I Can Add More If I Kill

Chapter 521: combat and speculation

Now Xiangzhu's offensive is unstoppable, his body is as strong as gold and iron, and his speed is extremely fast, no matter what aspect he is stronger than the general king level.

Is this the strength of the second king of Yan Ting? It is too amazing!

However, Duanmu Ling is also keenly aware that he is not so strong by himself, but because of the unique power fluctuations in his body, he can continuously strengthen his body based on the several fights he has played with Xiangzhu so far.

It seems that as long as the other party thinks, under the blessing of that kind of power, it can continue to become stronger!

Duanmu Ling thought quickly in his heart, if this is the case, then as long as he can manage to break through the opponent's ability, the opponent's strength will definitely be greatly reduced.

But the problem is that there is little information about the kings of Yan Ting, and this incense owner is the most mysterious among them.

"What kind of power is that..." Duanmu Ling frowned slightly

"It's the power of 'belief', or...belief."

At this moment, Ning Luoshu's voice came over even though he was serious.

Ning Luoshu flickered and came to Duanmu Ling.

Duanmu Ling wondered: "Faith?"

"Well, that's right."

The incense master also looked over when he heard the words: "Lord of the Moon Wheel Building, Ning Luoshu, right? It's really sharp... Yes, it's faith.

I believe in myself and anything I believe will come true.

I believe that the sword in my hand can cut through the void, so it can cut through the void.

I believe my body is indestructible, so it can withstand any kind of attack.

I believe that I am faster than lightning, so no one can catch me.

This is my power, the power of faith! "

The incense master generously told Duanmu Ling and others about their own abilities. In the incense master's view, this was nothing.

Strong is strong, weak is weak!

In the virtual world, there are many people who know their abilities, but no one has ever been able to beat them!

"Can you make yourself stronger just by believing... It's really tricky."

Duanmu Ling frowned, indeed, even knowing that the other party has such ability, there is no way to take him.

Unless he can change his thinking, perhaps some spiritual abilities can affect him and change his belief in himself.

But not to mention that everyone present is not good at mental ability, even if there are people who are good at mental attack, it may not really affect him.

Since you can strengthen your own defense through faith, why can't you strengthen your mental resistance or even be immune to mental attacks?

As one of the top virtual kings in the virtual world, the incense master will hardly have obvious weaknesses.

"Now that you understand, then you can die in peace."

Before the two could communicate more, the incense master killed the two of them at a speed that was so terrifying that they could hardly be seen clearly, and cut down Duanmu Ling with a single sword.

Duanmu Zero's face condensed, and the silver light on his body teleported to dozens of meters behind Xiangzhu, and he raised his hand to punch.

However, in the blink of an eye, the indifferent face of Xiangzhu was almost in front of Duanmu Ling, and he slashed over with his sword!

Duanmu Ling's pupils shrank, and he teleported away again, this time Duanmu Ling directly flashed farther.

But even so, the incense master chased after him in a moment.

"You can teleport through space, no problem. But teleportation doesn't take time. As long as my speed is faster than your teleportation, I can kill you!"

The incense master was chasing Duanmu Zero Kill like a whack-a-mole, as if he wanted to get rid of it in one go.

The two were constantly flashing in the sky, and the terrifying speed was difficult to capture even by a king-level dynamic vision.

The speed of the incense master is getting faster and faster, and the following is getting tighter and tighter, and he is about to catch up with Duanmu Ling, but the silver light flows on Duanmu Ling's legs, and his legs, like his arms, have become like mithril. As usual, the speed of escaping into the void is even faster!

"I want to see how long you can run as a mouse!" Xiangzhu frowned, and the speed that was already approaching the extreme suddenly rose a notch out of thin air, catching up with Duanmu Ling and swinging his sword in three or two times. To cut the past, "Death!"

But at this moment, Duanmu Ling slightly raised the corner of his mouth.

In the distance, Ning Luoshu held a red stone folding fan in his hand. The front half of the folding fan sank into the void, and the red light on it seemed to be brewing something.

Young Master Fei, who was watching the battle, seemed to notice something, and suddenly shouted: "Be careful of the top of your head!"

The incense master looked up and saw that six space vortices appeared in the sky above his head at some point, and the red light **** with amazing spiritual power fluctuations in the vortex were flickering violently!

Ning Luoshu's eyes condensed: "Transform the virtual flash, the six stars shine!"


Six terrifying beams of light that seemed to flicker suddenly descended, and in a flash, the incense master was smashed into the ground. With a loud noise, a monstrous tide of spiritual power erupted!

Duanmu Ling, Ning Luoshu, and even An Yichen, who was performing a healing technique in the distance, also stared at him.

The tide of spiritual power dissipated quickly, revealing the figure of the incense master.

Originally, the incense master, who was invulnerable to swords and guns and could not even be hurt by a natural disaster-level spirit cannon, was at this time his robe was damaged, and there were a lot of wounds all over his body.

"I believe that any injury will recover quickly with a strong physique."

The power of faith floated on the surface of the body, and the deep and shallow wounds on the body of the incense master quickly recovered at a speed exceeding "high-speed regeneration".

In a blink of an eye, except for the broken robe, the incense master seemed to have never been injured.

But even so, Duanmu Ling and Ning Luoshu's eyes lit up.

Ning Luoshu's eyes flickered: "It really is."

If just relying on belief can infinitely improve his comprehensive quality in all aspects, isn't this person invincible?

So there is bound to be an upper limit to this ability.

From the current point of view, the opponent seems to strengthen as much as they want. Whether it is attack, defense, or speed, they are far more than ordinary kings.

This is no longer the strength of the king-level. Although I and others have never seen the emperor-level, I am afraid that the emperor-level will not be stronger than this!

So Ning Luoshu speculated that UU reading www. uukanshu.com If the "power of belief" is a total amount, then after the incense owner activates all the "power of belief", if he wants to further enhance the strength of a certain aspect, he must move the beliefs used in other places. Power.

For example, if you want to increase the speed, the defense that has been improved before is called to the speed because of the "power of faith", and it will inevitably be weakened!

From the very beginning, Ning Luoshu gave Duanmu Ling and the others a special chanting talisman, and the four landlords established a connection in the sea of ​​​​knowledge.

Just now, it was Ning Luoshu and Duanmu Ling who negotiated and formulated this set of combat strategies to confirm this conjecture.

The space movement of Duanmu Ling lured the incense master to invest more power of faith in the pursuit of speed, while Ning Luoshu used the power of transformation of his redstone folding fan to slowly hide his attack into the established space. Finally, let Duanmu Ling lure the other party there.

Although the power of transforming the virtual flash is very strong, it is still inferior to Kong Juzi's natural disaster grade cannon, but now it has caused such a large amount of damage.

This shows that the incense lord's defense is indeed weaker than before, and it also shows that Ning Luoshu's speculation is correct. The incense lord's power of belief is limited and not absolutely invincible!