I Can Add More If I Kill

Chapter 485: root cause of the crisis

"That clerk Su Sheng actually became the second order of Yulun Tower!"

"Su Sheng? Is that the new star of Yulun Tower?"

"That's right, it's him!"

"How is that possible? But wasn't he still C-rank half a year ago? I remember that at that time, I completed the mission of guarding the teachers and students of Zhongtian Lingyuan. The mission was rated S-rank, and I was very impressed. Why did it suddenly become the second order of Yulun Tower? , you can't make a mistake, can you?"

"I'm not mistaken, the announcements are all down! And the accompanying personal resume, I can only say that it's changed too much... oh no, it's amazing!"


The announcement that Su Sheng was in the second order of Yulun Tower was posted on the same day.

According to the regulations of the twelfth floor, only the changes of the landlord and the first order will be communicated to each floor.

But this does not affect the spread of this news, because in his early twenties, he became the second order of Yulun Tower, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a legend!

In just two days, the "Su Erxu of Yulun Tower" spread throughout the entire 12th floor.

It is true that Su Sheng is one of the dazzling new stars on the 12th floor in recent years, and he also has a lot of popularity and fame in the Yulun Building and other buildings.

But that is to attract the attention and pursuit of some officers, especially young officers.

But it's different now. After everyone saw the personal resume attached to Su Sheng's accession to the throne, there was only a deep shock in their hearts.

Because such a personal resume can simply be described as "incredible"!

While in the orphanage:

Completed dozens of beheading tasks, and led the Jidao Lingyuan to defeat many geniuses to win the championship in the first sixteen courtyard sword fight initiated by Yujing!

At D level:

In danger, he was ordered to join the 12th floor of Yujing. In the underground palace secret realm mission, he killed a group of powerful enemies with one enemy and five and sealed the secret realm source of the underground palace, and received an S-level evaluation!

At C level:

Guarding the teachers and students of Zhongtian Spiritual Academy, and countering the attacking B-level Void Spirits and several C-level Void Spirits, none of the teachers and students of Zhongtian Spiritual Institute were injured and received an S-level evaluation!

Stationed in the East 5th Army, killed more than ten C-level Void Spirits successively, helped the East 5th Army to complete the breakthrough on the north side of the Changlin Mountains, and drove the advancement of the entire north side of the Changlin Mountains, and received an A-level evaluation!

Stop the king-level summoning, break through three gates guarded by the top ten Void Spirits in the C-rank battle power list at the critical moment, destroy the summoning altar, successfully prevent the arrival of the king-level in the east, and get an S-level evaluation!

At class B:

In the small virtual world invasion battle, he killed two-digit C-level virtual spirits and a B-level middle-level virtual spirit to help break through the black sky barrier!

Rush to the aid of the Jackdaws, beheading B-level Void Spirits, and C-level Void Spirits are countless!


In previous mission announcements, some details will not be made public. Although everyone knew that Su Sheng had received an S-rank evaluation, they didn't know exactly how.

But now on the resume, it is clearly written!

Not only the terrifying speed of cultivation, but such a resume is even more amazing and admirable!

This Su Erxu was not the kind of ascetic who relied on his terrifying talent to cultivate and work behind closed doors.

On the contrary, from the F level to the current B level, he almost always turned the impossible into a possibility, turned adversity into a victory, and killed countless corpses along the way!

Super talent, super strength, and the youngest ten sequence, suddenly pushed Su Sheng's popularity and prestige to a peak!

And these, Su Sheng is still not clear, because since the end of the ten-order challenge that day, Su Sheng went to the Lingji Pavilion to pick up nearly a hundred sword skills and returned to Lanyun Mansion to digest them.

At that time, the guardian of the pavilion was Mu Xingzhi. Although he did not know why Su Sheng did this, but it involved cultivation, and Mu Xingzhi did not ask even if he was curious.

In Mu Xingzhi's view, anyway, Su Sheng is so outrageous, why should he worry about himself?


A few days before the tenth sequence challenge, as expected by Bai Chen, Su Sheng received a summons from Qin Zhou.

Su Sheng condensed in his heart, knowing that it was probably because of his parents back then, and immediately got up and went to the small secret realm of Yulunlou in the inner city.

