branches, like blood vessels.

"Zi la, zi la..."

Yimu Qinglei suddenly turned into a brilliant golden color, and the strands were wrapped around the Yimu branch, exuding terrifying fluctuations that made people feel heart-pounding.

The corpse king's expression changed, and he quickly pulled back and controlled two corpse puppets to fly in front of him from both sides.

"Yimu Shenlei, kill the evil and destroy the devil!"

An Yichen shouted loudly, and suddenly the golden electricity burst!

The crackling sound was incessant, and in an instant, the four directions turned into a golden thunder pool that not only jumped and stirred!

The two corpse puppets in front of the Yin Corpse King who were in the A-level realm were smashed into powder after just holding on for two seconds!

The death tombstone not far away was also shrouded in a thunder pool. Although there was a layer of corpse shields on it, which were specially designed for spiritual attacks, in the golden thunder pool transformed by the Myriad Yi Wood God Thunder, there was no countermeasure at all. The ground collapsed quickly, leaving nothing behind.

After a while, the thunder pond dissipated, and Ottomuzhi returned to its green color after a blow, and the aura was slightly dimmed, which seemed to be weakened a bit compared to before.

An Yichen looked at it intently, and the corpse king in the distance was no longer there, only a sticky green light was constantly surging.

Obviously, even with two Grade A corpse puppets as meat shields, Jin Lei's supreme power still severely damaged the Infernal Corpse King.

Large swaths of carrion poisonous miasma surged out from the green light, covering almost half of the sky.

"While you are sick, I will kill you!"

An Yichen held the Yimu branch in his hand and waved at the Yin Corpse King, and Yimu Qinglei tore out and rushed towards the green light, entangled in it in a blink of an eye.

But the green light kept surging, and after a slight expansion, it actually drowned Otsuki Qinglei in it, and Otsuki Qinglei was extinguished twice and there was no movement.

The green light suddenly flourished, and the carrion and poisonous miasma rushed up a hundred meters high like a green cloud!

With a terrifying breath, a giant corpse puppet that penetrated the sky and the earth appeared from the poisonous miasma.

The giant corpse puppet is surrounded by a sinister and rich carrion and poisonous miasma, and the chest is also inlaid with the heads of phantom spirits or monsters, which is creepy!

And this giant corpse puppet is none other than the corpse king himself.

Infernal Secret Technique, Wraith Giant Puppet!

An Yichen looked at the Yin Corpse King not far away, and frowned: "This breath is really amazing!"

Without waiting for An Yichen to think about it, the Yin Corpse King who turned into a giant corpse puppet smashed An Yichen with a punch.

"not good!"

An Yichen watched the iron fist fall, and immediately wanted to withdraw from the rear.


There was a loud noise, the ground shook, the smoke and dust rose, and the entire fabricated Jade Capital City shook a few times!

"What a powerful force!" An Yichen's expression condensed, "This corpse king turned from a mage who is good at corpse magic into a warrior of great strength."

An Yichen waved the Yimu branch, and the turbulent Qinglei rushed out and hit the giant corpse puppet in an instant. The Yimu Qinglei, which can restrain the power of evil, was actually eroded by the rotten corpse poisonous miasma surrounding the corpse puppet, and its power was greatly reduced. , was easily ejected.

"This carrion poisonous miasma is several times stronger than before!"

An Yichen's pupils shrank, and after turning into a giant corpse puppet, the Yin Corpse King's corpse poisonous miasma was strengthened, and even his own Otsuki Qinglei had no effect.

At this moment, the Yin Corpse King took a step forward and punched him again.

An Yichen immediately backed away.

"Full of power, but a little slow... bang!"

The slow movement of the Infernal Corpse King suddenly became faster as if a motor was suddenly installed, and the huge fist, which was dozens of times larger than An Yichen's entire body, suddenly accelerated and hit An Yichen's body.

An Yichen was horrified, and suddenly flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, and crashed through several high-rise buildings before hitting the ground heavily.

a mouthful of blood

^0^ spewing out, An Yichen looked up and saw that the corpse king had already sprinted towards him again.

"This guy, come to Yin!"

Obviously, the giant corpse puppet transformed by the corpse king itself is flexible, but it was deliberately pretending to be slow during the first punch.

And such a large body is indeed very deceptive.

With one blow, An Yichen only felt that the bones in his body were about to shatter.

Seeing the giant puppet rushing towards him again, An Yichen's mind moved, and a drop of glazed nectar from the glazed bottle immediately fell into his mouth.

The thick life originated from it, and in just a short while, An Yichen recovered the injury in the body.

"Liu Li Nectar, there is not much left..."

An Yichen frowned, but he didn't have time to think about it, he quickly raised the Ottogi branch to build a huge defensive net with green thunder, and at the same time pulled back to distance himself from the giant corpse puppet.

The corpse puppet did not shy away from it at all, and a layer of turbulent green light circulated on his body, and he slammed into the giant net of green thunder.

The green thunder giant net suddenly sunk in, and the thunder light collapsed, but after a stalemate for two seconds, it was knocked away by the corpse puppet.

And the rich miasma on the corpse puppet was tossing, and there was no damage at all.

"This green poisonous miasma is too resistant to spiritual power!"

An Yichen felt that it was difficult again, this bone was too hard to chew.

