I Can Add More If I Kill

Chapter 469: leave the dungeon

Text Chapter 469 Leaving the Dungeon

Yang Mu walked over a few steps, pulled out a smile, and said in amazement: "Well done! This time back to Yunlan, I will recommend you as the tenth order... You must be in the first five orders!"

The ten order is fundamentally different from other b-levels.

The ten orders, in order, have the authority to mobilize the rest of the officers in this building, as well as the voting rights of the internal and external affairs of the building, and have great authority.

And the entry of a new ten order will definitely squeeze out the existing ten order, and the relationship is not small.

Therefore, in addition to their own strength, they also need to have at least one current ten sequencer as a referrer.

I apply in person, the referrer guarantees, and the background check is carried out, and then the ten-order position is determined by strength.

Now in the Yulun Tower, almost half of the ninth-order Shen Ruhong that Su Sheng knew has stepped into the high-level.

As for the tenth person, he was only a B-rank intermediate, it was not difficult for Su Sheng to win, it just depends on which seat Su Sheng can sit in.

Su Sheng smiled and said, "Then Lao Yang will be in charge."

Turning around, Su Sheng looked at the remaining small half-spirit pool. I wanted to continue to absorb it, but my body was aching, the meridians in my body seemed to be split open, and even the spiritual core that had swelled in a circle was a little unstable.

The spiritual liquid pool is no better than medicinal pills. Su Sheng has absorbed such a large amount of spiritual liquid without interruption, and has reached his own limit.

Cultivation is too much. It needs to be relaxed and gradual.

Although Su Sheng was a bit unfortunate, he didn't think too much about it. After all, it was a pleasant surprise to be able to break through to the intermediate level so quickly, and now it's better to consolidate his realm as soon as possible.

After thinking for a while, Su Sheng stood up from the spiritual fluid pool and redrawn a triple-accelerated barrier, drawing both Roland and Kaelin into it.

"This is... an acceleration barrier?!" As soon as he was in the barrier, Roland noticed the change in the flow rate of time, and couldn't help looking at Su Sheng in horror, "No wonder you were able to absorb it so fast just now, break through first before me. !"

Kailin had already seen it, she nodded towards Su Sheng and closed her eyes to continue absorbing it.

Without Su Sheng's frantic grabbing, the competition between Kailin and Roland is not great, it just takes a few more days.

But it's better to leave early after absorbing it quickly. After all, everyone has spent a long time in this dungeon.

The outside communication was blocked by the dungeon and could not come in, and I didn't know how the search for the Eight Extreme Kings was going. Many A-level masters searched for it themselves, and it should have almost come to a result in the past few days.

Yang Mu said to Su Sheng: "This Wuzhifeng is basically the end of the underground city. You guard them, and I will take a look around at this time."

"Okay." Su Sheng responded and adjusted to the soaring spiritual power on the spot.

Nearly a day has passed, and the spiritual fluid pool has become extremely thin, and it is estimated that there is not even a 10% of it.

The spiritual power fluctuations on Kailin's body were obviously a lot more tyrannical than before. Although it is not far from the high-level, this time it is estimated that it will not be able to break through.

Glancing at Roland, who was full of breath and had some signs of breakthrough, Kaelin quietly got up and retreated after thinking for a while.

Seeing this, Su Sheng couldn't help nodding his head, and gave a compliment in his heart.

A little more spiritual liquid, for Kailin, is nothing more than adding more spiritual power, but for Roland, it may be the difference between breakthrough and inability to break through.

It can be said that cultivation is selfish and requires competition. Kaelin just wouldn't let it, and the others couldn't say anything. What's more, Roland is only Kaelin's subordinate.

But Kaelin still let such a resource come out.

Coincidentally, Su Sheng's nodding was caught by Kaylin who suddenly looked up, which made Su Sheng look back a little embarrassedly.

Kailin smiled and walked over a few steps later.

Kaelin sat directly next to Su Sheng, as if afraid of disturbing Roland who was breaking through with all his strength, she leaned into Su Sheng's ear and said in a low voice, "Why, have you discovered the kindness of Miss Ben?"

Su Sheng coughed dryly: "It's okay."

Kaelin frowned and pouted, "What's ok?"

However, Su Sheng didn't respond any more. After he finished speaking, he closed his eyes and continued to adapt to his spiritual power.

Seeing this, Kaelin didn't say anything with a hook on the corner of her mouth.

It didn't take long for Yang Mu to come back. Seeing that Roland seemed to be about to break through, Yang Mu lowered his voice and said to the two of them: "There are no other Void Spirits. It seems that there is only one force nearby."

Su Sheng nodded: "In this case, our mission is basically completed.

Ryunosuke also sent a message, the dungeon is not small, and it is estimated that it will take a week or two for the Kujo family to completely clean up.

However, Void Spirits above the B level have never appeared again. Even if there are hidden ones, there will not be too many, and the rest will be left to them. "

Both Yang Mu and Kailin nodded.

Although the danger of this dungeon is beyond everyone's imagination, fortunately, until the end, the group of four did not suffer serious damage or death.

At this moment, there was a strong surge of spiritual power from Roland in the spiritual fluid pool in front of him.

Su Sheng whispered: "It seems that we have successfully broken through, it's the last minute."

Kailin also nodded. At this time, the spiritual fluid pool was almost bottoming out. If it was one o'clock in the evening, Roland would have to wait for the next breakthrough.

Breaking through this kind of thing still has a certain relationship with the state.

It has been absorbing the spiritual liquid of the spiritual liquid pool, and the state has continued to rise, which is the time to be full of energy.

If it suddenly stops at the bottleneck, it may take more effort to break through the next time~lightnovelpub.net~ After a while, Roland came out of the dried-up spiritual fluid pool with a refreshing feeling. With graceful steps, a smile on his face, looking forward to brilliance, coupled with a strong and burly figure, the broad-blade knight's sword hanging from his waist is really like a prince's knight in terms of appearance.

"Congratulations, Roland, you have successfully broken through to the intermediate level." After all, it was her subordinate, and Kailin opened her mouth to congratulate him.

Roland restrained his smile, came to Kailin, knelt on one knee and half-kneaded with both hands, held Kailin's right hand and gave a kiss, solemnly said: "Thank you Kailin for leaving me an extra sip of spiritual fluid, I am very grateful! "

"Get up." Kailin nodded, then withdrew her hand and glanced at Su Sheng next to her without a trace.

Before visiting Yun Lan with Yaris, Kaelin browsed a lot of books in the imperial library that recorded Yun Lan's customs and etiquette. These books indicated that there seemed to be no kissing etiquette on Yun Lan's side. careful.

Seeing that there was no change in Su Sheng's expression, Kaelin was relieved, but she felt a little lost for some reason.

Su Sheng said: "Since the Roland Knight has completed the breakthrough, let's prepare to return."

Roland was startled and asked, "The situation around here...?"

Kailin said: "Yang Sixu has already completed his investigation, and there are no other Void Spirits in this depths."

"Really?" Roland scratched his head a little embarrassedly, he was cultivating breakthroughs, others not only had to guard, but also explored the surrounding situation.

"It's really hard work, Mr. Yang." Roland saluted.

Yang Mu said as usual: "It's just a matter of my share, then let's go."

Everyone nodded, sent back information to Ryunosuke and others in the central area, and then returned to the way they came.