"Isn't that Su Erxu?"

"It's really...so young, it's unimaginable!"


As soon as Su Sheng entered the inner city, he heard a lot of low voices discussing.

After thinking for a while, I knew that there should be a notice from the building, and I didn't pay much attention to it, and rushed towards the depths of the small secret realm.

According to what Su Sheng has learned, unlike many officers and even the tenth order, the landlord of the twelfth floor lives in a small secret realm all the year round, like Qin Zhou's residence is in a hall deep in the secret realm.

In addition, Qin Zhou often rests on the top floor of Yulun Tower and deals with affairs.

But today, the location where Qin Zhou summoned Su Sheng was not in these two places, but on the central tower of the small secret realm.

The central tower is 33 stories high, and each story is 6.6 meters high. It is the tallest building in the Yulun Tower Secret.

Su Sheng went all the way up the stairs and came to the top of the tower. Qin Zhou, who was wearing a Phnom Penh cloak in the dark night, was already standing on the edge of the tower in front of him.

"The owner."

Su Sheng stepped forward and bowed.

Qin Zhou turned around and said, "Su Erxu, do you have any guesses about what I'm looking for from you today?"

"Well, is it about the secret mission of my parents back then?"

"That's right." Qin Zhou nodded, "This matter, for the entire twelfth floor, is a top-secret S-class.

Although you are already in the second order of my Yulun Tower, if it is not related to your parents, I may not tell you at this time. "

Su Sheng's heart was condensed, and he secretly said that the task of the year was really not easy.

Qin Zhou looked at Su Sheng and said sternly: "What I said next, you must remember not to reveal the slightest."

Su Sheng bowed slightly and replied solemnly: "Don't worry, the landlord, I know it's important."

Qin Zhou nodded and said: "Actually, we have long been connected with the virtual world. Your parents were not injured on Hailan Star, but in the virtual world."

Yun Lan has long been connected with the virtual world?

Su Sheng was surprised, but did not show it.

"All of this, we have to start with the situation in the virtual world..." Qin Zhou turned around and looked into the distance, and slowly began to talk about it.

It turns out that as early as a few decades ago, the owner of Ningluo Bookstore in the Moon Wheel Building accidentally discovered a small world around Heilan Star that was destroyed by the virtual world.

Under the investigation, it was found that many small and medium-sized worlds had been destroyed in that direction, so it was predicted that within a hundred years, the virtual world would come to Heilan Star.

Although it has been a long time, since then, Yun Lan has maintained considerable attention to the virtual world, and has traveled to the virtual world many times, collecting some information about the virtual world one after another...

In the earliest days, there was no emperor level in the virtual world, not even a king level.

The virtual world is desolate, with the survival of the fittest, constant battles, and extremely scattered forces.

Later, Void Spirit broke through in various ways one after another, and achieved the position of king.

There are more and more virtual kings, but no one can go further.

Even the king level cannot live forever, so many virtual kings began to explore all kinds of climbing to the realm, especially the virtual king who is approaching the limit is the most crazy.

Devouring other Void Spirits, hunting other Void Kings to take the life core, combining with the imperial artifact to try to create skills comparable to fairy magic...

This kind of exploration gradually spread from the virtual world to some worlds outside the virtual world, officially opening the era of the virtual world invading other worlds.

Among the worlds invaded by many virtual kings, some absorbed a large number of human souls, some started endless killings, intending to destroy the world, and some were looking for all kinds of heaven and earth treasures...

Countless long years have passed, and a talented and intelligent virtual king was the first to discover the magic of Linggen.

After secretly plundering and absorbing a large number of spiritual roots, coupled with his own supreme talent, he actually transformed into a more advanced and perfect Void Spirit, which is the first emperor of the Void World—— Linghuang.

With the birth of the Spirit Sovereign, many Void Kings have a direction, and the invasion of other worlds has become more and more crazy.

Although the Linghuang wanted to rule the virtual world by himself, he issued a ban after attaining the emperor level to prohibit many virtual kings from invading other worlds to plunder the spiritual roots.

But blocking the way is like killing one's parents.

What's more, a selfish and violent creature like Void Spirit, facing the temptation of stronger and eternal life, is simply not something that the Spirit Emperor can control.