After pondering for a while, An Yichen's hands flashed with blue light, and he used the sealing technique. However, the results were similar. Before all the sealing techniques came into contact with the corpse king, they were corroded by the carrion poisonous miasma on his body. It can be greatly reduced, and hitting him won't have much effect at all.

The corpse king rushed in front of him again in a moment.

"What an iron turtle!"

An Yichen scolded secretly, and hurriedly dodged to the back, the seal in his hand linked together, and various spiritual skills such as acceleration, invisibility, and lightening were successively deployed. In a short period of time, there were at least ten buffs to bless his body.

With a swaying figure, An Yichen has escaped from the giant fist of the giant corpse.

With a "bang", the Infernal Corpse King slammed into the ground with a punch. Looking up, An Yichen's figure appeared thousands of meters away in a moment.

Slightly relieved, An Yichen said with a sneer: "Although the attack is a little mean, but the eighty-eight kinds of life-saving secret techniques that this old man has cultivated for so many years are not joking with you?

It was really careless to eat a fist just now, and next time, I will never be injured again! "

In fact, An Yichen is not only a holy hand of Dan Dao, but also has a very high attainments in spiritual skills.

If nothing else, in terms of spiritual skills alone, even Qin Zhou, who is in charge of Yulun Tower and responsible for the development of spiritual skills, may not be able to compare to An Yichen.

Just corresponding to this, compared to spiritual skills, An Yichen's own martial arts skills are extremely lacking.

However, An Yichen himself doesn't seem to be too keen on the power of battle, and just wants to make alchemy well.

Even the spiritual skills mastered are mostly defensive.

If it wasn't for Yujing, there was no one there, and Dongfang Shuo invited him personally, An Yichen would not be willing to come out to meet the enemy.

Now, An Yichen is very clear that a huge and tyrannical transformation skill like the Infernal Corpse King cannot be maintained even at A-level, and he only needs to hold him back.

An Yichen has to develop various means to contain it.

But at this moment, accompanied by a roar that resounded through the sky, a terrifying wave of palpitating came over.

An Yichen turned his head to look, his pupils shrank suddenly.

In the distance, a large space collapsed and collapsed, and a dark red figure vomited blood and flew back.

"Master Jiang?" An Yichen was startled.

Jiang Yingxia's body was dripping with blood, her mouth was panting heavily, her forehead was covered in sweat, and her red clothes had been shattered to pieces, and she looked quite embarrassed.

On the opposite side, apart from a large area of ​​his abdomen that was covered with black runes, the King of Cracked Sky actually suffered other injuries.

Jiang Yingxia, who is in a state of serenity, has greatly enhanced her mental ability, and it is no longer that the King of Splitting Sky can easily dispel with spiritual power. It's just that it didn't hit the key parts, and it was difficult to have any impact on the Sky Splitter King.

Facing the multiplied spiritual power suppression, as well as the domineering and powerful space spiritual skills, Jiang Yingxia has almost no fault tolerance rate, as long as she is hit once, she will be injured.

It may be fine for a short time, but in the long run, it will consume a lot of spiritual power, physical strength, and spirit.

Just now, Jiang Yingxia was writing because she was slow in the high-speed confrontation, and was hit by the King of Sky Splitter's ultimate attack, and was suddenly seriously injured.

"Why, this doesn't work?"

The King of Splitting Sky flickered, and instantly appeared in front of Jiang Yingxia, kicking the void in front of Jiang Yingxia.

Jiang Yingxia raised the red kite knife in front of her, but she was kicked to the ground as if she had been hit hard, and a big hole was smashed.

"This King of Rifts is really strong..." Jiang Yingxia, leaning on the Chiyuan Saber, barely stood up, but even her figure swayed.

The King of Splitting Sky didn't give Jiang Yingxia much chance to breathe, so he flew from mid-air and galloped again.

Jiang Yingxia took a deep breath, gritted her teeth and raised the red kite knife to resist.

"This last punch, send you back to the west!" The King of Cracked Sky formed seals with his hands, and then suddenly joined together, falling from the sky as if he was swinging a giant hammer and slammed down, "Cracking the sky, the giant cannon!"

The terrifying power of space fell instantly, and Jiang Yingxia suddenly vibrated violently within a few hundred meters of her radius. Both the ground and the surrounding buildings disappeared in an instant, and a huge void appeared.


Jiang Yingxia, who was in the center of the hollow, was shocked, her body was rapidly congested with blood, she persisted for two seconds, and then it turned into a blood mist and exploded with a "bang", leaving only a blood-colored crystal the size of a fingernail~lightnovelpub.net~ It is its life core.

"It's rare to let go of it once, and I finally got some interest... It's really vulnerable!"

Shaking his head, the Sky Splitter King flew down from the sky and reached out to grab the life core left by Jiang Yingxia.

At this moment, the King of Splitting Sky seemed to notice something, his complexion changed suddenly, and he was about to withdraw from the spot when he stepped on it.

"Dark capital punishment, steel death coffin!"

Accompanied by a hoarse and unpleasant sound, the rich black light surged from all directions to form a steel black coffin with a height of 100 meters in an instant, and instantly locked the King of Splitting Sky in it.

Two figures came over from the side, one was Jiang Yingxia who "died" just now.

The other person was stooped, and although he couldn't see his face clearly, one of his right eyes in the shadow under the hood was glowing green.

It was the owner of Yulan, Ji Dutian, who was supposed to be guarding the Eastern Region!

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^