Although the Emperor Ling had killed many times and killed more than a dozen virtual kings in the past few decades, it was only a temporary solution, not the root cause.

In the end, many virtual kings formed an alliance and negotiated with the emperor together.

Although the Spirit Sovereign is the strongest, it is not invincible. Facing dozens of virtual kings in the entire virtual world, he cannot compete with his own strength.

In addition, after nearly a hundred years, the Emperor Ling was also a little tired. Not only did he not enjoy the authority to rule the virtual world, but he was ostracized by the kings.

So during the negotiation, he let go and promised the kings to attack the other world on their own.

And this has also entered the climax period of the imaginary invasion of other worlds.

Even if you have enough spiritual roots, you can't break through the emperor level casually.

But time has passed, and for countless years, there are still several amazing and brilliant kings who break through the shackles and achieve the throne of the emperor.

However, at the time of the fourth emperor's achievement, there were already obvious problems.

There are fewer and fewer virtual spirits in the real world born in the virtual world, almost 20 to 30%.

When the emperors discussed it, they quickly understood the cause and effect.

The lowest level of reality, the ethereal spirit, is born from the degeneration of the spiritual man's mind.

The virtual world invades the world and plunders the spiritual roots. Regardless of whether that world is destroyed in the end, as long as the spiritual roots of that world are plundered, the humans there will not be able to practice spiritual power.

And without any spiritual power foundation, there is no energy to mobilize the awakened mind of the sea of ​​​​consciousness.

If the spiritual man with the mental aspect disappears, naturally no new virtual spirit will be born.

As the worlds are invaded, there are fewer and fewer spirits, and there are naturally fewer and fewer low-level imaginary spirits born in the imaginary world.

If the invasion continues like this, it can be expected that in the future, there will be no real virtual spirits born in the virtual world.

So the third Ice Emperor, who achieved the emperor level, proposed to stop invading other worlds and keep the number of emperor levels.

In the past, the Spirit King alone could not suppress many virtual kings, but now as long as the four emperors reach an agreement, many kings below cannot resist at all.

And the spirit is not necessarily the only way, as long as you explore, there may be other ways to achieve the emperor level.

However, the individuality of a creature like Void Spirit is too strong, and those who have not achieved the emperor level desperately want to become the emperor level; and those who have achieved the emperor level still want to continue to improve their realm through spiritual roots until they surpass the emperor level.

As long as he can climb the upper realm, he will not hesitate even if the entire virtual realm goes to perish.

The most extreme Yanhuang even believed that the meaning of existence of countless beings with spiritual power in the universe is to wait for a certain person to appear and integrate their power, and then become the nutrient for that person to surpass the emperor level and reach the highest level.

All the virtual emperors of the virtual world, including yourself!

The confrontation between the two ideas is indisputable, and the result can only be known at the end.

In the end, the emperor voted, the spirit emperor and the ice emperor were conservative, and the Yan emperor and the other emperor were radical.

The vote is even, and it can only be done.

So with the Emperor Yan as the head, the virtual world's invasion of other worlds continued.

The Ice Emperor had no choice but to plunder his spiritual roots as well~lightnovelpub.net~ However, the Ice Emperor was not for himself, but chose an excellent seed to help him achieve the emperor level first, and then in the future imperial debate Give one more vote to support yourself and stop plundering the spiritual roots of other worlds.

However, by doing his best and obeying the destiny, another radical virtual king became the emperor faster.

Although the illusory king supported by the Ice Emperor was indeed a gift from heaven, and later entered the ranks of the emperor, it was meaningless.

The virtual world has added two more emperors, at the cost of the destruction of countless worlds, and the new virtual spirit has been reduced by nearly 20%!

This made Voidlings at the king level and below truly feel the crisis, and the conflict between conservatives and radicals continued to escalate.

Until more than 30 years ago, Emperor Yan was fortunate to discover the first large world in countless years, with an unimaginably large number of spiritual roots, that is Heilan Star!

Afterwards, Emperor Yan proposed to attack Hai Lanxing in the imperial conference. The Ice Emperor was furious, and the conflict between the two factions could no longer be reconciled.

So an inevitable battle of ideas broke out, that is, the battle of Yan Bing more than 30 years ago!